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高清电影区-Online Movie Down 今日: 0|主题: 13179|排名: 18 


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[动作战争] 北极光/核战风云 The Fourth Protocol 1987 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-QOQ 7.99GB attachment mvods 2021-12-17 257 zzk980220 2023-4-15 10:08
[喜剧爱情] 与爱何关/这和爱有什么关系/关我Love事 Whats Love Got to Do with It 2022 1080p WEBRip DD5.1 x264-FLUX 5.34GB attachment mvods 2023-4-15 121 zzk980220 2023-4-15 10:08
[动作战争] 黑暗的另一面 The Other Side of Darkness 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-NOGRP 7.84GB attachment mvods 2022-4-20 232 zzk980220 2023-4-15 09:59
[剧情悬疑] 三线轮回/三线轮洄 [国语音轨/中文字幕] San Xian Lun Hui 2023 2160p WEB-DL H265 DDP-TAGWEB 4.92GB attachment 21cn 2023-4-14 098 21cn 2023-4-14 21:24
[动作战争] 高温/厨娘间谍/厨娘杀手 High Heat 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-FLUX 5.77GB attachment  ...2 mvods 2022-12-30 11176 jiyugen8180 2023-4-14 11:33
[动作战争] 风小子/风野郎 Afraid to Die 1960 JAPANESE 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-SbR 10.15GB attachment mvods 2023-2-18 126 jiyugen8180 2023-4-14 11:18
[动作战争] 铁十字勋章:诺曼底之路 Iron Cross The Road to Normandy 2022 1080p WEBRip DD5.1 x264-CM 5.47GB attachment mvods 2022-6-14 379 jiyugen8180 2023-4-13 11:38
[动漫动画] 奇异世界/奇异冒险/奇异大世界 Strange World 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-FLUX 6.77GB attachment mvods 2022-12-30 872 jiyugen8180 2023-4-13 11:32
[动作战争] 首尔大作战/极速首尔/急速首尔 [内封中字] Seoul Vibe 2022 KOREAN 1080p NF WEB-DL x265 10bit HDR DDP5.1 Atmos-SMURF 6.97GB attachment mvods 2022-9-10 777 defend 2023-4-13 00:04
[喜剧爱情] 今夜与我同眠 [内封中字] Tonight Youre Sleeping with Me 2023 POLISH 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-WDYM 5.01GB attachment mvods 2023-4-11 230 zzk980220 2023-4-12 14:07
[喜剧爱情] 爱的平方2 Squared Love All Over Again 2023 POLISH 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-WDYM 4.34GB attachment mvods 2023-4-11 222 zzk980220 2023-4-12 14:06
[剧情悬疑] 耶稣革命 Jesus Revolution 2023 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-FLUX 8.15GB attachment mvods 2023-4-11 121 zzk980220 2023-4-12 14:05
[科教记录] [2006][科教纪录片][人体解剖系列 尸检:生与死 Autopsy: Life and Death][1-4部合集][DVD-x264][MP4] attachment 21cn 2023-4-9 27438 jiyugen8180 2023-4-11 12:01
[经典影片] 老爸的朝圣之旅 The Great Journey 2004 ARABIC 1080p WEBRip AAC2.0 x264-KUCHU 2.97GB attachment mvods 2023-4-11 011 mvods 2023-4-11 02:37
[剧情悬疑] 圣诞颂歌/失控正义/圣诞颂 [内封中字] Christmas Carol 2022 KOREAN 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-NOGRP 5.08GB attachment mvods 2023-4-11 015 mvods 2023-4-11 02:20
