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[蓝光原盘] 恶魔咆哮3-4两部合集 [蓝光原盘] Wishmaster 3 2001 Wishmaster 4 2002 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 2.0-FGT 43.30GB








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迅雷电影 发表于 2011-9-24 19:03:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

2 S8 G' U. O5 q/ l- b
1 O. }/ A$ r+ ^! }1 H3 w/ z; L◎译  名 恶魔咆哮3:地狱门前/破茧天魔3之邪恶魔法石(港)/恶魔咆哮3之邪恶魔法石(台)2 @: a4 b& t8 V/ g7 m
◎片  名 Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell8 Y1 r; [5 Y3 L4 d2 r
◎年  代 2001
$ [1 s5 s3 N/ S1 u  w% L◎国  家 加拿大/美国
7 b  \  p9 h+ s6 X7 P  J◎类  别 奇幻/恐怖
4 S9 }. D5 k2 C$ r3 P◎语  言 英语1 x; n! R! x# z8 o7 \; p2 B
◎上映日期 2001-10-23* G) _5 [3 ?; j1 W7 c/ Y( M
◎IMDb评分  3.6/10 from 3624 users3 M% R  D! ^5 q% B* U  q
◎IMDb链接$ N7 `4 Y/ O; A# |$ \5 H5 F5 k1 s
◎豆瓣评分 4.8/10 from 123 users& B: j- ?3 s2 J
◎豆瓣链接* P$ P$ I* K: K7 P7 |
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS0 n: n' q5 G+ ?1 t2 n; i; |
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 10804 }( {5 ?4 O% @/ P
◎文件大小 1DVD 43.30 GiB% t7 v6 R. r! p, X" z1 Q; @
◎片  长 1:32:12.527 (
: j6 K/ c) B# n+ k: J1 e◎导  演 Chris Angel! Z1 ~8 p0 ~' k  o
◎编  剧 Alex Wright
; j6 S  {' `7 U5 l& D0 N5 a& s- K◎主  演 约翰·诺瓦克 John Novak
6 j" I1 _. V8 C6 y6 L' T( U       A·J·库克 A.J. Cook  y4 I! n" w* z2 }5 F
       托比亚斯·梅勒 Tobias Mehler0 [% k0 R, P  m8 p, m
       杰森·康纳利 Jason Connery
& h: G* W1 C9 C       Clayton T. Stewart
& V& ?+ l8 u, F( f+ o! [- A7 o- H- b1 M4 z
◎简  介     2 @% o% o3 b3 R1 e5 `/ {" [
) ]: A% x% j  R  ]/ P
  The evil Djinn is back at again, this time wreaking havoc on the students of Illinois' Baxter University.
" ^4 K" t4 x3 V7 k
& `- {  d* @7 B( A- L0 g  先介绍前两集的前情提要。恶魔咆哮系列的邪恶主角人称迪精,也就是一般人所谓的恶灵。迪精是远古波斯的恶灵,他被囚禁在一颗镶嵌在雕像上的秘石中已达数百年之久,不然…至少是从上一集开始。在恶魔咆哮3中,前途看好的助教戴安娜柯林斯(A.J. Cook,死亡日记」),在年幼时失去所有亲人,因此心中常有自杀的念头。她找到了这颗囚禁迪精的秘石,理所当然的,迪精也趁机逃了出来。而铁定会让许多女性观众忌妒的是,迪精霸占了巴拉许教授(Jason Connery-没错,他就是史恩康纳莱的儿子-果然会让女性忌妒吧?)的身体,而他正是戴安娜的爱慕者。迪精必须让戴安娜许下三个愿望,他才能打开地狱之门,释放所有的邪灵。为了逼她许下第三个愿望,迪精在大学校园大肆屠戮,在戴安娜屈服前,他绝不罢手。 4 g& s6 S2 L2 |2 I7 [# j0 d! m

1 X& k9 P( F' I) |  Magically powerful and supernaturally evil, the ancient entity known as the Djinn can grant your wildest dreams - and unleash your darkest nightmares. Follow the Wishmaster's bloodcurdling quest to devour souls and plunge the world into eternal damnation in this fright-filled collection of four horror-fantasy favorites.3 i8 e% h. q! s( P7 `5 H

