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[2160P极清] 窈窕淑女 [4K SDR高码版] My Fair Lady 1964 2160p BluRaycd x265 10bit & 8bit SDR DTS-HD MA TrueHD 7.1-SWTYBLZ 69.65GB & 75.62GB








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mvods 发表于 2021-5-28 02:35:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

3 d2 y! {( n9 r- O$ s9 \5 H  J- t) q* v3 ^1 F: {% Z
◎片  名 My Fair Lady
: K# \! Q* Q, u2 j2 ]# P, d7 b◎译  名 窈窕淑女. M8 l9 c( h+ j' M% z% ^
◎年  代 1964: r8 U9 u5 B& u  M/ t" [
◎产  地 美国
+ C* R+ `. V. T2 ?◎类  别 剧情/爱情/歌舞
: n9 q. |) a% Z  b◎语  言 英语5 y/ c+ N: v; U3 f; r" i1 z' t7 r
◎上映日期 1964-12-25(美国)
/ R" @/ d& T2 ^/ c! t0 [" U+ i◎IMDb评分  7.8/10 from 88,386 users
$ `8 X- G: f3 W( w◎IMDb链接
8 A. A0 n( Y5 y0 e: ~' U  R◎豆瓣评分 8.2/10 from 83,230 users& \+ R2 E6 |& e" O$ z: L" H
◎豆瓣链接 X4 j* F7 N, U. d. T
◎片  长 2 h 53 min
) n' s4 i( B! [4 P◎导  演 乔治·库克 George Cukor! N0 J# m' r- B% b4 Q  q+ B& w, _
◎编  剧 艾伦·杰伊·勒纳 Alan Jay Lerner9 t; H# ~! ^, o9 H+ E* R# h6 v
       萧伯纳 George Bernard Shaw0 D$ V# b/ F9 J: E9 Q3 o
◎主  演 奥黛丽·赫本 Audrey Hepburn
7 y. y7 T1 k, i( j       雷克斯·哈里森 Rex Harrison
" Z7 Z6 y, K  t3 x2 w       斯坦利·霍洛威 Stanley Holloway
8 q7 |+ ?& y# c+ Q8 C: ~' A       维尔弗雷德·海德-怀特 Wilfrid Hyde-White. |) q8 ^! c/ f4 u4 a+ {
       格拉黛丝·库珀 Gladys Cooper  b  G; A: @" M  V& Z4 l9 P
       杰瑞米·布雷特 Jeremy Brett) U7 g( ]* k4 p
       西奥多·比凯尔 Theodore Bikel
6 B7 R/ }0 b7 V7 I/ F       莫娜·沃什伯恩 Mona Washbourne
: T7 {9 t5 c; @) j/ Q+ u* v       伊索贝尔·埃尔索姆 Isobel Elsom
6 o# ~/ m* _6 w       约翰·霍兰 John Holland0 a% C; A( h  {& r% ~
       约翰·安德逊 John Alderson* H5 P. C: K) p' g% _" b4 G
       沃尔特·培根 Walter Bacon( K) {4 f. J/ w& p$ E7 Y2 p4 f, h$ i
       弗兰克·贝克 Frank Baker6 @) Q% _) H6 H! @: |
       威廉姆·巴克利 William Beckley
) A$ l4 I/ G5 c( V       玛乔丽·本尼特 Marjorie Bennett
8 V4 Y: _' A, @3 z0 k) G& f0 K( x       Oscar Beregi Jr.
7 W7 x2 p/ d% F7 D6 b( c       贝蒂·布莱丝 Betty Blythe
8 |+ E- Y# L/ Y7 G, `' V/ r& D  b- _: j       Diana Bourbon
7 f+ C# @: q: k  R/ e( P: x       Tex Brodus
$ ?& m' Z. u8 M       沃尔特·伯克 Walter Burke
9 ?% p* L) r* a       Colin Campbell6 [! Y8 t) ?( R( f! _+ t" v. q
       珍妮·卡森 Jeannie Carson
7 V0 Z7 R# x. q' R2 S       汤姆·空德 Tom Cound( y9 i( [+ X) n
       Jennifer Crier) c2 a  L! W8 s1 x# X; M7 I# v. n
       莫里斯·达利莫尔 Maurice Dallimore" D+ f( ~- Q: }" A/ t8 z
       亨利·丹尼尔 Henry Daniell% q$ w' P! W9 |2 c
       罗伊迪安 Roy Dean1 g* I; O7 i9 K) V0 X
       Pauline Drake3 Y( h8 R( _+ }& J
       Harvey B. Dunn4 q! F# t, Y! U, R4 u
       Joe Evans
2 n3 F1 Z8 y, a% I$ P8 Q       Ray Foster
3 G! V; G3 F. w+ Q5 z. k0 s& x7 q       Charles E. Fredericks+ X/ U% R4 n$ ?* K" d1 I5 K/ Z
       Ayllene Gibbons7 c7 S  A( y# R* }/ N0 b$ |; R
       Stuart Hall8 }, a$ R, e: ^1 |
       Clive Halliday6 Y" i2 V! W+ T8 D
       山姆·哈里斯 Sam Harris
+ q, J8 _( w2 z$ C, s; E( `/ j       Marjory Hawtrey
; W+ [  _7 g( \* [. z/ S       George Holmes
5 K  _4 a  h: D. `) ^1 Q       James W. Horan$ f5 [4 U- N4 Q. ]; }3 S  P; Q' H# ]/ u
       Kendrick Huxham
: V/ |  p5 {3 @9 K) T# q/ B, J       莉莲·肯布尔-库珀 Lillian Kemble-Cooper
" C( M" n* ?3 z% G8 g4 R+ {7 D       菲莉斯·肯尼迪 Phyllis Kennedy  p3 [8 k9 s( x8 F  z! }
       Colin Kenny
0 d) O2 z- Q3 @& b       Peter Ladefoged7 b2 `! _5 M3 Q$ w$ q# V% j
       阿尔玛·劳顿 Alma Lawton$ L& p6 t2 L5 }$ z- r' G3 ~
       奎妮·伦纳德 Queenie Leonard* X9 X+ h3 @5 T; x4 q
       Moyna MacGill+ s3 e5 }8 @# ~2 k9 D- E9 S/ u' V
       罗利·梅恩 Laurie Main
! L+ l/ f: Z; M7 l1 X( x       Sidney Marion2 I! V3 O% t. _6 y! \
       Philo McCullough5 x2 s5 p  k) I4 R' W# I. a
       Owen McGiveney  U0 U  Y( h* c
       约翰·麦克利亚姆 John McLiam
. [, [6 z8 @4 u/ [$ y       约翰·米彻姆 John Mitchum  U* A  t: z! r8 m' w
       Mike Morelli/ A# x5 x+ F* b; W
       Barbara Morrison- p+ N) y# Q8 D$ e* ^
       Marlene Morrow
2 y. t2 t# s7 W( a& G0 h& J$ m       阿兰·纳皮尔 Alan Napier( H8 H7 Z$ Z9 A) s; o! a  E- c" K2 O
       马妮·尼克松 Marni Nixon* F: a6 ~, Z1 ~% u# t+ U
       James O'Hara6 k2 V2 ^) }8 E: c' b5 K. P
       John Holland* ]; J1 i- [, J4 I8 a/ ?. T

6 g* ?; U- t; p+ h+ w) ^* F◎标  签 奥黛丽·赫本 | 经典 | 美国 | 爱情 | 歌舞 | 窈窕淑女 | AudreyHepburn | 喜剧" G* Q; V+ b  |: _' u
2 r' L4 x  B+ {. u# j+ i
◎简  介   
2 p' N: H2 p. j! N" @! x9 L1 Y- c1 Y* a- i% V
  卖花女伊莉莎.杜利特尔,长得眉清目秀,聪明乖巧,但出身寒微,家境贫寒。她每天到街头叫卖鲜花,赚点钱补贴家用。一天,伊莉莎低俗的嗓音引起了语言学家希金斯教授的注意,教授夸口只要经过他的训练,卖花女也可以成为贵夫人。伊莉莎觉得教授说的话对她是一个机会,就主动上门请求教授训练她。教授的朋友皮克林和他打赌,如果让伊莉莎以贵夫人的身份出席6个月后将举办的大使游园会而不被人识破真相,那么皮克林愿意承担一切试验费用和伊莉莎的学费,这激起了教授的斗志,希金斯欣然接受了挑战。他是不甘示弱的,他从最基本的字母发音开始教起。希金斯是个精力旺盛和讲究科学的学者,对每一感兴趣件事都能废寝忘食。他胸怀坦荡、丝毫不怀任何恶意,但他又像孩子一样,毫不顾及他人的感情,对伊莉莎严加训练。7 p) D0 [- A* c6 |5 j
# _3 F! ^9 u5 g/ y& ]+ i$ `
  Snobbish phonetics Professor Henry Higgins agrees to a wager that he can make flower girl Eliza Doolittle presentable in high society.
