BluRayCD Forum


高清电影区-Online Movie Down 今日: 0|主题: 13189|排名: 3 


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[喜剧爱情] 我的时代 Of an Age 2022 1080p MA WEBRip DDP5.1 Atmos x264-FLUX 6.06GB attachment mvods 2023-3-14 028 mvods 2023-3-14 06:18
[科教记录] 奥修 Osho the Movie 2022 1080p WEBRip AAC2.0 x264-KUCHU 4.89GB attachment mvods 2023-3-12 029 mvods 2023-3-12 06:56
[剧情悬疑] 路德:落日之殇/路德(电影版)/路德探长:落日之殇 Luther The Fallen Sun 2023 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 Atmos.x264-TBD 5.20GB attachment mvods 2023-3-11 151 jiyugen8180 2023-3-11 09:26
[剧情悬疑] 棕榈树与输电线 Palm Trees and Power Lines 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-CM 7.97GB attachment mvods 2023-3-11 027 mvods 2023-3-11 06:54
[动作战争] 仪式杀手/穆蒂 The Ritual Killer 2023 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-CM 5.26GB attachment mvods 2023-3-11 034 mvods 2023-3-11 06:24
[经典影片] [1994][香港犯罪][灭门惨案2:借种/灭门惨案II之借种][HD-MP4/1.99G][中文字幕][BT下载][1080P][高清修复版] - [阅读权限 10]attachment 论坛网友 2011-1-30 1631 blizzardYan 2023-3-10 22:24
[喜剧爱情] 追星奶奶团/布雷迪的女士们 80 For Brady 2023 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-FLUX 6.77GB attachment mvods 2023-3-10 242 ccfys888 2023-3-10 08:51
[剧情悬疑] 马洛/丑闻喋血/神探营救 Marlowe 2022 1080p MA WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-FLUX 6.47GB attachment mvods 2023-3-10 026 mvods 2023-3-10 06:02
[动漫动画] 宫崎骏18部动漫+12部特典合集 BluRay or HDTV x264 DTS AC3 HDWinG 108GB attachment  ...23 黄金嫖客 2013-5-28 224786 CR7态度丶 2023-3-8 12:03
[喜剧爱情] 非凡的力量/寻找杰克:好莱坞复仇故事 Remarkable Power 2008 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-NTb 5.63GB attachment mvods 2023-3-8 019 mvods 2023-3-8 00:43
[科教记录] 莫伦贝克诸神/莫伦贝克众神 Gods of Molenbeek 2019 FRENCH 1080p WEBRip AAC2.0 x264-KUCHU 3.07GB attachment mvods 2023-3-8 022 mvods 2023-3-8 00:17
[动作战争] 猫胆虫威大电影 Die Hart The Movie 2023 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-CM 5.92GB attachment mvods 2023-3-7 026 mvods 2023-3-7 23:21
[动作战争] 魔女2/魔女二部曲:另一个她 The Witch Part 2 The Other One 2022 KOREAN 1080p WEBRip AAC5.1 x264-tG1R0 7.87GB attachment mvods 2022-7-19 370 blizzardYan 2023-3-7 18:38
[动作战争] 萨扬 [内封中字] Sayen 2023 SPANISH 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-NOGRP 6.64GB attachment mvods 2023-3-7 015 mvods 2023-3-7 01:52
[动作战争] 留世酒庄 Legacy Peak 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-NOGRP 5.42GB attachment mvods 2023-3-7 013 mvods 2023-3-7 01:29
[动作战争] 超级闪电 Mega Lightning 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-PTerWEB 4.05GB attachment mvods 2023-3-7 017 mvods 2023-3-7 01:13
[剧情悬疑] 月出 Moonrise 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-NOGRP 6.40GB attachment mvods 2023-3-7 024 mvods 2023-3-7 00:53
[喜剧爱情] 初恋太空男孩 SpaceBoy 2021 FRENCH 1080p WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-NOGRP 3.54GB attachment mvods 2023-3-7 020 mvods 2023-3-7 00:35
[剧情悬疑] 隔壁杀手 The Killers Next Door 2021 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-NOGRP 5.35GB attachment mvods 2023-3-7 015 mvods 2023-3-7 00:19
[科教记录] 冰之王者/冰上之王 The Ice King 2018 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-PTerWEB 4.55GB attachment mvods 2023-3-6 024 mvods 2023-3-6 23:07
[喜剧爱情] 毒气员 Gasman 2019 GERMAN 1080p WEBRip AAC2.0 x264-PTerWEB 2.46GB attachment mvods 2023-3-6 026 mvods 2023-3-6 22:53
[喜剧爱情] 我是一片云 Cloud Of Romance 1977 CHINESE 1080p WEBRip AAC2.0 x264-PTerWEB 2.77GB attach_img 24小时 2023-3-6 129 zzk980220 2023-3-6 21:36
[动作战争] 神话/传奇缔造者 The Legend Makers 2013 VIETNAMESE 1080p NF WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-PTerWEB 3.91GB attach_img 24小时 2023-3-6 148 zzk980220 2023-3-6 21:36
[剧情悬疑] 麻醉性谋杀/无齿之徒/无齿嫌疑犯 Novocaine 2001 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-monkee 6.98GB attachment mvods 2022-8-16 237 67163798 2023-3-5 15:17
[喜剧爱情] 舌尖上的冲动/舌尖上的高潮/性冲动 Sexual Drive 2021 JAPANESE 1080p WEBRip AAC2.0 x264-BdC 2.91GB attachment mvods 2022-9-28 7132 67163798 2023-3-5 15:14
[喜剧爱情] 桃树 The Peach Tree 2011 KOREAN 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-PTerWEB 4.46GB attachment mvods 2023-3-5 134 zzk980220 2023-3-5 09:17
