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[蓝光原盘] 浪人/冷血悍将/罗宁 [蓝光原盘 重制版] Ronin 1998 REMASTERED 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-FGT 45.24GB








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247 枚
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kmvodys 发表于 2011-9-4 11:58:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A freelancing former U.S. Intelligence Agent tries to track down a mysterious package that is wanted by the Irish and the Russians.% x0 Y$ d2 _3 u

- R$ U5 n+ U. g( r9 r" m4 }0 u4 m6 Y. ?

- {7 C8 s% c7 v. q0 W0 f3 p* b◎译  名 浪人/冷血悍将/罗宁8 ~( {- V8 a. s" ^& J' J/ O
◎片  名 游勇 Ronin/ L; {- O0 ~/ A3 W/ I' e
◎年  代 1998
8 @. _1 f9 q+ e  a" z  b* Z5 @◎国  家 美国/英国
/ }/ c) h  N" }3 U. F◎类  别 动作/惊悚/犯罪+ J5 {* F) C; }
◎语  言 英语/法语/俄语
, x# q  s. w% T& d◎上映日期 1998-09-25(美国)
1 o9 Z  I- \' @9 _+ B# e/ i◎IMDb评分  7.3/10 from 174,139 users  C. q, s- p! j2 F/ w5 O
9 `5 r, C4 y/ J. i& T# {◎豆瓣评分 7.6/10 from 13,539 users
) J) @9 [# ?* P0 D- w5 S$ [' G◎豆瓣链接 o1 Y+ ?. }2 l  e0 j
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS% W$ B" n% M- D0 g* C' z
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 10805 T6 [1 o. w4 b4 |
◎文件大小 1DVD 45.24 GiB
! ]9 O  R& }, V7 E◎片  长 2:01:34.787 ( m! p; i, w, B
◎导  演 约翰·弗兰克海默 John Frankenheimer* l( y# T2 _( ~* t0 C
◎编  剧 J·D·基克 J.D. Zeik
  ?) k7 \' Y* Y+ b: \9 g. |5 r       大卫·马梅 David Mamet8 R; c$ W8 S; z% Q6 |& C4 I
◎主  演 罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro
) ^* l! U2 g5 _  \6 E       让·雷诺 Jean Reno
" Z& c! V* B6 R1 L6 O) z       娜塔莎· 麦克艾霍恩 Natascha McElhone
# ^$ c' |  ^# ~4 k* z. n       斯特兰·斯卡斯加德 Stellan Skarsg?rd
% l# u5 y2 b  b2 |2 n       肖恩·宾 Sean Bean
* C+ F7 q" U* j
) v2 A9 e1 C" U. a: F1 S◎简  介 
, E% h. C& F0 \0 p2 ]( k7 D" j/ |$ P
  一支由特种部队的退伍军人组成的神秘小组正在郊外的一间仓库接受雇主任务,他们个个身怀绝技,山姆(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)是前中情局官员、文森特(让·雷诺 Jean Reno 饰)为前欧洲情报局官员、格雷戈(斯特兰·斯卡斯加德 Stellan Skarsgård 饰)则是德国电子专家,同时还有英国武器专家史宾斯(肖恩·宾 Sean Bean 饰)和司机拉里。小组受命要袭击一支全副武装的车队并劫下一只神秘的公文包。经过一系列激烈追逐和枪战,小组总算拿到了箱子,却不料格雷戈竟然背叛了组织,携公文包潜逃并试图将其兜售给俄罗斯。然而,在随后的追回箱子过程中,背叛似乎如诅咒般笼罩着小组,在一次次胆战心惊的追逐和辗转之下,成员们再也已无法分辨站在面前的是敌是友……! x+ H; r/ q7 y7 h

7 b4 D1 e1 ?; K  A briefcase with undisclosed contents, highly sought after by Irish terrorists and the Russian mob, makes its way into criminals’ hands. An Irish liaison assembles a squad of mercenaries, or "ronin", and gives them the task of recovering the case.
3 i$ u( Y  X7 r) y" Z0 M
2 `3 K' q' M! U5 `! u
  1. DISC INFO:" o- T& s. N7 D

