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[喜剧爱情] 我爱麻烦 I Love Trouble 1994 BD REMUX VC-1 1080p 22.70G








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Jason 发表于 2011-10-4 23:27:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% V  @2 t' C' Z$ s( N) G2 O. x1 f" s( k. I/ e% \8 @& N  J0 T6 _0 {
◎译  名 我爱麻烦2 K0 t8 e/ [- C; V5 d% V
◎片  名 I Love Trouble
8 [; m6 s" S( Q" ~% K+ j' d◎导  演 查尔斯·谢尔 Charles Shyer
1 t" ]& c' w4 i, o# G: K◎主  演 尼克·诺特 Nick Nolte  ....Peter Brackett" j% L. P, I, @# e7 x( \4 t
      朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts  ....Sabrina Peterson
& t9 U  Y! t" T2 L+ B      Nora Dunn  ....Lindy
; V2 G4 A0 f' a1 h4 l      绍尔·鲁宾内克 Saul Rubinek  ....Sam Smotherman: q& |, {5 M- c: E
      詹姆斯·瑞布霍恩 James Rebhorn  ....Mando, The Thin Man
9 m6 f! R4 x  v7 {; G      Hallie Meyers-Shyer  ....Girl in Barn
6 N4 J/ c4 `, S: I      罗伯特·劳吉亚 Robert Loggia  ....Matt, Chronicle Editor% h6 |6 i" u! \: Q+ Y6 v5 m
      凯莉·拉瑟福德 Kelly Rutherford  ....Kim3 t" A+ [# Y( k3 D3 l9 z4 w0 m
      奥林匹亚·杜卡基斯 Olympia Dukakis  ....Jeannie, Peter's Secretary
* i3 a* E* ^. P1 @* }: n9 ]) r      玛莎·马森 Marsha Mason  ....Senator Gayle Robbins5 [  c4 C% [+ K
      尤金·列维 Eugene Levy  ....Ray, Justice of the Peace7 C& j; j- K2 a8 E; O
      查尔斯·马丁·史密斯 Charles Martin Smith  ....Rick Medwick5 ?1 C* S7 j" C  H; o
      丹·巴特勒 Dan Butler  ....Wilson Chess
4 x* i- N7 C# Q1 c9 E  [      Boone David Cates  ....Boy in Barn5 c2 n' X. \' a. ]
      简·亚当斯 Jane Adams  ....Evans
% A' |- w1 _: V* |# m      Richard Brown  ....Minister at Funeral! M7 V: T) `1 c8 t& m. n* j: T+ m
      Anna Kathryn Holbrook  ....Woman in Sportscar (as Anna Holbrook)8 s, L1 E# F4 C, {3 P3 z' Z# V% q
      卢燕 Lisa Lu  ....Mrs. Virgina Hervey
9 H: B" b# Y6 F8 O8 R      克拉克·格雷格 Clark Gregg  ....Darryl Beekman, Jr.$ [' C& l7 B$ n8 Q
      丽萨·克劳德 Lisa Cloud  ....Reporter #2
" i, p7 ~& C$ M1 I3 Q      Jim Pepper  ....Reporter #1
/ k, g+ i8 d4 z2 ]      弗兰基·费森 Frankie Faison  ....Police Chief (as Frankie R. Faison)5 k  O( _$ C+ G& J1 G! r: e8 u
◎年  代 19949 }/ Y4 e* m* `; y7 f% M
◎国  家 美国
" e8 L0 l( p. q9 s! ]: ?◎类  别 爱情/动作/喜剧 9 [- t1 ^3 h7 y7 z7 t
◎语  言 英语 * _  W  q9 ~7 |* _
◎IMDB评分  5.0/10.0(6.440 votes)
# a4 h) N! }6 z% o4 ~2 H◎IMDB链接" Y, g+ e) m- H; k' u8 t
◎片  长 123 min      
$ u( i2 B) D7 C# G3 Z& S- F2 i+ c  ^! l) n9 h& ^
◎简  介 & u. k2 e1 H0 }6 f5 I. {$ F0 k

$ m0 i& `$ P# H4 u   茱莉亚罗拔茨与尼克·诺特在这部节奏明快的浪漫惊怵片中,首次擦出火花,这对报界死对头,为了抢得第一手新闻,经常偷料抢料,无所不用其极,在一次火车意外的采访中,二人无意间发现一宗商业丑闻,惹来连番追杀,为了保住性命,一对欢喜冤家被逼并肩连手合力进行一次“爆大锅”行动!- G. ]2 \$ O" h; K( s! u+ s  i
+ U. ?/ `5 Q* `3 E" T  V: t
       她(Julia Roberts饰)雷厉风行但经验不足,他(Nick Nolte饰)疲惫不堪却阅历无数。他们同为记者,而各自服务的报社却互为竞争对手。一场火车事故使得他们狭路相逢。他们为了争抢独家新闻,为了抢在第一时间发稿,互相明争暗斗、尔虞我诈。当火车事故的内幕逐渐明朗化时,他们发现了其中的黑幕和龌龊的交易。他们决定冰释前嫌,联手起来,利用她的行动能力和他的足智多谋,将案情查个水落石出。尽管危险不断,疑云重重,他们却用他们完美的配合和过人的智慧一一化解。随着案情的脉络渐渐清晰,他们的感情也疾速升温。% t* N( Z/ \8 R2 N6 f

/ }3 U! Q" j; K8 D+ m. Y     Julia Robert Benz and Nick Nolte in this fast-paced romantic surprise fear the film, the first sparks, which rival the press, in order to grab first-hand information, often steal material rush material, nothing extreme, in a train accident in the interview, the two accidentally find a business scandal, attracted successive kill, in order to save their lives, a pair of quarrelsome lovers are forced to work together shoulder to shoulder with hand on a "blast pot" action!
* C# L( J8 L: P% ~) w8 M: t, [% U+ u+ O' Q! O, K
        She (Julia Roberts ornaments) and vigorously, but lack of experience, he (Nick Nolte ornaments) worn out, but experience numerous. They are the same as the correspondent, and their respective services, each newspaper has its competitors. A train accident makes them quitting. Them to scramble for exclusive news, press to grab the first time, mutual infighting and intrigues. When the train accident inside gradually become clear, they found one of the shady and dirty deals. They decided to bury the hatchet and join hands together, using her ability to act and his resourcefulness, will the case get to the bottom. Despite the danger continued, shallower, they are a perfect match with their extraordinary wisdom and overcome this. With the context of the case gradually clear, their feelings are also moving rapidly heating up.
. U7 p. q: p1 h: r. c2 o7 p; z* L- ?( o
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