, |& I2 W  r# s  P( `
- W  d9 P0 R9 ~; {* z/ ?9 K. P◎获奖情况     
2 H$ Z  W/ d% K. t
) e1 I+ ]6 X2 z" G0 P  第37届奥斯卡金像奖 (1965)
, T& [$ c- h; N1 t# L  最佳影片 杰克·L·华纳( g7 Q  ?/ K# \' l
  最佳导演 乔治·库克
5 d" Z8 a/ W) T2 e) E' s6 K1 v  最佳男主角 雷克斯·哈里森- \& \. L# R; a* E6 @* D
  最佳男配角(提名) 斯坦利·霍洛威* u9 n: r0 Q. I& Q4 W6 ]
  最佳女配角(提名) 格拉黛丝·库珀
$ [0 U/ x. X2 k( K; o$ b  最佳改编剧本(提名) 艾伦·杰伊·勒纳
. i0 Y, s0 C( w6 X( G# u5 a  彩色片最佳摄影 老哈里·斯特拉德林
3 g0 H+ g& ^% Z: r  最佳剪辑(提名) 威廉·H·齐格勒
& t4 V) s6 Q) g% p) s) w2 q% s3 m9 w  最佳音响 乔治·格罗夫斯4 S5 R& {- [  V: D
  彩色片最佳艺术指导和布景 吉恩·艾伦/乔治·詹姆斯·霍普金斯/塞西尔·比顿
' r! u! s/ F  c  i  彩色片最佳服装设计 塞西尔·比顿: J# o, u9 }$ k) J8 C( [* T1 F$ `
  最佳改编配乐 安德列·普列文
! i9 R) R( _, q) m( J) m
  j+ o" \4 b( I# z3 m0 e: U' z
+ t, y* b; N& z2 a  ~7 T/ b5 L+ [" f; D. y- S. d# L
My.Fair.Lady.1964.2160p.BluRayCD.x265.10bit.SDR.DTS-HD.MA.TrueHD.7.1-SWTYBLZ' o- ~  b3 c4 b# ]6 E$ S" C) q
Converted from 10 bit HDR to 10 bit SDR using tripple mixed Hable-Reinhard-JJ per scene+frame analysis algorithm
% `, W; ~! G0 c- FScreenshots are 8bit SDR% w) N7 Y) k( F: e+ y

( [% J1 Q$ w' [* t+ n8 Y' XVideo$ ]- `8 ]( d1 |8 P4 A9 @0 `
ID : 1$ y0 v. y% x9 j, d
Format : HEVC
' x7 D0 ~" b0 W; B/ o, U& W% OFormat/Info : High Efficiency Video Coding' P6 d  y' M" N, h. k
Format profile : Main 10@L5.1@High
; t: R6 e0 p  r" Z# jCodec ID : V_MPEGH/ISO/HEVC' E/ A7 H  z+ G! T, ~: H/ ^
Duration : 2 h 53 min
0 R$ y4 f5 y% a, {3 _! dBit rate : 42.1 Mb/s
5 S" s- C/ k6 z5 M- cWidth : 3 840 pixels
, M4 @( ?! M/ q7 [3 Q0 @2 Z/ pHeight : 1 746 pixels
. o2 ^0 W! v! R& yDisplay aspect ratio : 2.2:1
, D; x+ |% P) ~: T% u8 l$ MFrame rate mode : Constant
9 Q+ V1 f% P& F5 wFrame rate : 23.976 (24000/1001/189150) FPS9 ^: N3 k0 `3 |: v
Color space : YUV
/ z( m, @6 Z, Y0 h4 c1 |: pChroma subsampling : 4:2:07 S: ]& p1 h6 w7 _
Bit depth : 10 bits3 w: g# x0 O) X: c% w4 S% s4 X
Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.262
' z! ]: A7 f. U7 S3 BStream size : 50.9 GiB (73%)
' ]$ y! @4 U( ?6 L% M- ]3 MTitle : My.Fair.Lady.1964.2160p.BluRaycd.x265.10bit.SDR.DTS-HD.MA.TrueHD.7.1-SWTYBLZ; X& b: G  _$ E$ N- q& Y4 T+ r% d
Writing library : x265 3.0ed72af837053:[Windows][GCC 8.2.0][64 bit] 10bit
  H; Z$ Y7 U# d/ W, l6 ^6 GEncoding settings : cpuid=1111039 / frame-threads=6 / numa-pools=40 / wpp / no-pmode / no-pme / no-psnr / no-ssim / log-level=2 / input-csp=1 / input-res=3840x1746 / interlace=0 / total-frames=249058 / level-idc=51 / high-tier=1 / uhd-bd=0 / ref=3 / no-allow-non-conformance / repeat-headers / annexb / aud / hrd / info / hash=0 / no-temporal-layers / no-open-gop / min-keyint=1 / keyint=24 / gop-lookahead=0 / bframes=4 / b-adapt=2 / b-pyramid / bframe-bias=0 / rc-lookahead=25 / lookahead-slices=4 / scenecut=40 / radl=0 / no-splice / no-intra-refresh / ctu=64 / min-cu-size=8 / no-rect / no-amp / max-tu-size=32 / tu-inter-depth=1 / tu-intra-depth=1 / limit-tu=0 / rdoq-level=0 / dynamic-rd=0.00 / no-ssim-rd / signhide / no-tskip / nr-intra=0 / nr-inter=0 / no-constrained-intra / strong-intra-smoothing / max-merge=2 / limit-refs=3 / no-limit-modes / me=1 / subme=2 / merange=57 / temporal-mvp / weightp / no-weightb / no-analyze-src-pics / deblock=0:0 / no-sao / no-sao-non-deblock / rd=3 / no-early-skip / rskip / no-fast-intra / no-tskip-fast / no-cu-lossless / no-b-intra / no-splitrd-skip / rdpenalty=0 / psy-rd=2.00 / psy-rdoq=0.00 / no-rd-refine / no-lossless / cbqpoffs=0 / crqpoffs=0 / rc=crf / crf=16.0 / qcomp=0.60 / qpstep=4 / stats-write=0 / stats-read=0 / vbv-maxrate=160000 / vbv-bufsize=160000 / vbv-init=0.9 / crf-max=0.0 / crf-min=0.0 / ipratio=1.40 / pbratio=1.30 / aq-mode=1 / aq-strength=1.00 / cutree / zone-count=0 / no-strict-cbr / qg-size=32 / no-rc-grain / qpmax=69 / qpmin=0 / no-const-vbv / sar=1 / overscan=0 / videoformat=5 / range=0 / colorprim=2 / transfer=2 / colormatrix=2 / chromaloc=0 / display-window=0 / max-cll=0,0 / min-luma=0 / max-luma=1023 / log2-max-poc-lsb=8 / vui-timing-info / vui-hrd-info / slices=1 / opt-qp-pps / opt-ref-list-length-pps / no-multi-pass-opt-rps / scenecut-bias=0.05 / no-opt-cu-delta-qp / no-aq-motion / no-hdr / no-hdr-opt / no-dhdr10-opt / no-idr-recovery-sei / analysis-reuse-level=5 / scale-factor=0 / refine-intra=0 / refine-inter=0 / refine-mv=0 / refine-ctu-distortion=0 / no-limit-sao / ctu-info=0 / no-lowpass-dct / refine-analysis-type=0 / copy-pic=1 / max-ausize-factor=1.0 / no-dynamic-refine / no-single-sei / no-hevc-aq / qp-adaptation-range=1.00+ L/ W* ~7 t& M* K- ?
Default : Yes% s: g! R+ y7 W! u
Forced : No8 e& d. R  C' ]* ?+ p" }

- \' P% I  M5 V- X& @8 k. XAudio #1
: j' G# W# [  V& |1 FID : 26 A8 @5 u) ^( w8 E
ID in the original source medium : 4352 (0x1100)
7 [' m. h0 \# H/ h/ {5 `Format : MLP FBA
4 j; y+ B2 n9 L0 A; OFormat/Info : Meridian Lossless Packing FBA
% }0 E* ]' ~" l( S! yCommercial name : Dolby TrueHD* g) L- ?$ ^+ a
Codec ID : A_TRUEHD% X! ]  _8 {2 c2 e8 Y9 [
Duration : 2 h 53 min, w4 D: }$ u/ G' E) h7 t' N3 b
Bit rate mode : Variable
+ N3 D+ f/ g! P+ j/ [6 bBit rate : 6 349 kb/s
( f: I& r$ g, c: nMaximum bit rate : 9 516 kb/s
9 a  q( X( ]8 b( d  P% tChannel(s) : 8 channels
# _: n0 _6 }) |8 x- C4 J; Z( OChannel layout : L R C LFE Ls Rs Lb Rb
: C* @4 z* ~! v3 \3 QSampling rate : 96.0 kHz
$ D7 O* Y& E  |! D' U) PFrame rate : 1 200.000 FPS (80 SPF); o. A2 c% d' F/ m, l! {7 y3 ~
Bit depth : 24 bits
+ U  X6 e( D3 r5 R* bCompression mode : Lossless. X; T# @. F1 l  u
Stream size : 7.67 GiB (11%)
- _2 t, B" k/ W8 g/ a4 ZTitle : My.Fair.Lady.1964.2160p.BluRaycd.x265.10bit.SDR.DTS-HD.MA.TrueHD.7.1-SWTYBLZ) v! g1 \# }8 {
Language : English% C- b( ]3 _. \$ ~5 G
Default : Yes- A( v% [- O) M  C5 }) |/ M; A
Forced : No& e/ c0 {: o2 I  k1 B
Original source medium : Blu-ray* }8 {+ q# \0 v% M, O& y' F* _
% r. o& E( @, Q) z6 F
Audio #2, R& ?  P. N! |0 o, x) N
ID : 3) S& G0 R$ e' P
Format : DTS XLL# Q# w3 k) u$ m, T) l$ O
Format/Info : Digital Theater Systems; o' \) Y5 N/ r
Commercial name : DTS-HD Master Audio  s8 n' r5 V  g
Codec ID : A_DTS
! {4 x/ a$ e! V" X$ V7 pDuration : 2 h 53 min, e/ x9 K$ q: c. j+ ?
