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[蓝光原盘] 星球大战三部曲 + 星球大战前传三部曲 [蓝光原盘 六部合集] Star Wars The Complete Saga 1977-2005 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 6.1-EbP 246.60GB








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24xs 发表于 2012-2-4 21:54:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

8 t/ y9 J; O# k9 T
4 _, x7 S9 W* Q◎译  名 星球大战前传1-3 / 星球大战1-3
. z$ Z$ T0 r( d- ]& b◎片  名 Star Wars: Episode I-3 - The Phantom Menace & Star Wars 1-36 T& G" A+ ]5 {; j8 H: u7 i, `
◎年  代 1977-2005
! O- {1 m: Y9 T) P/ Z8 v  R3 c◎产  地 美国
: M/ ^2 G- W+ p3 f◎类  别 动作/科幻/冒险
; N6 q0 h) p, B8 }  |+ k6 C◎语  言 英语. h) n* b1 l/ G% n( m! ?
◎上映日期 1999-05-19(美国) / 1999-11-05(中国大陆) / 2012-02-10(美国)
0 G# h0 Q; k( ^/ P9 l◎IMDb评分  6.5/10 from 661443 users" d( U& o  e% L6 Z9 \% h
& `$ M- E. z2 b◎豆瓣评分 8.1/10 from 79480 users) t& v* l/ N/ S, I* _
4 B: ]) V' W& L# f" A- K. t8 j  u◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
, j/ i5 @7 o5 I" _3 Y& c  p( r, D◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
0 d8 N% O/ y+ H5 n◎文件大小 6DVD 246.59 GB$ f" ]9 G- y, `/ ^* I
◎片  长 2:16:10 (h:m:s)
# ^1 R  |% s6 o7 y% b+ v! ^' b- [* o◎导  演 乔治·卢卡斯 George Lucas3 Y& x0 g$ E$ Y/ a6 ^; n
◎编  剧 乔治·卢卡斯 George Lucas
9 V$ G( l; i5 s◎主  演 连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson
* C. I4 S+ s; {& c) h       伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor) G& h. i: }" `, I; e  p! P
       娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman# _( a" ~( C9 R. {+ K7 b
       杰克·洛伊德 Jake Lloyd
9 B' z$ ?2 _! D) U0 s       伊恩·麦克迪阿梅德 Ian McDiarmid& T: v6 Q$ a5 ~" x- {7 U- p
       潘妮拉·奥古斯特 Pernilla August
0 C$ q& e2 o  x0 ^8 p( [) y       奥利弗·福德·戴维斯 Oliver Ford Davies* g+ D1 x# ]# b$ \) e) J0 `+ g6 b& t
       阿梅德·贝斯特 Ahmed Best
1 P7 z+ G9 x& X* F# w& Y& ^1 T       安东尼·丹尼尔斯 Anthony Daniels
2 d9 q0 ]8 @! ]& j       肯尼·贝克 Kenny Baker
" j/ f. [3 S4 O; A# _6 X" C+ C% L       弗兰克·奥兹 Frank Oz1 r, q4 _- V2 k
       特伦斯·斯坦普 Terence Stamp
5 o8 y! u4 P# M1 ^/ O; B1 S       布耐恩·布莱塞得 Brian Blessed
' S: z/ s) _/ P: e* N8 D# I       安德鲁·斯考姆比 Andrew Secombe0 z7 T2 h8 `) \2 W$ G
       休·夸希 Hugh Quarshie) }4 t8 H$ j' F4 p- m1 O) n

8 n' j& y- G; M5 x/ m6 l# Q◎标  签 科幻 | 星球大战 | 美国 | 经典 | 1999 | 动作 | 冒险 | 战争
- m: t/ s' T5 ^2 Q2 [2 M1 D. K1 t. o) w( j
◎简  介  
8 S: m3 l/ j7 I' ?
! x7 k' X+ g" U# R& O1 A  z  作为星球大战前传系列的首部曲,这部电影诞生了一个重要的人物:阿纳金(杰克·洛伊德 Jake Lloyd  . 饰)。银河国会会议上出现了利益争执,纳布星的女王阿米达拉(娜塔丽·波特曼 Natalie Portman   饰)被贸易联盟绑架并威胁签署新的贸易协议。绝地武士奎刚(连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)及徒弟欧比-旺?肯诺比(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor  饰)受命前去解决纠纷,维护和平。他们的飞船在塔图因星意外降落的时候遇到了阿纳金并且带走了他。
3 D& P( {6 j) M8 T
  u; R: t" a/ T9 i% b4 V' x  在奇异天才少年阿纳金等人的帮助下,奎刚及欧比-旺与贸易联盟的机器人部队和西斯武士展开了决斗.....9 I# \& V2 A$ \) |4 N
* t/ t  X7 P, z' Q% J
! N6 S2 o/ v& n) z
4 y4 g/ P8 A" [8 c: R: m% i, ^2 Q  第72届奥斯卡金像奖(2000). L1 p1 H) w  z9 t/ G& X% C! t: a
  最佳视觉效果(提名) 丹尼斯·穆伦 / Rob Coleman / 约翰·诺尔 / Scott Squires
# H& M9 {2 \# v, o; v  最佳音效剪辑(提名) 汤姆·贝尔福特 / 本·贝尔特& v5 n* J$ X/ N  l+ \8 T
  最佳音响(提名) 嘉里·瑞德斯托姆 / 约翰·米奇利 / Shawn Murphy / 汤姆·约翰逊
8 h" H" j9 C+ l$ R! p
' k# y6 m. e) S  第53届英国电影学院奖(2000)
( Y) f1 b  `( ~5 G/ z  电影奖 最佳特殊视觉效果(提名) Rob Coleman / 丹尼斯·穆伦 / Scott Squires / 约翰·诺尔
, S: s% a6 H" O1 R6 j5 j. l  电影奖 最佳音效(提名) 汤姆·约翰逊 / 汤姆·贝尔福特 / 约翰·米奇利 / Shawn Murphy / 嘉里·瑞德斯托姆 / 本·贝尔特 / 汤姆·约翰逊 / 汤姆·贝尔福特 / 约翰·米奇利 / Shawn Murphy / 嘉里·瑞德斯托姆 / 本·贝尔特
: W6 p4 @; N8 c( P# L' }
; x& C8 x2 _0 l  m) rScreens:1 R. d! {, w- V' J# j. N+ V
  1. DISC INFO:( B# I) N7 u' N& b0 \4 |" R' r0 k

  2. " v1 j2 D/ a: f" O0 f
  3. Disc Title: Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)( b: y3 t6 J# x+ N0 s0 M. d
  4. Disc Size: 45.626.132.210 bytes- S+ \4 `& Z4 r4 ~
  5. Protection: AACS2 ?7 n1 V  c  f$ Y
  6. BD-Java: Yes, x, ^- u: h! V
  7. BDInfo: 0.5.4
    # C- p  ]9 G, q* u9 [" Q7 N
  8. , {: [( K) r1 ~4 Z
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:1 @  n" _& W: F! E. K' ?; k
  10. 1 @' h1 |/ s) E- A
  11. Name: 00800.MPLS: g, E: M, w1 I. G2 i
  12. Length: 2:16:10 (h:m:s)4 T( x, h+ ^1 q2 j& N- p( }4 j
  13. Size: 42.529.935.360 bytes
    # v- B) B7 H6 v+ l3 R, O8 B
  14. Total Bitrate: 41,64 Mbps
    / _% `3 Y6 G( I

  15. # o9 z; A5 N  t- w+ E
  16. Angle 1 Length: 0:02:00 (h:m:s) / 2:16:10 (h:m:s)
    7 @- X  ~3 @' E8 u
  17. Angle 1 Size: 556.849.152 bytes / 42.483.191.808 bytes9 K4 b0 F! b1 ]9 X! q) K& K' e" c
  18. Angle 1 Total Bitrate: 37,05 Mbps / 41,59 Mbps
    & K, j2 z* H6 q$ [( |* Z+ Y/ A9 X

  19. 0 J. N2 D0 o2 v: m
  20. Angle 2 Length: 0:02:00 (h:m:s) / 2:16:10 (h:m:s)
    5 O; y) G$ n- j3 H$ q
  21. Angle 2 Size: 561.752.064 bytes / 42.488.094.720 bytes6 u6 n# |8 W3 |" u7 Q0 w
  22. Angle 2 Total Bitrate: 37,37 Mbps / 41,60 Mbps2 R% C2 ~" D# u. @

