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[喜剧爱情] 坏老师/霸凌女教师 Bad Teacher 2011 BluRay 1080p DTS-HD MA5.1-CHD 23.7GB








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Jason 发表于 2011-10-5 01:08:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 g2 K" D8 D" I/ g; H/ V3 M7 V8 ?4 R4 @4 b: ~% \' W0 A
【影片原名】Bad Teacher
: d& O0 u# p" l% s) H8 o. l) C3 Q【中文译名】坏老师/霸凌女教师(台)
8 ^- S  E# Y! O【出品公司】Columbia Pictures
, f6 {7 a$ D2 |$ u: w( n* y【出品年代】2011 年
# S! i7 K4 G0 y) i) c6 Q" @【上映日期】2011年6月24日 美国
; k* o6 T* q! X' D9 o4 R0 m1 K【影片级别】Ireland:16 | UK:15 | USA:R (certificate #46549) | Portugal:M/12 | Canada:14A (Ontario)
( ?9 F( w& Q% @) {5 W【官方网站】 e7 x( L! E0 v$ z
: }# L; r$ E5 @【IMDB评分】6.0/10 (11,873 votes)
& p' i' q' e+ A. F【国  家】美国- V; T3 b. N# l0 t2 c( h2 d+ C
【类  别】喜剧
6 I* I7 F+ I# H7 ^【导  演】杰克·卡斯丹 Jake Kasdan2 m8 C; Z' T+ a% a' K; c
【主  演】卡梅隆·迪亚茨 Cameron Diaz  ....Elizabeth Halsey8 n& _: i! V4 z6 o  m
      贾斯汀·丁伯莱克 Justin Timberlake  ....Scott Delacorte( s- B6 K7 }5 m+ v& L6 G5 Z. ^
      露茜·彭奇 Lucy Punch  ....Amy Squirrel
) u# n& U: k. W: c8 u      杰森·席格尔 Jason Segel  ....Russell Gettis; O) ~' ^( O5 a8 I2 F- C6 q3 g, Y+ Z
      菲利斯·史密斯 Phyllis Smith  ....Lynn Davies
0 X6 Q: P+ m9 }1 y" _      约翰·迈克尔·辛吉斯 John Michael Higgins  ....Principal Wally Snur
1 I: S. v! Q# c* C      Dave Allen  ....Sandy Pinkus (as Dave 'Gruber' Allen)
& l0 ]7 ?) r: x9 \6 V& l2 M      Jillian Armenante  ....Ms. Pavicic
6 F+ ]& d- G3 O: Z" m4 R      Matthew J. Evans  ....Garrett Tiara
0 [2 ^+ v1 u5 E" [" c" e      Kaitlyn Dever  ....Sasha Abernathy
, q6 X( \! c* O' ~. s      Kathryn Newton  ....Chase Rubin-Rossi
, a6 l, R+ U# [) |6 W& y      Igal Benyair  ....Arkady# l0 A2 Y9 q0 j/ @2 ^/ q
      Aja Bair  ....Devon
4 s) P0 Y6 A$ D: j      Andra Nechita  ....Gaby! ^- y1 }8 R# H! \3 q7 J+ g4 m
      Noah Munck  ....Tristan& U7 R6 x5 j, q; _& W
【内容简介】% b# ?: @6 A) [( y) E7 R' `6 V7 S

' t) E/ I0 X1 x* U) E+ X  卡梅隆·迪亚茨扮演的伊丽莎白是一个“非主流”的老师,她视学生的答卷为粪土,但是却从来不给学生F;她酗酒、好色、出言不逊、犬儒主义,而且还很狂妄和自大。她常常自诩为是大美女,但却在结婚前夜被自己的未婚夫抛弃;她流连于夜店和声色场所,但却对婚姻和家庭充满了渴望。+ q, P, j, n6 w; B9 Q1 S

4 u0 u2 f, I  @/ v' P  不过她渴望的婚姻却并不是那种相夫教子的生活,在她看来,结婚不过是可以为自己带来一张永久饭票,好让自己摆脱无聊、世俗的生活,每天好睡到自然醒,然后出去云雨一番。可是现在,这个心比天高,命比纸薄的大龄剩女却只有窝在一间小学校里教书。在学校里,她四处寻觅着自己下手的目标,她相中了帅气、潇洒而且经济实力颇为雄厚的斯考特。在拐弯抹角地一番客套之后,她得知斯考特还没有结婚,但是有了一个女朋友。斯考特把自己女友的照片给伊丽莎白看,伊丽莎白发现他的女友是巨乳妹妹。女为悦己者容,伊丽莎白为了投其所好,决定去做隆胸手术。可是上课的那点课时费实在少得可怜,于是她便打扮成性感美女,跑到街头为人擦车。这种“出卖色相”的买卖为她在短时间内赚到了不少金钱,却也给她引来了麻烦--学校里的一个呆头呆脑的体育老师看上了她,并向他展开了穷追猛打的追求。与此同时,校园中另一个精力充沛的美女老师艾米也看中了斯科特。看上去伊丽莎白的“爱情事业”已然陷入僵局。
2 z3 S5 i$ a( q' g" N3 Z2 s' d/ [  m% e# ?/ O* K; ?6 c
8 X4 u2 H0 ]% V3 a! r   
9 k9 g: T- N& b4 r$ p# v    Cameron Diaz plays Elizabeth as a "non-mainstream" teacher, her students' responses as for the dirt, but never to the students F; her alcoholism, lust, disrespectful, cynical, and very arrogant and arrogant. She often boasted big beautiful women, but by his own marriage on the eve of her fiance abandoned; she frequents nightclubs and sensual place, but full of desire for marriage and family.
$ I: ^0 l: E* j
9 C- T' `4 M2 B* N8 o    But her desire for marriage is not the kind of wife, mother of life, in her view, marriage can bring their own, but is a permanent meal ticket, so that they get rid of boring, mundane life, a good sleep every day he woke up, and then some clouds and rain out. But now, the heart sky high, life than paper-thin older woman left in a nest, but only elementary school teaching. At school, she was looking forward to his start with four goals, her phase of the cool, chic and economic strength is quite strong Scott. Obliquely to some courtesy, she learned that Scott is not married, but had a girlfriend. Scott put his girlfriend's photo to see Elizabeth, Elizabeth found that his girlfriend is Big sister. Women who have capacity for Yue, Elizabeth to match up, decided to do breast augmentation surgery. But that point the class fee is very little class, so she dressed as a sexy, man went to the streets Cleaning. This "betrayal hue" of the sale for her to earn a lot of money in a short time, but also led to trouble he    r - a dull school physical education teacher took a fancy to her, he launched a hot pursuit to pursuit pursuit. At the same time, another campus in the beautiful and energetic teacher Amy is also eyeing Scott. Elizabeth looks "love cause" is already stalled.
! f- G( l5 o6 B0 C7 d: a2 N* e( }+ C5 O4 V/ f$ B) r9 _
    This complex, changing, and grinding is clearly contrary to the emotional relationship between Elizabeth expected. She caught them can not extricate themselves. Seems the game of life who will eventually be the game of life. So, Elizabeth in this emotional vortex and learn what conflict?
  1. Length: 1:37:37
      K$ h3 K; K+ ?" f$ a. Z4 p2 K6 Z  h( k
  2. Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 30937 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    . L9 K, U' Z1 \1 L( M7 I0 {3 J; N
  3. Audio: English / DTS-HD Master Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 2902 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
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8 z$ E5 t+ o* W3 o" F% U
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