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[蓝光原盘] 蔑视/轻蔑/春情金丝猫 [蓝光原盘] Contempt 1963 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 2.0-FGT 43.90GB








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kmvodys 发表于 2011-9-2 07:00:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A screenwriter finds his marriage falling apart as he attempts to get started a film version of the "The Odyssey."7 o, E, ?9 P3 X/ q/ w

# l1 E5 J1 {/ D2 V; w4 j( }+ g4 @: t
  L* b0 @* \' w. a) l$ Y# u
◎译  名 蔑视/轻蔑/春情金丝猫(港)
* t, {& i  t/ m" r4 T3 b. m8 k◎片  名 Le mépris / Contempt: L' k7 x9 D+ s2 r
◎年  代 1963
9 _* B  l- \1 S( E8 K◎产  地 法国/意大利
4 W% _9 r' s4 e◎类  别 剧情/爱情2 F( w1 u- y9 {+ c
◎语  言 法语/英语/德语/意大利语7 ?' o! Z4 \. M
◎上映日期 1963-10-29(意大利)
' v# L& _' e7 p; s4 x) a◎IMDb评分  7.5/10 from 34,148 users
  V. z6 R0 a5 z2 ^0 |% T% G◎IMDb链接 \6 E; F8 f& q, r  c+ ~9 J
◎豆瓣评分 7.7/10 from 10,253 users" I# i* S$ ~& G' c- I' M- \
0 }; J* k2 J# P5 ~: v; Q6 `* V◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
1 z5 e) [" t' L( C, e% v$ X; h* O◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
1 n  Q; r, ~& i◎文件大小 1DVD 43.90 GiB* |1 G) t+ }4 S$ q0 D* g
◎片  长 1:43:15.416 ( G' g- g  Q* p2 Z! J
◎导  演 让-吕克·戈达尔 Jean-Luc Godard
9 ^* {! y3 ~1 Z1 b; e) k◎编  剧 阿尔贝托·莫拉维亚 Alberto Moravia
5 }+ g/ r% f, |8 C, p       让-吕克·戈达尔 Jean-Luc Godard% ^& U8 D2 H8 W: f3 ]7 k
◎音  乐 乔治·德勒吕 Georges Delerue. S4 J* n6 i9 T: \
◎演  员 碧姬·芭铎 Brigitte Bardot3 X* z7 s: \* J$ J
       米歇尔·皮科利 Michel Piccoli# |8 U" h: Q. Y0 A& C
       杰克·帕兰斯 Jack Palance$ h! C1 k5 g% i1 M: d+ z6 c  I! q
       焦尔贾·莫尔 Giorgia Moll
/ U( w  }1 {, J3 z$ Z. T+ g  _       弗里茨·朗 Fritz Lang
$ x; \. R' ^0 k0 D. ~9 u6 B
# V' q+ J  I2 N+ T: m◎简  介 3 ]4 ]; b; n2 x# [1 N
. w9 A! ?& l7 s7 }2 m
  保罗(米歇尔·皮寇利 Michel Piccoli 饰)与卡米尔(碧姬·芭铎 Brigitte Bardot 饰)是一对幸福的夫妻,保罗剧作家的工作也足以保证他们的衣食无忧。一次,制片人普罗可修(杰克·帕兰斯 Jack Palance 饰)邀请这对夫妻参加一个会谈,在会谈之中,面对着滔滔不绝的丈夫,卡米尔的心中第一次浮现出了一种名为“轻蔑”的可怕情感。
6 ]6 O& ]# Z) b, |0 [, r0 o& _$ _4 I9 T
  随着时间的推移,这种情感非但没有减弱,反而越来越强烈,强烈到她已经无法再像以前那样的对丈夫施以深刻的爱意。同时,英俊帅气的普罗可修吸引了卡米尔的注意,两人越走越近。当奸情败露后,保罗大发雷霆,可卡米尔和普罗可修却毫不在意的驾驶着豪车扬长而去,哪知道,悲剧性的命运正在前方等待着他们。5 P( d5 z9 E) r, R: \  A

% u* o- i% b6 `+ Q; A2 a& }  Screenwriter Paul Javal's marriage to his wife Camille disintegrates during movie production as she spends time with the producer. Layered conflicts between art and business ensue.
' |8 X, j4 J9 l! F' u0 o! m7 B2 A: S
  1. DISC INFO:  Y2 A9 v2 u' L, ^, L8 b' K1 L, C