  23. - M& r0 F* A0 a; y0 ]! A% I" w9 J
  24. Angle 3 Length: 0:02:00 (h:m:s) / 2:16:10 (h:m:s)
    ' I2 H! I  Y  m3 ^+ F0 F
  25. Angle 3 Size: 546.097.152 bytes / 42.472.439.808 bytes
    6 K: F! A' l8 b4 ~" P; t: j4 s
  26. Angle 3 Total Bitrate: 36,33 Mbps / 41,58 Mbps( d' i: O/ [- C3 x# Z# j% B
  27. 5 h1 H. h8 u+ r3 T# m
  28. Angle 4 Length: 0:02:00 (h:m:s) / 2:16:10 (h:m:s)! k+ A/ u; l* D+ u
  29. Angle 4 Size: 554.545.152 bytes / 42.480.887.808 bytes
    6 F# I! q, l, U1 X) r
  30. Angle 4 Total Bitrate: 36,89 Mbps / 41,59 Mbps: P# t8 R+ [" j
  31. 8 F; _% }, Z7 L2 Z8 I$ Q( Z
  32. All Angles Length: 2:24:11 (h:m:s)
    ( f) p0 h  @1 m9 R
  33. All Angles Size: 44.749.178.880 bytes
    ) q0 r' R# u+ v- S
  34. All Angles Bitrate: 41,38 Mbps
    ; v- p1 c, H, _* Z& v
  35. ( m" e& b, m3 A) {: b: @
  36. Codec Bitrate Description+ F/ k5 X2 Y* U; B& {8 ?
  37. ----- ------- -----------
    % u- |/ X) Y6 o* c/ v: b- b- a
  38. MPEG-4 AVC Video 30405 kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    ' O& c! G" k8 C1 T
  39. MPEG-4 AVC Video (1) 386 (26231) kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.13 h0 ^$ A: @+ S( w
  40. MPEG-4 AVC Video (2) 391 (26543) kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    , h, Z" a+ ~; ]- k
  41. MPEG-4 AVC Video (3) 376 (25545) kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    - d2 H) S6 S5 t; O; b$ h* `
  42. MPEG-4 AVC Video (4) 384 (26083) kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    9 I1 @8 n+ j) @6 J/ J& D2 F
  43. 9 y; ?  L# N( S* z
  44. Codec Language Bitrate Description
    % K$ a$ S5 O) q+ u% P$ k$ f
  45. ----- -------- ------- -----------
    5 `. Q* a! p5 H6 Z. c. M
  46. DTS-HD Master Audio English 4815 kbps 6.1 / 48 kHz / 4815 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 6.1-ES / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)4 i% D& Z6 ]( I9 I+ r1 ^8 C
  47. DTS Audio Italian 768 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit& Q+ A; h: G2 I( F% X
  48. DTS Audio Russian 768 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit* A5 ~8 A/ j$ r- W3 Z
  49. Dolby Digital Audio Czech 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps
    $ ^9 \' s8 T- T5 W# `8 r
  50. Dolby Digital Audio Slovak 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps- e/ k& d" ^8 M  S, d
  51. Dolby Digital Audio Turkish 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps% `' z' e0 G% E; p- m! }7 b
  52. Dolby Digital Audio English 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps
    ! F% A' m- D8 D# Z  f' Q
  53. Dolby Digital Audio English 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps$ }  j9 B- C5 F! m: c5 s/ N
  54. ) T! w! o, U1 k& U: M  n8 a8 d
  55. Codec Language Bitrate Description. l: u$ ~1 e. u& P# q) s: S, V& E
  56. ----- -------- ------- -----------# I* C. g; o6 u( J" I' q$ V' T
  57. Presentation Graphics English 45,181 kbps
    : n8 |; s; X+ ]; l
  58. Presentation Graphics English 0,369 kbps9 Q  o# ^/ G" v2 K9 T& n
  59. Presentation Graphics English 2,426 kbps
    ! v; r% a  ?% U
  60. Presentation Graphics English 2,466 kbps, l5 Z9 Z+ n) A( v
  61. Presentation Graphics Bulgarian 42,540 kbps$ q* u; F/ C; j! w: r! f2 H
  62. Presentation Graphics Croatian 37,165 kbps
    # a3 ?( O) e) U5 u9 _
  63. Presentation Graphics Czech 42,049 kbps
    0 C( j4 I( G9 m: C
  64. Presentation Graphics Italian 44,170 kbps
    ' L) Q- e- o" g7 p9 m
  65. Presentation Graphics Italian 100,379 kbps: D5 ~1 @1 x2 H5 r) @" A
  66. Presentation Graphics Italian 80,212 kbps
    & t: y* C& R( @' x5 |$ i  t; i
  67. Presentation Graphics Romanian 49,513 kbps1 c! X# E2 E, k3 B: s# m; J* `- q3 O
  68. Presentation Graphics Russian 51,355 kbps4 w( N/ }2 A9 z( z
  69. Presentation Graphics Russian 123,938 kbps
    9 d$ g$ Y3 T. p# \' j5 Y
  70. Presentation Graphics Russian 93,815 kbps# K  ^' \% j, w4 |1 i0 T
  71. Presentation Graphics Slovak 0,828 kbps
    8 [6 v9 `7 Y/ R
  72. Presentation Graphics Slovenian 44,456 kbps: f  g  U9 i: M' ~3 e# A
  73. Presentation Graphics Turkish 46,251 kbps

# s. N% ~) @% A0 S" |* J! d
  K6 a1 x5 U- E% H) Q" s6 I0 g8 n
+ v( I! h. w" N. O◎译  名 星球大战前传2:克隆人的进攻/复制人的袭击/星战前传之克隆人的进攻/星球大战前传II:复制人侵略(港)星际大战二部曲:复制人全面进攻(台)
# z5 |1 L$ `3 ^+ B# S7 n◎片  名 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones1 z2 t. |. S3 ^0 }3 W0 s, H2 ]6 e
◎年  代 2002- ~9 i/ U4 M- Z/ N& Z
◎产  地 美国
) q! L9 L5 C# l* _$ ]# Y, a◎类  别 动作/科幻/冒险
8 p  Z* H$ N; g" ^* t/ e$ k! {◎语  言 英语5 Z8 K) J7 }( K9 Z! ?8 d
◎上映日期 2002-05-16(美国)/2002-07-12(中国大陆)
0 x+ R, J1 A: f& h◎IMDb评分 6.5/10 from 605949 users' w( J* u$ v3 \) {' Z
) z# a! o" D+ P5 g+ ?+ i% Y; l◎豆瓣评分 7.9/10 from 72266 users
2 W" \9 e& }, F# i2 o9 o* a◎豆瓣链接
0 B9 k* J0 U) z( J+ f' {◎片  长 2:22:27 (h:m:s)0 g3 X" X! N/ d0 [. `3 `! a6 _
◎导  演 乔治·卢卡斯 George Lucas1 @, z9 ?. m/ m  \+ ^* u
◎编  剧 乔治·卢卡斯 George Lucas / 乔纳森·黑尔斯 Jonathan Hales$ M# c+ Z5 K9 O# E* I
◎主  演 伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor, J7 j, r# V. a! X
       娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman
* M+ z$ R& m4 A$ h* i       海登·克里斯滕森 Hayden Christensen
1 ~! _8 s1 W7 Z/ C) g4 `  Y       克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee/ @, y2 m/ k1 U8 e  ~& ?8 B6 D
       塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson
$ x" k. n4 {0 S5 d1 q5 `       弗兰克·奥兹 Frank Oz
" C8 v2 o; y& _5 V  H: @       伊恩·麦克迪阿梅德 Ian McDiarmid2 [6 E0 o  k& o
       潘妮拉·奥古斯特 Pernilla August
" t  n8 b2 U; `! t3 L0 u       特穆拉·莫里森 Temuera Morrison! c( D$ @- C+ P& |1 B1 S2 h
       吉米·斯密茨 Jimmy Smits
0 R# m7 b4 q6 Q( \       杰克·汤普森 Jack Thompson" J  t  P5 y+ @0 I' }
       阿梅德·贝斯特 Ahmed Best) @: ^  M" r( U1 O/ E
       萝丝·拜恩 Rose Byrne3 Z. z9 ?6 M5 o8 K+ v1 ]
       奥利弗·福德·戴维斯 Oliver Ford Davies# `+ f7 x0 [( x  G$ O: V9 o: ~
       利安娜·瓦尔斯曼 Leeanna Walsman; K. v4 o% M' x: u
7 d4 F" r- O$ ^- i1 Y$ Y" |: s
◎标  签 科幻 | 星球大战 | 美国 | 经典 | 2002 | 动作 | 冒险 | 战争
8 F! p) O. v! c1 z8 E! V2 b! R4 g4 W$ Q
◎简  介  
& J  y* k- l7 }/ O8 ?& V
7 |2 t( X* m+ \) m2 `5 O, ^  绝地武士战胜西斯学徒后十年,银河共和国再次面临威胁,前绝地武士杜库伯爵(克里斯托弗?李 Christopher Lee 饰)鼓动数千星系与共和国决裂,并筹建大批机器人军队为政变做准备。纳布星的阿米达拉(娜塔丽·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)结束女王任期后以议员身份抵达考路斯坎星,决意为组建共和军队投出关键一票。欧比-旺?肯诺比(伊万?麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)携长大了的阿纳金(海登·克里斯滕森 Hayden Christensen 饰)奉命保护阿米达拉的安全。在阿纳金护送阿米达拉返回纳布星避难的途中,二人情愫暗生,决定共同前往塔图因星寻找阿纳金之母。与此同时,欧比-旺追查刺客行迹一路深入吉诺西斯星,发现了杜库伯爵的阴谋,自己却深陷囹圄,危在旦夕……* c, \$ T* C$ _$ R
/ k* z4 B1 }  E& W' B* w. U
' g- ]+ ]2 i) p# s3 i& a% M. \
5 d2 J* Z" [4 h. j0 j& `0 l◎获奖情况  
7 L. b2 m1 X+ V* p9 m2 Y8 p3 B5 B* e( J, [+ V9 Y
# e0 U' c) O, R, l" N+ O+ A  最佳视觉效果(提名) Rob Coleman / 巴勃罗·赫尔曼 / 约翰·诺尔 / Ben Snow9 ?7 K% x/ g! f! Z  C# z

