BluRayCD Forum


蓝光电影720P专区 Blu-Ray 720P Down 今日: 0|主题: 9511|排名: 9 

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[经典影片] 女神 Devi 1960 720p BluRaycd x264-USURY 5.52GB attachment mvods 2022-2-26 030 mvods 2022-2-26 05:58
[科幻恐怖] 雾/阴霾 Haze 2005 720p BluRaycd x264-BiPOLAR 3.15GB attachment mvods 2022-2-24 125 tjzfyybbb 2022-2-25 20:19
[喜剧爱情] 新西区故事/西城故事 [史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格新片] West Side Story 2021 720p BluRaycd x264-SPIELBERG 6.42GB attachment mvods 2022-2-24 155 shiji1973 2022-2-24 21:06
[科幻恐怖] 电线杆小子大冒险/电柱小僧的冒险/电线杆小子的冒险 The Adventure of Denchu-Kozo 1987 720p BluRaycd x264-BiPOLAR 2.28GB attachment mvods 2022-2-24 022 mvods 2022-2-24 07:15
[动作战争] 斩 Killing 2018 720p BluRaycd x264-USURY 2.73GB attachment mvods 2022-2-24 024 mvods 2022-2-24 05:03
[动作战争] 少林与忍者/忍者vs阿罗汉/少林童子功 Shaolin vs Ninja 1983 DUBBED 720p BluRaycd x264-GUACAMOLE 4.29GB attachment mvods 2022-2-24 032 mvods 2022-2-24 02:22
[科幻恐怖] 最后的广播 The Last Broadcast 1998 720p BluRaycd x264-SNOW 4.78GB attachment mvods 2022-2-24 018 mvods 2022-2-24 01:51
[动漫动画] 神之山岭 [内封中字] The Summit of the Gods 2021 720p BluRaycd x264-USURY 1.94GB attachment mvods 2022-2-24 140 ccfys888 2022-2-24 00:23
[喜剧爱情] 法兰西/芳名法兰西/天后主播法兰西/此晨半晴阴 France 2021 FRENCH 720p BluRaycd x264 DTS-MT 7.28GB attachment mvods 2022-2-22 033 mvods 2022-2-22 21:55
[科幻恐怖] 斯托克山/街头流浪者 Stoker Hills 2020 720p BluRaycd x264 DTS-MT 4.18GB attachment mvods 2022-2-22 016 mvods 2022-2-22 21:17
[剧情悬疑] 贝尔法斯特 Belfast 2021 720p BluRaycd x264 DTS-MT 3.20GB & 3.65GB attachment mvods 2022-2-22 039 mvods 2022-2-22 20:24
[动作战争] 屠夫之子2 La Soga Salvation 2021 720p BluRaycd x264 DTS-MT 3.0GB attachment mvods 2022-2-22 037 mvods 2022-2-22 18:51
[经典影片] 风之骑士/影子骑士 The Shadow Riders 1982 OAR 720p BluRaycd x264-OLDTiME 5.26GB & 3.50GB attachment mvods 2022-2-22 033 mvods 2022-2-22 02:08
[科幻恐怖] 灵猩/林克 Link 1986 RERIP 720p BluRaycd x264-SNOW 4.37GB attachment mvods 2022-2-20 024 mvods 2022-2-20 23:08
[动作战争] 一人军团 Army of One 2020 720p BluRaycd x264-GUACAMOLE 2.51GB attachment mvods 2022-2-20 027 mvods 2022-2-20 22:37
[科幻恐怖] 移居者/定居者 Settlers 2021 720p BluRaycd x264-JustWatch 2.47GB attachment mvods 2022-2-20 039 mvods 2022-2-20 22:12
[喜剧爱情] 致胜女王/爽翻姐妹/劫券同盟 Queenpins 2021 720p BluRaycd x264-VERONICA 4.75GB attachment mvods 2022-2-20 051 mvods 2022-2-20 21:53