  2. $ V; C+ {( ^3 a1 q5 v3 Y
  3. Disc Title: Ronin.1998.REMASTERED.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT
    ! [$ B/ e) N3 B+ }
  4. Disc Size:  48,581,078,688 bytes
    1 b' U0 @$ p/ T3 y7 \7 ]! |9 ~
  5. Protection: AACS
    ) t$ G; n0 i8 k( X5 L5 D
  6. BD-Java:  No
    ! ?# U1 Q5 o# e) ]! P. w, N
  7. BDInfo:   0.5.8
    ! K+ |& s4 N* i; B1 [6 F9 F

  8. 0 \9 c, I' F( ?) L& S  ~$ n' P+ ?
    - ?; K% Z: c: ^
  10. 1 ^& G) S' f* _, `) G! m
  11. Name:       00003.MPLS
    1 _, Z- p3 y8 e
  12. Length:     2:01:34.787 (
    ! q- H3 D  c9 g' l! Y
  13. Size:       39,186,546,240 bytes! W( b5 Q/ w* q% b/ M& A
  14. Total Bitrate:    42.97 Mbps
    6 K  B+ O/ C2 J1 h7 `0 k: |  H5 E3 m

  15. 0 P! O; t" E7 X& X0 Q5 q) D
  16. Video:' `; b0 V6 _; r8 e. t9 f3 J
  17. - ~) r# t. ~! b: Z  c8 t: B
  18. Codec       Bitrate     Description
    ! G4 i& k$ A0 \2 C8 N
  19. -----       -------     -----------+ d- z. q4 z' v+ s* f+ ^# \
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video  34432 kbps    1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    ) m+ M5 S. M% c

  21.   Y: X- d* a' y, [  X  M6 s" H* Y+ m
  22. AUDIO:
    2 l/ c( v# t, {5 N3 o

  23. ' y3 B0 P8 E& r
  24. Codec         Language  Bitrate   Description' w# k/ X9 H3 Z- Z" l' `
  25. -----         --------  -------   -----------( B9 W6 ]. R" z  l" V* }6 i+ f
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio     English   3929 kbps   5.1 / 48 kHz / 3929 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit)0 ^1 [: i( k, R& F
  27. LPCM Audio        English   2304 kbps   2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
    2 s. V% ^, O. W1 d% g( r9 Y
  28. Dolby Digital Audio     English   192 kbps  2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps, T( P, H. \5 f8 ]% x% V$ X
  29. / l: N7 n; Q7 `) o/ k6 S
    2 X2 W! j, v/ }) G
  31. * v: D9 k. \; Q& P# `
  32. Codec         Language  Bitrate   Description6 n. r9 [+ Q. Y9 R0 k0 j+ z% }
  33. -----         --------  -------   -----------0 w2 D( P& O3 ^: k# G
  34. Presentation Graphics   English   1.805 kbps
    $ g" T: R: f. {) P
  35. Presentation Graphics   English   21.346 kbps
Ronin Blu-ray, Video Quality   & N3 u1 ~. V# k) Z. b% r) a

! X) d; Y6 j5 z
% q! X, s5 K8 B- ERonin represents something of a blast from the past from Fox/MGM; this 1080p presentation of the film features the antiquated MPEG-2 video codec while framed inside a 2.35:1 window. All things considered, the transfer could have been worse. Detail is solid, but unexceptional. Faces reveal a bit of texture and lines, as do clothing. The image appears slightly hazy at times, gray and dim, and flesh tones display something of a ghastly appearance early in the film, but later take on a redder appearance. Detail fluctuates at times, and the image appears overly soft in several instances. Black levels fluctuate from a very dark shade of gray to rock-solid. The film retains quite a bit of grain that spikes in several scenes. The print doesn't feature all that many blemishes, but like the grain, the presence of spots and debris spikes in certain scenes. Naturally-lit daytime scenes fare the best, featuring a strong and stable color palette, moderate detail, accurate flesh tones, and visible yet minimal film grain. Ronin is nothing more than an acceptable Blu-ray transfer. It certainly isn't ugly or poor; it's simply mediocre, hit-or-miss, and rather disappointing overall.1 N+ {+ X) g* E2 T) F' H% x- g/ W
+ s7 d3 U/ r1 P; F5 \! C. V
Ronin Blu-ray, Audio Quality   5 B. Z2 d) V0 w8 m$ [0 Y