0 z4 L" N, }* o1 q3 t" Y" W" ZScreens:3 L7 K& }" `" X
    : ~5 l& v2 v4 t; d

  2. 4 P* q# H8 T( u! p
  3. Disc Title: Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
    ) d9 o& `0 @6 _! r- P
  4. Disc Size: 46.591.710.105 bytes, O. W6 q# B. ~0 `9 Q1 U  [- T. C
  5. Protection: AACS0 T2 U9 _- u5 F* [$ ]8 I) ~+ n* D' y
  6. BD-Java: Yes
    0 S4 X- X% j& a
  7. BDInfo: 0.5.47 k) s0 ^2 j% Z1 H) \
  8. / {; |7 {. r+ A# m, j9 t* Z
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:7 [; r, D7 i7 N( v% C, @4 B
  10. . C5 h+ K: c$ i# Y& `1 r
  11. Name: 00800.MPLS" S, c( Y) R6 j! o% M& {1 c
  12. Length: 2:22:27 (h:m:s)7 l4 ^8 Q4 U: ~0 Y: J& q6 l
  13. Size: 42.471.622.656 bytes; d9 d- g/ G) z: E
  14. Total Bitrate: 39,75 Mbps
    - O5 D/ b3 e) ^5 }6 L
  15. - d  I6 _% T/ S3 m$ d
  16. Angle 1 Length: 0:02:16 (h:m:s) / 2:22:27 (h:m:s)
    3 V& n/ D$ a7 w& a# F- n+ S; B
  17. Angle 1 Size: 649.107.456 bytes / 42.466.805.760 bytes
    0 Z; n+ ], I: i, j( A6 j# `
  18. Angle 1 Total Bitrate: 38,03 Mbps / 39,74 Mbps( D* Y+ D, H' i
  19. * J5 A) Y" p, V2 r
  20. Angle 2 Length: 0:02:16 (h:m:s) / 2:22:27 (h:m:s)
    ' q$ a+ i" H* h+ r" a
  21. Angle 2 Size: 648.953.856 bytes / 42.466.652.160 bytes
    , b- ]  ^! J5 E' |2 p! J; o5 e
  22. Angle 2 Total Bitrate: 38,02 Mbps / 39,74 Mbps& M+ L2 h" {3 |* \( z: ]7 d
  23. 5 O5 r0 g7 j; K
  24. Angle 3 Length: 0:02:16 (h:m:s) / 2:22:27 (h:m:s)( L8 n' f. J, o% G
  25. Angle 3 Size: 648.904.704 bytes / 42.466.603.008 bytes
    & T% o/ A$ w$ X4 Y8 h* k4 r& @7 A# O
  26. Angle 3 Total Bitrate: 38,02 Mbps / 39,74 Mbps, I8 u- ]/ F  T) v% p; `

  27. ! Y7 P1 R9 t6 |7 ~+ Y5 v
  28. Angle 4 Length: 0:02:16 (h:m:s) / 2:22:27 (h:m:s)
    3 h8 Y- q" J' L% V0 i
  29. Angle 4 Size: 648.744.960 bytes / 42.466.443.264 bytes
    0 V( g  h2 b& E) K  U1 t8 Q+ N
  30. Angle 4 Total Bitrate: 38,01 Mbps / 39,74 Mbps
    * S, T9 R' ]1 o2 H
  31. 9 ^- Y7 W4 W  C8 }( u
  32. Angle 5 Length: 0:02:16 (h:m:s) / 2:22:27 (h:m:s)  \) i! E$ B* M4 U9 n4 ]( ?
  33. Angle 5 Size: 649.248.768 bytes / 42.466.947.072 bytes4 c/ a; B) g$ u
  34. Angle 5 Total Bitrate: 38,04 Mbps / 39,75 Mbps2 n. @( \4 }3 U5 ?. c% ~0 u

  35. 0 s- O0 a7 r  I' h- U+ ?" [
  36. All Angles Length: 2:33:50 (h:m:s)
    * o0 @# b9 c9 }
  37. All Angles Size: 45.716.582.400 bytes
    4 ?$ e$ h, H$ \+ m' k& p. f9 E! a
  38. All Angles Bitrate: 39,62 Mbps
    ' Y! z/ K( g/ _4 }/ e) e

  39. ( t! C; m0 k* z
  40. Codec Bitrate Description
    4 p2 z; h* @$ o6 H" T, P
  41. ----- ------- -----------
    & s3 M3 R8 a0 T9 o, a. V* \
  42. MPEG-4 AVC Video 28864 kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    8 [/ ?  ?- z0 K) `
  43. MPEG-4 AVC Video (1) 442 (27676) kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    ! \3 P2 f$ p2 T* S, t8 i& G3 t  f9 _* Q
  44. MPEG-4 AVC Video (2) 442 (27667) kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1  V) N4 x1 u7 `: @* u9 \7 a  M
  45. MPEG-4 AVC Video (3) 442 (27665) kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    ! d4 q0 M; x  ~7 W8 D4 l
  46. MPEG-4 AVC Video (4) 442 (27656) kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    ) x$ Z2 @5 w: g3 k, n" f$ U
  47. MPEG-4 AVC Video (5) 442 (27684) kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    2 z& {# G3 O4 l8 ]" K% i9 N

  48. " H- N! x, v, m1 Q! F) V( f
  49. Codec Language Bitrate Description
    " W! b& m* U+ `- c$ ]
  50. ----- -------- ------- -----------
    ! m. W! N) v8 H5 ~5 Y; C% ]
  51. DTS-HD Master Audio English 4533 kbps 6.1 / 48 kHz / 4533 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 6.1-ES / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit); u, Y# B: p9 K
  52. DTS Audio Italian 768 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit
    4 m' ?( w' w3 j. l7 Q
  53. DTS Audio Russian 768 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit2 K4 h' U; j$ B& |! J, y3 Q. M
  54. Dolby Digital Audio Czech 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps
    # q) c( h8 _: ^2 s$ ^8 I/ Q! F
  55. Dolby Digital Audio Slovak 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps$ g8 H8 n+ [( v# ~& i1 s4 H- ]. l
  56. Dolby Digital Audio Turkish 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps
    + e+ D! B; W8 y: e: b
  57. Dolby Digital Audio English 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps
    ! h, r; J& ?6 O
  58. Dolby Digital Audio English 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps2 V+ y: k  {4 {. I1 r- k

  59.   m- U- t/ B% K% Q: @
  60. Codec Language Bitrate Description
      U$ O* |( \! D$ _5 l8 s) M
  61. ----- -------- ------- ------------ r& Z) C' b6 e# J( P0 C
  62. Presentation Graphics English 36,910 kbps3 a. G1 ~. f& j4 a- j
  63. Presentation Graphics English 0,249 kbps% y/ }) s2 ?1 P4 g% T
  64. Presentation Graphics English 2,438 kbps; W6 [. M, R! R0 a2 ?
  65. Presentation Graphics English 2,040 kbps
    0 }: w# f- L8 f3 Z; c0 Q; N
  66. Presentation Graphics Bulgarian 36,626 kbps' i: R% I8 a7 i9 {& L, E' ~
  67. Presentation Graphics Croatian 31,138 kbps# P3 d* e! R. z+ K2 H
  68. Presentation Graphics Czech 34,088 kbps; l! ^4 {7 X- }
  69. Presentation Graphics Estonian 38,247 kbps8 f0 K8 W% u! Z0 e# H+ z( {& j
  70. Presentation Graphics Italian 37,649 kbps
    ! Y  |$ u/ Z+ M; e+ ~" [
  71. Presentation Graphics Italian 93,106 kbps; t8 j2 }& B1 n4 c# O0 n  m! X
  72. Presentation Graphics Italian 82,239 kbps6 a7 v3 y5 @; `4 a) U
  73. Presentation Graphics Latvian 34,905 kbps. P- b% L& U6 ?3 p* d
  74. Presentation Graphics Lithuanian 37,684 kbps- R+ {4 G7 `+ T6 i4 z8 z
  75. Presentation Graphics Romanian 33,120 kbps
    4 j) N) D2 d  R5 K8 y3 D$ c
  76. Presentation Graphics Russian 43,561 kbps% Z( ?8 U8 I$ V5 F9 W+ v9 F
  77. Presentation Graphics Russian 109,467 kbps8 }! u& z5 I/ N7 C7 V8 p
  78. Presentation Graphics Russian 96,341 kbps
    # y& f8 E5 C6 N  j
  79. Presentation Graphics Slovak 0,538 kbps, k4 e+ [. b0 e: u/ x& G' N6 V9 i
  80. Presentation Graphics Slovenian 32,115 kbps* h' @% [8 S$ V
  81. Presentation Graphics Turkish 34,193 kbps

