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高清电影区-Online Movie Down 今日: 0|主题: 13189|排名: 18 


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[动漫动画] 丛林精神/森林守护队 Ainbo 2021 1080p WEBRip DD5.1 x264-NOGRP 4.09GB attachment mvods 2021-7-14 0133 mvods 2021-7-14 07:29
[剧情悬疑] 被窃之物 Stolen 2020 JAPANESE 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-DREAMCATCHER 2.66GB attachment mvods 2021-7-14 0117 mvods 2021-7-14 06:36
[科教记录] 我母亲的消失/我的超模母亲 The Disappearance of My Mother 2019 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-NOGRP 6.15GB attachment mvods 2021-7-14 0109 mvods 2021-7-14 06:12
[科幻恐怖] 时间见证/时空间谍 Time Will Tell 2018 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-DREAMCATCHER 2.95GB attachment mvods 2021-7-14 084 mvods 2021-7-14 06:02
[喜剧爱情] 超时空爱恋之幻境重生/永恒的浪漫 Timeless Romance 2019 CHINESE 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-deeplife 4.54GB attachment mvods 2021-7-14 085 mvods 2021-7-14 05:39
[动作战争] 比赛 The Match 2021 1080p WEBRip DD5.1 x264-NOGRP 5.90GB attachment mvods 2021-7-14 0109 mvods 2021-7-14 04:16
[动漫动画] 托马斯和朋友:冲出多多岛 Thomas and Friends Journey Beyond Sodor 2017 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-NOGRP 2.25GB attachment mvods 2021-7-14 081 mvods 2021-7-14 04:03
[动漫动画] 毕业班/高级班 The Senior Class 2016 KOREAN ENSUBBED 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-DREAMCATCHER 1.65GB attachment mvods 2021-7-14 0120 mvods 2021-7-14 03:50
[剧情悬疑] 射手 The Archer 2016 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-ISA 3.83GB attachment mvods 2021-7-14 078 mvods 2021-7-14 03:37
[科教记录] 耶稣之墓的秘密 Secrets of Christs Tomb Explorer Special 2017 1080p DSNP WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-FLUX 2.85GB attachment mvods 2021-7-14 059 mvods 2021-7-14 03:27
[剧情悬疑] 我的快乐家庭/逃出安乐窝 [内封中字] My Happy Family 2017 GEORGIAN 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-NOGRP 4.41GB attachment mvods 2021-7-14 089 mvods 2021-7-14 03:14
[喜剧爱情] 行动代号:孙中山 Meeting Dr Sun 2014 CHINESE ENSUBBED 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-ExREN 6.0GB attachment mvods 2021-7-14 095 mvods 2021-7-14 03:00
[科教记录] 马特里亚 Matria 2014 SPANISH 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-DREAMCATCHER 4.12GB attachment mvods 2021-7-14 063 mvods 2021-7-14 02:48
[喜剧爱情] 欢迎无预约服务 Walk-ins Welcome 2012 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-DREAMCATCHER 6.56GB attachment mvods 2021-7-14 055 mvods 2021-7-14 02:36
[剧情悬疑] 海潮音/潮汐之声 Before Spring 1980 JAPANESE 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-SbR 12.05GB attachment mvods 2021-7-13 070 mvods 2021-7-13 20:18
[科教记录] 无罪之后 After Innocence 2005 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-MELON 3.13GB attachment mvods 2021-7-13 055 mvods 2021-7-13 20:04
[剧情悬疑] 熟悉的人 Acquainted 2018 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-NOGRP 6.59GB attachment mvods 2021-7-13 098 mvods 2021-7-13 19:51
[科教记录] 这不是负担:抚养年迈父母的幽默和心痛 Its Not A Burden the Humor and Heartache of Raising Elderly Parents 2021 1080p WEBRip DD5.1 x264-playWEB 4.18GB attachment mvods 2021-7-13 058 mvods 2021-7-13 19:39
[剧情悬疑] 你怎么认识克里斯的 How Do You Know Chris 2020 1080p STAN WEBRip AAC5.1 x264-NOGRP 3.78GB mvods 2021-7-13 056 mvods 2021-7-13 01:16
[剧情悬疑] 10分手枪 10 Cent Pistol 2014 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-ISA 6.38GB attachment mvods 2021-7-9 275 cfg076 2021-7-11 21:19
[科幻恐怖] 拜见布莱克一家2:邻家有鬼 The House Next Door 2021 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-NOGRP 7.48GB attachment mvods 2021-7-11 173 cfg076 2021-7-11 21:17
[科幻恐怖] 寂静之地2/噤界II/无声绝境II A Quiet Place Part II 2020 1080p WEB H264-NOGRP 7.41GB attachment mvods 2021-7-7 4133 cfg076 2021-7-11 21:14
[科幻恐怖] 嗜血本性 Bloodthirsty 2020 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-PAAI 4.15GB attachment mvods 2021-7-11 092 mvods 2021-7-11 04:27
[科教记录] 漫威影业:宇宙集结/漫威:集结一个宇宙 Marvel Studios Assembling A Universe 2014 1080p DSNP WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-FLUX 2.62GB attach_img mvods 2021-7-7 3110 longhui16818 2021-7-10 22:54