Bit rate mode : Variable6 S7 K9 [" L6 o
Bit rate : 8 036 kb/s" G  X9 m9 E/ j# l: K/ o
Channel(s) : 8 channels1 X7 P5 _; v8 L+ @: g
Channel layout : C L R LFE Lb Rb Lss Rss/ I! _1 z  d+ R; G, g; C0 s
Sampling rate : 96.0 kHz6 }! g+ D( p! u8 d3 n' f
Frame rate : 187.500 FPS (512 SPF)
( A( ?" y, J9 l0 E0 l3 |$ n1 UBit depth : 24 bits
2 E5 g7 E8 @% [1 WCompression mode : Lossless
1 K( {6 v6 |- c& e, eStream size : 9.71 GiB (14%)' U; {' E, f' v5 R" G! f
Title : My.Fair.Lady.1964.2160p.BluRaycd.x265.10bit.SDR.DTS-HD.MA.TrueHD.7.1-SWTYBLZ
- I& M" N/ n* l& LLanguage : English# q. q5 U/ b$ h+ b* a
Default : No* u5 v* M1 N* a
Forced : No
( R* ]; K( T$ u5 g/ T8 R
' e& L/ @% N! x$ S% K  NAudio #3
5 n4 U7 X3 O% s( pID : 4! k% n/ w$ z) j3 E- L" ^& X# A
ID in the original source medium : 4352 (0x1100)6 S# G7 c8 u3 \; D$ D- p
Format : AC-3
  t% k, x8 g* g& `. S8 c) L* pFormat/Info : Audio Coding 3
6 k: h, L" |; h; b4 R! ZCommercial name : Dolby Digital) v. L. N3 m$ E
Codec ID : A_AC3& g0 E+ n3 I' `. n
Duration : 2 h 53 min7 Q7 O* v2 ^* K& k  m9 |6 V
Bit rate mode : Constant
, n, Y$ P. ~  A' w$ \& lBit rate : 640 kb/s
' z/ z. q+ Y& T) t( L. }) o% KChannel(s) : 6 channels& q- a/ x- K9 K, [
Channel layout : L R C LFE Ls Rs
/ j" j- b6 I$ F* S0 {Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz
9 U+ O- k/ g( j3 w. UFrame rate : 31.250 FPS (1536 SPF)2 F0 S7 ]. N  V8 R3 x+ }
Compression mode : Lossy, k$ a  W+ K3 T- L7 @" d
Stream size : 792 MiB (1%)
2 X0 l% u( Q2 z% F  ]3 ^$ S( ZTitle : My.Fair.Lady.1964.2160p.BluRaycd.x265.10bit.SDR.DTS-HD.MA.TrueHD.7.1-SWTYBLZ* C1 A8 U: ~4 }; Z% h
Language : English
& p  I+ H" d: B, b1 u) h5 z" \Service kind : Complete Main8 M; D: L4 K* U/ r
Default : No
& w$ G( Z, m9 M, L( {$ K9 UForced : No
$ x8 s1 P( x6 XOriginal source medium : Blu-ray
% G( n/ H3 U0 U2 O4 {" x
: ]1 m5 y. M2 M# x1 F' bText #1
. L+ o9 R4 Q- \6 g- lID : 5. f  d& b2 G1 A3 P6 w
Format : UTF-81 |! {2 _0 [" s& m' V! P9 F
Codec ID : S_TEXT/UTF8
9 K, Y2 |3 j" d$ Z* _Codec ID/Info : UTF-8 Plain Text
4 F& `/ L* V; o; S/ ]Duration : 2 h 47 min6 ?' G+ Z. ]! z
Bit rate : 77 b/s7 @3 }- x) {( `
Count of elements : 2550! P! \0 E+ Z& {! Z
Stream size : 94.9 KiB (0%)
) t, J3 p- j( S& g. OTitle : English-SRT
; U) x6 Q% D' V! e0 h1 }2 {Language : English
% E4 I* k- h7 B0 K  e: FDefault : Yes
& \& P3 Q5 @* d7 K' ^7 o) P& IForced : No
) q6 [" P- C) L* F  J) J* H
9 ^0 H- o: g$ J+ b3 h& kText #2- O4 O. c* E5 A
ID : 6
. t) q. y3 D$ l) H, _ID in the original source medium : 4768 (0x12A0)
* H8 L. W" P. a4 d# HFormat : PGS/ I( Q# }; {: O3 T
Muxing mode : zlib- `' J* f; P4 Z/ I2 b
Codec ID : S_HDMV/PGS6 h7 N7 Y  y% J' Q' H) F9 \
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
& h0 U. m. F* [  \( A( NDuration : 2 h 47 min6 f2 Q4 Q2 c! g8 Z
Bit rate : 54.0 kb/s
$ F) Q+ E; q/ f0 o5 D5 ~Count of elements : 51421 ]# ]/ A" B/ O, w# o
Stream size : 64.8 MiB (0%)) }+ N/ l) y. z9 j
Title : English-PGS  B: [6 S( x- |. M
Language : English
& m9 ~1 ^1 x3 \8 X0 Y' w0 e$ YDefault : No$ F6 D9 R* u2 Y- T3 P4 I
Forced : No
" h+ ]# O1 l6 V: j( U' I5 ?Original source medium : Blu-ray7 h' l/ H/ w1 q$ W& e
- Q/ x+ S. d7 D0 K
Text #3
+ F! k- @. O+ Q( G0 i5 AID : 7
% F" x: `/ c: V- w3 t+ V$ S6 jID in the original source medium : 4769 (0x12A1)
: T6 O% V; k+ l$ g0 x& d0 OFormat : PGS
% u% {3 M& B1 _0 Q2 e' EMuxing mode : zlib+ H( H6 ?( ~8 Z2 a! _
Codec ID : S_HDMV/PGS2 W2 u3 F7 N3 Y+ W
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
& k1 t; t( Z% w; h, H" n8 QDuration : 2 h 47 min, [) w" S1 q* E, B
Bit rate : 57.3 kb/s
8 ^8 o% H0 V& p9 P6 d' _4 u1 wCount of elements : 5398
5 A, {, I$ `. I$ MStream size : 68.8 MiB (0%)
8 f9 w% V% ?) h% U$ d) oTitle : English-SDH-PGS
* Z8 h8 j% G* ILanguage : English3 [$ U2 N! K4 Z) w! |
Default : No' _+ E% N# x+ J3 k
Forced : No
4 m% \) [# {2 ]9 o* u9 `. ~Original source medium : Blu-ray
/ W3 {  n6 O1 M9 F7 d( x1 o( q% w. Z3 x1 E# [6 h( ^
Text #4
& G; Y0 i4 E$ r8 YID : 8
8 \; g1 R1 u6 f; j' m/ nID in the original source medium : 4770 (0x12A2)
+ F7 \: B; K# r' q& xFormat : PGS
' U4 i* q. I* uMuxing mode : zlib- M: n$ f8 q0 i2 @& c$ Y: k
, f6 n2 r! F9 y8 ^Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs( H% u- }2 C) f- {: \
Duration : 2 h 49 min
0 k. g/ \9 E! z  k  P. ^1 K  D  |Bit rate : 47.0 kb/s
3 ~1 R4 E- q7 e. G& w5 h; ~Count of elements : 5102
: \& R, w* m( t# @$ h% h- I2 [7 DStream size : 57.0 MiB (0%)
1 e" T, J2 F" f! j0 gTitle : Danish-PGS
4 Y" u0 C; h- NLanguage : Danish$ N; T4 h% q( i( s; E
Default : No$ C* P1 _) F0 r+ L: ]1 I0 D1 y
Forced : No
2 d- {! L+ v9 d! Q4 ROriginal source medium : Blu-ray! W4 q$ j& L6 k# _- e& Q7 |, j

2 N- G6 W% K5 a: W+ uText #5
) K% i5 w4 s( D& PID : 9& W, S7 e7 j* B& t; ^6 a  P
ID in the original source medium : 4771 (0x12A3); @$ V# E3 `1 K, P
Format : PGS% }4 d' e0 w1 w  i
Muxing mode : zlib
0 `3 ^' x, R; I/ BCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS
2 `, n1 B  O) X$ F' ICodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs1 h3 j, E, ]) B2 M. {+ S
Duration : 2 h 48 min+ }5 X2 R! Y! B- W; E8 t
Bit rate : 50.3 kb/s; h7 g  R/ P' O# D! b7 s1 n2 ^
Count of elements : 46742 D, b8 k' A* j
Stream size : 60.5 MiB (0%)
/ [/ c1 _2 Z5 G9 }5 Z6 D9 H) D9 VTitle : German-PGS1 {' g- ^4 x; N+ k
Language : German+ W( U+ d, Y2 g/ `1 t
Default : No
$ }& T. }% p: v: r9 L% s/ i# YForced : No( ~9 J; T3 o4 ^1 ?( X4 Y" o
Original source medium : Blu-ray4 {) E1 @) g" L0 u& K
  v4 Y1 ~# `" P- E7 w9 d6 B2 ?
