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[科教记录] 惊世工程 全 Asia Ingenuity-Engineering Ground Breaker HDTV 720p x264 5.68G








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迅雷电影 发表于 2011-10-4 16:43:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

9 q) [# |7 E5 ~& x" y# P& L" f& e7 @, j
基本:中文名称:惊世工程; ~$ E$ e, x! `* t
英文名称:Ingenuity : Engineering Ground Breaker. k1 Y4 z4 W1 ?% s' p
播出时间:2011.09.17-2011.09.20 星期一 二 晚上8:30亚洲台7 u7 q) ?5 G# O( y. k# |
集数:4$ @+ _' Q" M1 K8 F! }
$ B  K8 p+ y& b& n字幕:繁& @- m# Z# ]2 g# S! m
' t& n1 s; |: ]: X! K3 R/ o  h. t1 Q' i
建、建、建!亚洲目前正进入高速建设的狂潮中。国家区域之间互相较量,都要建起世界最高的建筑物。首先是双峰塔,然后是上海环球金融中心,再来是台北 101 大厦,现在是迪拜塔。现今的氛围,超级建筑工程似乎成为最新的现象。但是,这在亚洲并不新鲜,过去几百年,这块大陆上建起的许多超级工程,都成为世界各地建筑的灵感来源。《经济工程系列:惊世工程》探索亚洲目前正在进行的、教人惊叹的建筑,而这些建筑都可与过去的原型杰作并驾齐驱。4 ?" ^9 ^, N1 I/ _" q% k' h

# J2 S2 S3 h8 g; r/ n2 N每集内容8 b* E& |* |$ y& R* z' D

$ u: }$ K. z0 e3 |. N第 4 集 09 月 20 日 Tue 9:00 pm (结局篇)' U9 R7 O  _( e: O& x+ G
对外自称为世界第八大奇迹后,世界最大的人造岛屿 杜拜棕榈群岛,仿佛证明了人类已经能够掌控自然, 而且为工程界创造了一个新的里程碑。这令人回想起两千年前古代印度河流域文明鼎盛时期,一个建立在盐滩绿洲的印度古镇 Dholavira。: F4 r& v# R* ]/ V1 x
『Palm Islands』3 `- x5 m2 K1 [1 z  x; E! u7 h
Self declared 8th Wonder of the World, the Palm trilogy are the largest man-made islands in the world and a credible testimony of human mastery over nature. Employing technology like satellite positioning, it has broken new records and engineering milestones, recalling the heydays of the Harrapan civilisation in Dholavira, a city built to be an oasis on the salt flats of Gujarat in India over two millennia ago.# x( X5 G& I! S5 q4 [6 B" n
/ `% g2 {9 v" B  W
作为世界上最大的水力发电水坝, 长江三峡大坝在世界工程史上的地位举足轻重。除了需要解决船只如何在被分割河流上移动外,其工程所带来的环境和社会问题亦不容忽视。然而,一个巧妙的船闸系统却轻易地解决了这个个问题。这与两千年前菲律宾农民所掌握的治水技术竟有异曲同工之妙。& V" f4 Y* R' ]8 G
/ g6 T- @+ m, s% r1 p# C7 r% ]
『Three Gorges Dam』- \+ @  O' Y& R9 \( F0 ?/ s/ A2 O- K
The Three Gorges Dam is the largest hydro-electric dam in the world. That it is a sheer , b; y+ p1 i7 @4 M" R
engineering marvel cannot be denied. Yet questions abound over environmental and social issues, not to mention logistics problems of moving ships up and down river. An ingenious system of shiplocks has gone towards solving that problem, echoing the techniques of Banaue farmers in the Philippines who mastered the art of managing water over two thousand years ago.
) ^: M+ ~9 C- y4 O* |) M& E
  V( e. \- \/ i+ x( j1 N/ c. }/ g第 3 集 09 月 19 日 Mon 9:00 pm) g5 h: x! F6 w! S& c8 q
作为现时全球体积最大的单体建筑物, 北京首都国际机场T3 航空站本身就是一个工程奇迹。一方面要遵守传统中国风水原则,另一方面却要将最新的科技増展现于建筑物内。为了解传统风水对建筑业影响的演化,本节目特地探访日本奈良市的东大寺,看看这所由中国僧人设计和建造的世界上最大木造建筑。
9 _7 ^/ F- F% @; T『Beijing Airport』, g% y; h1 L+ d( [# Q+ O# Y( ~6 z. ?% b
The largest airport terminal in the world in Beijing is an engineering marvel that nonetheless pays strict adherence to the principles of Chinese fengshui, and marks a new footnote in an age-old tradition of building big. To understand how far that tradition has progressed, we explore the Todai-ji temple in Nara, designed and built by a Chinese monk, which today remains the world’s largest wooden building.
' a# A( y3 r  U8 h: j5 l* f& ^
& {) o0 B. j2 z' U) i# o; D马尔马雷计划(Marmaray project)是目前世界上位于海底最深处的海底隧道。落成后它将横跨亚洲和欧洲大陆,土耳其政府希望这条隧道可以为伊斯坦布尔舒缓困扰了几十年的交通问题。然而它最令人啧啧称奇之处竟然是安稳地立足在海底的地震带上! 与此同时,工程师在挖掘的时候,发现了拜占庭帝国时期的港口遗址, 这暗示了数千年前的古希腊人已经开始在这里穿越两大洲之间。2 e$ L1 C4 G( b9 D9 y
; z3 y8 W  u* L1 Q
『Marmaray Project』
$ \, j* V5 p8 v
$ [, b, G9 |4 _# \* YIt is the world’s deapest immersed tunnel. Spanning across Asia and Europe, the Marmaray Project promises to ease Istanbul’s decades-old traffic woes. Located in an earthquake zone, it is an engineer feat that is only rivalled by the discovery of a nearby ancient port that hinted at how the early Greeks made the maritime traverse between the two continents several thousand years ago.
1 X, A+ _6 q) I: N/ x' ~* Q! i# t+ [
第 2 集 09 月 13 日 Tue 9:00 pm
2 R5 n" n1 c; x油轮是现代经济的苦力,而世界上最大油轮是兴建于韩国。它的特点如双船体及多壳槽将油轮运载货物和安全的能力推到新高,也使它们成为石油工业的支柱,基于同样的原则,有着数百年历的皮尼西做布吉船仍然是印度尼西亚群岛的运输骨干。两种不同的船,同一成功的故事。1 P# A" L" W4 z+ E
多年来,孟买的道路都是非常拥塞, 现在,高架桥有望缓解城市的交通问题。但孟买首条双层天桥的施工非常困难,重新安置居民及收地简直是一场噩梦。然而,一千年以前,柬埔寨高棉统治者将一个有着复杂的道路网络和河流的国家迁移使他们的帝国跨越四个国家。
3 q. h6 O' x% R
$ y/ k7 k$ Y5 }3 _: s3 j『Korean Tankers』
! g0 ~! u9 I" e9 T3 ^
0 T& h* E% V* w5 e' wTankers are the workhorses of our modern economy and the largest of these are built in Korea.Features like double-hulls and multiple tanks have pushed the cargo and safety capacity of tankers to new heights, making them the mainstay of the oil industry. It’s also the same principle that centuries-old Phinisi ships remain the transport backbone of the Indonesian archipelago. Two different ships, one success story.
( `6 l! u: e+ u5 ]& Z: g6 M" ?. @# S9 \9 u- X4 Z
『Mumbai Highway』
2 ]& m! Q6 V2 @7 u0 m- h; |For years, the roads of Mumbai were a hotbed of congestion and overcrowding. Now, a dynamic link road promises to ease the city’s traffic woes. But the construction of Mumbai’s first double-tiered flyover has been anything but easy, with resettlement and land acquisition proving a ogistic nightmare. Yet a thousand years ago, the Khmer rulers of Cambodia moved a nation with a complex network of roads and rivers that linked their empire across four countries.6 n; s0 c) x" q& q

