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3 \+ D8 t. m( i+ t$ L8 x B) `' n2 k
感觉人类就是井底之蛙,看看人类是如何从井里跳出来的。; p0 ^0 y8 B: v
5 q- c6 m# b0 I: Y Y; P7 c
5 X! J- A8 w K+ L: a( r& G. J2 f! ]$ U% ^
美国国家航空航天局打开了他们的保险箱,将珍贵的影片资料借给美国探索频道成就了这部惊人的高清纪录片。《从地球出发:NASA任务50年》讲述了人类最伟大的探险的迷人故事,并且由探索者亲自讲述。从早期的水星计划到载人航天,到影响深远的登月,从联盟号航天飞机对接到Bruce McCandless的人类第一次无绳太空行走,这就是太空时代的来临。本片汇集了古老的视频样片以及宇航员们亲自摄录的关键录像,加上飞船上的摄像机的珍贵记录,让本片能够以前所未见的角度给大家讲述这个太空探索的故事。. Z% O, ^' C, g2 n- ?
* X' i W( ]; v" E% H" W) \1 DNASA(美国航空暨太空总署)1958年成立至今已经50年,Discovery频道推出划时代特别节目《从地球出发:NASA任务50年》系列节目,详细记录NASA所进行过的各种先驱任务。全系列共分六集。
6 V6 v$ J' R3 P0 R5 n! t
# i+ H: @( Q. b( I' {* e9 t; a《从地球出发:NASA任务50年》由得奖演员盖瑞辛尼斯担任旁白,记录人类脱离地球,在太空生活的英勇历程。从最早的水星计画到送一人上太空,再到历史性的登月壮举,乃至於布鲁斯麦肯德雷斯进行人类首次无繫绳太空漫步,节目中将为您详述太空时代如何来临。2 T' n" |# ~& o/ Q% ~, v
4 ^8 N; M6 A8 V* W. l《从地球出发:NASA任务50年》讲述人类最伟大的冒险故事,并由当事人现身说法。节目中请到第一位环绕地球轨道的美国人约翰葛伦,还有第一位踏上月球的人类─阿波罗号太空人阿姆斯壮,他们将在镜头前回忆他们缔造历史的职业生涯。包括他们在内,共有30多位知名太空人受访,他们分别参与过水星计画、双子星计画、阿波罗计画、天空实验室及太空梭任务,其中有史考特卡本特、巴兹艾德林、金柯能、吉姆赖佛、吉姆麦迪维、约翰杨恩、还有艾琳考林斯。# T6 K/ e4 O2 e( J' C+ E, w
. a7 O5 P7 l9 p! q" K节目中将播出太空船上摄影机和太空人自己拍摄的原始画面,以空前的深度和观点为您阐述。《从地球出发:NASA任务50年》捕捉人类创新勇气和科技突破的重要时刻,不仅纪念太空之旅的光荣胜利,同时也带给世人更多啟发。
6 u( O2 V0 T0 d! X, h0 s/ o
2 ~! `' V2 K) u. V$ m《从地球出发:NASA任务50年》由危险影片制作公司为Discovery频道制作。危险影片制作公司执行制作人是理察戴尔,Discovery频道执行制作人则为比尔霍华。" x' V3 u8 f) |& t3 ^7 W
4 F4 N' \+ P7 i4 X" a, V《从地球出发:NASA任务50年》单元简介:8 V$ R6 C* k# n2 ~1 e x
9 v) q: i# \; _* zl 第一集 先锋英雄 Ordinary Supermen( `+ }2 [1 N- R( P$ i8 L4 k: j( G; l. K
/ I9 V0 f( q. S4 D* D/ ]; Q3 H
2 e$ F5 v# ]3 n+ I! y( c4 d& o% X
4 X8 ~% m @' w7 ]! C9 v* Q9 Z0 t9 Z) ^l 第二集 漫步太空 Friends and Rivals% n0 y- I- s; |6 j& n
6 a6 {- X+ d+ B. @太空总署深知为了登陆月球并顺利返航,他们必须掌握在太空中连结两艘太空船的技术。为了实践这个目标,太空总署展开名为双子星的新计画,首度以一艘太空船送两名太空人上太空。双子星计划旨在实现一连串先进太空旅行的壮举,从长时间太空飞行到太空漫步。苏联太空人阿列谢李欧诺夫在1965年完成人类首次太空漫步,几个月后,艾德怀特成为第一位在太空漫步的美国太空人。但美苏两国都还没能达成两艘太空船会合衔接的挑战。在一次大胆复杂的任务中,太空总署计画让双子星6号飞行数千哩,然后追上环绕地球轨道的双子星7号,进行令人屏息的太空会合。月球就近在眼前。
