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[经典影片] [1992][恐怖喜剧][群尸玩过界/活死人][BD中字][1024高清]








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21cn 发表于 2011-10-4 04:58:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 T/ H- E! r1 K6 L* ~
* G7 P7 M& B0 W" u- p5 b# Q5 n8 d◎译  名 群尸玩过界/新空房禁地/活死人$ ]9 h% k7 @% u6 @: M
◎片  名 Braindead2 W  ^" F0 e; e9 K! i
◎年  代 1992
5 w) ^6 x/ k# K# G8 w! a; t0 y( V3 r◎国  家 新西兰
6 b/ G1 X' i6 `0 t7 v2 ^/ Q  ]$ l8 `◎类  别 喜剧/恐怖
' e, o& F  s1 l5 H1 ~  Y◎语  言 英语6 d/ p: S- ]) W4 G- g+ J9 l$ B3 U
◎字  幕 中文
% e9 |* D4 q: ?& Q$ q◎IMDB评分  7.6/10   (38,744 users)/ ~9 |1 S: A: b: E. a3 L; v
◎IMDB链接; f. w" v# Q$ \! t9 P" k" b1 ^
◎文件格式 X264 + DTS% B3 D' W5 O5 w
◎视频尺寸 1024 x 576
. U( X9 i: O5 u; o+ g! m◎文件大小 1 DVD  O3 S2 F4 j* Q$ b+ P
◎片  长 01:37:16
* Z3 _+ h$ p; O% d" ]( R◎导  演 彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson
2 P  v2 F3 h2 O2 v( k7 o8 l1 ]◎主  演 蒂莫西·贝尔米 Timothy Balme  ....Lionel Cosgrove
: ~! K/ h* Y" @8 x( `      Diana Pe?alver  ....Paquita Maria Sanchez
7 g. B( B5 }1 Q/ r& [/ M: M      Elizabeth Moody  ....Mum (Vera Cosgrove)4 p! j5 @! C  y5 w+ d: t' o% J
      Ian Watkin  ....Uncle Les* ^7 W: S& o3 _9 z
      Brenda Kendall  ....Nurse McTavish
. t- a2 H% [: Z3 O: ?) f# ]      Stuart Devenie  ....Father McGruder4 s, v- t' i* ?1 D, R( {
      Jed Brophy  ....Void7 c# {$ V  o& y
      Stephen Papps  ....Zombie McGruder* c' d9 |- d# Y, ^" ?: `
      Murray Keane  ....Scroat3 w  G# v  p* i8 c. P
      Glenis Levestam  ....Nora Matheson
& }9 e4 i4 o; W- |4 d% }* b      Lewis Rowe  ....Mr. Matheson3 j+ ^& D: k. {9 \- q" u
      Elizabeth Mulfaxe  ....Rita
( K9 B0 c- n% y+ r3 ]2 B. p$ ?' L+ C      Harry Sinclair  ....Roger
1 ?. k/ K4 c' \0 L9 U* o      Davina Whitehouse  ....Paquita's Grandmother
  K' C( y/ O- Y+ k      Silvio Fumularo  ....Paquita's Father( ~" a' E# x( E
      Brian Sergent  ....Vet+ I* _% k3 l  u- `
      Peter Vere-Jones  ....Undertaker
6 O9 g3 E6 q" O7 g1 s      Tina Regtien  ....Mandy
! \. q9 F2 s; t. N( w2 \8 C      Bill Ralston  ....Stewart
1 c$ J! P: i, Z7 J3 v; p: {      Tony Hopkins  ....Winston
5 _, u' M2 G/ A/ R& L# U! l9 T  p3 P      Tony Hiles  ....Zoo Keeper
6 p2 K4 T& C; X      Duncan Smith  ....Drunk
8 a! E3 q6 v6 W  L      Tich Rowney  ....Barry# g) e7 J- `6 Q! s. h* s7 B1 m
      George Port  ....Lawrence
+ T' ~' Y0 T% P2 U0 O- a" i: D      Stephen Andrews  ....Spike
. r+ X9 I& z( y( `* O, O      Nick Ward  ....Spud
! m6 S& Z; Z( `# x      Kenny McFadden  ....Gladstone, u3 z, H$ n$ s3 z
      Angela Robinson  ....Courtney6 R* \% c: Z4 w
      Johnny Chico  ....Head Chief
8 [( [, T# m4 ?: E- [" d      彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson  ....Undertaker's Assistant
0 b, H/ @3 D5 S. l9 u      James Grant  ....Tram Driver
* N* h9 p1 c4 M2 H/ W* E      Michelle Turner  ....Blond Woman
) |7 m1 T- c/ A2 a      Jim Booth  ....Lionel's Father6 o- ?1 \; P9 g4 e' q
      Sam Dallimore  ....Young Lionel3 ~% k2 g  E. s! ?, j' G! l
      Anna Cahill  ....Mother at Park
( U8 F* k( I6 q      Kate Jason-Smith  ....Mother at Park5 }7 c/ r1 u! ?
      弗兰·威尔士 Fran Walsh  ....Mother at Park (as Frances Walsh)
+ m3 L" ?( `% j  e+ s: V  [5 O2 _      Norman Willerton  ....Tramp at Park
0 t7 p4 B: f; y9 Z      Robert Ericson  ....Boy on Bike
4 b/ Q- N/ m" N6 t& G( h& o      Morgan Rowe  ....Baby Selwyn6 }/ B# t% d6 f' i5 T; @+ Q
      Sean Hay  ....Baby Selwyn
" ~* g4 M# ^0 P      Vicki Walker  ....Selwyn (voice)) ^; w! W. [0 }/ a/ {
      Chris Short  ....Customs Official
4 Z; X- S- p; N      Jamie Selkirk  ....Father at Zoo( p  W7 i+ d3 A. b+ a( P; s8 _
      Brad Selkirk  ....Son at Zoo
) h' s6 ?& I% a( y4 j: u      Forrest J Ackerman  ....Forry
8 p5 f5 P( v  k( e5 {      Gim Bon  ....Featured Party Zombie
& m/ ~6 @+ A2 K" ~      Sarah Scott Davis  ....Featured Party Zombie' d3 @& L( [1 a4 z9 \5 o
      Anthony Donaldson  ....Featured Party Zombie% ]4 }% F; B! g7 W& v
      Jo Edgecombe  ....Featured Party Zombie
) L( i0 [  g3 R: h+ F; S0 @* L      Mel Edgecombe  ....Featured Party Zombie
0 j8 G' [4 E$ R7 L5 O      Melody French  ....Featured Party Zombie
; ?6 J  x4 Y/ c      Ken Hammon  ....Featured Party Zombie
, \# L) L& [9 y& M( Q3 c1 {      Michael Helms  ....Featured Party Zombie
9 \2 _! c/ b5 g' R6 c' N      Mary O'Leary  ....Featured Party Zombie
3 R0 l5 U8 z. a1 A- `4 F% q      Simon Perkins  ....Featured Party Zombie# \9 i$ h7 O8 c  |$ }3 |6 n
      Annie Prior  ....Featured Party Zombie# c) z" J; z" `7 Q6 O: H
      Vanessa Redmond  ....Featured Party Zombie+ Q! ]% x0 b' x6 r& `7 B
      Chris Ryan  ....Featured Party Zombie3 e* ~9 j; G: K5 s3 b+ f6 j9 y7 \
      Tim Saywell  ....Featured Party Zombie9 s7 ?, s) m/ Y  r) @4 O! n
      Paul Shannon  ....Featured Party Zombie
# a1 z! x, F" X) s. h      Belinda Todd  ....Featured Party Zombie% `5 I) O4 @( b, `+ u9 g
      Elizabeth Brimilcombe  ....Zombie's Mother( Y# I( A  \& O3 D* i0 q5 C1 V1 M. k
      Queen Elizabeth II  ....Herself (archive footage) (uncredited)) N$ g# x9 z8 `4 A* q& Q
+ q% b0 R' E5 \9 }7 R
◎简  介
0 b2 @1 U5 I7 }; I+ `* _- v, W
" b8 z# @5 f( |剧情
5 K. k' U$ F$ P- M& S" Q: n: r# q
% L+ Z$ W: w6 S  d* }莱尼是一个老实的小伙子,他喜欢上了一个漂亮的姑娘,但他的母亲反对这件事。莱尼到动物园去约会,他的母亲偷偷跟着他,没想到被鼠猴咬了一口,三天后,莱尼的母亲变成了殭尸,更糟的是,护士、牧师以及所有被莱尼母亲碰过的人都变成了殭尸。
2 ?& B9 N+ ^7 Y; J0 U" a, P2 h8 _0 L4 x$ M9 C
为了隐瞒这件事莱尼把殭尸都关在房子里养了起来,这一下,事情越来越不可收拾。后来莱尼在家中举行舞会,没想到殭尸从房子里跑了出来,把参加者全变成了殭尸。最后,忍无可忍的莱尼举起了电锯,顿时间血肉横飞……% z5 f& i* s7 r, C9 ?, i