3 C6 o8 V8 x# c. o' k* N, D6 E: \ dd611f09ada460afc15800ab9c45e22c.jpg fce556f48d3477a3c36aedb6831efd38.jpg c31f4cb487db054cbda87d4064049243.jpg a9fffb120f4c74a96de5816bac1a8f2a.jpg 0a159d109b60359ebe84ebdd0e4fdbe8.jpg c27b4faba73f51219718c217b367bd3e.jpg
  1. DISC INFO:4 y9 u+ f9 e: C7 I, I
  2. % q' R; g, f2 q& A: p3 Y* a
  3. Disc Title:     Wishmaster.3.Beyond.the.Gates.of.Hell.2001.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.2.0-FGT$ c- ?* l; v9 z8 i) o
  4. Disc Size:      46,539,122,079 bytes
    8 f  {* V- [# o; ~3 a
  5. Protection:     AACS9 g3 G4 O2 u8 P8 C3 E
  6. BD-Java:        No1 i: G- \! H% j8 {) s0 q3 {
  7. BDInfo:         0.5.8& ?5 u8 u9 p& y5 i, E! O

  8. 8 l/ [; H& k  {+ g6 S- ^
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:' c; k& C3 b# @

  10. , k  c; Q) B! j; L
  11. Name:                   00000.MPLS
    ; z* w) C! _+ y: K1 Z
  12. Length:                 1:32:12.527 ( r! Y1 L; g8 R" b& N
  13. Size:                   21,428,054,016 bytes6 X2 F) `: ]  m" m+ G' M3 C# W
  14. Total Bitrate:          30.98 Mbps
    " R* A/ M  J( w" n8 T" b
  15. 1 ~/ W" x1 t0 a! r
  16. Video:2 a; s, k0 r' `4 ?

  17. ' N7 A; L) Y3 u" z) B
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description     
    2 z9 W* x4 o0 K: J  E/ f6 L6 t% V
  19. -----                   -------             -----------     8 A0 q& O; s; `5 s* `+ L! v6 C
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        26971 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1/ G0 j; u+ |* a) }
  21. % d' z: F) v9 Q! [/ `" `
  22. AUDIO:
    - R$ g, E3 H1 v( C; ~
  23. - Y3 T" `+ t5 l# D* S
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     % M. f* y: a6 X
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     
    3 R$ D5 E: S5 q  v
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         2101 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 2101 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    ! Y% }0 x2 s1 m1 ?3 u( L  A8 c
  27. Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB" L2 n8 ]9 ]" I2 J/ A

  28. 1 |3 g( E. q' z4 z3 D
    * ~  |& _0 Z4 g( e( \: X

  30. 6 F, W+ Q+ ^) ]7 q" e' H& R
  31. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     * ^' h, Y4 |) x. _8 c& I' `
  32. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     - f8 y4 d- M& Z  W- }
  33. Presentation Graphics           English         43.256 kbps                     
    / E; N4 W/ M3 S. a. M: Z; r% n8 f5 ?
  34. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         37.879 kbps
Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell Blu-ray, Video Quality5 o6 a# B* h8 T

1 [1 @2 h3 f& l6 M1 W; H+ S- |+ w& D0 d+ Q
Wishmaster 3:  Beyond the Gates of Hell is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of Lionsgate Films' Vestron Video imprint, with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 1.85:1.  All four of the films in the Wishmaster Collection are within "shouting distance" of each other, quality wise, but I'm grading this film and the first sequel at 3.5, and the last two at 4.0 to indicate some subtle but noticeable differences between these transfers.  Both this film and the fourth film have a slightly better overall look about them, with excellent saturation and very little of the variability in the grain field, some of which is perhaps due to CGI replacing more traditional optical or composited effects.  Detail levels are generally very good to excellent, though there are occasional contrast fluctuations as the story segues from brightly lit outdoor scenes to some murkier looking interior sequences.
2 [+ z1 G/ [" w6 f3 g4 [+ z7 {1 }/ g( \7 E4 t
Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell Blu-ray, Audio Quality
* E1 j; r; X$ Z; o. E0 f/ N8 a2 E3 w& \/ D0 Z' e2 J5 u0 S9 \9 F* g