Text #6
5 S" i) g0 S8 ^+ J& rID : 107 H" J: I' L2 ~% j1 t  W5 n3 G* S2 `
ID in the original source medium : 4772 (0x12A4)
" B' f0 z0 ^6 e! u3 w: I' |Format : PGS
$ h" Y' _/ o# T( Z- {7 nMuxing mode : zlib
9 i4 V5 A( m% H. H: P' C8 ACodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS
" M: M% c) g9 [- Z0 PCodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs+ u% P+ Q) }% l) V
Duration : 2 h 48 min
) V' J. ~& C# t: oBit rate : 45.8 kb/s
) C, _: \* p* B  Y- j: CCount of elements : 4652' a  |, o/ M- T* m/ c
Stream size : 55.1 MiB (0%)
8 G8 g. n/ t; Q- F6 qTitle : Spanish-PGS
6 v: }8 r) B+ l+ }. KLanguage : Spanish) I: r% ~) e( j. x
Default : No
" D0 `5 p- O2 \; MForced : No+ W$ r' m$ m2 m" T) e# d/ t
Original source medium : Blu-ray, o% G. k7 R6 T+ B) Y; l, _; d8 D8 `
1 }1 k7 q( `3 F/ L. }. A
Text #7: G5 q3 V, a8 i1 C6 d
ID : 112 t1 m2 _& p9 [& P& C
ID in the original source medium : 4773 (0x12A5)
4 h; C& A' R# b2 |Format : PGS! c$ w9 L. p- K! E. {! x
Muxing mode : zlib, L- C/ e2 u8 c# I0 e) i
Codec ID : S_HDMV/PGS8 S6 n& U1 n" `: _( b  R; t
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
  _4 o1 z2 {7 nDuration : 2 h 48 min$ O2 q+ [/ i  V" N6 I# Q5 P
Bit rate : 40.5 kb/s7 t* l+ {3 [3 [5 e8 a5 s) |5 S2 O
Count of elements : 4358
1 S7 B  f7 N# _Stream size : 48.7 MiB (0%)
# a/ ~& c- t1 ?6 k7 wTitle : French-PGS
6 F- t3 ^: J1 d4 XLanguage : French" q" T, @1 h  K4 A) q* m6 ?+ B5 v. i
Default : No
: K" i$ j6 ]# A1 @# {! y8 ]Forced : No4 ~& e% {1 P% d& p9 d
Original source medium : Blu-ray# b/ |' {* i% w4 h+ v

# F( z0 W! P5 x4 j! f; J6 tText #8! p# G7 P1 c4 S3 S; C
ID : 127 G2 F$ W/ y$ }% Z$ E
ID in the original source medium : 4774 (0x12A6)* G. v' o) I- y8 {: M4 k' J
Format : PGS0 N+ I2 {$ H- N3 k; c. Q
Muxing mode : zlib
' |# M* P8 r5 T0 w& ACodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS
: P) z+ ]7 x* e/ |* m6 MCodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs3 B) {# ?3 I+ x
Duration : 2 h 48 min7 o8 L) J( R7 {
Bit rate : 41.4 kb/s3 Y4 d! m9 u& ?  u/ f, J, b
Count of elements : 4426% U! Q& C: O; b* h( p; G
Stream size : 49.8 MiB (0%)& J6 c" {1 u' D) ^) [
Title : Italian-PGS0 U" R. V" ?, w* _7 A9 V2 g
Language : Italian
' l& {) e* T6 u7 ZDefault : No
" j2 y. F/ j# S: B- bForced : No) v4 b5 x# F$ X$ Q$ ?, {/ z- `
Original source medium : Blu-ray2 D/ k; g2 ]" ?( F/ h$ H

, a: H+ F( E' u. K8 LText #9
, l. z* }. _. PID : 13
. w2 U4 s2 C5 X6 I% U0 n. h# m. gID in the original source medium : 4775 (0x12A7)6 n5 g' D1 k6 l
Format : PGS; c9 L. v$ k' C8 K3 K+ M
Muxing mode : zlib
8 B1 F0 A; b1 Y/ Y9 fCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS$ }& a4 k' E7 C& S8 W+ g
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
' {2 i9 s9 `1 z$ ]0 J' rDuration : 2 h 50 min1 f# ~5 m6 A6 E! i- ]; t
Bit rate : 30.3 kb/s
2 n/ E+ b1 j8 j$ s! RCount of elements : 4070
; j5 e/ o6 c: w. UStream size : 37.0 MiB (0%)  L: N! F  s: i( K& W
Title : Japanese-PGS/ D- L8 z  q/ f
Language : Japanese
5 P3 C9 N' H  x7 j/ qDefault : No. F0 t& G3 D$ h2 s4 F& X6 q
Forced : No* {3 q# @, w- U8 i5 r: `
Original source medium : Blu-ray
% u5 R( `* T% ], b1 w; h% q7 B. l: o# H- A7 a" p! g
Text #10
7 A5 d9 {. {6 [% jID : 14
2 d* W' T! W' d; V+ ?ID in the original source medium : 4776 (0x12A8)9 P/ ?; y- ~, ~2 u. y; T
Format : PGS/ h" U) a. i4 c5 ~
Muxing mode : zlib
7 Z$ ~4 R8 S# x/ M  eCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS6 h8 ~0 _! v$ e" @
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
, P! B7 T3 X2 z2 f: A: G  C3 TDuration : 2 h 51 min% p2 K8 F  D' B; n6 ^( m
Bit rate : 30.1 kb/s1 e9 I% `# h# e1 g  Q" Z' W" P
Count of elements : 4908$ t. E4 x. M# p4 e  u7 }
Stream size : 37.0 MiB (0%)/ [) B6 \7 f7 @! T( G2 P+ Z
Title : Korean-PGS4 J/ R5 O* F2 ?2 L8 Z8 ]" q9 J
Language : Korean
: n% X0 y6 u& p/ C5 e- `: jDefault : No9 [  C/ R5 W7 \' t
Forced : No
3 M1 Z  V. R7 e5 y/ J: @Original source medium : Blu-ray
* M$ A( y' s& g; ?( q. |6 ^3 O% `6 |6 U# I# A- M
Text #11
5 K* `. m- G( }; JID : 15
. h+ u7 h+ X" p, ?# Q. w# v: \5 m" dID in the original source medium : 4777 (0x12A9)
% ?- M# r: D' J) iFormat : PGS
- ~" P% |! ?' _' p3 h- CMuxing mode : zlib: c4 n/ w4 L; C+ t5 A
6 ]0 q6 t0 o7 {2 B: S, p  pCodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs5 {3 P" f4 f3 b
Duration : 2 h 48 min9 P) e0 E8 j4 e) X( Z
Bit rate : 48.4 kb/s0 U8 L2 b4 [& W7 K" q/ g. h9 J" b
Count of elements : 4816# B( A% G7 ?0 @1 B  w  y8 h( C
Stream size : 58.3 MiB (0%)
8 J5 Z7 h# y7 @/ Q$ G5 x4 p) DTitle : Dutch-PGS' g# o, e( o* |2 c2 m) \) k0 h
Language : Dutch" x/ D6 L9 k( |" T, V
Default : No
' a# d4 N! Q) a: {Forced : No
0 V* ~" f; q" I$ n8 f7 T& V" ROriginal source medium : Blu-ray
) Q% q1 ~, I& Z6 ^" K
* k, w, M$ z. g  S1 n# g- d- i! JText #12
, e+ B) ?' C& Q9 _" dID : 16. i! \3 t+ _0 h3 e) e7 w
ID in the original source medium : 4778 (0x12AA)
) }0 ?% k$ n5 s+ R& q" e, N7 MFormat : PGS; B2 V1 }3 C) ]- J# z# n
Muxing mode : zlib
0 V7 A1 h% a2 ^3 r# ]4 BCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS
  ~- I+ N: u; |6 nCodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs3 A( p( w1 _) q
Duration : 2 h 48 min; H  F: R/ b# H' q+ s# t
Bit rate : 45.8 kb/s
, D  S% s! k( qCount of elements : 4658
- i, F2 a6 W- [$ ]( z1 i3 ?& k( MStream size : 55.1 MiB (0%)7 [7 t# ?+ h' q2 @  l% C, t- t
Title : Norwegian-PGS
) f' C$ l1 |: T. Z3 hLanguage : Norwegian
7 l* n' Y: p, j2 _9 a6 @Default : No
9 a  Q/ E3 U: r8 L4 y& H. S/ cForced : No! l, z5 Z5 g" \3 o8 A; z# o, [# {
Original source medium : Blu-ray6 q" M+ j2 u( ^0 d+ `
7 Y4 [" F, h7 d( a+ o* V1 y
Text #13
& }9 B6 |$ A% ?! ~. H" u+ x6 n$ IID : 17
" y# s% |& R+ q0 {( }ID in the original source medium : 4779 (0x12AB)
6 E3 K8 Q/ ~4 D$ mFormat : PGS2 p3 B4 ~* d, x# o( ]
Muxing mode : zlib
" H7 A& `. F! E1 Z  D1 CCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS. p, T3 V) ?4 n: A$ d
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs" I+ }* V) i8 e4 _: w8 z: n
Duration : 2 h 47 min
/ w; R% r" K  }- Z! @! tBit rate : 37.7 kb/s+ c6 t, g5 ^' q. A
Count of elements : 3734
$ G8 W% N+ q3 J" DStream size : 45.3 MiB (0%)
  f0 a6 a3 c- V8 ]0 rTitle : Finnish-PGS5 I8 J  t9 D) g$ }# l5 {
Language : Finnish
0 |4 D! m8 K& sDefault : No
( B& E' F: L3 r$ Y+ OForced : No: F  c( e( r" f# L
Original source medium : Blu-ray- q! Q1 ^0 w5 N, i
% I2 u6 n6 C( y- K' Z
Text #14
2 `5 O% ~1 ^# E" [, ^/ dID : 18
+ P9 K4 l4 N9 J4 H+ ]$ pID in the original source medium : 4780 (0x12AC). F& v' F& o7 B
Format : PGS
1 ]  [7 v7 x/ {  K! ]6 EMuxing mode : zlib
+ B' l5 f; Y/ N  |" I  c4 m+ v. hCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS. H/ g0 _* E& }' d$ Y, \' H
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs* v6 S4 s9 F7 X9 q
Duration : 2 h 48 min
8 @  B4 U0 C+ {2 q9 b3 J/ ABit rate : 46.5 kb/s5 r0 Y9 a9 a3 K  K
Count of elements : 4870
* r9 n2 Q; ?( ?2 ?, uStream size : 55.9 MiB (0%)8 m) g' G% C/ a! ]
Title : Swedish-PGS3 a: {" G& }9 a
Language : Swedish' H2 F. p$ y3 U2 Q+ T
Default : No' o+ |& Y2 [7 C% O$ s+ I  \
Forced : No
2 W- b+ ^5 Q# M! }, B; w% FOriginal source medium : Blu-ray
& o; w+ J. b  }- v  J1 K* e  u: ?/ x! u/ o% t6 `" K0 H0 \+ o
8 |- m$ H. `! n00:00:00.000 : Chapter 01
; ~5 H% @/ j4 P9 ^6 n9 {00:03:31.169 : Chapter 02% ]9 ?; p8 L* v2 I  Q) I0 z
00:05:47.180 : Chapter 03
5 p! W* |; h& a% I8 f! O' u& e00:09:52.508 : Chapter 04+ J% e9 u5 d: @; k# ?