[喜剧爱情] 生无可恋的奥托/一个叫欧维的男人决定去死美版 [内封中字] A Man Called Otto 2022 1080p WEBRip DDP5.1 Atmos x264-CM 9.50GB attachment mvods 2023-3-1 228 zzk980220 2023-4-10 21:24
[科幻恐怖] 色欲之死5:亡灵之欲5 Rape Zombie Lust of the Dead 5 2014 JAPANESE 1080p WEBRip AAC2.0 x264-MooMa 2.34GB attachment mvods 2023-4-7 432 hubing23 2023-4-9 22:04
[科教记录] 安德林妮 Adrienne 2021 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-KHEZU 6.03GB attachment mvods 2023-4-7 236 zzk980220 2023-4-8 22:08
[科幻恐怖] 色欲之死4/欲望僵尸:巫女大战 Rape Zombie Lust of the Dead 4 2014 JAPANESE 1080p WEBRip AAC2.0 x264-MooMa 2.17GB attachment mvods 2023-4-7 233 zzk980220 2023-4-8 22:08
[科幻恐怖] 逃出白垩纪/65:恐怖行星/65:绝境逃生 65 2023 1080p MA WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-FLUX 5.49GB attachment mvods 2023-4-7 144 211 2023-4-8 10:21
[喜剧爱情] 爱情3*7/爱无7限/相约7年情/七年之爱/七年挚爱/七年之痒 Seven Something 2012 THAI 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-RSG 7.55GB attachment mvods 2023-4-7 336 shiji1973 2023-4-7 15:53
[科幻恐怖] 抽象画中的越南少女2/替尸鬼2:诅咒再临 Muoi The Curse Returns 2022 VIETNAMESE 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-HBO 5.53GB attachment mvods 2023-4-7 021 mvods 2023-4-7 09:49
[动作战争] 七金刚2 Heavens Seven 2 2005 THAI 1080p NF WEBRip AAC2.0 x264-RSG 4.48GB attachment mvods 2023-4-7 022 mvods 2023-4-7 06:32
[剧情悬疑] 凯特·肯辛顿传奇 The Legend Of Kate Kensington 2021 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-KHEZU 7.0GB attachment mvods 2023-4-7 019 mvods 2023-4-7 06:12
[科幻恐怖] 恶灵地堡/地堡/邪恶地堡 Bunker 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-FLUX 7.40GB attachment mvods 2023-4-7 037 mvods 2023-4-7 02:40
[科教记录] 刘易斯·卡帕尔迪:此刻的我 Lewis Capaldi How Im Feeling Now 2023 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-WDYM 3.80GB attachment mvods 2023-4-6 124 zzk980220 2023-4-6 21:42
[剧情悬疑] 笼中之鸟 Inside 2023 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-NOGRP 5.91GB attachment mvods 2023-4-5 0121 mvods 2023-4-5 19:19
[科教记录] 汐潮的沉默/汐潮之寂 Silence of the Tides 2020 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-Cinefeel 6.66GB attachment mvods 2023-2-13 334 zzk980220 2023-4-5 18:13
[动漫动画] 神奇的莫里斯 The Amazing Maurice 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-FLUX 4.74GB attachment mvods 2023-4-5 028 mvods 2023-4-5 02:29
[动漫动画] [2004][奇幻][圣斗士星矢剧场版5:天界篇序奏][BD国语1024/1280] attachment 24xs 2012-1-18 3471 ztyzcm 2023-4-5 00:19
[剧情悬疑] 利刃出鞘2:抽丝剥茧/锋回路转2:抽丝剥茧/神探白朗2 [内封中字] Glass Onion A Knives Out Mystery 2022 1080p NF WEB-DL x265 10bit HDR DDP5.1 Atmos-SMURF 4.0GB & 7.33GB attachment mvods 2022-12-30 9105 ztyzcm 2023-4-5 00:16
[科幻恐怖] 小鬼入侵 Unwelcome 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-CM 7.06GB attachment mvods 2023-3-2 130 ztyzcm 2023-4-5 00:16