  2. . G9 _/ {2 ~" R8 s! x3 s% ^- b
  3. Disc Title:     Contempt.1963.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.2.0-FGT
    ' @; z0 X: S0 o5 S8 U3 I$ Z1 F2 N' D
  4. Disc Size:      47 143 428 776 bytes1 Q$ C9 R  F1 |# l. P
  5. Protection:     AACS
    ; V$ C+ L+ T# d% }- B
  6. BD-Java:        Yes2 D  b( B' W& H2 R8 U) O, ]" B
  7. Extras:         50Hz Content; k' b% ~5 Z3 m" k7 H+ K8 j
  8. BDInfo:         0.5.84 d" p- b' e& D. _! m

  9. / p* V9 ~4 b, x, O* H  E' H- l+ y6 m- ~
  10. PLAYLIST REPORT:4 t4 U! b+ N' R' g4 q6 j
  11. " O0 Q) B2 o! X# p
  12. Name:                   00000.MPLS
    6 y# J% f  Y" ]: c' D+ g( X
  13. Length:                 1:43:15.416 (
    ; ?( B+ K9 p% ?- s, ]
  14. Size:                   29 169 106 944 bytes6 Y  ?- N  \/ J* F/ z; }; _7 e. F4 [
  15. Total Bitrate:          37,67 Mbps
    6 H  O; `% R- Q4 x
  16. 2 @" a% G' k1 ]  x( m* ?6 e) j) c
  17. Video:* X% U1 E& A8 n! P" K8 y
  18. ( D  f* k. d: F0 t) |' v1 d5 e
  19. Codec                   Bitrate             Description    ( W" M- W# j* k! h# e' M
  20. -----                   -------             -----------   
    4 Z7 ^4 O1 I0 V  b. j4 j
  21. MPEG-4 AVC Video        31589 kbps          1080p / 24 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    * W% R8 O, `; f  ^( z0 W
  22. ) ^# d/ c- v: `
  23. AUDIO:
    - u  ^# o$ {, e* y1 w$ g" |7 \. J( T

  24. + T0 D& v& f4 }  p; b: I" H$ T- A
  25. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    + Q. p3 p& x  V$ o, X# R
  26. -----                           --------        -------         -----------    ' G6 t- e$ ^+ k- a) m, M; v
  27. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         857 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 857 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit). N) F+ `+ V# D, ]' Y1 k# U$ V1 q
  28. DTS-HD Master Audio             French          933 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 933 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit)+ U# ^) W' g- Q: ^9 ^9 w2 Z
  29. DTS-HD Master Audio             German          844 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 844 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit)
    ; W6 t0 u" g$ E% b# K8 o4 O
  30. DTS-HD Master Audio             Spanish         1015 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 1015 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 16-bit)
    . E9 A# a1 ^; i' ~# P

  31. - d/ C+ \4 E. u1 w
  32. SUBTITLES:: |% j4 P$ P3 I  z! [- n" J0 |
  33. # n- y# D1 ^! S$ U8 R: y* L
  34. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    & Z9 F5 w: l" n
  35. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    ; p$ K3 j1 ?1 v2 a
  36. Presentation Graphics           English         18,631 kbps                    . d! ^. x+ y* S. h
  37. Presentation Graphics           German          24,610 kbps                    
    ) P( k' y2 b' ~* n5 r$ }
  38. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         20,352 kbps                    % v; O* U7 }+ d7 @
  39. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         22,561 kbps                    : k8 K+ N' v: c9 d) o# S
  40. Presentation Graphics           Dutch           20,445 kbps                    
    5 ~( s& k2 t1 A" U* L1 [
  41. Presentation Graphics           Danish          23,506 kbps                    ) G' W( D/ f) f! x, |
  42. Presentation Graphics           Norwegian       20,063 kbps                    % d" A8 ^) v0 ~9 [. b7 @- D* H
  43. Presentation Graphics           Finnish         21,082 kbps                      e/ O" ?8 ?4 K* R$ m5 @+ Y" p
  44. Presentation Graphics           Swedish         19,768 kbps                    
    # G1 _+ L9 N/ J, O/ l
  45. Presentation Graphics           Japanese        15,630 kbps                    
    . B* J: n) }; g5 ]+ p+ t: F( T
  46. Presentation Graphics           English         0,362 kbps                      8 ~+ r5 C" ]& Q
  47. Presentation Graphics           German          2,839 kbps  
Le Mepris Blu-ray, Video Quality   ! Z. E: B" t( C, X# E
% W0 f' I9 _* z! y

