BluRayCD Forum


蓝光电影720P专区 Blu-Ray 720P Down 今日: 0|主题: 9515|排名: 9 

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[科幻恐怖] 瞬息全宇宙/奇异女侠玩救宇宙/天马行空 Everything Everywhere All at Once 2022 720p BluRaycd x264.DTS-MT 7.07GB attachment mvods 2022-6-22 035 mvods 2022-6-22 17:34
[科幻恐怖] 怪胎/疯人院 She Freak 1967 720p BluRaycd x264-GAZER 3.41GB attachment mvods 2022-6-22 235 neilwang1982 2022-6-22 11:32
[科幻恐怖] 神奇动物3:邓布利多之谜/神奇动物在哪里3:邓布利多之谜 Fantastic Beasts The Secrets of Dumbledore 2022 720p BluRaycd x264 DTS-FGT 6.99GB & 4.64GB attachment mvods 2022-6-20 041 mvods 2022-6-20 01:25
[喜剧爱情] 毕业派对/入伍前的疯狂 Fandango 1985 720p BluRaycd x264-USURY 3.95GB attachment mvods 2022-6-19 026 mvods 2022-6-19 22:41
[喜剧爱情] 实习生/见习冇限耆/高年级实习生 The Intern 2015 720p BluRaycd x264-SPARKS 5.47GB attachment 24小时 2015-12-14 1196 ztyzcm 2022-6-19 21:58
[科幻恐怖] 月下狩猎 The Orchard 2020 720p BluRaycd x264-UNVEiL 2.43GB attachment mvods 2022-6-17 251 jiyugen8180 2022-6-18 22:31
[综艺其它] WWE:摔角狂热 2022/摔角狂热38 WWE WrestleMania 38 Night 2 2022 720p BluRaycd x264-FREEMAN 9.58GB attachment mvods 2022-6-18 023 mvods 2022-6-18 14:57
[动作战争] 墨菲的战争/新战海浮生/特殊的战争/摩菲的战争 Murphys War 1971 720p BluRaycd x264-GAZER 3.92GB attachment mvods 2022-6-17 140 jiyugen8180 2022-6-17 22:36
[动作战争] 小鬼奇兵/暗里藏刀 Cloak and Dagger 1984 720p BluRaycd x264-PiGNUS 8.04GB attachment mvods 2022-6-17 020 mvods 2022-6-17 15:45
[剧情悬疑] 9发子弹/玫瑰舞后之月 9 Bullets 2022 720p BluRaycd x264 DTS-MT 3.80GB & 2.32GB attachment mvods 2022-6-17 126 shiji1973 2022-6-17 09:22
[科幻恐怖] 逃出玉米地/玉米地的怪物/逃离玉米地 Escape the Field 2022 720p BluRaycd x264 DTS-MT 3.49GB attachment mvods 2022-6-16 031 mvods 2022-6-16 23:32
[剧情悬疑] 黑暗弥漫/无光岁月 In Darkness 2011 720p BluRaycd x264-PSiG 6.66GB attach_img kmvodys 2012-5-12 2382 dorischy 2022-6-16 12:20
[喜剧爱情] 灰姑娘 [内封中字] Cinderella 2021 720p BluRaycd x264-PiGNUS 5.24GB & 4.53GB attachment mvods 2022-6-15 153 shiji1973 2022-6-16 09:51
[科幻恐怖] 恐怖地窖 The Cellar 2022 720p BluRaycd x264 DTS-MT 4.17GB attachment mvods 2022-6-15 040 mvods 2022-6-15 17:11
[科幻恐怖] 冷河/邪恶冰冷地 So Cold the River 2022 720p BluRaycd x264-GETiT 1.67GB attachment mvods 2022-6-15 037 mvods 2022-6-15 16:48
[剧情悬疑] 禁闭 Locked In 2021 720p BluRaycd x264-GETiT 1.83GB attachment mvods 2022-6-14 234 jiyugen8180 2022-6-15 11:17