[科幻恐怖] 海王/水行侠/潜水侠/水人/人鱼哥 Aquaman 2018 IMAX 1080p WEBRip DDP5.1 Atmos x264-SWTYBLZ 10.59GB attachment  ...2 论坛网友 2018-12-10 141135 lfvvzc 2021-7-10 14:17
[喜剧爱情] 痴情男子汉/爱情大师的秘密行动 All Because Of Love 2017 CHINESE 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-RSG 3.69GB attachment mvods 2021-7-10 075 mvods 2021-7-10 00:06
[剧情悬疑] 小委托人/孩子的自白/小小委托人 My First Client 2019 KOREAN 1080p NF WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-NOGRP 2.23GB attachment mvods 2021-7-9 064 mvods 2021-7-9 19:12
[科幻恐怖] 哀悼巢穴/鸟巢 The Bewailing 2021 1080p WEBRip DD5.1 x264-CM 4.94GB attachment mvods 2021-7-9 059 mvods 2021-7-9 18:23
[经典影片] 疯狂的果实 Crazed Fruit 1956 JAPANESE 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-SbR 8.86GB attach_img 论坛网友 2011-9-2 5497 alien 2021-7-9 15:40
[喜剧爱情] 我的超级智能狗2 A R C H I E 2 Mission Impawsible 2018 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-ISA 5.56GB attachment mvods 2021-7-9 179 shiji1973 2021-7-9 08:59
[喜剧爱情] 豌豆公主 Once Upon a Mattress 2005 1080p DSNP WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-FLUX 5.34GB attach_img mvods 2021-7-9 054 mvods 2021-7-9 06:23
[科幻恐怖] 瑜伽学院2:死亡的昆达里尼/灵欲咒怨/瑜珈怨 The Cursed Lesson 2020 KOREAN 1080p NF WEBRip AAC2.0 x264-MELON 2.02GB attachment mvods 2021-7-9 067 mvods 2021-7-9 03:32
[剧情悬疑] 维阿恰农庄 The Lovemakers 1961 ITALIAN 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-NOGRP 7.32GB attachment mvods 2021-7-9 074 mvods 2021-7-9 03:14
[经典影片] 新汤姆历险记 Tom And Huck 1995 1080p DSNP WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-FLUX 5.61GB attachment mvods 2021-7-9 069 mvods 2021-7-9 02:36
[动漫动画] 比得兔2:逃跑计划 Peter Rabbit 2 The Runaway 2021 1080p WEBRip DDP5.1 Atmos x264-CM 4.77GB attachment mvods 2021-7-8 192 ccfys888 2021-7-8 19:51
[剧情悬疑] 切勿擅动/双重谋杀 No Sudden Move 2021 1080p HMAX WEB-DL x265 10bit HDR DD5.1-NOGRP 5.50GB attachment mvods 2021-7-7 0106 mvods 2021-7-7 19:24
[科教记录] 国家地理:珠穆朗玛峰探险 Expedition Everest 2020 1080p DSNP WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-FLUX 2.38GB attachment mvods 2021-7-1 3121 cfg076 2021-7-7 10:07
[科教记录] 猛兽/非洲雄狮 The African Lion 1955 1080p DSNP WEBRip AAC2.0 x264-FLUX 4.36GB attachment mvods 2021-7-7 185 lanpanshuma 2021-7-7 04:19
[科教记录] 男孩们:谢尔曼兄弟的故事/赤子之心:薛曼兄弟的音乐之旅 The Boys The Sherman Brothers Story 2009 1080p DSNP WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-FLUX 6.18GB attachment mvods 2021-7-7 078 mvods 2021-7-7 02:24
[动漫动画] 福斯特的虚构朋友之家:目的地想象 Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends Destination Imagination 2008 1080p HMAX WEBRip DD2.0 x264-SIGLA 3.95GB attachment mvods 2021-7-7 086 mvods 2021-7-7 01:27
[科幻恐怖] 木乃伊复苏 Mummy Resurgence 2021 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-MeSeY 4.07GB attachment mvods 2021-7-6 080 mvods 2021-7-6 23:20
[科幻恐怖] 美杜莎:毒蛇女王 Medusa 2021 1080p WEBRip DD5.1 x264-CM 4.42GB attachment mvods 2021-7-6 0137 mvods 2021-7-6 23:07
[科幻恐怖] 爱之咒:黑色婚礼 Dark Spell 2021 DUBBED 1080p WEBRip DD5.1 x264-CM 4.64GB attach_img mvods 2021-7-6 065 mvods 2021-7-6 22:52
[动作战争] 死里逃生 Out of Death 2021 1080p WEBRip DD5.1 x264-CM 4.72GB attachment mvods 2021-7-6 092 mvods 2021-7-6 22:30
[剧情悬疑] 野兽必死 The Beast Shall Die 1974 JAPANESE 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-NOGRP 4.76GB attach_img mvods 2021-6-18 1106 cfg076 2021-7-6 20:17
[喜剧爱情] 新事物 Something New 2016 ITALIAN 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-DREAMCATCHER 5.73GB attachment mvods 2021-7-6 182 hblwm 2021-7-6 19:03
[剧情悬疑] 妻子的遗迹 Monuments 2020 1080p WEBRip DD5.1 x264-CM 4.61GB attachment mvods 2021-7-6 073 mvods 2021-7-6 19:02
[科幻恐怖] 玉米田中的鲨鱼 Sharks of the Corn 2021 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP2.0 x264-NOGRP 4.61GB attachment mvods 2021-7-6 090 mvods 2021-7-6 18:45
[喜剧爱情] 约会电影/搞乜鬼爱情烂片王/正宗约会电影/约会大电影 [内封中字] Date Movie 2006 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-monkee 6.97GB attachment kmvodys 2011-6-22 1443 cfg076 2021-7-6 17:28
[动作战争] 侠探杰克2:永不回头/杰克·理查尔2/烈探狙击:誓不回头/神隐任务:永不回头 Jack Reacher 2 2016 720p WEB-DL H264 AC3-EVO 3.66GB attachment 24小时 2017-1-18 4171 cfg076 2021-7-6 14:30
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