`! A3 F7 m4 g- {
- k7 u4 K$ {- O) [) K! ^ j tl 第三集 老鹰号登月 Landing the Eagle
, N% ~( [6 [6 q9 w$ N: o% c6 a+ M) c, B7 J3 _: i c
r+ F6 G. T7 b" k& F8 m+ [$ d$ P9 D' f" M" b" i4 B$ ?) k* O( `& J
l 第四集 太空前哨站 The Explorers
: K5 Z$ S0 K3 ?5 H) E7 L; {* j; B2 ] {1 R
太空总署信心大增,阿姆斯壮和艾德林试探性的脚步,被查理杜克、约翰杨恩和金柯能等人后来居上,他们搭著探月车在月球四处跑。登月任务变得更加雄心勃勃,高潮是阿波罗17号在宁静海停留3天。但预算考量使得最后三次任务被迫取消,阿波罗计画落幕,必须找寻新目标。人类已经能环绕地球轨道、在太空漫步、从一艘太空船横渡到另一艘太空船,甚至造访月球。太空总署开始进行下一步的太空探索,将天空实验室和一群科学家送上地球轨道。天空实验室任务证明人类能在太空生活工作一段长时间。后来美国太空人还受邀入住俄罗斯和平号太空站,早在地球上的冷战解冻前,美俄两国太空人便已在地球轨道上方建立交情。7 i8 g2 ]( O3 J/ u/ U
3 H/ p6 w5 v& X- D, W4 O& C$ yl 第五集 太空梭起落\航天飞机 The Shuttle4 s6 y# U p% q% `1 `: }
. }! X$ i4 y& A& ^20年来,太空总署的太空舱顶多只能载运3人,都是由一群专属男性中挑选,这群人几乎都是试飞员。开发出可重复使用的太空梭,让太空旅行产生革命性改变。这是史上头一遭有6,7位太空人同时上太空。太空梭被形容为子弹上的蝴蝶,首航由约翰杨恩驾驶,他曾在双子星计画首航时,与盖斯葛瑞森一起上太空。太空总署载人太空计画的先驱带领我们迈入太空时代的现代纪元。但太空旅行依旧危险,1986年挑战者号太空梭惨剧,还有2003年哥伦比亚号太空梭意外在在证明了这一点。但国际太空站的发展—这也是人类至今最大胆的太空硬体大合作—意味著太空梭仍有其存在的必要性。
; s% K- x* y: A2 l6 Z( X- H4 U3 P3 f4 |) C
l 第六集 定居外太空 Home in Space
1 D; C; P! ~1 ?1 A, k7 L4 B% S t/ P5 z4 s6 |
, ^4 G: B: F! X0 g A+ I
3 g& l9 _- S' J& sInformation
# p" x, o7 l( W4 [Narrated by award-winning actor Gary Sinise, WHEN WE LEFT EARTH is the incredible story of humankind's greatest adventure, as it happened, told by the people who were there. From the early quest of the Mercury program to put a man in space, to the historic moon landings, through the Soyuz link-up and the first un-tethered space walk by Bruce McCandless, this is how the space age came of age. The vivid HD series features vintage rushes and all the key onboards filmed by the astronauts themselves. The sequences are captured by cameras onboard the spaceships, enabling the series to tell the stories in a depth never seen before.