" a) h6 c0 W/ S! m% S0 r* ^" K8 ~$ jPresented in an aspect ratio of 2.35:1, encoded with MPEG-4 AVC and granted a 1080p transfer, Jean-Luc Godard's Le mépris arrives on Blu-ray courtesy of British distributors Optimum Home Entertainment.1 t6 J; w1 ]1 P0 p9 g+ M1 w+ {5 a& c
9 m1 }% I& j% l+ I
This high-definition transfer is just a tiny bit weaker than the one the British distributors and French juggernaut Studio Canal delivered for Belle de jour. Once again, it appears that the two parties have used dated elements to bring the film to Blu-ray. As a result, there are some minor inconsistencies with the presentation which I am going to address in a minute.
! T1 G2 Q# e1 q. B- k& f5 A
$ b) i1 {! g1 Z% F( c; KFirst, however, the good news - there are no traces of serious filtering. As a result, the grain structure of Le mépris is very much intact. From the provocative close-ups of Bardot's naked body in the very beginning of the film to the intoxicatingly beautiful panoramic vistas from the Isle of Capri, Le mépris looks gorgeous. Edge-enhancement and macroblocking are not a serious issue of concern. I did see some thick lining popping up here and there, but this isn't something that would detract from your viewing experience.
1 H# ]& l1 E& h0 y4 o9 v3 O
9 x5 x- ^$ m( ]& {Now, the film's color-scheme is where most of the issues with this transfer appear. Because Le mépris has not been thoroughly restored (like Godard's Pierrot le fou), there are some random color pulsations that you would notice. Reds, yellows, greens and blues are the ones that are affected the most by them. Finally, unlike the R1 DVD Criterion released some time ago, this Blu-ray transfer retains the film's correct color scheme.$ {( J9 g8 \+ h/ K

' L. _7 x; W0 c# ^Aside from a few minor specks popping up here and there, Le mépris looks solid. There are no serious debris, scratches, or warps to report in this review.% u5 {% j# T+ q5 q8 `! M2 m

$ |; @5 h. v  V  ^0 h8 Q, dTo sum it all up, despite the few minor reservations I have with the transfer, I think that this is a solid release that outperforms every single DVD release that I have seen of Le mépris. And just so it is perfectly clear to those who share the opinion that this should be obvious, the high-definition transfer gives the film an entirely new look, one with pleasing depth and detail that I have not previously witnessed.- E& y3 Q) g9 u, Y/ [9 r  m

' j) O8 `& j, M! [6 ANote: This disc has been coded for Regions A and B. Therefore, you must have a native Region A or B, or Region-Free, PS3 or SA in order to access its content. Please note that if you reside in a Region-C territory, and have only a native Region-C PS3 or SA, you won't be able to access the disc's content. Additionally, you could set the disc's main menu in one of the following languages: English (Australian specs), Danish, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, English (UK specs), English (USA specs), and Japanese. Please note that if you select to set up the menu with the USA specs, the default language track would be the English one. Therefore, you need to manually select the original French audio track).# N' A: y3 y6 D+ h8 K" |2 h' C1 n
& a8 U2 s, P$ z* n! N+ K& }, n
Le Mepris Blu-ray, Audio Quality   / n" l( U+ A; a

& Q) T# ]' [/ F# v- W5 {; M) o* r& S7 h8 u& i
There are four audio tracks on this Blu-ray disc: French DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0, English DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0, German DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 and Spanish DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0. I opted for the original French audio track.( q# F' g( u. _8 B  [1 v
; \/ G* r1 e6 w* m
The French DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 track is solid. It reveals a lot more depth and clarity than I could hear on my R2 DVD (courtesy of Momentum Pictures) or R1 DVD (courtesy of Criterion). The dialog is crisp, clear and extremely easy to follow). Georges Delerue's haunting soundtrack sounds particularly impressive, perhaps a lot stronger than I expected it would. There are a couple of scenes where I detected a bit of mild background noise, but overall I have absolutely no reservations with the French DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 track whatsoever.6 F3 M4 d" F+ K

, A* c6 b/ P4 N  g% [8 O/ _  uI did a few random comparisons with the Spanish dub, which I assumed contained the alternative music score by Piero Piccioni. As far as I could tell, however, this isn't it - this is a basic dubbed only version of the film. Also, there is a lot more background noise on it that will surely annoy those of you who choose to ignore the original French track.( O0 d8 }3 K* ]

9 X5 L0 W8 a) i5 [( x. xPlease note that Optimum Home Entertainment have provided optional English, German, Castellan, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish and Japanese subtitles for the main feature. They are excellent - not too big, not too small. When turned on, the subtitles appear inside the image frame.% u; X! F' `# V% |2 W8 @
* i5 S1 x+ Z; A6 u0 G7 D  N! H3 S

: w3 [5 I1 q- D4 g- x4 e
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