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[动作战争] 叛徒/卧底杀机/赤色雄狼 Renegades.1989.1080p.BluRaycd.x264-GUACAMOLE 6.55GB








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24小时 发表于 2018-4-19 00:39:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) J5 ^3 o- A' G3 q3 j
" O5 S& R6 S. @  U& W; [⊙译  名 叛徒/卧底杀机/赤色雄狼
& a0 P% H1 f" K* S0 G5 ?2 L. J9 j⊙片  名 Renegades4 l$ R" D! L: f/ E
⊙年  代 19890 q+ a& B. f* y; A2 }1 z
⊙产  地 美国7 I8 {- k/ x7 N' `; ]4 L8 s0 w
⊙类  别 剧情/动作/惊悚/犯罪
9 D. w; \3 X9 Y1 l8 s, q⊙语  言 英语
5 J( W1 V0 U; q( O- c$ U- K⊙上映日期 1989-06-02
  [  _2 D  v0 d4 |; V7 w% d- e( z⊙IMDb评分 5.3/10 from 2,669 users
3 S; `9 v3 {2 F& r9 v⊙IMDb链接 I2 r4 `( E9 |7 `5 d% Z9 `
⊙豆瓣评分 0/10 from 0 users
) N3 \) O; ]5 ]% A/ Q⊙豆瓣链接
( {4 y# o1 Z. s3 y: i& \; G4 U0 f: E⊙片  长 106 分钟
. W6 M; v! l, d% q* B" M⊙导  演 杰克 史荷特 (Jack Sholder)7 I' e  s& |& g% G- N0 O- p" x& P/ r
⊙编  剧 David Rich
% L3 {' r; v9 s⊙主  演 基弗·萨瑟兰 Kiefer Sutherland1 w8 @$ p* ^# L" G; E" ^5 M! p
      卢·戴蒙德·菲利普斯 Lou Diamond Phillips
* ^9 ?3 q4 K0 z⊙标  签 美国 | 电影 | 动作 | 暴力 | 警匪 | 西片 | 高晓松 | 顾顺章
2 i0 ]1 n% H" d; ?5 X5 a⊙简  介
6 @5 b3 l8 V) _4 H* X, c& U$ v& E/ C2 w/ K# r
  二个叛逆小子要合作调查费城最大的犯罪组织,并且把珍贵的美国原住民苏族的古物,重新物归原主。- n; ~- a/ b/ g( A; p3 r% p
1 S6 {& o' x9 q: i# N. C
  Buster McHenry works as an undercover agent for the local police. Currently he investigates on police corruption and is in big trouble. His task makes him break the law he participates in a robbery. Things really screw up as not only two men are shot but also an ancient indian spear is stolen and Buster is wounded. Hank Storm a young indian is now after the spear and Buster is after his criminal 'comrades'. Both of them are outsiders in their way but now they have the same target.
0 _7 g: R) D% ^, N9 O6 K
    & O6 E+ h8 l1 S2 u$ H+ V& J9 p
  2. .............. Renegades  (1989)
    * A5 w( l$ ]+ v
  3. , p6 P6 C" W1 @: O# c2 @/ q( B* E$ D
  4. ......... pre: 12.04.2018
    9 N( ~- x4 f  Q" o( M: {
  5. ........ size: 6706 Mb (71x100mb)4 X- N2 S6 w5 Y1 B- b) q  J
  6. ..... runtime: 105min) e6 C7 T0 C: p; U8 s

  7. # t9 c7 k7 I0 U2 H. S4 L
  8. ........ imdb:$ [6 [( i2 x$ q+ ?* M0 ~
  9. ...... rating: 5,3/10 from 2.669 users" A  e$ m- d0 \5 v2 r' B
  10. ....... genre: Action, Crime, Drama
    0 [. H# E- }3 n- m- f5 R$ F  z
  11. ' x% J% `& W8 Y/ V
  12. ....... Video: X264 2 Pass @ 8640 kbps& Z) o. k, \& q+ Y" a3 _
  13. ........ reso: 1920 x 1040 @ 1,85:16 Q5 y' S" s! S( U
  14. ......... fps: 23,976
    # u5 B. V+ G9 ]/ N
  15. 3 B  U, u4 j' t( K: c
  16. ....... audio: english 2ch dts @ 255kbps
    4 \/ d7 P( Q+ O4 Z9 m& Q" e
  17.   Q- `6 S! @4 w/ E; R
  18. .....greetins: OLDHAM
9 T1 _/ P2 c7 W# c4 n+ t1 W: d+ Z0 p: q$ M$ n$ q7 f/ }
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% f3 x; M( D! }4 i



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