* G' y5 K1 z2 J* I7 n4 S第 1 集 09 月 12 日 Mon 9:00 pm% k/ D" ~6 ~& R; ~) }
迪拜塔是人类有史以来最高的人工建筑物。它是未来所有摩天大楼破纪录的基准根据, 印度首都新德里附近,至高无上的古达明纳塔屹立了近千年,成为世界上最高的清真寺尖塔, 追溯两座塔的历史,两个不同的时代,却受着同一伊斯兰建筑原则的支配。新加坡是一个完全城市化的小岛,水资源短缺是一个严峻的问题, 解决方案是建设一个城市水库, 这实在是开创了世界的先河。加上先进的技术,新加坡现在正续渐变得水源充足,就如君士坦丁堡在公元 6 世纪便有先见之明建立庞大的地下蓄水池,令它成为古代世界里最伟大的城市之一。6 x4 l; C2 E! P2 G, B

. {& W9 F! p. G6 y0 V' D9 B/ t『Burj Dubai』
" x9 U' A+ S( l5 L6 P, n) t
0 }5 n  O  f8 L9 c7 IThe Burj Dubai holds the title as the tallest man-made structure ever built. Pushing the $ X- A2 n0 A# p) j
technological envelope, it is the benchmark all future record-breaking skyscrapers will be based upon. Near India’s capital Delhi, the Qutub Minar reigns supreme for almost a thousand years as the world’s tallest brick minaret. Trace the history of two towers, two eras, both governed by the same principles of Islamic architecture.
. C. J5 v! w7 {5 k5 [3 R
. C* z* \9 V7 E/ z8 i『Marina Barrage』& w" G, {3 B- L4 W) D" I* W, M& W/ p1 [

: D! h' z) H8 c+ aOn a fully urbanised island the size of Singapore, water scarcity is a dire issue. The solution * f  h- h+ A5 _- O, l( P# a
is the construction of an urban reservoir, the first of its kind in the world. Together with
; s  i5 l2 r% {8 I. C7 Zcutting edge technology, Singapore is on its way to water sufficiency, just like how the city of Constantinople had the foresight to build massive underground cisterns in the 6th century to become one of the greatest cities in the ancient world.
. |2 @4 N3 j* j) ~0 J1 q9 y- v8 z8 g- Y. H1 d2 ]! |6 u
* q% ~$ |' t! }( e* `
$ r( D9 z% S8 {$ E. w

! P8 s& L+ L: A( ]7 n
7 K$ e6 \0 p3 S/ h, x+ B) C经济工程系列:惊世工程(全4集)]Asia Ingenuity-Engineering Ground Breaker HDTV 720p x264-HDSTV 5.68G
& Z7 N$ L, x. O" x6 U
( Z7 y1 o3 s$ {7 M( @ Asia.Ingenuity-Engineering.Ground.Breaker.HDTV.720p.x264-HDSTV.torrent (30.09 KB, 下载次数: 6)








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