, }8 ~2 l0 }' ^$ C* w3 u4 ?' g8 t% Z2 p  x4 |

, b  `4 n9 R* V! n◎译  名 星球大战前传3:西斯的复仇 / 星战前传之西斯的复仇 / 星球大战前传III:黑帝君临(港) / 星球大战第三集:西斯的复仇 / 星际大战三部曲:西斯大帝的复仇(台) / 西斯的反击$ H* `: x* R! c
◎片  名 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith4 \9 H" t& i* W, [5 ]  g
◎年  代 2005' ^- F1 f! j' ]" B8 [! P- ?- m
◎产  地 美国5 B( k1 |/ o5 N4 N  l: r5 F
◎类  别 动作 / 科幻 / 冒险
5 T; R: `$ D+ W3 V4 `+ ?) I◎语  言 英语8 F% u+ K- s1 E" h7 l
◎上映日期 2005-05-19(美国) / 2005-05-20(中国大陆)6 S- S, e5 W  d5 q: U
◎IMDb评分  7.5/10 from 677907 users
3 Z) |1 z% a( U3 [◎IMDb链接
1 J* Z  _& V: D! k" ]◎豆瓣评分 8.4/10 from 79775 users5 S; o6 p. s$ c/ l# M5 S3 ~* G
4 F8 d; d3 l* X1 t◎片  长 140分钟# `! V" r/ I2 P
◎导  演 乔治·卢卡斯 George Lucas
: @. F, w6 R7 x9 K/ P◎编  剧 乔治·卢卡斯 George Lucas
$ U( G2 j" @) o' s◎主  演 伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor+ g4 @  R' v, D% x  m' b
       娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman3 C0 m' q( O! ^/ l+ u/ G8 t
       海登·克里斯滕森 Hayden Christensen
, x- K# {1 s5 F! X" Z% X2 h8 v# Q# X       伊恩·麦克迪阿梅德 Ian McDiarmid
& V; W" x1 r" P. v6 o" }+ L& i3 Y2 r       塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson$ Q/ V( Q' j3 j  X9 r, ]1 {
       吉米·斯密茨 Jimmy Smits4 y( @* x# |3 g# C) R2 z
       弗兰克·奥兹 Frank Oz
3 j* C; i  `0 ^       安东尼·丹尼尔斯 Anthony Daniels
% f5 k! Q6 b  ^6 k9 [3 \7 l       克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee
" S) W) r! Q5 f5 H2 z, e; h       凯莎·卡斯特-休伊斯 Keisha Castle-Hughes
/ T- v2 g+ Q) H6 f5 @       西拉斯·卡森 Silas Carson7 y" w9 ]( y! b% W3 O
       布鲁斯·斯宾斯 Bruce Spence
" N( n, r! }" o( r3 v; K       韦恩·佩格拉姆 Wayne Pygram# U% n5 h+ M/ X6 p& u1 b+ Y
       特穆拉·莫里森 Temuera Morrison
7 q# p$ S9 X$ [4 C
) j- t) `# R; J' Y◎标  签 科幻 | 星球大战 | 美国 | 经典 | 2005 | 动作 | 冒险 | 战争
. R: u. g9 M6 h' @" S/ ]
! D, u& n, p$ ~7 j2 y# F◎简  介  
3 G) f: d  h$ p* z0 L- N$ ~$ f0 q- J- E9 C8 A# A+ e
  克隆战争已经进行了三年,共和国即将胜利,分裂联盟的格非特将军和杜库伯爵(克里斯托弗?李 Christopher Lee 饰)劫持议会首相帕尔帕庭(伊恩·迈克蒂安米德Ian McDiarmid 饰)潜逃,绝地武士欧比-旺?肯诺比(伊万?麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)和阿纳金(海登·克里斯滕森 Hayden Christensen 饰)奉长老院命前去营救,阿纳金杀死杜库伯爵救出帕尔帕庭,但格非特将军逃匿。阿纳金梦见妻子阿米达拉(娜塔丽·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)将死于难产,困惑中求助于帕尔帕庭,后者趁此机会离间阿纳金与绝地长老院。随着阿纳金向帕尔帕庭的靠拢,一场针对绝地武士与其所捍卫之民主的阴谋逐渐展开。
; C, |9 C) r$ V7 Q* f
* w$ F( C, U5 q+ D: ~$ r2 N  本片提名2006年第78界奥斯卡最佳化妆奖,并提名格莱美最佳电影电视等视觉媒体原创音乐奖。
# c, @9 j# f  O, {  ]; u$ O. K" y; P% Y, H( K/ `! F1 B; E3 H7 m
◎获奖情况  8 D7 l' X/ ^& X: m2 ?% m
$ x- R: M! H! ?! m
. g3 R( C4 q) g: u2 f) N  最佳化妆(提名) Dave Elsey / 尼基·古利$ F0 c+ Z" x! F. B3 f& I" i" h: Y

' y% Y+ H2 Z: |( ]$ a/ h. F! w# M" \  第29届日本电影学院奖(2006). z5 b8 U9 H& J- f
  最佳外语片(提名)4 `. O" j' {# e! x1 Q& d
% i, w" Q0 S( V6 H
  第15届MTV电影奖(2006)% n/ o9 N# p$ s9 W7 k) i
  MTV电影奖 最佳打斗(提名) 伊万·麦克格雷格 / 海登·克里斯滕森3 e2 d4 u; J8 `% b4 V1 Q
  MTV电影奖 最佳反派 海登·克里斯滕森, p1 T7 L1 q1 Q7 x/ J
  MTV电影奖 最佳英雄形象(提名) 伊万·麦克格雷格) l6 j8 W1 B4 J4 T1 m
0 _( |! l+ _' \; V1 ~8 D6 w
Screens:' ^8 T0 t* Q: x. Z9 }4 `
  1. DISC INFO:+ S# [7 e# J8 Y0 R" w  X+ f& r7 x" D

  2. , D6 d7 I& I% Q6 n: G/ N4 W6 O- @
  3. Disc Title: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
    6 C2 x5 F% p- e2 X0 ?4 f8 E5 `
  4. Disc Size: 46.536.875.678 bytes
    & x3 q/ g0 y$ X9 p5 t+ K
  5. Protection: AACS; ^0 Z/ ]* l9 N9 |+ W" d8 e
  6. BD-Java: Yes, ~/ ?6 H* h1 ?6 x+ A
  7. BDInfo: 0.5.4
    6 k7 q2 B  J6 y" ?8 E

  8. $ t% O) y& k+ r4 g: k5 r
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:1 F2 y( L' p& g' t1 V9 t+ \/ a# c
  10. 0 c- e' F' z% [% w  E( m3 v# G( p! |
  11. Name: 00800.MPLS2 g7 l) ], F+ H, R
  12. Length: 2:20:05 (h:m:s)
    ) j$ l* |* y) @9 b
  13. Size: 42.515.748.864 bytes
    & |3 i' l0 w6 `6 i+ w
  14. Total Bitrate: 40,46 Mbps
    ) w: Y" Y& a1 _/ q/ {7 k/ u  l0 X

  15. 4 \; g/ j$ |5 `% e) `/ F7 D& p
  16. Angle 1 Length: 0:02:03 (h:m:s) / 2:20:05 (h:m:s)
    $ O4 W: G4 Z0 o3 c, }& w" [; Y
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    $ g/ N. V" b" R: r
  18. Angle 1 Total Bitrate: 40,72 Mbps / 40,48 Mbps
    7 b$ S. d2 H- h* _5 l! E
  19. 9 B+ a, X( E" B! L6 v: }
  20. Angle 2 Length: 0:02:03 (h:m:s) / 2:20:05 (h:m:s)
    $ W4 v4 B7 ]9 X9 x% L
  21. Angle 2 Size: 629.250.048 bytes / 42.534.604.800 bytes, x9 I3 o( |" Z; T# b
  22. Angle 2 Total Bitrate: 40,72 Mbps / 40,48 Mbps
    " s1 h0 o# B$ k& _; H. i
  23. . y& ]; t+ l: }0 y
  24. Angle 3 Length: 0:02:03 (h:m:s) / 2:20:05 (h:m:s)4 R/ g/ G' Q, h& r
  25. Angle 3 Size: 629.323.776 bytes / 42.534.678.528 bytes2 G9 w: d' |; y1 ]& q; g( ]
  26. Angle 3 Total Bitrate: 40,73 Mbps / 40,48 Mbps7 b- ]2 C, a2 c7 K: E. b
  27. 3 Y/ j+ ]/ i8 S+ {# V8 N# K
  28. Angle 4 Length: 0:02:03 (h:m:s) / 2:20:05 (h:m:s): {! ?; C  O  B9 q3 L
  29. Angle 4 Size: 629.268.480 bytes / 42.534.623.232 bytes9 ?6 a1 a, b+ |
  30. Angle 4 Total Bitrate: 40,72 Mbps / 40,48 Mbps
    ' \) R8 w" O/ |5 S1 M5 y