: R$ s; {2 ^5 S$ t* OMake up your mind already!  As mentioned in the Wishmaster Blu-ray review, this collection ping pongs back and forth between DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and 2.0 tracks.  This particular film boasts a decent sounding DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 track, one that doesn't offer a wealth of impressive separation but which delivers dialogue, effects and score clearly, with no problems and with smart prioritization.  I'm at least a little curious as to why this film, shot more or less in tandem with the final sequel, only has a stereo track while the last film has a surround track.9 o4 x: r- R" v' w& r! m$ Q% ]
    . @/ b5 r4 [1 H. P3 H& H2 t0 B
  2. : `& @6 n: V& L
  3. Disc Title:     Wishmaster.4.The.Prophecy.Fulfilled.2002.1080p.BluRaycd.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT
    . ?6 K9 T, `4 I2 g1 e) m9 T" L
  4. Disc Size:      46,539,122,079 bytes- n) h) h/ R# k% ~! R
  5. Protection:     AACS7 q, i, L. q8 u8 R  c" e; B
  6. BD-Java:        No
    ' z4 m; m/ M! C6 `9 y, [# I5 l1 S
  7. BDInfo:         0.5.8" e& g, H" D  {" N6 f
  8. & ^/ Q. r4 Y# Q3 I/ }7 _8 p2 v
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:# d4 V6 u+ J3 U  }7 j
  10. 0 v8 Z' e; _* e) g& a$ B
  11. Name:                   00021.MPLS
    . y) D+ e0 J; g+ n
  12. Length:                 1:31:47.502 ( ]4 t- Z) b# S& {/ {$ S, @
  13. Size:                   23,107,860,480 bytes+ z/ ]3 X0 n4 N7 g1 z
  14. Total Bitrate:          33.57 Mbps6 \  S- m" V2 P

  15. ! y& B9 Z8 C$ i9 s
  16. VIDEO:7 F' F* a  k4 E' p3 B8 C
  17. $ m# L$ Q3 l, c; ~+ @( _
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description     . ]6 _7 @& t, S/ ?+ P" h* S
  19. -----                   -------             -----------     6 ]5 f7 {/ d7 p& ~" O8 Y
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        26958 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.10 Q; T" O1 |* N  _

  21. ' r( [# t9 @0 Q1 O# C7 E" U) ~( i
  22. AUDIO:
      |; u5 k: _, {. C

  23. 1 g+ Y0 j: Y/ @' i( d2 _
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     : s: M: ~: y8 Z8 |; ?
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------       `& G0 ^7 p5 I2 F
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         4342 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 4342 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)" h+ ]% m$ a! T  d) p5 g' Z
  27. Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB
    , c  \' }) U  E* }6 u
  28. Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -4dB9 X% T* B8 i! T9 e% h
  29. ( N; |. [. P2 Z' b" t+ n1 V/ N/ J
  30. SUBTITLES:3 \+ G% _. m5 N" p% ~# {5 e  S& Q
  31. ! e1 @0 c  Y9 S$ n6 S# {
  32. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
      J8 Y7 n8 z, i- j1 B
  33. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     0 p  U% v* _- q
  34. Presentation Graphics           English         56.383 kbps                     
    1 V2 |  m0 O2 m  i* x* Y9 Z
  35. Presentation Graphics           Spanish         47.435 kbps
c297af9feb38fe386adc7cd4012252f1.jpg b29556ef3a41c87eead9909a84b704b4.jpg & y; C/ ?# k) A
80e20f9d02c06a80d8c23dcd00db0623.jpg fdd40f1be01a6aa14c6cecacd79d96fa.jpg $ s% z, U0 b1 ~0 m
4 ~) C( x4 F& I* R+ K6 T! t6 ?
Wishmaster Collection Blu-ray, Video Quality! W) b4 z) e  D% E0 Z$ T; y
3 P/ w# m; B" l# I
" V; r% o% `! E
Video quality of each release is assessed in the above linked reviews.
0 @4 x: d4 T( R& ^- x2 w9 U% m  S0 p
. Z! y0 \5 S; U5 o! _+ F7 G" ^Wishmaster Collection Blu-ray, Audio Quality
5 H- ]% K4 ~. K* e$ W) J# D1 w0 r) |9 @: H2 i+ a

4 f# \/ ?" E2 p6 ~- P+ W: KAudio quality of each film is assessed in the above linked reviews.
8 A. @% h( W; T
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