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[剧情悬疑] 黑蝴蝶 Black.Butterfly.2017.720p.BluRaycd.x264-PSYCHD 3.28GB








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24小时 发表于 2017-6-28 23:35:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ J, k; @2 _( u6 u# d
, G2 R! F$ [# I) P
◎译  名 黑蝴蝶
# ?' o3 y, Q: j◎片  名 Black Butterfly
0 R& k- K* g& `9 C. O3 j◎年  代 2017" P* B% u2 j8 L& z' p( e4 u  H3 i
◎产  地 美国
1 z- M! \( B& c% T& A6 Y+ d◎类  别 惊悚6 ?: o1 M" {3 y4 ^
◎语  言 英语9 A& l  G$ b# m
◎上映日期 2017-05-26(美国)
7 w# {) _$ _) [6 b0 Z; M( }( q) a  t◎IMDb评分  6.0/10 from 1,611 users# u8 N) Y! u4 S$ W6 J
◎IMDb链接 y; b, X+ O( M3 O/ p' q
◎豆瓣评分 6.1/10 from 165 users3 @. B) o* ?  o+ a% h, C8 q( e( g8 o
◎豆瓣链接 f& j6 b9 O0 D  ^6 L$ }& e
◎片  长 93分钟8 |! V. n2 I- U$ Q  R
◎导  演 布莱恩·古德曼 Brian Goodman/ h5 \' l3 s$ I
◎主  演 乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯 Jonathan Rhys Meyers
/ ]3 x* I7 h- ]- E      派珀·佩拉博 Piper Perabo. h" q2 i5 z+ T  o1 \; d. F
      安东尼奥·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas
* i$ s& F3 x! P/ B, {/ c      阿贝尔·费拉拉 Abel Ferrara
+ K/ r0 `1 q5 @" c4 }      文森特·里奥特 Vincent Riotta
: b( z! N3 O+ y: ?( w" L) W      Nicholas Aaron8 l$ g) \. G* A7 E9 F/ l2 ?9 h. p

' e- ~5 n! Z) c5 C$ x6 t! e# ^◎简  介
, x8 t% c: T, P. T) q
/ J% }! k2 l( G, n$ N% H% H# V  故事翻拍自法国同名惊悚片,围绕一位颓丧的作家和流浪汉之间展开,流浪汉身上,则隐藏着不为人知的秘密。
5 b2 Y# m0 M* f: p
& n* W. i* h. OOutside a mountain town grappling with a series of abductions and murders Paul (Antonio Banderas) a reclusive writer struggles to start what he hopes will be a career-saving screenplay. After a tense encounter at a diner with a drifter named Jack (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) Paul offers Jack a place to stay-and soon the edgy demanding Jack muscles his way into Paul's work. As a storm cuts off power to the isolated cabin the two men begin a jagged game of one-upmanship that will bring at least one tale to an end.& K9 J& g" z6 p# d; P
  1. Black.Butterfly.2017.720p.BluRayCD.x264-PSYCHD
    . Z& P4 F2 ~5 t
  2. IMDB..............:
    9 Z" z* x2 i1 f6 W* w
  3. Ratings...........: 6.0/10   1,541 votes
    + P$ p4 g+ m6 n# e( w
  4. Runtime...........: 01:33:34
    : G! [% I5 y; g- Y/ |1 S
  5. Video.............: 1280x536 / 23.976fps+ ~3 {3 T/ D$ Y4 `
  6. Audio.............: AC-3 5.1 640kbps
    ; G1 \/ v  d$ \7 |1 e1 ?/ e' M
  7. 2 W0 ]8 [6 M/ E# V4 b/ T
  8. Notes.............: The subtitles on this disc are messed up on several lines
    1 {6 V! P1 P* ]
  9. so just vobsubs this time (would hard time reading those parts9 Z3 f4 L* @# @  O9 C9 w
  10. there too).
: N* M1 b- O, v4 d0 \' }
' C5 v( u. w0 Z+ s& ?- {; K0 I0 L" ~3 {8 _

2 i) {2 W+ h+ n" z- s9 H: T( L1 P9 G+ ]+ Z
7 Y+ ~' k  t; Y& i% r产品演示视频; ~- v5 F) J5 k- Q$ s+ a: m
2 h) p& f' `$ u. t/ I
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