[科幻恐怖] 杨之后/向杨说再见 After Yang 2021 720p BluRaycd x264-PiGNUS 4.20GB & 5.54GB attachment mvods 2022-6-14 041 mvods 2022-6-14 14:24
[剧情悬疑] 儿童法案/判决/少年法·内情 The Children Act 2017 720p BluRaycd x264-SiNNERS 5.46GB attachment mvods 2022-6-13 039 mvods 2022-6-13 21:58
[动作战争] 叶问4:完结篇/叶问4 Ip Man 4 The Finale 2019 720p BluRaycd x264-WUTANG 5.90GB attach_img mvods 2020-5-2 2121 zzk980220 2022-6-13 21:47
[剧情悬疑] 父亲的身份/为父进行式/爸爸进行式/爸爸进行时/给麦迪的两个吻 [内封中字] Fatherhood 2021 720p BluRaycd x264-PiGNUS 4.61GB & 4.11GB attachment mvods 2022-6-12 125 zzk980220 2022-6-12 21:21
[科幻恐怖] 阴云 Dark Cloud 2022 720p BluRaycd x264-FREEMAN 2.14GB attachment mvods 2022-6-12 035 mvods 2022-6-12 20:36
[剧情悬疑] 永恒之光/永恒闪光 Lux AEterna 2019 720p BluRaycd x264-SCARE 1.69GB attachment mvods 2022-6-11 132 tjzfyybbb 2022-6-12 19:55
[喜剧爱情] 年轻气盛/回春/青春 Youth 2015 PROPER 720p BluRaycd x264-USURY 3.08GB attach_img mvods 2022-6-8 254 xiaoyun1985 2022-6-12 16:26
[剧情悬疑] 斯图神父/斯图 Father Stu 2022 720p BluRaycd x264 DTS-MT 3.48GB attachment mvods 2022-6-12 021 mvods 2022-6-12 16:19
[科幻恐怖] 好像一条狗/人模狗样 Like Dogs 2021 720p BluRaycd x264-GETiT 1.72GB attachment mvods 2022-6-12 013 mvods 2022-6-12 15:03
[经典影片] 曲终梦回/魔宫艳舞/霍夫曼的故事/荷夫曼故事 The Tales Of Hoffmann 1951 720p BluRaycd x264-SiNNERS 5.46GB attachment mvods 2022-6-12 037 mvods 2022-6-12 02:00
[科幻恐怖] 鬼追人2/幻象2/五鬼拍门二之邪魔不死 Phantasm 2 1988 iNTERNAL 720p BluRaycd x264-PEGASUS 4.85GB attachment mvods 2022-6-12 016 mvods 2022-6-12 00:34
[剧情悬疑] 裸体公园 The Naked Zoo 1970 DC 720p BluRaycd x264-GAZER 4.39GB & 2.81GB attachment mvods 2022-6-11 026 mvods 2022-6-11 23:25
[科幻恐怖] 繁殖 Crossbreed 2019 720p BluRaycd x264-FREEMAN 3.24GB attachment mvods 2022-6-11 036 mvods 2022-6-11 22:59
[剧情悬疑] 公爵 The Duke 2020 720p BluRaycd x264-SCARE 2.09GB attachment mvods 2022-6-11 135 shiji1973 2022-6-11 20:37
[剧情悬疑] 伟大的自由/爱你让我自由 Great Freedom 2021 720p BluRaycd x264-SCARE 3.50GB attachment mvods 2022-6-11 026 mvods 2022-6-11 19:20
[科幻恐怖] 死亡之喉 Mako The Jaws of Death 1976 720p BluRaycd x264-GAZER 4.08GB attachment mvods 2022-6-11 018 mvods 2022-6-11 18:54
[剧情悬疑] 天涯此处有知心 Connecting Rooms 1970 720p BluRaycd x264-GAZER 3.50GB attachment mvods 2022-6-11 035 mvods 2022-6-11 15:55