00:12:51.270 : Chapter 058 C0 @9 C5 J1 B6 P
00:14:29.827 : Chapter 06
. U: s! q* f# d9 Y; n& z$ v00:19:06.979 : Chapter 07
+ R3 `, t4 E- ?+ U$ m00:24:10.657 : Chapter 08$ r& w$ K% s% f6 I7 u# I5 a
00:26:11.069 : Chapter 09; S( q/ @7 v: K- z" Y1 p" n
00:32:38.915 : Chapter 106 n0 L# g1 |0 B. G4 L6 |, j
00:37:31.165 : Chapter 11: E( i" P# N& d% V/ [; e
00:39:46.759 : Chapter 12
& f& A1 ?' S/ y' r2 P- [. y00:44:47.810 : Chapter 13
1 T0 A( J+ G( c# y4 z, H00:50:42.664 : Chapter 14/ h8 L5 R( f  H# _/ @
00:55:14.686 : Chapter 15
3 w# n# J* Z2 ]" P1 _/ V00:59:34.696 : Chapter 16* Z( U) E1 p* z2 O
01:03:56.999 : Chapter 17
" X* }: t% K4 M* {5 {1 b01:06:18.391 : Chapter 18; i% _+ z2 \2 [9 s2 O% u, U! S
01:11:13.143 : Chapter 19! x8 }% q2 r! l* }
01:12:46.945 : Chapter 20
; X9 v# \: y  O01:16:59.573 : Chapter 21/ V  B* ?# @# L; D, b# }/ S
01:21:04.860 : Chapter 22- T- N& ?6 Y. N1 a, G
01:24:35.278 : Chapter 23
3 H7 _) V. t1 u+ K, ?# E( {01:26:16.004 : Chapter 24# Q9 j( W+ S( ]3 e* y
01:30:28.423 : Chapter 25
4 n- c1 z8 k  a01:33:54.211 : Chapter 269 i" x2 L& j" h$ U5 E+ i$ P
01:37:46.277 : Chapter 27, @9 c, D# b6 z2 p
01:40:10.796 : Chapter 28" A9 M& P' R3 f; m
01:41:21.366 : Chapter 292 n( J3 n% p5 R6 Z5 R/ Q  O  X% N
01:41:55.901 : Chapter 30
) C/ n, P5 V2 u' X" }01:43:09.725 : Chapter 315 U! g- [0 l1 ?% e
01:44:50.701 : Chapter 32
/ q3 F4 W* i- }9 b1 S$ H01:46:52.364 : Chapter 33# W8 E! o8 m  m
01:49:00.283 : Chapter 34
/ ]1 l  e: D; j2 Z$ q  O- r01:52:56.686 : Chapter 35: G- H; }: R1 t+ d, }  G8 z
01:59:03.261 : Chapter 36& S$ g7 }% W+ G3 `& X  D
02:06:15.150 : Chapter 37
) y- M4 R# F+ L+ c7 W* R02:07:45.366 : Chapter 38- ^6 [% t7 X# }2 t' Q$ U4 \+ c
02:09:04.820 : Chapter 39' q# C& R2 X! F" s; M6 e
02:12:12.007 : Chapter 40
/ e; a! Y5 Q. b% K1 ~9 B4 f' M02:15:22.030 : Chapter 41
: l  L: V, K& N- Y5 x5 E# A02:19:03.209 : Chapter 42
! S7 H9 j( x7 l02:25:06.823 : Chapter 439 ~1 V5 Y6 q' p- E6 J
02:27:19.038 : Chapter 44( u9 c0 |) j$ q( ?5 d& s# w; j
02:32:11.664 : Chapter 45' n$ m( s, U7 Q. f
02:34:53.993 : Chapter 46" b5 I' K) b2 ?- ?
02:39:04.368 : Chapter 47& i9 u; Y  y1 V% Z9 d2 W
02:43:56.243 : Chapter 48( m# o  z3 _! A! y( k0 J
02:48:34.479 : Chapter 49
( u* w, _- `5 E( Q02:51:45.295 : Chapter 50
SWEATY BALLZ presents, ^+ {) m* Q- M. I4 H6 y4 a) X

2 F5 f' `. z9 @$ x8 tMy.Fair.Lady.1964.2160p.BluRaycd.x264.8bit.SDR.DTS-HD.MA.TrueHD.7.1-SWTYBLZ0 J% j% S" u: V  N
Converted from 10 bit HDR to 8 bit SDR using tripple mixed Hable-Reinhard-JJ per scene+frame analysis algorithm
# T# N3 T8 e$ i0 i% V/ [4 k/ @. J8 R; J: _& {- p
Video- e6 I* F. c. c  D. _
ID : 1
) k+ G# s/ m& [" r$ ZFormat : AVC
. u4 y% s! z" F$ iFormat/Info : Advanced Video Codec- Q: Z$ l/ ^3 Q8 M7 f" L5 W
Format profile : High@L5.1* R9 e  A  O/ _! v: z
Format settings : CABAC / 5 Ref Frames
+ e- @7 `- h0 i# s- l6 W4 WFormat settings, CABAC : Yes
6 a- ^  t5 M$ d. w* w9 [/ HFormat settings, Reference frames : 5 frames
( ^* ?3 P/ M6 y# t. t2 LCodec ID : V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC( s* b( A+ V$ q4 O+ ^, A
Duration : 2 h 53 min* X4 u) C& C3 X+ U+ j
Bit rate : 46.9 Mb/s: A0 R( A! o% B& Y' C" P
Width : 3 840 pixels+ W# G. b# `* F4 x
Height : 1 746 pixels3 |. f& L+ T  B: j. y6 N
Display aspect ratio : 2.2:1, q7 o/ E* c2 V' @% A) e: [
Frame rate mode : Constant( u6 _7 h1 \2 l6 m+ |% A6 f
Frame rate : 23.976 (24000/1001/189150) FPS. D, u3 r) f; f' V( |3 j' ]
Color space : YUV- Q! T# _4 d$ j/ ~" x  ^
Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
' m% G& r" C5 |  ABit depth : 8 bits
3 [) g$ M* V3 z- d( y0 A; t" RScan type : Progressive
5 E2 F& }+ b8 PBits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.292* F6 G* K% T" w  u8 V! S0 t' H3 T
Stream size : 56.8 GiB (75%)5 L: f3 k3 U' g8 Y
Title : My.Fair.Lady.1964.2160p.BluRaycd.x264.8bit.SDR.DTS-HD.MA.TrueHD.7.1-SWTYBLZ
- D' \- k" Q8 @9 l  z& \2 sWriting library : x264 core 157 r2935 545de2f
. ^! U7 w0 p9 ^/ JEncoding settings : cabac=1 / ref=5 / deblock=1:-1:-1 / analyse=0x3:0x113 / me=umh / subme=10 / psy=1 / psy_rd=1.00:0.15 / mixed_ref=1 / me_range=48 / chroma_me=1 / trellis=2 / 8x8dct=1 / cqm=0 / deadzone=21,11 / fast_pskip=1 / chroma_qp_offset=-3 / threads=48 / lookahead_threads=4 / sliced_threads=0 / nr=0 / decimate=0 / interlaced=0 / bluray_compat=0 / constrained_intra=0 / bframes=3 / b_pyramid=2 / b_adapt=2 / b_bias=0 / direct=3 / weightb=1 / open_gop=0 / weightp=2 / keyint=250 / keyint_min=23 / scenecut=40 / intra_refresh=0 / rc_lookahead=50 / rc=crf / mbtree=1 / crf=18.0 / qcomp=0.60 / qpmin=0 / qpmax=69 / qpstep=4 / ip_ratio=1.40 / aq=1:1.00
# C( |+ u2 G, A5 iDefault : Yes
: q2 q6 x$ h* I" A- ~9 pForced : No
$ Y- e# G2 q, Y9 J& q9 j, i0 ?& F7 Q- D5 E( c- [$ W- ~( Q
Audio #1
2 g! ]0 L$ ]# l; g$ a9 NID : 2$ [- O# y; Q- Z  x# D; k" z
ID in the original source medium : 4352 (0x1100)% _7 l& T5 \; g- p0 C# N+ K$ L" O
Format : MLP FBA- h/ |. b0 R4 }6 L$ ^
Format/Info : Meridian Lossless Packing FBA
' g3 n" j7 x/ L9 F7 ^4 qCommercial name : Dolby TrueHD
( ?# C. N9 a, Y5 ICodec ID : A_TRUEHD6 a3 ?% k4 L2 ?$ E6 m' d* c" o" K
Duration : 2 h 53 min% e. F( z) a6 U: r) B4 p
Bit rate mode : Variable
7 U) g. w! W; yBit rate : 6 349 kb/s  f4 }! ?; T3 E) a
Maximum bit rate : 9 516 kb/s/ ]3 a6 M; ?/ t! _1 d
Channel(s) : 8 channels4 r' _( d; k8 q' A8 g. s7 U( v
Channel layout : L R C LFE Ls Rs Lb Rb3 i6 y8 x  y+ G, b' L
Sampling rate : 96.0 kHz: ~" b7 P* c; z5 e  G6 r
Frame rate : 1 200.000 FPS (80 SPF)
) G. J) i. I8 _- R# Z3 Q! T* nBit depth : 24 bits