[动作战争] [1993][越战大片][天与地][DVD-RMVB中字/654M][480P] attach_img 迅雷电影 2011-10-30 2538 ztyzcm 2023-4-5 00:09
[喜剧爱情] 换屋假期/住你那儿,住我这儿 [内封中字] Your Place or Mine 2023 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 Atmos x264-SMURF 4.43GB attachment mvods 2023-2-13 224 ztyzcm 2023-4-5 00:04
[动作战争] 荒野求生 Surviving the Wild 2018 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-TEPES 5.90GB attachment mvods 2022-1-10 380 ztyzcm 2023-4-5 00:02
[经典影片] 赤裸羔羊1/裸体杀手 Naked Killer 1992 CHINESE 1080p WEBRip DD5.1 x264-NOGRP 17.43GB attachment  ...2 mvods 2023-1-23 10175 ztyzcm 2023-4-5 00:01
[经典影片] [香港经典][情色犯罪][强奸系列1-6部合集][国粤双语中字][HD1080P][BT下载] attachment  ...23 211 2023-1-23 21358 ztyzcm 2023-4-5 00:01
[科幻恐怖] [2011][幻想动作][女巫季节/末日魔咒/魔女神兵][BD中英双字][1024高清] attach_img 24xs 2011-3-25 1389 lfvvzc 2023-4-4 13:12
[剧情悬疑] 假死寻凶 Play Dead 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-FLUX 6.20GB attachment mvods 2023-4-2 121 zzk980220 2023-4-2 22:12
[喜剧爱情] 月下舞蹈 Moondance 1994 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-SwAgLaNdEr 6.46GB attachment mvods 2023-3-31 332 zzk980220 2023-4-2 22:11
[经典影片] [强奸系列][合集][香港犯罪][灭门惨案1之孽杀+灭门惨案2:借种][DVD-MKV/1.36G][国粤双语][经典怀旧] - [阅读权限 10]attachment 论坛网友 2010-11-30 61419 ztyzcm 2023-4-2 01:11
[剧情悬疑] 俄罗斯方块 [内封中字] Tetris 2023 1080p ATVP WEB-DL DDP5.1 Atmos H264-CM 8.93GB attachment mvods 2023-4-2 018 mvods 2023-4-2 01:06
[经典影片] [经典怀旧][香港情色][魔鬼天使/赤裸天使/终极猎杀/桃色天使 徐若瑄三部曲][DVD-MKV/4.59G][国粤双语] attachment 论坛网友 2009-7-9 2496 ztyzcm 2023-4-2 01:04
[科幻恐怖] 侏罗纪世界3:统治/侏罗纪世界:统治霸权/侏罗纪公园6 Jurassic World 3 Dominion 2022 1080p WEBRip DDP5.1 Atmos x264-CM 11.22GB attachment  ...2 21cn 2022-2-15 18480 379490751 2023-4-1 16:27
[科幻恐怖] 恐惧街3:1666/恐惧大街3:1666 Fear Street Part 3 1666 2021 1080p NF WEB-DL x265 10bit HDR DDP5.1 Atmos-MRCS 4.80GB attachment mvods 2021-7-16 185 Thomas 2023-4-1 14:02
[科幻恐怖] 恐惧街2/恐惧大街2:1978/恐惧街2:1978 Fear Street Part 2 1978 2021 1080p NF WEB-DL x265 10bit HDR DDP5.1 Atmos-MRCS 4.78GB & 5.65GB attachment mvods 2021-7-10 180 Thomas 2023-4-1 14:00
[科幻恐怖] 恐惧街1:1994/恐惧大街1:1994 Fear Street Part 1 1994 2021 1080p NF WEB-DL x265 10bit HDR DDP5.1 Atmos-CM 12.09GB & 4.41GB attachment mvods 2021-7-7 194 Thomas 2023-4-1 13:58
[剧情悬疑] 家,不孤单 Home Not Alone 2023 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-ZdS 4.65GB attachment mvods 2023-4-1 037 mvods 2023-4-1 01:40
[科幻恐怖] 脱皮爸爸/他爸的奇幻人生 Shed Skin Papa 2016 CHINESE 1080p WEBRip AAC2.0 x264-NOGRP 2.23GB attachment mvods 2023-4-1 029 mvods 2023-4-1 01:16
[剧情悬疑] 拨云见星/只有云知道星星 Only Clouds Move the Stars 1998 NORWEGIAN 1080p WEBRip DD5.1 x264-NOGRP 3.15GB attachment mvods 2023-4-1 017 mvods 2023-4-1 01:02
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