[科幻恐怖] 暗夜博士:莫比亚斯/魔比煞/魔比斯/吸血鬼莫比亚斯 Morbius 2022 720p BluRaycd x264 DTS-MT 4.88GB & 3.47GB attachment mvods 2022-6-10 028 mvods 2022-6-10 17:52
[剧情悬疑] 荣归/返乡/归来 Coming Home 1978 iNTERNAL 720p BluRaycd x264-PEGASUS 7.89GB attachment mvods 2022-6-9 015 mvods 2022-6-9 20:05
[动作战争] 猛虎神枪/猛虎神龙 Hell Bent for Leather 1960 720p BluRaycd x264-OLDTiME 5.42GB attachment mvods 2022-6-9 022 mvods 2022-6-9 18:32
[科教记录] 兰开斯特 Lancaster 2022 720p BluRaycd x264-SCARE 2.97GB attachment mvods 2022-6-9 022 mvods 2022-6-9 17:14
[科幻恐怖] 休赛期 Offseason 2021 720p BluRaycd x264 DTS-MT 3.20GB attachment mvods 2022-6-8 140 tjzfyybbb 2022-6-8 22:15
[科教记录] 原子咖啡厅 The Atomic Cafe 1982 720p BluRaycd x264-USURY 6.10GB attachment mvods 2022-6-8 026 mvods 2022-6-8 18:24
[喜剧爱情] 乐队来访/乐队来访时/乐队造访/警察乐队来访时 The Bands Visit 2007 720p BluRaycd x264-USURY 3.24GB attachment mvods 2022-6-8 034 mvods 2022-6-8 16:00
[剧情悬疑] 内特拉姆/恶的序章 Nitram 2021 720p BluRaycd x264-USURY 2.69GB attachment mvods 2022-6-8 023 mvods 2022-6-8 15:38
[科教记录] 千锤万缝创新路/千钟万缝展新路 From Spikes to Spindles 1976 720p BluRaycd x264-BiPOLAR 992.91MB attachment mvods 2022-6-8 021 mvods 2022-6-8 12:44
[剧情悬疑] 怪异天才/坏孩子法斯宾德 Enfant Terrible 2020 720p BluRaycd x264-BiPOLAR 3.64GB attachment mvods 2022-6-8 029 mvods 2022-6-8 00:13
[经典影片] 一七七六 [加长版] 1776 1972 EXTENDED 720p BluRaycd x264-PiGNUS 8.60GB & 7.45GB attachment mvods 2022-6-7 131 xiaoyun1985 2022-6-8 00:09
[动作战争] 堡垒2/堡垒:狙击之眼 Fortress 2 Snipers Eye 2022 720p BluRaycd x264 DTS-MT 5.27GB attachment mvods 2022-6-7 033 mvods 2022-6-7 20:55
[剧情悬疑] 上风/黑枭雄 Rififi in Paris 1966 720p BluRaycd x264-PussyFoot 8.81GB attachment mvods 2022-6-6 030 mvods 2022-6-6 10:28
[喜剧爱情] 一团乱麻/疯狂世家 Fire Sale 1977 720p BluRaycd x264-GAZER 4.17GB attachment mvods 2022-6-6 017 mvods 2022-6-6 10:05
[科教记录] 河流 River 2021 720p BluRaycd x264-ORBS 3.10GB attachment mvods 2022-6-5 036 mvods 2022-6-5 14:15
[剧情悬疑] 西西里黑帮 The Sicilian Connection 1972 DUBBED UNCUT 720p BluRaycd x264-PussyFoot 5.50GB attachment mvods 2022-6-5 034 mvods 2022-6-5 13:55
[动漫动画] 哆啦A梦:大雄的宇宙英雄记/哆啦A梦:大雄之宇宙英雄記 Doraemon Nobita and the Space Heroes 2015 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 3.80GB attachment 21cn 2015-11-23 1325 vxrain 2022-6-3 18:57
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