[剧情悬疑] 生之欲/生之欲英国版/活下去 Living 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-CM 7.16GB attachment mvods 2023-3-4 133 zzk980220 2023-3-5 09:15
[剧情悬疑] 血色陷阱/拯救艾米丽 Saving Emily 2004 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-Kitsune 6.39GB attachment mvods 2023-3-2 027 mvods 2023-3-2 02:30
[剧情悬疑] 阴险姐姐/变态大嫂 Psycho Sister in Law 2020 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-Kitsune 6.28GB attachment mvods 2023-3-2 023 mvods 2023-3-2 02:19
[喜剧爱情] 迟到的婚礼/迟婚有罪 Late Marriage 2001 HEBREW 1080p NF WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-APEX 3.44GB attachment mvods 2023-3-2 015 mvods 2023-3-2 02:05
[剧情悬疑] 被囚禁的心/非法绑架案 Captive Hearts 2005 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-Kitsune 5.99GB attachment mvods 2023-3-2 022 mvods 2023-3-2 01:55
[剧情悬疑] 我们的父亲 Our Father 2016 HEBREW 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-APEX 4.18GB attachment mvods 2023-3-2 019 mvods 2023-3-2 01:38
[喜剧爱情] 婚礼 The Wedding 2004 POLISH 1080p WEBRip AAC2.0 x264-NOGRP 3.63GB attachment mvods 2023-3-1 022 mvods 2023-3-1 23:00
[喜剧爱情] 祝你好运,里奥·格兰德 Good Luck to You Leo Grande 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-CM 5.20GB attachment mvods 2022-6-18 244 aodailiheiben 2023-3-1 21:40
[经典影片] 卑鄙行动 An Ungentlemanly Act 1992 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-squalor 11.15GB attachment mvods 2022-3-5 140 jiyugen8180 2023-3-1 20:16
[动作战争] 猎战 War Hunt 1962 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-Q0SWEB 5.85GB attachment mvods 2022-3-11 176 jiyugen8180 2023-3-1 20:15
[科教记录] 泰国野猫/泰国野生大猫 Thailands Wild Cats 2021 1080p DSNP WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-NTb 2.45GB attachment 21cn 2022-5-20 248 jiyugen8180 2023-3-1 19:40
[动作战争] 黄飞鸿之王者无敌/黄飞鸿决战加拿大 The King is Invincible 2019 CHINESE 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-CBON 4.90GB attachment mvods 2022-6-21 245 jiyugen8180 2023-3-1 19:34
[经典影片] [1993][经典战争][盖茨堡之役/美国战火][BD中英双字][1280高清] attach_img 24xs 2011-6-18 2486 jiyugen8180 2023-3-1 19:27
[喜剧爱情] 魔力麦克3:最后之舞/魔力麦克3 Magic Mikes Last Dance 2023 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-CM 5.18GB attachment mvods 2023-3-1 025 mvods 2023-3-1 01:46
[剧情悬疑] 墙后有什么 Hider In My House 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-Kitsune 5.82GB attachment mvods 2023-2-26 234 一见哈哈笑 2023-2-26 22:15
[科幻恐怖] 我们有鬼啦/我家有鬼 We Have a Ghost 2023 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 Atmos x264-WDYM 4.81GB attachment mvods 2023-2-26 022 mvods 2023-2-26 21:30
[剧情悬疑] 女人们的谈话/女性的谈判 Women Talking 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-CM 2.61GB attachment mvods 2023-2-26 033 mvods 2023-2-26 04:33
[剧情悬疑] 鲸/庞然大物/我的鲸鱼老爸 The Whale 2022 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 Atmos x264-FLUX 8.50GB attachment mvods 2023-2-26 039 mvods 2023-2-26 04:12
[科幻恐怖] 拜访小屋/敲敲门 Knock at the Cabin 2023 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 Atmos x264-CM 6.08GB & 5.14GB attachment mvods 2023-2-25 049 mvods 2023-2-25 08:50
[剧情悬疑] 人世间 This Earth of Mankind 2019 INDONESIAN 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-PTerWEB 5.84GB attachment mvods 2023-2-25 032 mvods 2023-2-25 07:03
[剧情悬疑] 千寻小姐/我是千寻/千寻桑 [内封中字] Call Me Chihiro 2023 JAPANESE 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-WDYM 6.92GB attachment mvods 2023-2-25 045 mvods 2023-2-25 06:09
[剧情悬疑] 诺巴迪 Nobadi 2019 GERMAN 1080p HMAX WEBRip DD5.1 x264-NOGRP 5.13GB attachment mvods 2023-2-25 028 mvods 2023-2-25 04:56
[喜剧爱情] 难以忘怀的爱情 An Inconvenient Love 2022 FILIPINO 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-MARCOSKUPAL 5.35GB attachment mvods 2023-2-24 091 mvods 2023-2-24 23:53
[喜剧爱情] 打算一直单身吗/打算就这么一直单身吗 Zutto Dokushin de Iru Tsumori 2021 JAPANESE 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-NOGRP 3.08GB attachment mvods 2023-2-23 1170 shiji1973 2023-2-23 09:33
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