& K; m9 H. P* {* w7 R7 a( bCompression mode : Lossless9 o" B2 u; y/ D' S8 T3 X
Stream size : 7.67 GiB (10%)
3 \* G9 F5 G- k# M5 RTitle : My.Fair.Lady.1964.2160p.BluRaycd.x264.8bit.SDR.DTS-HD.MA.TrueHD.7.1-SWTYBLZ
2 h0 t$ q" s5 f5 V0 w* V* PLanguage : English& n# a/ a4 e: |# u8 ^
Default : Yes
: D! N: p3 b3 e& QForced : No+ E( N: t# p. N2 H2 k7 S: K
Original source medium : Blu-ray
& C  b4 X1 }) S3 ?% R
* [4 e. |7 D% C0 n# qAudio #2
5 e- s3 O$ _8 f. O! eID : 3
0 F1 M; J+ S  NFormat : DTS XLL; f2 Z- ?; l. J7 I
Format/Info : Digital Theater Systems& ^3 S3 c7 S0 ~8 o
Commercial name : DTS-HD Master Audio$ w; D' i; ]6 u# w& D
Codec ID : A_DTS) w0 @$ y: V2 q5 i5 J
Duration : 2 h 53 min
" r$ i4 |! K7 JBit rate mode : Variable
8 q5 [( f7 q* v* K" e+ z  K+ x9 cBit rate : 8 036 kb/s
2 r/ M& q" x& Z* u0 [+ \Channel(s) : 8 channels
9 Y3 S* u+ q! I. o" N/ [# ?Channel layout : C L R LFE Lb Rb Lss Rss. m# n$ M0 P! B
Sampling rate : 96.0 kHz
. z* D+ g' p. a9 \. C+ pFrame rate : 187.500 FPS (512 SPF)1 O0 A" z& \  W9 H
Bit depth : 24 bits
2 {2 H/ v* I! e6 ?$ dCompression mode : Lossless0 u" D: u! C4 Q
Stream size : 9.71 GiB (13%)6 k$ X0 N3 P) n4 b# _7 C  m
Title : My.Fair.Lady.1964.2160p.BluRaycd.x264.8bit.SDR.DTS-HD.MA.TrueHD.7.1-SWTYBLZ
2 m* A/ ^, y: t  u' p4 ELanguage : English
7 U, B, W; J0 n* T, }" L' U2 \Default : No
# l, V& P3 ~# i) N/ q' _: a3 {Forced : No
$ f6 [$ {9 i, `8 C
# {$ `. O4 i) }3 R! p  b$ uAudio #3
! g" \) \) h# [7 KID : 44 u; k2 L* Q  {; }
ID in the original source medium : 4352 (0x1100)
/ ~2 r5 O8 Z9 D+ R& L3 B# gFormat : AC-3/ _0 a1 |' H4 R# p; F7 H4 C, \
Format/Info : Audio Coding 3; Y' j- b. n$ m' t# w
Commercial name : Dolby Digital
' F# {; c+ w& }+ y$ [" n  S6 y, SCodec ID : A_AC3& G9 q) F- a+ I$ j! p! w7 e
Duration : 2 h 53 min
7 A! r* p& A* I3 p/ G, OBit rate mode : Constant5 L! l8 R! G) h
Bit rate : 640 kb/s2 l3 o6 ?# L# h8 v
Channel(s) : 6 channels1 H/ g: ]6 a, K9 h7 g( T
Channel layout : L R C LFE Ls Rs+ L: b, M5 J" P; p$ E5 M, y) `' T
Sampling rate : 48.0 kHz, |5 `2 F/ Y. ~8 F  g: @
Frame rate : 31.250 FPS (1536 SPF)
9 }- Q2 W0 T  a4 }$ a9 l5 TCompression mode : Lossy; W  K9 B5 J2 Q# J/ z5 n# o  h
Stream size : 792 MiB (1%): r# i/ m7 W. e, M) _
Title : My.Fair.Lady.1964.2160p.BluRaycd.x264.8bit.SDR.DTS-HD.MA.TrueHD.7.1-SWTYBLZ
7 `+ Z- W8 o4 z4 I! ?) ILanguage : English
$ X3 j5 \5 I+ L. f* t/ N  b" N9 g+ \Service kind : Complete Main. O5 S1 Q. ^7 C, A" V
Default : No
# r4 e& d. c) Q6 W2 s1 K6 N5 u9 h$ cForced : No
8 D' O2 `( G7 B; \2 c. ?. ROriginal source medium : Blu-ray
3 d" s$ g8 I( `1 ]$ s% p; X  C& c" T% T- B1 ^$ v
Text #14 A8 Q$ e. S: }& `' t
ID : 54 S& e9 V8 `; Y; N  Z6 U
Format : UTF-88 f' L8 g' }# b/ ]4 n: E) v
Codec ID : S_TEXT/UTF8
, r3 R6 q  B5 g% NCodec ID/Info : UTF-8 Plain Text
5 A8 w! P% \: u; ZDuration : 2 h 47 min; j3 N* I  N7 O% Q$ R- c7 s: O
Bit rate : 77 b/s
. M& Y+ S2 p; mCount of elements : 2550
1 Y' O/ y5 W( K3 kStream size : 94.9 KiB (0%)
# l; J" ~# p$ ?6 d- r2 ?" RTitle : English-SRT/ A* }1 R. x9 _. L( b+ \
Language : English
, Q1 k: i4 g- i0 Q+ C; q( f% I& [Default : Yes
' ^1 B/ z" W" _5 m- t2 GForced : No
' y3 {6 F6 h& E( m& E% e. s5 w+ q8 }/ A' m; z& P
Text #21 K4 \* o8 j% {3 t: Z
ID : 6
& `% V3 ~% ]" ]7 C9 w. r- d8 ^  DID in the original source medium : 4768 (0x12A0)
8 g8 T. o5 ~7 S: u  [" dFormat : PGS) g* H! K# R; o5 M/ X7 E4 r  W
Muxing mode : zlib
4 G- H! \$ u+ a1 @8 n8 N- o; KCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS
/ @2 o- I- [, M: v/ Y# B2 nCodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
# F- W* k1 F& X0 H0 |. z7 N. dDuration : 2 h 47 min
  e' z# b! B4 N; C" }& k: Y5 D9 HBit rate : 54.0 kb/s# A+ O2 E/ t& l$ w
Count of elements : 5142  s8 v8 ]( F6 C
Stream size : 64.8 MiB (0%)
6 {3 K" q9 N% H) O$ D0 d4 HTitle : English-PGS8 I" U. N% u, h
Language : English- C. o. m0 J0 z0 j* U2 k
Default : No- B+ p" I3 T! J, E+ L; r
Forced : No
& {8 r! l$ p, ROriginal source medium : Blu-ray' `8 q1 g/ \4 F9 w" y7 B; J* U
7 u" z4 l. K' [$ n* E5 `) D1 T) d$ w
Text #3! Y$ f: c3 I( ?! v' g5 a* Q
ID : 76 L  [+ g. H5 \: c0 r
ID in the original source medium : 4769 (0x12A1)/ a! x) G& ^3 `( N3 C3 d3 v
Format : PGS4 K; n# j6 M8 u3 G* _3 U6 L+ u
Muxing mode : zlib
6 L$ M. S* D7 A4 z7 CCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS" Z) k" O) c& X# o0 _
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs6 p* s3 a* I# i6 E3 D
Duration : 2 h 47 min
/ L9 J- a5 D6 }4 O' k3 W+ EBit rate : 57.3 kb/s
/ H0 P: @) A* t3 @Count of elements : 5398: ~9 M! K- d+ _: _& T  T. E5 r( m
Stream size : 68.8 MiB (0%). {! h- M4 z9 y& w+ l0 }/ A* e
Title : English-SDH-PGS: c! Z5 ^* P; u, J  Y& q& p
Language : English9 d$ v% B# c, d2 k% T: Z" v
Default : No
; H7 o  d7 q  ?" x- z, y- sForced : No5 _6 o" s5 M* J' B0 Z( N. y0 n
Original source medium : Blu-ray% A% P; m7 Y' n0 p* S, N) g

# f9 C9 M9 E/ X8 y  \  A1 W7 @' QText #4
1 s; S* y/ m- k$ s$ E) D" ^# UID : 8
. D; O! k0 @, E' WID in the original source medium : 4770 (0x12A2)
0 s- a+ }: I+ c' y8 d- mFormat : PGS
) z- P3 P: j; ?4 ~" u7 q7 z  JMuxing mode : zlib& ]: {3 l5 f* r! t( Y
Codec ID : S_HDMV/PGS# X* ^2 }7 S: f+ l* j$ |& T
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
1 e$ a! Y& @7 K4 \Duration : 2 h 49 min0 n* j8 b5 u. F" O/ m2 V& y7 F* v
Bit rate : 47.0 kb/s2 I  @2 Y" u0 {9 B* R# k# l" F9 i* l
Count of elements : 5102
- }5 \# X! `$ ]% XStream size : 57.0 MiB (0%), F6 [5 S- o5 e$ F
Title : Danish-PGS
/ s. A& u* ?& e* H# ILanguage : Danish/ o* o- ]; _2 m: h+ Q8 J; ?