  31. , }9 Z) i7 r# A/ [0 U& L) }: J9 S# _
  32. Angle 5 Length: 0:02:03 (h:m:s) / 2:20:05 (h:m:s)8 Z; G$ q) T  K
  33. Angle 5 Size: 629.268.480 bytes / 42.534.623.232 bytes) P0 Q7 U9 _3 Q' o# @
  34. Angle 5 Total Bitrate: 40,72 Mbps / 40,48 Mbps
    3 l& J" J( y+ j; [) f4 |) t

  35. $ t& O' L, R0 \( M
  36. All Angles Length: 2:30:23 (h:m:s)
      k8 k- D7 ^1 D- Y( i, L( c1 W
  37. All Angles Size: 45.662.134.272 bytes- P( q) G/ _( H9 E* ~7 _
  38. All Angles Bitrate: 40,48 Mbps1 |, p* G  p- G$ ~
  39. * g+ q! a) [! j
  40. Codec Bitrate Description
    $ N- H, _! r! x- s
  41. ----- ------- -----------
    8 o  ~; [- }- I, C9 J
  42. MPEG-4 AVC Video 29679 kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    9 [9 t% n1 z% V" q; F
  43. MPEG-4 AVC Video (1) 440 (29888] kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1, x8 Y" b* M4 u( p  l; J8 D
  44. MPEG-4 AVC Video (2) 440 (29887) kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.17 N9 A$ @2 g4 C9 W
  45. MPEG-4 AVC Video (3) 440 (29892) kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1# ~3 P; ?: c% y' L. s  k3 \
  46. MPEG-4 AVC Video (4) 440 (29888] kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    6 ~  a" b, L+ m0 W1 ]3 I
  47. MPEG-4 AVC Video (5) 440 (29888] kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    * m4 F* F* ?2 b
  48. ( B! N! l% c2 N, C6 n% B
  49. Codec Language Bitrate Description
    0 l6 y6 h! z# k, U! i7 W* }
  50. ----- -------- ------- -----------% d; ]. z' l7 T9 C
  51. DTS-HD Master Audio English 4403 kbps 6.1 / 48 kHz / 4403 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 6.1-ES / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    5 D  J6 `& g- O) q* r! g5 s
  52. DTS Audio Italian 768 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit* R0 n2 a( n6 j. I
  53. DTS Audio Russian 768 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit
    : X6 Z0 |: {, w! C+ I' I
  54. Dolby Digital Audio Czech 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps
    6 @# ?8 \8 z: t0 X1 r' Q6 q
  55. Dolby Digital Audio Slovak 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps5 K4 j/ }$ a( C! e  l8 E( e' j
  56. Dolby Digital Audio Turkish 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps7 t% L4 b# L, v3 L& K& `
  57. Dolby Digital Audio English 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps9 [8 ^1 b4 H9 {) W; y* s* X
  58. Dolby Digital Audio English 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps; |9 C) s3 e3 ]( |
  59. ; o2 r8 v4 d1 T
  60. Codec Language Bitrate Description
    " j5 D7 l+ Z& l  o) E
  61. ----- -------- ------- -----------4 G+ `( {+ W; ]0 J- J2 A
  62. Presentation Graphics English 34,338 kbps
    $ |8 k- n! }" ~- C$ s# v. P
  63. Presentation Graphics English 3,316 kbps
    - K6 f6 T0 b& N, R2 q  H" `0 Y2 U
  64. Presentation Graphics English 2,733 kbps2 o8 H) G% e, G
  65. Presentation Graphics Bulgarian 34,583 kbps
    * q7 \: Q: @* f$ y; J
  66. Presentation Graphics Croatian 35,487 kbps8 @8 i* w* T, Q5 S' E! R& l
  67. Presentation Graphics Czech 33,745 kbps. J" A, J. m* K
  68. Presentation Graphics Estonian 36,084 kbps
    ) {, o( z# D# l: x$ m0 V/ K& ^. _# p+ {
  69. Presentation Graphics Italian 35,156 kbps# y- w  C3 D7 U& @+ c1 d
  70. Presentation Graphics Italian 96,719 kbps5 h6 D1 ?/ J8 }/ k8 F4 V% V# U
  71. Presentation Graphics Italian 80,071 kbps
    # B# H# H6 W- L
  72. Presentation Graphics Latvian 32,374 kbps( z+ P3 L+ }- B+ r# K$ _( C+ \! }
  73. Presentation Graphics Lithuanian 33,656 kbps
    , G9 `7 W: _# M, b9 o0 [
  74. Presentation Graphics Romanian 36,275 kbps1 z* ~, \+ n! ?# S* A' t
  75. Presentation Graphics Russian 35,112 kbps
    9 ?6 `$ e. v' r' M+ Q3 K
  76. Presentation Graphics Russian 122,681 kbps$ Y3 k9 C) q4 `  X( W7 Z
  77. Presentation Graphics Russian 95,369 kbps1 z5 s$ R6 E7 w/ z7 Y6 z; ~& |7 G. H% A
  78. Presentation Graphics Slovenian 31,914 kbps
    - I$ W( o/ R; ~8 e/ @; v+ ~+ \  \
  79. Presentation Graphics Turkish 34,943 kbps

$ D1 [# A, S$ d9 [! f. ]2 c1 `1 Q! e+ t. i2 T

8 S' f  Y4 k9 [7 y1 ^◎片  名  Star Wars4 X1 l8 `8 B! W1 z& Y# e6 I% c
◎译  名  星球大战 1-3& N" f# E) r6 v- n; h7 G6 G
◎年  代  1977-1983
' f) s3 r3 I0 @& w◎国  家  美国
* y, n; ^; o1 Z0 g" P0 m◎类  别  动作/科幻/奇幻/冒险
; b3 u. e' _$ W6 O% H◎语  言  英语
3 a6 f; {& [: |◎iMDB评分 8.7/10 (748,455 votes)
; y( K+ g/ B8 B2 E% d◎iMDB链接
; X/ g* o, m7 U" N+ T& \◎导  演  乔治·卢卡斯 George Lucas
( o; A( K7 d; [# L7 v◎主  演  哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford
$ W" V0 O+ g" H0 H6 U7 |: C6 ~9 [       马克·哈米尔 Mark Hamill0 x0 z/ W. T* ^9 J5 ^. _2 B8 M3 U
       凯丽·费雪 Carrie Fisher1 ^: p, S. D2 r2 a  S6 W6 _
       彼得·库欣 Peter Cushing/ H) h. I4 L0 }: u
       亚利克·基尼斯 Alec Guinness. A; R% T. X3 B7 ^/ U
       彼德·梅休 Peter Mayhew* T# W2 Q1 L! J# I* ^5 l: z: `$ I
       大卫·鲍罗斯 David Prowse
* D. O$ u; n1 B8 r/ Z0 |       詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯 James Earl Jones2 T4 s0 z. Z2 s# k
◎简  介  
# A+ u' p" j( S8 `& E2 Q8 f- H7 v) a- h
  遥远星系发生叛乱,银河共和国被推翻,奥尔德兰星的莉亚公主(卡里·费什尔 Carrie Fisher 饰)领导抵抗组织对抗银河帝国,却不幸被银河帝国的维德勋爵(大卫·普劳斯 David Prowse 饰)所俘。机器人R2-D2携银河帝国新武器“死星”的结构图与同伴翻译机器人C-3PO逃至塔图因星,途中被加瓦人抓住卖给青年卢克·天行者(马克·哈米尔 Mark Hamill 饰)的叔父。在卢克的帮助下,众人阴错阳差找到了隐居的绝地武士欧比-旺·肯诺比(亚历克·吉尼斯 Alec Guinness 饰)。欧比-旺交给卢克绝地之道,并带卢克与两机器人到港口城市茅斯伊斯垒,雇佣走私者韩·索罗(哈里森·福特饰)的千年隼飞船前往奥尔德兰……: \9 c& ~3 c% x9 G

" @! E+ u1 Z# \/ V  本片获第50界奥斯卡最佳艺术指导,最佳服装设计,最佳视觉效果,最佳剪辑,最佳原创音乐,最佳声效六项大奖及特殊贡献奖(本·伯特 Ben Burtt),并获最佳电影,最佳男配角(亚历克·吉尼斯),最佳导演(乔治·卢卡斯),最佳原创电影音乐四项提名。- q5 D; X# v4 i) T* a& }

7 \- Y- S& X+ y: I% S9 T7 U  kScreens:
/ Z7 g; X/ i0 H% l, ?
    - q; I7 t2 M) f  w4 u

  2. # L" S2 `4 M7 G
  3. Disc Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977). x5 y5 C3 _' k; z
  4. Disc Size: 41.833.722.296 bytes7 s" k) V0 N6 q
  5. Protection: AACS; u  P8 G; U9 {2 ?: Z
  6. BD-Java: Yes) f$ d0 M& w# B
  7. BDInfo: 0.5.4
    , n1 P1 r9 U6 s. z4 ^

