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[剧情悬疑] 圣维多利亚的秘密 The Secret of Santa Vittoria 1969 720p BluRay x264-VETO








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2013-6-11 14:57:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

& B. x) V% n0 M: j8 D ( m: n. I8 V& T/ W% s, K/ s
◎译  名    圣维多利亚的秘密 7 }0 Z* q: }, U5 [: \
◎片  名 The Secret Of Santa Vittoria
3 N* Y3 Q& m' t) _! R◎年  代 1969/ e* N0 i. Y) h8 {/ a, t* ?8 G
◎国  家 美国5 a/ x* Z: X+ O
◎类  别 喜剧/剧情/战争
# |* n1 @. T3 y7 t  K, `◎语  言 英语
+ z" D; r! l& n& t+ T3 }  N9 x◎字  幕 N/A- K$ q& Z' {" E
◎IMDB评分  7.1/10 from 1,373 users   
7 n+ J0 Y/ N2 U5 X- a5 O$ H! a9 E2 `◎IMDB链接
6 y0 _. ^( j% O# G3 u: a) |7 o4 R◎文件格式 X264 + DTS% I, B6 Q( q( g+ `2 ^, T8 [
◎视频尺寸 1280 x 544" ]' a* a+ T& w6 I3 b7 Y" q; B0 Q
◎文件大小 1CD 5.46 GB
8 C. Q3 l4 @$ f5 s; `6 A6 T( R* r# T◎片  长 140 min
, O; W# X( e7 ^) G◎导  演 斯坦利·克雷默 Stanley Kramer
: e; W) F9 J1 Z# i3 q* a◎主  演 安东尼·奎恩 Anthony Quinn  .....Italo Bombolini
& R3 \) t: _9 f      安娜·麦兰妮 Anna Magnani  .....Rosa) e# a. J% Q& O8 B& s; B
      Virna Lisi  .....Caterina Malatesta7 N0 [; p9 N1 W
      Hardy Krüger  .....Capt. von Prum1 x* |2 x# \$ ^; r  [
      Sergio Franchi  .....Tufa
! @; ]/ q' K( `, [) w. C. s9 p      Renato Rascel  .....Babbaluche; j; p: B8 ]' d  k1 }" E
      吉安卡罗·吉安尼尼 Giancarlo Giannini  .....Fabio
2 i. I/ A/ y- P, j+ ^      Patrizia Valturri  .....Angela
' j! s. J2 {; Z" b( H" Y      Eduardo Ciannelli  .....Luigi& s$ Q4 s  ~  f; G+ H
      里奥普尔多·特里斯特 Leopoldo Trieste  .....Vittorini
1 @9 [; @9 t* C8 ?      Gigi Ballista  .....Pade Polenta, W2 P6 K% ^" t$ x) m, N
      Quinto Parmeggiani  .....Copa
5 l+ ~$ u% {: q  M/ U' |/ h$ q      Carlo Caprioli  .....Giovanni Pietrosanto' w2 {. f1 x9 z4 K  Y: }
      Francesco Mulé  .....Francucci( m+ a2 F* Z4 I1 C$ J
      Wolfgang Jansen  .....Sgt. Zopf
6 H* @! r* |7 H2 r/ P) v      Aldo De Carellis  .....Old Vines/ y- i" R+ M* Z7 J
◎简  介
5 @2 u6 V: G4 L' z
, A$ o  F4 P1 W* _/ R+ y       Bombolini是意大利圣维多利亚的小镇二战结束前,一个酒宴上。当有消息说法西斯ZF投降,他爬上水塔拆除国旗。他可以获得拥护,得到人群拥护高呼他的名字给他的信心。市议会的法西斯听到这一点,认为他是城市*新元首。将权利移交给他,让他的新市长得到了机会,当认为,德国计划在其占领的城镇,并带着葡萄酒(超过1万瓶),他的作出了一项计划以隐藏它……) M, l6 o3 }: `* B" \

, l  U( D; v2 p* O       Bombolini is a fairly worthless drunk in the small Italian town of Santa Vittoria in the closing days of World War II. When word comes that the Fascist government has surrendered, he climbs a water tower to tear down the flag. He can't get down and someone gets the crowd to chant his name to give him confidence. The Fascist town council hears this and believes that he is the town's new leader. They surrender to him and make him the new mayor. He rises to the occasion and when he finds that the Germans plan to occupy his town and take their wine (over a million bottles) he works out a plan to hide it.
8 v( V/ R+ G; p: u. H  v) z% A9 m7 o- b6 q, O$ T" \

+ q7 W# _! h3 N% t6 i+ \) w" r4 T获奖记录7 o0 z" X3 r) ]$ ^8 O; E# x8 I
5 P% b& y9 s, b: y( M7 w6 g
  第42届奥斯卡金像奖(1970)  奥斯卡奖-最佳电影剪辑(提名)  William A. Lyon
4 q" s  c. b8 y4 B6 c4 `
6 p# l3 F# y. N$ s% G  第42届奥斯卡金像奖(1970)  奥斯卡奖-最佳配乐(非音乐类)(提名)  Ernest Gold
& x( U, H( c8 |. T5 h
" d& o6 X% R7 w9 o/ q( Q9 X" Q  第27届金球奖(1970)  电影类-音乐喜剧类最佳影片 % a0 p( F6 |: S' ]) H8 L* v
; t, S& A- s* _) e+ W' S) G5 n
  F% ?) ^1 H; z& n: Z$ o
  1. The.Secret.of.Santa.Vittoria.1969.720p.BluRayCD.x264-VETO% Z, N/ i# I8 @7 y0 ~6 M& y+ N
  2. z% O3 J+ Y; G6 n% ?# [7 c# h, Z
  3. RELEASE DATE.......: 10.06.2013  ?+ t! _" v7 i% y4 L
  4. GENRE..............: Comedy, Drama, War
    4 `3 ^, w; c0 z% s' ?( q
  5. RUNTIME............: 140 min
    % r7 V6 J5 n3 S- z3 u7 S
  6. FORMAT.............: x264/ d, {! A& U! J( Y% v- y
  7. RESOLUTION.........: 1280 x 544* d/ t' m, j7 Y
  8. SOURCE.............: BluRay* }( |% F8 l+ D' x7 {6 {
  9. Video..............: 4080kbps# ^9 x/ Y+ J3 B5 g% w
  10. AUDIO..............: EN DTS @ 1509kbps3 j; I& Z  w0 J
  11. SUBS...............: -/ b* J5 ]. X( {( C8 i) ^3 L) V7 F
  12. SIZE...............: 5596 MB
8 I8 r, Z2 J" l! L: n9 y
5 {/ C( e2 \) f. M/ H

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. T2 P5 j# l* a8 a- V # S# @# U% K6 C! g2 ?' H4 c; ]. f: q
* U8 [  k/ n( E1 E: s
( q8 E( d' Q% Z! I
, `0 F' }( {# O$ u: j# @

相关影片搜索: 《 圣维多利亚的秘密 》Related Movies



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