Default : No
2 n: N# J8 r( i3 Y/ ?Forced : No" b4 h0 _3 {8 C' ^/ I  A
Original source medium : Blu-ray
& g# _0 t: q; z5 Q* b( J  d: ?) p  [. ~, D) y! J7 U
Text #5( a9 N5 u+ I6 L/ d  h" R3 }
ID : 9% g5 T1 f2 P" g% W" q
ID in the original source medium : 4771 (0x12A3)
7 k5 X& R  \  v- u& G. mFormat : PGS7 k+ G7 d5 p: `9 h7 Q! _. B  R7 u
Muxing mode : zlib
' a& i! c# C! C6 vCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS
! D5 T9 h4 I; E4 ?1 P5 DCodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs: W' C1 P/ c2 A" {$ N) b' P0 I
Duration : 2 h 48 min+ L" o6 ?) `; E+ [( j: e
Bit rate : 50.3 kb/s
4 l8 h* q6 t# G) \' ^$ yCount of elements : 4674
3 q% y* f$ i; |Stream size : 60.5 MiB (0%)
0 `8 ~4 |9 K$ k2 G6 ATitle : German-PGS
/ d7 o9 V9 G% G( `+ s1 dLanguage : German) \' n3 s% u1 w2 f/ U
Default : No& z6 L: F* F9 W* k9 V; Z; @
Forced : No- A( h$ U1 z7 @$ Q: T
Original source medium : Blu-ray
0 B$ h5 t# T/ t
- o# F8 T) l& i. EText #6
% [' I" ]4 {. J1 T/ _ID : 100 U/ V2 N7 U2 z4 T( q
ID in the original source medium : 4772 (0x12A4)4 W/ u3 k0 A, z+ }
Format : PGS( X6 r5 h5 U$ G" l' S0 b8 M3 k6 s
Muxing mode : zlib# ?5 S" W7 o$ n1 T
Codec ID : S_HDMV/PGS  r: W. g  I+ \" T0 H
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs1 L! }  s& x# D' |5 W# e
Duration : 2 h 48 min
- b9 C! O/ s$ tBit rate : 45.8 kb/s' K& |% Y& z+ y7 C( D  F
Count of elements : 4652
6 T! ~3 a! B* y# e; M; w" J% A$ wStream size : 55.1 MiB (0%)
1 |1 @! r' g) }/ a+ r) m! G( F3 uTitle : Spanish-PGS
* [8 B/ k% Z/ C! z/ kLanguage : Spanish
. _- L  ]# y2 |1 rDefault : No$ z5 z' g+ |8 x) Q$ C/ c
Forced : No0 t% }. {8 l  H: Y
Original source medium : Blu-ray9 E+ w1 [5 R* d" S- t

, `" t5 E: S( i) `) A2 M! }Text #7
0 y/ K+ y8 X6 D# w+ o/ Y- z+ n! ZID : 11
& @+ e2 P4 {" N" g: FID in the original source medium : 4773 (0x12A5)  A# H9 ~: a) z
Format : PGS
7 ^* _& T7 L. _0 Z; u; A" iMuxing mode : zlib; G( D* a$ d+ y6 [
Codec ID : S_HDMV/PGS- F' u4 J3 U1 `
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs3 W) a' g7 J1 O
Duration : 2 h 48 min) p% `" a. M- k. X& h8 |9 q1 D! r
Bit rate : 40.5 kb/s
0 }' u4 C  j6 _7 \+ z4 ]Count of elements : 43588 I3 f0 x4 o; i2 A- h
Stream size : 48.7 MiB (0%)
+ m; n1 e7 K+ x8 G" F2 n4 NTitle : French-PGS
+ d' `1 l4 _) ~$ D0 pLanguage : French; k5 ~7 x( j- z7 |  m: ~
Default : No5 j) K! H% q& K
Forced : No
- R& O7 d% D8 G2 F  QOriginal source medium : Blu-ray
; N+ h, e, D: Y8 M7 a7 g
  l& J+ T$ J7 u. MText #8
% ?$ j; M) s3 q, BID : 12# S! Y; [; y+ h
ID in the original source medium : 4774 (0x12A6)6 Y, d4 v2 T$ Y& F9 G
Format : PGS
; ^- M. a+ {; o+ [+ T3 sMuxing mode : zlib
% p0 X" i; p. x3 p/ NCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS
) q. `0 k5 n: p: f4 i0 M7 VCodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs( |! o; P7 U0 t+ u8 Y
Duration : 2 h 48 min. l: _8 z+ V5 G. C) i$ p
Bit rate : 41.4 kb/s1 h7 @- U, S, ]; W6 ?
Count of elements : 4426
8 g- p3 a) t; UStream size : 49.8 MiB (0%); E1 @& D) n  o4 E5 ^
Title : Italian-PGS
& I- q5 f2 I" j7 \, RLanguage : Italian0 O+ m1 [3 O2 q( w
Default : No
% e, i3 E, I  h5 Z2 tForced : No0 l6 l$ ^- Y; h$ ]) {6 x
Original source medium : Blu-ray
6 q/ J0 N2 G' q* b# y4 k( P; L
1 u) w! l: |# b8 L: Q* T; YText #9  A# I. T: J" E
ID : 13
: z0 G8 H. L  R8 jID in the original source medium : 4775 (0x12A7): X; r! q- j& \+ |
Format : PGS
9 K5 F8 s9 H2 Y8 B& wMuxing mode : zlib
  W: C  F' K6 h$ W* E7 UCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS
' l- y- I' ~9 bCodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs1 w" d* e( B' v- U! j
Duration : 2 h 50 min  l" \( X- }/ `- P
Bit rate : 30.3 kb/s. E. \  g9 D- O$ B; k. r
Count of elements : 4070
8 F3 ^4 k; g( ]6 c- h& }6 lStream size : 37.0 MiB (0%)
4 J, w4 c$ M) yTitle : Japanese-PGS
2 X$ ?+ m0 V' n0 YLanguage : Japanese: }8 ]6 S$ u. q
Default : No3 B6 r; c0 z1 h6 K
Forced : No1 Q! m% a8 @4 M4 g
Original source medium : Blu-ray" b3 |) J* a( x- n: F4 T  t3 F
/ `9 O7 j5 p( r* W( [. V
Text #10
5 s: F8 B( Z, |$ DID : 148 G- c3 `  X# p: m" |+ b7 J. s
ID in the original source medium : 4776 (0x12A8)# u. s! G3 L7 w. A5 E9 ?7 q# ~; t
Format : PGS1 o4 N  i2 c! i+ [$ T% D+ F; C
Muxing mode : zlib
' @) ~3 f! l5 x! v0 bCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS
. H& ~  f* U# C' ]- n# \6 aCodec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
$ Q2 X6 ^( K6 n: W; |Duration : 2 h 51 min7 Y! Y9 R# @! B% }+ }8 C
Bit rate : 30.1 kb/s
1 W5 B. ]  ~5 d! y- oCount of elements : 4908
6 q$ Y$ k& ~0 l) YStream size : 37.0 MiB (0%)
* F5 H2 O. m# q) z$ [: U0 R9 yTitle : Korean-PGS
5 n1 F  H* s- ^' Y) oLanguage : Korean
; N$ \$ o9 a. @) O1 |* T. F) J' i$ O( ZDefault : No9 m" {! b& Q' M8 Y- e# M1 l' ]8 g
Forced : No
; ]% ^9 e, Y7 X% u/ t0 iOriginal source medium : Blu-ray' l' c- ~4 Q/ k( W

0 ?9 |' h0 k/ h* \- K1 S1 n* V: VText #11
% Q/ ~4 I& b! ~3 p5 r* ~* `ID : 15& n% z8 \. R8 U; a2 o+ j2 j
ID in the original source medium : 4777 (0x12A9)2 K' ?: ^' a- ?- E2 m0 B% M
Format : PGS9 d, B8 t9 _9 Z' q! I
Muxing mode : zlib/ ?' G- K" w: J. J  B  j2 |
Codec ID : S_HDMV/PGS1 G$ N3 d0 l9 O
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
: N0 R, d2 b- ^  N( SDuration : 2 h 48 min4 s- {8 A& I; B; H2 u" u. R
Bit rate : 48.4 kb/s  m1 o4 F$ A: H0 j- a$ P
Count of elements : 4816
, b, [/ b/ A( M- NStream size : 58.3 MiB (0%)
0 B$ ~/ I& m- A8 \$ ~4 z& O% PTitle : Dutch-PGS
: w4 o8 |) |5 \! rLanguage : Dutch
' ^: K3 Y! R, N( z5 m1 n( yDefault : No9 R4 M! }! m3 e5 s! c
Forced : No
6 G. N0 B4 F9 h) `8 yOriginal source medium : Blu-ray9 R- g" T) y' R4 [

3 ~/ t* C# e4 ]6 |, eText #12! F6 p7 ?8 n7 I2 l
ID : 16  {3 D0 n! U9 P& x" ^2 I
ID in the original source medium : 4778 (0x12AA)( n. n' A: f. A* T7 ^9 G
Format : PGS
, O9 R! V% G* Y2 d' I8 ^Muxing mode : zlib
/ Y7 q& {4 a8 Z8 ]Codec ID : S_HDMV/PGS* x' n' u. |. e; c2 l  x$ f
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs- P, B% |+ p8 t- Y7 ~# @
Duration : 2 h 48 min
. j) \8 @* P0 r3 z7 B1 e2 v6 VBit rate : 45.8 kb/s$ M( \. `! V) X9 h
Count of elements : 4658
( N0 r$ z3 `# x+ w' qStream size : 55.1 MiB (0%)
* F' j( m! k7 A9 O0 q5 |Title : Norwegian-PGS$ T$ F: W( Q5 ?" X5 g
Language : Norwegian* l/ a1 b. l8 Q
Default : No" p" K0 k1 ~! X: y* g9 b8 ]; ?