  8.   g9 E+ `2 ~+ A; }
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:9 X  G+ Y# X* L0 p
  10. 4 O0 _5 ]& x) N# U' h5 o
  11. Name: 00800.MPLS' v- Z( O; G% ^, h: B2 D& `
  12. Length: 2:04:44 (h:m:s)
    1 @7 i4 i* i) K1 T7 u3 [
  13. Size: 40.380.635.136 bytes
    . l: o  T( K; R: H- P* [
  14. Total Bitrate: 43,16 Mbps
    , K9 Z2 n1 [( s3 r" Y8 q

  15. - j, m5 K0 N9 x# o- h
  16. Angle 1 Length: 0:02:26 (h:m:s) / 2:04:44 (h:m:s); D$ {9 Q$ `( d( r" @+ I7 \0 Y
  17. Angle 1 Size: 759.558.144 bytes / 40.352.919.552 bytes, R5 ]6 @1 ~; H  p- s8 ]2 C! R3 e
  18. Angle 1 Total Bitrate: 41,37 Mbps / 43,13 Mbps  k; R* h" p: m; ~) b  t
  19. - C( e9 }* d- S( C4 [- ^+ ~
  20. All Angles Length: 2:07:11 (h:m:s)
      T5 {7 _/ L6 F0 m* }' ^
  21. All Angles Size: bytes
    + `- J/ o% j  W- \* S0 `
  22. All Angles Bitrate: 43,13 Mbps
    3 |: @2 Q" r& O& A- ]

  23. ' R5 {  I6 _5 R7 L+ m$ _
  24. Codec Bitrate Description8 t  t2 |& ~. z& q0 q
  25. ----- ------- -----------
    # Q5 J. s6 {' G& F" s7 D+ b
  26. MPEG-4 AVC Video 33502 kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1/ ^* |1 n3 w5 e: N) E9 P
  27. MPEG-4 AVC Video (1) 624 (31800) kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1- z" q8 q/ }3 M" M

  28. & |- k5 p) F1 U0 ]) v; `- e8 C, c
  29. Codec Language Bitrate Description) [$ u; C% |0 \0 D2 A/ {
  30. ----- -------- ------- -----------
    5 ?* f. T/ ^4 H6 H
  31. DTS-HD Master Audio English 4069 kbps 6.1 / 48 kHz / 4069 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 6.1-ES / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)# c6 Z  [) H, e# T5 P6 A5 S& R
  32. DTS Audio Italian 768 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit' H% R0 ]$ v+ r' v( a7 L
  33. DTS Audio Russian 768 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit; u) b% n, P9 w
  34. Dolby Digital Audio Czech 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps% n' P: f5 P/ Y. t( H
  35. Dolby Digital Audio English 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps
      Y8 L) e$ y) ]" u/ x* K
  36. Dolby Digital Audio English 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps
    9 r4 x  g' y( i$ g! k. ~6 a

  37. * T" Y4 a4 U7 o1 g) r. ^
  38. Codec Language Bitrate Description
    ; \! a" \. h1 {
  39. ----- -------- ------- -----------" C# E  P+ V4 Y9 R7 A+ Q6 |  C
  40. Presentation Graphics English 52,957 kbps
    * O  e9 B* L7 F+ R; Q9 Z9 K1 e
  41. Presentation Graphics English 0,487 kbps
    5 b( p$ t& a; g* u" f
  42. Presentation Graphics English 1,227 kbps. i  _2 G9 t, J) t0 ]% u
  43. Presentation Graphics English 2,232 kbps, `% C/ _" t, C; y  f# H
  44. Presentation Graphics Bulgarian 45,067 kbps
    # a! E7 C# [) S* i( B, Y- {
  45. Presentation Graphics Croatian 41,020 kbps5 Q1 {% A; v: T# ^" H. D8 q& m3 Z2 o0 Z9 d
  46. Presentation Graphics Czech 38,497 kbps. z1 o8 o/ Y- k* x& R. E+ r) x$ _
  47. Presentation Graphics Italian 51,144 kbps
    0 C" w# h; v3 r9 o; _
  48. Presentation Graphics Italian 79,758 kbps
    , r8 s& m% M. _( @( t" X9 P( c& U
  49. Presentation Graphics Italian 89,016 kbps# t$ `1 I/ ~2 W5 T
  50. Presentation Graphics Romanian 57,857 kbps
    5 _) o; }2 h; U6 d" A8 @
  51. Presentation Graphics Russian 60,561 kbps, i4 w  m' ^" t
  52. Presentation Graphics Russian 99,587 kbps4 I! X- z) O# o5 s9 K# m  g4 t, M
  53. Presentation Graphics Russian 111,350 kbps
    ! s% i' s+ l# j% i/ Q" K
  54. Presentation Graphics Slovenian 48,251 kbps
    ! D5 L1 [9 Z2 }5 z* A; \' g
  55. Presentation Graphics Turkish 54,144 kbps
* C" T3 p4 S: @9 Q+ S
  1. DISC INFO:9 H" U4 E! `( h$ A: z$ f

  2. 9 J1 }3 [+ J. F1 Q
  3. Disc Title: Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
    6 s" X7 b% k4 o- L$ y/ T7 _
  4. Disc Size: 41.872.748.461 bytes4 _) @: Y1 W  u4 |
  5. Protection: AACS7 E$ f3 j# m: D4 ?/ F8 K. x4 F  q
  6. BD-Java: Yes
    8 U) s+ [( _& i
  7. BDInfo: 0.5.4
    $ L" H# G. B9 d- k0 J- O$ F
  8. 2 \" _7 U/ C& s$ J3 C  |
    1 d4 ]$ l$ w0 ]; t4 C9 X% a. p- X

  10. 3 @" S  G+ u$ K- W( ?- G
  11. Name: 00800.MPLS' @# l  w  R& z* n( u, E/ ?
  12. Length: 2:07:21 (h:m:s)3 Q# |9 [6 Q! J; Y; U' z
  13. Size: 40.443.942.912 bytes
    7 n* a! S) H- a2 `/ L- \7 A, q
  14. Total Bitrate: 42,34 Mbps
    5 \3 v# W. j2 Y% ^/ v
  15. ( h9 n* Y/ n& W- k# z
  16. Angle 1 Length: 0:02:26 (h:m:s) / 2:07:21 (h:m:s)8 K/ c: l$ Z. D; F
  17. Angle 1 Size: 728.881.152 bytes / 40.385.931.264 bytes
    3 x* i4 l+ `# E- X" D$ @! _/ Q- C9 S
  18. Angle 1 Total Bitrate: 39,83 Mbps / 42,28 Mbps
    3 E( a+ S, Z# L% s
  19. 0 f" `+ K# i4 G9 Y  {
  20. All Angles Length: 2:09:47 (h:m:s)9 F) d. [! T2 x+ x
  21. All Angles Size: 41.172.824.064 bytes
    ( p- @  I8 M# Y' E
  22. All Angles Bitrate: 42,29 Mbps
    * c: k* J- J" I

  23.   m/ N' x4 n$ \1 K$ t  p5 e
  24. Codec Bitrate Description
    1 m% v& U4 }7 }# G5 d$ Y3 [
  25. ----- ------- -----------
    % E2 u8 n2 I% Q# [" p
  26. MPEG-4 AVC Video 32330 kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    : i2 @/ }. D! Y9 o, u
  27. MPEG-4 AVC Video (1) 575 (29993) kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    ; \  q5 Y1 C. U" H1 s
  28. # p+ ]: x0 x1 [7 W
  29. Codec Language Bitrate Description8 e, Y  E# L! B0 m/ L1 c1 N: y  l
  30. ----- -------- ------- -----------9 F/ M5 x2 d$ k( L2 C$ O1 d
  31. DTS-HD Master Audio English 4564 kbps 6.1 / 48 kHz / 4564 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 6.1-ES / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    + ?6 G/ c$ B" d3 [7 n5 a( n
  32. DTS Audio Italian 768 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit
    ; a) k7 i' o2 l& Y, Q
  33. DTS Audio Russian 768 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit
    : q% N' ~& `9 _8 |- d; d- W
  34. Dolby Digital Audio Czech 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps& Q" r7 Q% p& [$ M4 Z" W8 u! r; G
  35. Dolby Digital Audio English 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps- H6 i# n- k( s' A2 f
  36. Dolby Digital Audio English 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps8 `/ w5 ~. {# a1 C3 U3 r2 S! @
  37. ; u- O' o  v3 t4 D' D
  38. Codec Language Bitrate Description# X" N( M% f7 }; f3 W6 r
  39. ----- -------- ------- -----------
    ' L0 h# J& r) }% M, Z! X
  40. Presentation Graphics English 38,960 kbps7 A4 ~7 c8 [: X" A) G1 h3 v4 o
  41. Presentation Graphics English 1,918 kbps, {) p) _3 V6 w$ U
  42. Presentation Graphics English 1,685 kbps
    6 o( p! P) A6 c. T5 `& Y* d% Y
  43. Presentation Graphics Bulgarian 34,281 kbps
    , \8 d: y" Q: K5 J  A, v% x
  44. Presentation Graphics Croatian 32,215 kbps
    ) D; V0 w2 v( w1 r, K; q+ y( {
  45. Presentation Graphics Czech 31,987 kbps6 T. @) k% D8 q3 O/ z3 R
  46. Presentation Graphics Italian 38,107 kbps3 {; M, U# n' f
  47. Presentation Graphics Italian 82,127 kbps
    ' I1 y% S4 A* u4 h& O
  48. Presentation Graphics Italian 84,825 kbps2 W5 n! {+ l/ ?1 j+ M
  49. Presentation Graphics Romanian 43,401 kbps4 L% G7 P& p5 {
  50. Presentation Graphics Russian 45,895 kbps
    8 ]+ i3 J; K6 u+ v
  51. Presentation Graphics Russian 107,808 kbps
    ) S2 H) O% H2 V9 p2 O
  52. Presentation Graphics Russian 102,964 kbps
    ' H8 \( M/ M" ]" t0 r: X
  53. Presentation Graphics Slovenian 38,997 kbps- E* u0 o9 f: C# U+ M" H  W
  54. Presentation Graphics Turkish 41,316 kbps
Screens:) H& `8 c' Y' D& E% K( G
  1. DISC INFO:: U7 f5 O$ J* v
  2. 9 x# C6 l7 w5 Z7 ]6 z; R
  3. Disc Title: Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
    ' k  `5 r7 r/ r8 K2 S
  4. Disc Size: 42.308.553.496 bytes5 q* K& K' I+ {8 X6 R* a
  5. Protection: AACS4 T  K- U' j7 S4 F* k9 Z' R
  6. BD-Java: Yes7 u+ N/ S9 x; W1 E( I, s
  7. BDInfo: 0.5.4
    + k% U4 c2 U2 O, u3 W3 X" f