6 V1 a' k- q  l5 f; f+ d2 i# r7 U% q! a" ^
Ronin makes its long-awaited U.S. debut on Blu-ray with a powerful DTS-HD MA 5.1 lossless soundtrack, easily serving as the technical highlight of the package. Dialogue is slightly hard to hear at times, particularly during the film's opening act. Music isn't played with much vigor, and it's presented primarily across the front. The track picks up nicely during the early action sequences, but still doesn't deliver the aggressive, heart-stopping, clear soundtrack one might expect, and that is heard later on. Gunshots ring out with what seems to be a slight lack of authority, but the more hard-hitting music spills nicely from the speakers. Sound effects -- the revving of car engines and the movement of high speed vehicles around the soundstage -- offer a nice experience, oftentimes accompanied by a fair amount of bass, but none of it really makes for a first-class listening experience. The track picks up considerably in chapter 14 and onward as the chase for the suitcase begins. Gunfire erupts loudly and precisely, explosions rock the foundation, and the surround speakers kick into overdrive with plenty of discrete effects. Of note is a tunnel chase/shootout in chapter 25; a few gunshots reverberate through the soundstage with alarming clarity and power, and the speeding vehicles, too, allow the viewer to practically experience the thrill of the chase first-hand. When it counts, Ronin sounds fantastic on Blu-ray and the latter half of the film more than makes up for the early sequences, but a few minor blemishes keep it from receiving a perfect score.% X% n# ^7 z- X2 \8 u) ^
1 P# ^7 z% u! V% ~9 K1 @- g
0 a, Q: \1 ?. W' i" u# F1 s
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lanpanshuma 发表于 2021-5-8 16:32:53 | 显示全部楼层
这么好的帖子不回对不起自己!7 I) |7 W3 W1 r& K  k* W
After reading the posts have nothing to do I Amoy posts!/ P5 M5 p$ n) y7 P" v/ c0 d








80 枚
1741 点
sebarstean 发表于 2021-7-5 23:01:56 | 显示全部楼层
0 k, t5 u* _, v. y% xThank you for sharing such a good resource polite reply, very sorry for myself!2 f3 G, x0 d( B1 }0 x








601 枚
1693 点
sawas 发表于 2021-7-9 04:19:26 | 显示全部楼层
That's awesome!








107 枚
2391 点
zt6895 发表于 2023-8-12 11:34:39 | 显示全部楼层
其实我一直觉得楼主的品味不错!呵呵!& p9 \8 z0 O' g$ G/ y
Your resources, well, I am very satisfied!
! ^' j$ w  R/ k3 @啥也不说了,楼主就是给力!3 T7 t6 `( _  V! n+ K: z
In fact, I have always felt that the landlord of good taste! Ha ha!8 h8 C4 z  d: G, g








30 枚
2821 点
sclzywxl 发表于 2023-8-16 22:53:50 | 显示全部楼层
啥也不说了,楼主就是给力!  u' [. d2 v/ i* ?) o3 [5 d
After reading the posts have nothing to do I Amoy posts!
  ]( p; A& u1 z3 Q" a9 R' t








3091 枚
9936 点
shiji1973 发表于 2023-8-17 12:42:01 | 显示全部楼层
姐顶的不是帖子,是寂寞!8 k2 y. N4 u0 I$ h, i; B; [" L
要想蓝光电影论坛发展好,资源多,就靠你我他!To the development of Blu-ray movies forum, resources and more depend on you and me!
3 w3 u1 h: f5 K. ]+ ]楼主发贴辛苦了,I*老*虎*U!5 z6 B/ I- R; I! o3 E7 }
In fact, I have always felt that the landlord of good taste! Ha ha!
% U; ]) ~8 W: ~/ [$ P



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