Forced : No
9 J5 k! r+ i$ X. EOriginal source medium : Blu-ray  \) F  G, E  n" C: o
' R6 `0 L- ]3 I% v2 Q; [/ C- L
Text #13
: j; ~& b  z! F* x% u6 \4 jID : 17' l  Y1 ?, G: ~! T7 b4 L4 I
ID in the original source medium : 4779 (0x12AB)
+ O7 e1 e5 P% {8 RFormat : PGS
& v1 w+ X, k+ |9 g: w- \Muxing mode : zlib
( P) B/ B, S) W' ^( g: ^  rCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS) B3 |0 H, U# H8 Z
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
% E% |- p! a8 `3 D) @Duration : 2 h 47 min
! r. Z% F0 [8 ^" u  @5 yBit rate : 37.7 kb/s
: ~( j& \! J1 R. vCount of elements : 3734
( ]% `8 _  i9 r3 \3 s& wStream size : 45.3 MiB (0%)$ t8 p; b- C0 [, x
Title : Finnish-PGS
( Y. x2 b5 G9 i2 ^Language : Finnish
! L. I9 b) ^4 S8 i! b, z2 bDefault : No
+ d& o7 _) G* y! n$ }Forced : No
7 h9 B' _8 _- r( V% QOriginal source medium : Blu-ray  U+ x; Y+ C4 U; k
6 a$ E7 G& M. ~! N
Text #145 C0 O7 o* g$ o4 h# N
ID : 18
  X" g2 e4 h: t3 m( g3 s1 lID in the original source medium : 4780 (0x12AC)
& k1 C6 m" h9 D! \4 F+ RFormat : PGS; j7 _; j# M1 Q2 i0 B9 R% E* q
Muxing mode : zlib
# t' Y, z" ^8 rCodec ID : S_HDMV/PGS8 a3 R, r+ e. R. ^
Codec ID/Info : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs2 x6 ^# H+ ~% R4 k" X, i5 \
Duration : 2 h 48 min
4 ^% v8 ~( c$ u5 |  @8 {Bit rate : 46.5 kb/s
+ L* S' f, d3 E0 R6 I: pCount of elements : 4870
. r7 t7 ^6 Q* h7 SStream size : 55.9 MiB (0%)* c; M2 b% z9 R( M4 i* u( F
Title : Swedish-PGS
6 R, R7 J9 O( @# U/ `Language : Swedish6 X# c( |; g) ^. F
Default : No
% |/ n* e' e2 m* `$ NForced : No
5 m* K0 u; o' N- wOriginal source medium : Blu-ray( _8 R' }+ I1 j2 S) `6 h

6 A4 ^4 }4 ?4 D4 ]7 }Menu
7 ~' v( @; T7 \* c- X: ?7 S% O00:00:00.000 : Chapter 01
. C/ f- u# ~/ x# @" w2 Z  @0 j  f00:03:31.169 : Chapter 02/ v  W+ F# ~: T
00:05:47.180 : Chapter 03
+ b7 |. M1 R8 c) D% G2 b00:09:52.508 : Chapter 04& e; n4 K% N  Q# Q# H- Z; O
00:12:51.270 : Chapter 05
) o+ D8 K4 H, m00:14:29.827 : Chapter 06& {+ S) b' ~) a( t
00:19:06.979 : Chapter 07* L' K! U! T) [
00:24:10.657 : Chapter 08+ o, l3 R* z7 j2 a
00:26:11.069 : Chapter 098 T8 H& ?& q, k2 s
00:32:38.915 : Chapter 10
; l; w! N( c& B1 V; T5 E/ u; L00:37:31.165 : Chapter 11
. s+ L! d$ L/ @00:39:46.759 : Chapter 126 n# G" n, X) a0 s, P
00:44:47.810 : Chapter 13
/ d* y* J! q' a2 x00:50:42.664 : Chapter 14
+ i$ Y% s7 y6 p; D- K00:55:14.686 : Chapter 15
" D2 O9 `; Q- J8 b0 G5 m7 e00:59:34.696 : Chapter 16
3 r' D: d/ Z4 D! u01:03:56.999 : Chapter 17; X" i+ l% f7 B( M! b
01:06:18.391 : Chapter 18- L6 O6 H# L, b1 d7 m+ H) B- \
01:11:13.143 : Chapter 19
# X7 G. A- n' A01:12:46.945 : Chapter 20+ N: Q: |: g. X0 c& s" c
01:16:59.573 : Chapter 21$ C1 d0 ^% s1 \# ^& ?4 A
01:21:04.860 : Chapter 22% J2 j% J# I2 m0 V1 [/ ]
01:24:35.278 : Chapter 23
* h5 T5 `) u+ o, m' @: i01:26:16.004 : Chapter 241 Z& [& G6 R$ c" v
01:30:28.423 : Chapter 25- K: b+ l/ s0 ~* c! a
01:33:54.211 : Chapter 26
5 P$ T+ k# ?* h/ F1 x/ U( U1 O) M01:37:46.277 : Chapter 27; `4 T/ E5 C& P* |' e/ N
01:40:10.796 : Chapter 28
# f6 U+ U, ?# ~# h; v* H01:41:21.366 : Chapter 29  e, S4 E3 u3 U. N
01:41:55.901 : Chapter 30) z8 B& \2 K2 f* K. e2 D6 R
01:43:09.725 : Chapter 31
6 s& j  `2 ]# r5 l$ x8 F% G$ c( j01:44:50.701 : Chapter 32
" I3 R* |* C# R) i& G01:46:52.364 : Chapter 33
0 x/ v7 V; `, ]4 F( e# D& V9 u01:49:00.283 : Chapter 34
1 t* U8 U$ y+ m# F! ^9 n01:52:56.686 : Chapter 35& e. ]! O7 N, ~
01:59:03.261 : Chapter 369 t) ~# W. m" }. \; m2 \
02:06:15.150 : Chapter 37
* o5 H; k+ A+ q2 D- v02:07:45.366 : Chapter 38; g+ v0 d8 J- ?# j! g
02:09:04.820 : Chapter 395 p) h9 i" {6 G  e* Z! \' p: D0 ]+ I
02:12:12.007 : Chapter 40/ B5 U' a: D" z; q
02:15:22.030 : Chapter 411 S. j% G# p4 W0 @+ @4 d
02:19:03.209 : Chapter 42
$ t5 Q: H: w/ {6 }6 m4 L02:25:06.823 : Chapter 43
; c, p9 r, p$ K9 ]2 R! n02:27:19.038 : Chapter 44" ?1 i$ U; E8 D: N" r8 G. b
02:32:11.664 : Chapter 45$ x- C3 x& Q8 X, \" C% P6 U- }
02:34:53.993 : Chapter 46
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% d7 f' d* |( Y5 w5 ]9 x02:43:56.243 : Chapter 48
: p7 z2 ?  B+ c02:48:34.479 : Chapter 491 z) W% z2 A% V+ u
02:51:45.295 : Chapter 50
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