[剧情悬疑] 阁楼 The Penthouse 2021 720p BluRaycd x264-GETiT 2.50GB attachment mvods 2022-2-20 042 mvods 2022-2-20 16:20
[科幻恐怖] 死亡凝视/就在你身边 Deadsight 2018 720p BluRaycd x264-UNVEiL 2.03GB attachment mvods 2022-2-19 038 mvods 2022-2-19 23:01
[科幻恐怖] 诡厉信号/广播信号入侵 Broadcast Signal Intrusion 2021 720p BluRaycd x264-JustWatch 3.12GB attachment mvods 2022-2-19 021 mvods 2022-2-19 22:27
[动漫动画] 命运之夜 天之杯Ⅲ:春之歌/HF III.春樱之歌 Fate Stay Night Heavens Feel III Spring Song 2020 720p BluRaycd x264-HAiKU 2.51GB attach_img mvods 2022-2-19 045 mvods 2022-2-19 22:11
[剧情悬疑] 残酷的生存 Survive 1976 720p BluRaycd x264-GETiT 4.54GB attachment mvods 2022-2-19 027 mvods 2022-2-19 21:28
[科教记录] 城市化 Urbanized 2011 720p BluRaycd x264-USURY 2.81GB attach_img mvods 2022-2-18 036 mvods 2022-2-18 19:44
[科幻恐怖] 绿色房间/纳粹庞克(台) Green Room 2015 720p BluRaycd x264-DRONES 4.38GB attachment mvods 2022-2-18 035 mvods 2022-2-18 18:45
[经典影片] 重返荣耀/高球神话/夺标奇缘/巴格·范斯传奇 The Legend of Bagger Vance 2000 720p BluRaycd x264-USURY 5.64GB attachment mvods 2022-2-18 030 mvods 2022-2-18 04:46
[喜剧爱情] 导演万岁 Glory to the Filmmaker 2007 720p BluRaycd x264-USURY 6.91 GB attachment mvods 2022-2-18 026 mvods 2022-2-18 04:04
[经典影片] 秀你悲伤的爱/悲伤爱情/悲情家族/苦妹·丧姐·连环图 Funuke Show Some Love You Losers 2007 720p BluRaycd x264-ORBS 6.33GB attachment mvods 2022-2-18 024 mvods 2022-2-18 00:24
[科幻恐怖] 暗夜呢喃/H.P.洛夫克拉夫特的黑暗童话/克苏鲁怪谈:黑暗细语 The Whisperer in Darkness 2011 iNTERNAL 720p BluRaycd x264-PEGASUS 5.01GB attachment mvods 2022-2-17 026 mvods 2022-2-17 23:52
[喜剧爱情] 纪念品:第一部分/我们的相爱时光 The Souvenir 2019 720p BluRaycd x264-AMIABLE 7.96GB attachment mvods 2022-2-17 022 mvods 2022-2-17 19:43
[科幻恐怖] 养鬼吃人4/猛鬼追魂 IV:血统 [重制版] Hellraiser IV Bloodline 1996 REMASTERED 720p BluRaycd x264-OLDTiME 3.72GB attachment mvods 2022-2-17 023 mvods 2022-2-17 17:40
[剧情悬疑] 壮志千秋/时势英雄 Cimarron 1960 720p BluRaycd x264-SPECTACLE 7.94GB attachment mvods 2022-2-17 019 mvods 2022-2-17 16:04
[经典影片] 世界在谁手中/旺贝坑 Kuhle Wampe or Who Owns the World 1932 720p BluRaycd x264-BiPOLAR 2.57GB attachment mvods 2022-2-17 123 shiji1973 2022-2-17 09:28
[经典影片] 赤裸的马刺/血泊飞车/赤壁亡魂/裸刺 The Naked Spur 1953 720p BluRaycd x264-USURY 4.55GB attachment mvods 2022-2-17 034 mvods 2022-2-17 06:24