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' N( ~. C' h* J1 Q* t3 XPart 1: Ordinary Supermen1 H1 g6 v6 w# ]' H
NASA chooses the seven test pilots who will risk their lives to become the first astronauts. Although no capsule has ever made a successful launch into orbit, there is no other known way of reaching space. The Mercury astronauts and engineers need to figure out how to launch a man into space on top of a converted intercontinental ballistic missile.
# Q( Z. P- x5 v- a
- F% S: a' l9 T9 A! L4 Y c7 ?3 }$ g+ j1 s
Part 2: Friends and Rivals! Z3 M9 X( {8 g9 ?6 M! t
A new generation of astronauts have arrived for the Gemini Project...their mission, to test all the required procedures necessary to send the men to the moon and get them back to earth safely. Each Gemini mission launches two men into space, leading to some of NASA's greatest moments -- Ed White's spacewalk, the first orbital rendezvous of Gemini 6 and 7.
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* C% E0 `) w ?- [! ~6 w o! l- F; F# r
Part 3: Landing the Eagle
, _: [/ C) ~# [5 UAs the men of NASA are closing in on claiming the ultimate prize, a walk on the moon, a fire breaks out in the Apollo 1 pressurized capsule, killing astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee. But the tragedy was turned to triumph when the Saturn V rocket safely exited the atmosphere, headed for the moon....a first. Two missions later and NASA is ready to land men on the moon in the ultimate test of America's space faring vision.
) n- a" P/ ~( {7 L( A# h
/ ^" }; G* A# G' @4 a! a
' P- A% X2 L& b' [2 F0 nPart 4: The Explorers
4 x& H( N+ S0 G ^Now that NASA has successfully made the orbiting trip to the moon and back, it's time for the next step and explore the moon. But Apollo 13 would prove a more serious challenge when it is damaged while in space and a plan must be made to help the astronauts return home safely. Undaunted, more expeditions would come, including bringing the land rover to the moon for further exploration. Apollo 17 is the longest moon mission and the last time man would set foot on the moon for generations. In a new phase of the space program, NASA converts an unused Saturn V rocket into Skylab, a reusable American space station. but it arrives damaged and calls for a walk in space for the astronauts to make repairs.* g$ l" S# Z9 e3 L8 y
3 ?4 C- k) Q" n1 A& z
+ q* H- A1 Y9 k$ S! T3 E: |
Part 5: The Shuttle: B7 ?% ]: t5 ?9 P
The development of a new, larger spacecraft with a cargo bay brings an end for the older capsule vehicles. The new craft would revolutionize space travel, but someone would need to drive it. This would require a true test pilot, and John Young, the man who sat alongside Gus Grissom on the first Gemini flight was the chosen man. NASA's manned programs are again leading the way, but space travel remains as dangerous as ever and tragedy again strikes when the space shuttle Challenger explodes, killing all aboard.
2 Z/ e4 T1 B( d8 u
/ E S, x8 b+ g2 R$ N0 g7 j
8 g: H7 z- l4 h% a7 P9 pPart 6: Home in Space
$ S3 A4 Z. p8 _+ Q( _2 j6 WThe development of the Hubble Space Telescope, the most complex instrument ever built was expected to transform our understanding of the Universe. But once it was in space NASA discovered a major problem, the deflective mirror was misaligned and would need to be repaired. It is NASA’s greatest and highest profile mission since the Apollo era. With a renewed confidence NASA begins construction of the International Space Station. More astronauts are in space simultaneously than ever before. And despite the tragedy of Columbia, NASA’s astronauts are pioneering the way back to the moon, Mars and beyond.$ F1 T1 t: s( H* ^. F: Z% m3 o
+ D) g* v) v r4 u. Z) B/ x. L* k
/ P8 ^, G+ n5 l+ b8 D3 ~2 `9 L
从地球出发:NASA任务50年 [全六集 中英双字幕] When.We.Left.Earth.2008.720p.BluRay.x264-CtrlHD 18GB
. T9 @' ?0 n s" r( k' c0 @( V |