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[喜剧爱情] 他们最好的/他们的最好时光/编写美好时光(港)/他们的美好时光(台) Their.Finest.2016.720p.BluRaycd.x264-GECKOS 5








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24小时 发表于 2017-6-28 23:48:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

3 D% M( k/ ?1 c7 s1 M6 v) F8 |9 s
- R0 X& d3 R- c7 k% B◎译  名 他们最好的/他们的最好时光/编写美好时光(港)/他们的美好时光(台)( K9 Y0 V+ q  o, V6 ?% K- {
◎片  名 Their Finest
6 U- x7 M8 x7 I! \  d3 a5 `◎年  代 20163 P1 X/ w7 R$ f( n
◎产  地 英国
' A4 F8 E( I$ U! [6 h◎类  别 剧情/喜剧/爱情
% s8 G: D* n' D$ c6 w$ z: V9 g◎语  言 英语
9 N4 T3 `% d1 _+ b; G  A: y  d◎上映日期 2016-09-11(多伦多电影节)/2017-04-21(英国)1 v8 A/ r- i9 @8 ^$ F. [
◎IMDb评分  6.9/10 from 4,623 users
( d% u( U: S; K◎IMDb链接 h9 N% `! M: k/ d
◎豆瓣评分 7.5/10 from 267 users% A& p+ z* G$ k- k8 Q& M( T
◎豆瓣链接; Q) v( T8 `, C. b( c# O5 L
◎片  长 1h 56mn$ |# N2 g# q  ?6 ], I
◎导  演 罗勒·莎菲 Lone Scherfig
8 a. L" }5 d! f" T◎主  演 杰玛·阿特登 Gemma Arterton0 e+ Z4 D, y3 ~
      山姆·克拉弗林 Sam Claflin: \2 H' Y4 z( x1 H* y0 w; }9 O4 `
      比尔·奈伊 Bill Nighy
4 J7 @2 g+ O  k3 L/ U( ]      杰克·休斯顿 Jack Huston5 |3 h' K) `& e1 f
      保罗·里特 Paul Ritter
# {$ ~0 \% \2 E2 h4 j      蕾切尔·斯特灵 Rachael Stirling. ]- B6 n" F0 p3 J9 G! `
      理查德·E·格兰特 Richard E. Grant9 r% D0 M7 {7 P1 m9 X
      亨利·古德曼 Henry Goodman: W  S+ ]. u5 O6 I/ ?0 {
      杰克·莱西 Jake Lacy
, O1 {% o6 h, x2 T      杰瑞米·艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons
# H/ ^" E- m# L! H2 x      埃迪·马森 Eddie Marsan
3 M! B  n$ e! f      海伦·麦克洛瑞 Helen McCrory  |3 `6 {, |0 A' e1 `7 W; J7 U
$ m0 N3 n( z& x" r( I' a% Q
◎简  介
# v! x1 }0 F" K3 q( D" `* u* T$ R5 [$ n
  1940年的英国战争不断,每天都有敌军的空袭轰炸,但比满目疮痍伦敦更残破的是人民绝望的心,面对未知的生命无常,电影成了唯一的心灵慰藉。资讯局电影部想要提升国家士气和民心,开始拍摄政治宣传电影,为了增加电影中的女性观点,原本从事广告文案的凯瑟琳(杰玛·阿特登 饰)被邀请加入编剧小组,和主编巴克利(山姆·克拉弗林 饰)一起编写歌颂英国人在敦刻尔克行动中英勇事迹的剧本。大男人的巴克利遇上温柔的凯瑟琳,挖苦彼此的对白、斗嘴不断,但随着两人一起经历疯狂赶戏和剧本,默契和爱苗都悄悄滋长。然而战事持续恶化,电影拍摄也面临困境,凯瑟琳还要面对自己已婚的事实⋯⋯1 {" S9 ^! P! y( j/ T
* h6 `& j3 o0 |
During the London Blitz of World War II Catrin Cole is recruited by the British Ministry of Information to write scripts for propaganda films that the public will actually watch without scoffing. In the line of her new duties Cole investigates the story of two young women who supposedly piloted a boat in the Dunkirk Evacuation. Although it proved a complete misapprehension the story becomes the basis for a fictional film with some possible appeal. As Cole labors to write the script with her new colleagues such as Tom Buckley veteran actor Ambrose Hilliard must accept that his days as a leading man are over as he joins the project.
2 J" [% K/ W. \; w( HTogether this disparate trio must struggle against such complications such as sexism against Cole jealous relatives and political interference in their artistic decisions even as London endures the bombs of the enemy. In the face of those challenges they share a hope to contribute something meaningful in this time of war and in their own lives.; `+ s* R  S8 v  H
  1. Their.Finest.2016.720p.BluRayCD.x264-GECKOS
    ( d8 ]! j1 \/ h
  2. Date         : 28.06.20173 B2 o$ E9 B1 G) }+ g6 T
  3. URL          :
    5 N( |3 Q0 [' j
  4. X264 bitrate : 5177Kbps- U$ F# Y+ `! D. H( d3 m- [
  5. Resolution   : 1280x536
    ( d* G4 I4 B! c
  6. Size         : 5596MB (5868205942 Bytes)0 j, z' U5 m) D
  7. Audio        : DTS 1509Kbps 6ch* }/ T" `9 N! r8 q9 a: q
  8. Language     : English
    ! L9 n; o' K$ |! l. ^0 L
  9. Subtitles    :  English$ J& ]$ R  r* q) w: K. H
  10. Runtime      : 1h 56mn
    4 _, M* d7 T' [9 n% ^7 X" g

  11. " a8 k+ ]7 \4 A  q
  12. Notes
    ( G$ }5 \) C6 \) D

  13. : m+ V" m7 \' {+ e1 A
  14. Greetings
    & _, ?, }; `8 ~* S1 E+ {# n- D

  15. 9 I. h, C4 P  U( K; }4 J' `* N3 k
  16. SiLK^                  Nobody, we have no friends.
    ! D9 i& j8 r  O! x
  17. 0nd pH7
    ) M: U( W( O+ p2 F4 F

  18. 9 W7 O) o8 ~1 `: b% Z4 d+ o) A& U; R
  19. nfo by 0ND & pH7 of SiLK

1 C/ d7 ~1 O% s- X1 c8 p
( p# d) }0 k0 k! YScreenshots:$ M, R/ m* j0 e% g( a

- f  z; m6 L6 r/ a  M
7 p, R' ?! t& M产品演示视频
8 i" i5 O: k5 l0 P; b
( s* F6 I' H: i
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