  8. 4 V2 F; I$ K7 k5 G# L) J9 z- d
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:: @! B0 n  ~* l& b3 V6 s

  10.   X% b/ y/ W' p, z) D
  11. Name: 00800.MPLS
    1 F+ c/ R+ ~. r' Z. X' S
  12. Length: 2:14:47 (h:m:s)
    2 Y" M: j+ a- D0 Y' ]9 e2 s
  13. Size: 40.865.875.968 bytes$ ]- `. o6 s( D
  14. Total Bitrate: 40,42 Mbps
    . d, [* `+ ?* q

  15. " V- Y: {# B6 r$ G# s% }
  16. Angle 1 Length: 0:02:23 (h:m:s) / 2:14:47 (h:m:s)
    ; ~8 v3 f1 Q- |* h0 U8 F% d1 Y# I; L8 e
  17. Angle 1 Size: 714.590.208 bytes / 40.851.683.328 bytes
    ' Q8 R" ^% O( N9 q* B1 x8 U
  18. Angle 1 Total Bitrate: 39,84 Mbps / 40,41 Mbps* ~' j, i7 D3 @0 R' @5 z
  19. 7 y* ^; R/ ^# ^- X8 ]" m
  20. All Angles Length: 2:17:10 (h:m:s)! h' |; w' d4 G- [  v7 c
  21. All Angles Size: 41.580.466.176 bytes
    " P' Y5 i  e) |8 K; o" `
  22. All Angles Bitrate: 40,41 Mbps4 @& k5 c/ z# Q5 \0 @5 E

  23. % ]9 D7 u% A6 V! _3 Q6 [9 n
  24. Codec Bitrate Description
    * ~; c$ }/ ^8 i7 O8 E$ |
  25. ----- ------- -----------& r& O; d& h& _% @) I# y
  26. MPEG-4 AVC Video 30589 kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.15 u; {/ H" X; T
  27. MPEG-4 AVC Video (1) 533 (30047) kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1% Y  V% U5 {/ w% ]; h( l  p
  28. : u7 n& B  ~! @" Z
  29. Codec Language Bitrate Description+ b. D: O. {7 |; n! h3 `
  30. ----- -------- ------- -----------
    9 O* Y: l4 u+ ^2 }& b
  31. DTS-HD Master Audio English 4553 kbps 6.1 / 48 kHz / 4553 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 6.1-ES / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    ; T. e- w3 u/ B" w
  32. DTS Audio Italian 768 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit2 t+ L; |8 v# U" |# u  U0 V% z6 {0 k
  33. DTS Audio Russian 768 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit: u3 |: n8 h( y* n' B
  34. Dolby Digital Audio Czech 448 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps
    5 M( B( G6 d" `* @  M4 z
  35. Dolby Digital Audio English 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps
    9 H- k+ y" p1 J& `
  36. Dolby Digital Audio English 224 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 224 kbps
    % q: B) I' E9 n) e
  37. ) I2 f: n! {; _/ z0 M: L
  38. Codec Language Bitrate Description
    1 P2 z7 |; L8 z
  39. ----- -------- ------- -----------( n: c: G; B' v; O( @2 `( }
  40. Presentation Graphics English 29,732 kbps! |- N; y, @4 P& }/ `
  41. Presentation Graphics English 0,363 kbps9 ^! B" u/ |/ h) h; A* |" k
  42. Presentation Graphics English 1,295 kbps2 I! s8 P3 |3 A" Q
  43. Presentation Graphics English 2,001 kbps" y. `7 `: G6 _, \3 J% L
  44. Presentation Graphics Bulgarian 28,903 kbps
      F, u# [' E2 n' F' l& E
  45. Presentation Graphics Croatian 26,826 kbps
    - C8 \3 ^, W- m. Q: _  ^
  46. Presentation Graphics Czech 26,596 kbps' }% N5 f! {1 F; |" _
  47. Presentation Graphics Italian 29,773 kbps2 F  U; d8 E2 S! y6 {7 ~
  48. Presentation Graphics Italian 89,518 kbps
    ! E0 |( v5 ?' N! O
  49. Presentation Graphics Italian 80,909 kbps
    $ u% [( B; ~" |, A1 W: U
  50. Presentation Graphics Romanian 31,247 kbps5 {+ A! ~4 r; h# H/ G" a* u& n. |
  51. Presentation Graphics Russian 34,922 kbps. |# K5 c' |/ R+ s
  52. Presentation Graphics Russian 100,830 kbps
    * e9 j' \# |7 Y4 W, a
  53. Presentation Graphics Russian 98,410 kbps3 d! _  m1 T/ ?- j! u; v9 D% M4 e
  54. Presentation Graphics Slovenian 30,623 kbps; G$ Q" A! U  m; X( H1 h2 X; }' ?0 l
  55. Presentation Graphics Turkish 32,315 kbps

# o) _& y( x3 Z0 P, P2 f/ o$ OStar Wars: The Complete Saga Blu-ray, Video Quality  & Z/ B* u$ T% _7 ~
+ t( ~+ z2 _4 Z5 I/ j1 X' u! t% X3 \
% l8 w) b3 e5 O! z/ R
It goes without saying that just because this is Star Wars, it doesn't mean that this set is going to be the best looking Blu-ray release of all time. So, temper your expectations. That said, we do expect a lot from George Lucas and THX when it comes to cutting edge home video technology. I'm happy, then, to report that, for the most part, these films look wonderful. Not all of them might be described as "reference quality," whatever that means—although Episode III probably qualifies—but the transfers/restorations the films have been given represent an exponential leap in picture refinement, integrity, and clarity from previous DVD releases. While watching The Complete Saga this weekend there were several instances where I felt compelled to rewind and just bask in how beautiful certain scenes look in high definition.# |' K& [# g% `2 ^( O
& u4 y1 T+ G. `  G* b3 u
Let's get the bad out of the way first. Namely, The Phantom Menace. Somehow it seems appropriate that the worst film in the series would have the worst picture quality of the set, but it's still disappointing. The main culprit here is digital noise reduction. Unlike the other two prequels, Episode I was shot on 35mm, but here it's been fairly strongly filtered so that grain is scrubbed out, giving a more video-ish appearance. I'm assuming this was probably done to give a sense of visual continuity to the prequels, but it frequently results in softened textures and smeared over detail. The application of DNR isn't nearly as egregious as it was in the notorious Predator re-release, but the image does look a bit off at times, with faces taking on that distinctly smooth, waxy quality that always accompanies excessive filtering. It's not all bad however; the predominately CGI scenes—like the battle on Naboo—look excellent, if a bit outdated and cartoonish, and there are no issues with color or contrast. Edge enhancement isn't a concern either—which is kind of surprising given that DNR is usually accompanied by oversharpening to compensate for the inherent softening—and there are no blatant compression problems. The main improvement here, aside from the obvious increase in clarity from standard definition, is that there's actually more of the image onscreen now. Let me explain. When the DVD was being prepared, the producers slightly magnified the picture—essentially cropping on all sides—in order to avoid frame edges and artifacts like hairs stuck in the film gate from appearing. This missing screen real estate has now been restored, for a more faithful representation of the original compositions.6 a, v. e  }+ V( l
$ V2 O/ M% m  M) \- ~  \
8 }7 O4 t+ f0 p9 x
. V& u2 [( s% s5 q! ?+ y: l6 E; N) z
Attack of the Clones fares better all around, but noise reduction still dampens the level of clarity. Episode II was the first film in the series to be shot, processed, and edited with an entirely digital workflow, but it was felt at the time that some of the digital footage was too sharp, so it was softened in post. (Not specifically for this Blu-ray release.) The CGI-heavy sequences aren't as affected, but most of the live-action footage has that characteristic filtered look, and sometimes the actors almost seem to have a kind of hazy glow around their bodies, especially when they're clearly standing in front of a digital backdrop. That's not to say there isn't any fine detail on display here—there certainly is, especially in the intricacies of the computer generated imagery—just not as much as there is in Revenge of the Sith, where Lucas and Co. fully embraced digital filmmaking.* R* m  a3 k# I1 _
* W$ }7 b, G% B( E3 e