[动作战争] 月宫浴血 Blood on the Moon 1948 720p BluRaycd x264-ORBS 3.56GB attachment mvods 2022-2-17 020 mvods 2022-2-17 05:59
[动作战争] 王牌特工:源起/皇家特工:第一任务 The Kings Man 2021 720p BluRaycd x264 DTS-MT 4.55GB attachment mvods 2022-2-13 152 mofokun 2022-2-17 05:54
[经典影片] 我和我的伙伴 Me and My Pal 1933 720p BluRaycd x264-BiPOLAR 635.51MB attachment mvods 2022-2-17 017 mvods 2022-2-17 04:39
[经典影片] 劳蕾尔和哈代:清白 Come Clean 1931 720p BluRaycd x264-BiPOLAR 620.50MB attachment mvods 2022-2-17 028 mvods 2022-2-17 04:26
[经典影片] 一件好事 One Good Turn 1931 720p BluRaycd x264-BiPOLAR 841.16MB attachment mvods 2022-2-17 026 mvods 2022-2-17 04:09
[经典影片] 尽情疯狂/空中滑稽动作 Hog Wild 1930 720p BluRaycd x264-BiPOLAR 1.52GB attachment mvods 2022-2-17 029 mvods 2022-2-17 03:55
[经典影片] 歌声俪影/歌剧院之夜/歌台三怪杰 A Night at the Opera 1935 720p BluRaycd x264-USURY 5.88GB attachment mvods 2022-2-17 023 mvods 2022-2-17 03:37
[经典影片] 老瑞和哈迪之小皮孩儿/劳莱和哈台之小皮孩儿 Brats 1930 720p BluRaycd x264-BiPOLAR 1.28GB attachment mvods 2022-2-17 022 mvods 2022-2-17 03:15
[科教记录] 人生七年5/35岁起/人生七年第五季/人生七载之当我三十五 35 Up 1991 720p BluRaycd x264-USURY 4.37GB attachment mvods 2022-2-16 021 mvods 2022-2-16 03:41
[剧情悬疑] 极地先锋 Amundsen 2019 NORWEGIAN 720p BluRaycd x264-WASTE 5.44GB & 5.46GB attachment mvods 2022-2-16 027 mvods 2022-2-16 03:08
[剧情悬疑] 看不见的女人/失散两生花/被遗忘的人生 The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmao 2019 720p BluRaycd x264-USURY 7.29GB attachment mvods 2022-2-15 042 mvods 2022-2-15 22:13
[科幻恐怖] 碟形世界:魔法的色彩/魔法世界:藏宝箱的秘密/魔法光芒/异光 The Color of Magic 2008 iNTERNAL Part 1 & Part 2 720p BluRaycd x264-PEGASUS 4.17GB & 3.98GB attach_img mvods 2022-2-14 033 mvods 2022-2-14 22:22
[科幻恐怖] 捕梦者/捕梦人 Dreamcatcher 2021 720p BluRaycd x264 DTS-FGT 4.74GB & 1.89GB attachment mvods 2022-2-14 032 mvods 2022-2-14 21:13
[剧情悬疑] 美人局/玉面金刚巧布美人计/玉面金刚布美人计 Woman of Straw 1964 720p BluRaycd x264-GUACAMOLE 5.47GB attachment mvods 2022-2-14 022 mvods 2022-2-14 20:37
[经典影片] 谍舰/破坏者号:代号莫里图里/谍海双雄 Morituri 1965 720p BluRaycd x264-GUACAMOLE 4.37GB attach_img mvods 2022-2-14 059 mvods 2022-2-14 20:06
[经典影片] 联邦一州/三十功名尘与土 State Of The Union 1948 720p BluRaycd x264-SiNNERS 5.47GB attachment mvods 2022-2-14 031 mvods 2022-2-14 08:18
[经典影片] 假戏真做 Libeled Lady 1936 720p BluRaycd x264-ORBS 4.23GB attachment mvods 2022-2-14 028 mvods 2022-2-14 04:51
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