$ N9 F+ U0 h8 R' c; J; U' oLenny is an honest young man, he liked a pretty girl, but his mother opposed it. Lenny went to the zoo dating, his mother secretly followed him, did not expect to be bitten by a rat monkey, three days later, Lenny's mother into a zombie, or worse, nurses, priests and the mother of all Lenny touched people have become zombies.0 b; _8 J/ @+ Z- v* H) y' t# {2 g
" Y* W8 {% w/ d1 W2 j8 m, K. q
To conceal this Lenny the zombies are raised in the house shut up, this look, things are getting out of hand. Lenny was held at home parties, did not think zombies ran out from the house, all the participants into a zombie. Finally, the intolerable Lenny raised saws, Leighton time Xuerouhengfei ...
( U3 Q0 O5 f: O& N& R* C5 P8 a, f7 g9 y  i; a! E; l/ t. D$ o# |
幕后制作9 y# V* \# i5 I
. P: o8 o7 S* G* e
这是彼得·杰克逊的崭露头角之作,也是一部最真实而又肆无忌惮的展现他那建立在血腥恶心上的黑色幽默的作品。大量令人反胃的镜头和喜剧元素,注定了这是一部让观众一边呕吐一边发笑的作品。影片在当时被认为是超越了之前一切片子的,最变态,最离奇,最恐怖和最无人性的作品。纽约每日新闻报说它是「迄今最血腥的作品」。这些血腥与恶心却也铸成了它在恐怖片史上的经典地位,本片在各国影展上先后获得了包括法国阿沃里亚兹电影节在内的十六项国际电影大奖和科幻奖项。导演杰克逊也从此获得了「恐怖大师」的称号……* a* O. L) M/ `/ }2 a
  1. gvod://群尸玩过界BD中字1024高清.rmvb
    * I/ k! F0 g; b% Q
  2. qvod://1252953094|12BB282AEC5188A6CE6CCFF4B287AA0107412716|群尸玩过界BD中字1024高清.rmvb|



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