- v8 {: Y" b! m2 q, o
6 I: H: |" X  V! t0 ]Episode III is on a whole different picture quality plane of existence. This is the outright stunner of the prequels, with a degree of clarity and color that approaches Avatar and other high-profile eye-candy releases. You can see instantly how much crisper and more detailed everything is here, CGI and live-action material alike. The filtering has been abandoned in favor of an exceptionally resolved picture. See the fabric of General Grievous' cape. The clean lines of the nascent Darth Vader's shiny new helmet. The wrinkles on Yoda's weathered face. Count Dooku's eyebrow hairs, individually visible. This is impressive stuff. Just as striking is the brilliance of the film's color. The first two prequels are far from washed out, but Episode III takes the vibrancy up a notch, with tighter contrast, darker blacks—though not too dark—and some gorgeously vivid hues, like hot magenta spacecraft exhaust ports and, of course, searing neon lightsabers. All of the film's environments—from Kashyyyk to the climactic lava world—look fantastic. I'm not big on scores—they're too arbitrary—but if The Phantom Menace is a 3/5 and The Clone Wars is a 3.5/5, Revenge of the Sith gets full marks., h2 G" `5 I: S/ S* {, W' b
7 u2 a3 P, R( @' O
: K  s2 z; W9 d) q2 w% i
7 B7 g& f. ?$ Q& V1 G$ B
But, if you're like me, you're probably more interested in how faithfully the original trilogy has been ported to Blu-ray. We've already covered content, of course, so I'm talking cosmetically. Unlike the prequels, which look quite different from one to the next—especially in the jump from the second to the third—the 1080p/AVC-encoded transfers of the three "classic" Star Wars films are fairly consistent with one another and, in a word, amazing. If you need a number, I'm comfortable giving 4.5's across the board for the integrity and simple gorgeousness of these three transfers. If you grew up watching these films on VHS you're going to be blown away. I don't say that lightly. When I popped in A New Hope and saw that first great close-up of R2 in all his worn-in glory—the scuff marks finely resolved in high definition—I knew I was in good hands. And I kept having moments like this. Seeing the weft of the fabric of Obi-Wan's cloak as he tells the stormtroopers "these are not the droids you're looking for." The level of detail inside the Millennium Falcon. The mottled facial texture of the Yoda puppet in Empire. The almost palpable ripples of Jabba's skin in Jedi. You'll notice background details you've never noticed before. Imperfections in the model work. Aspects of the costumes that previously escaped your attention.
& f' }2 ~; ^& @- Y( p) s' i6 G$ C. ~  d/ O6 |% s
0 K3 t5 e: X; I; v% _4 N
" U4 _2 z" l. L# D
There are certain scenes that look soft—I'm specifically thinking of the first few shots when our heroes land on Endor's forest moon—but any softness seems inherent in the cinematography, not introduced later due to DNR. Any filtering of the original trilogy is minimal; there are no clay-like, Vaseline-smeared faces to worry about here. You can tell occasionally that the image has been lightly cleaned up, but grain is visible and better yet, the prints are absolutely pristine. I don't think I spotted a single white speck or bit of debris. The fluctuations that appeared on the DVDs are also a thing of the past; color is more stable now and better balanced. Remember how the lightsabers' hues sometimes shifted? Not so here. Color reproduction in general is astute; rich and vibrant without looking boosted or oversaturated. There are times when black levels seem like they could be either a hair darker or lighter, but contrast seems carefully considered for the most part, with an emphasis on preserving detail in the shadows. And aside from some light noise, I didn't see any real signs of depreciatory compression. I can't imagine these three films looking much better than they do here. I suppose it's possible, but I'll leave that for Lucas to figure out.2 f  C! L' _8 D' u( i4 Y* [

+ g+ C' L1 K' _; P9 I! d" W- K4 M! W* i9 R) \* U& k1 `+ J$ E+ g+ m

3 B( K' f/ w0 e" P* F1 Z1 ^Star Wars: The Complete Saga Blu-ray, Audio Quality  7 P! H2 ^0 N* Q% I3 D2 |% e
3 _* s" |" M# q/ t1 k

& v# P0 `5 T. B! I# CYes, yes, and yes again. I don't even need to write up separate audio reviews for each of the films. You know why? Because these lossless DTS-HD Master Audio 6.1 surround tracks are perfect. Not perfect like, "Yeah, they seem generally true-to-source and, no, there's no muffling or anything," but perfect like, "Yes. Hell yes. This is what sci-fi should sound like." Perfect as in completely exemplary in all the ways you'd hope they'd be. Superlative. Grade-A. Certified Gold.
6 X5 r# O9 A7 _1 Z% N$ f/ n9 j0 w# I" ]- ?" D& ?) ~
Okay, let me calm down for a second before I fly off in a tornado of hyperbole. Really, though; these tracks are that good. If you've yet to experience John Williams' Star Wars theme in glorious 6.1 channel lossless audio, you've got quite a treat coming. Williams' cues are some of the most recognizable and hummable in the known universe, and they sound spectacular here, from the lilting and quiet heartswelling of Leia's theme to the balls-out, brash militancy of Vader's unstoppable death march, which feels like the brass section of the orchestra is clubbing you in the face with their instruments. In the best way imaginable. All of the music is grand, filling every channel, with distinct placement of the instruments in the soundspace. Rich, dynamic, full—you name it, that's what these scores are.+ {. t) `, `+ _' @
  i# v& }* V* _) t# I
And that's before we even get into the good stuff—the sound effects. Sound design has been a part of the movies since the late 1920s, but the Star Wars series emphasized it in a way that few films had previously done. The audio really is integral to the storytelling. Think "Star Wars sounds." What do you hear? The electric hum of swinging lightsabers. The crisp pew-pew of laser blasters. The low ambient, oscillating rumble inside the Death Star. The high-pitched language of the Jawas. Darth Vader's heavy, respirator-assisted breathing. You could go on and on. How many films can claim to have made noises iconic?$ \  n, R$ l9 c& f" L1 A- r1 ?: D
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But that's only the start of it. What makes these new 6.1 tracks so wonderful is how precisely and expressively they're mixed. Sound design and score achieve an ideal balance, each forceful and clean without drowning the other out. And the action sequences. Oh, the action sequences. Lasers criss-crossing the soundfield. Spaceships swooshing in every direction, their pulsing engines roaring past with a kind of down-shifting Doppler Effect. Massive explosions that send concentric arcs of debris spreading out from front to back. The thunderous LFE roar of an Imperial Star Destroyer drifting overhead. Even in the quieter moments there's ambience in the rears; the bleat of a tauntaun on Hoth, pouring rain before the Obi-Wan/Jango Fett fight in Clone Wars, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Obviously, the effects in the prequels are a bit more sophisticated, but you'll be surprised by how epic the original trilogy sounds. Throughout it all, dialogue is always easy to understand, and I didn't hear any disconcerting crackles, hisses, or dropouts. Fans couldn't have asked for more.& d1 @7 C- c' n% j/ _7 k
. n: _5 r9 @7 w3 ^  \
Each film includes English Dolby Digital 5.1 descriptive audio, Spanish, French, French-Quebec, and Portuguese dubs, and optional subtitles in English SDH, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
& R6 p: @1 ^$ e8 v" z4 c* O! l% P& n+ s
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21cn 发表于 2020-3-31 17:17:32 | 显示全部楼层
' L2 U$ ]0 C8 E4 TI love your Blu-ray movies Forum!1 {) w' o' p) i








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lanpanshuma 发表于 2020-5-16 17:05:22 | 显示全部楼层
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4 _! x" x' _- Q8 B% K








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zhangwenbin 发表于 2020-7-18 13:26:21 | 显示全部楼层

) s9 R' q5 U; }( J5 z: `- z[蓝光原盘] 星球大战三部曲 + 星球大战前传三部曲 [蓝光原盘 六部合集] Star Wars The Complete Saga 1977-2005 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 6.1-EbP 246.60GB








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daivyul 发表于 2021-4-11 23:55:14 | 显示全部楼层








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sclzywxl 发表于 2021-4-15 12:54:43 | 显示全部楼层








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liduoer 发表于 2021-7-18 18:46:02 | 显示全部楼层








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狐狸打扮也是猫 发表于 2021-11-19 15:33:48 | 显示全部楼层
这么好的帖子不回对不起自己!& W0 ]+ v, K+ ]0 d
In fact, I have always felt that the landlord of good taste! Ha ha!& `( |' r" u6 T' E9 [3 A8 Y8 F








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myoracle 发表于 2022-4-2 23:15:38 | 显示全部楼层
/ k3 N7 m- |7 N; H# E4 ?% _Blu-ray movies Community: my favorite!3 y$ z! n" \7 @% J3 S+ h4 ?



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