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[喜剧爱情] 人小鬼大 Max Rules 2005 BD h264 1080p DTSHDMA 14.21G








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Jason 发表于 2011-10-5 20:34:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
25.jpg , x  v1 Q, E. e6 S, L% g; ?* B( l

" \* G6 K. x1 x7 \$ [0 v" D◎译  名 人小鬼大8 V( a0 W" s- A3 Z
◎片  名 Max Rules
/ _4 F/ O# g! K5 G/ ?◎导  演 Robert Burke
+ F; P7 d. q( Q: w6 S8 E◎主  演 威廉·戴维斯 William B. Davis .... Rick Brinkley0 ?+ y# J7 }# [$ t8 Y* R
      Andrew C. Maier .... Max Brinkley
, F9 n. N2 H8 I5 C: k7 f8 c! C# O      Jennifer Lancheros .... Jessica Taylor8 a* C; d$ {, P
      Spencer Esau .... Scott Sanders
! ~" L: K5 [) ~+ @3 A( `# ]      Paul Eenhoorn .... Mr. Daniels
* j# c' ]5 b9 m% S3 S+ t      Jason Dittmer .... Jeff
( X2 u/ c2 M) g0 q2 a1 s      Michelle Gillette .... Mrs. Swingleham& W( _  K0 l! d
      Derrick Cameron .... Reggie
- c, v; b( e/ }/ q# z# x+ h  k; v% j      James B. Winkler .... Agent Riles8 y% k' ?1 K6 [8 t" {4 V% ?
      Peter Balogh .... Principal Henderson
; }* _( l* y( W. r$ q7 n      Wynn Tingley .... Mark Bean
& i* _# f  T. j      Dayna Lurie .... Sara Bean
8 v  w5 E) G+ _" @' K# C      Sasha Young .... Nicole
; D- d2 s5 y0 M+ u: Y- Z      Rick Ando .... Kung-Fu Wise Man, p: R2 ?; [1 x8 g
      Ashley Anne Ashton .... Nail Polish Girl #2
  M  T/ T, T. O' L* U      Trent Beavers .... Mark Bean's Friend #10 S4 S( J$ y, L: `2 @
      Sonja Bennett .... Food Fight PE Teacher% F4 P" [5 u" T. q
      Kristina Birgh .... Bean's Dance Date
( Z4 a4 l" Q1 e: e8 }      Loretta Brown .... FBI Director's Secretary1 n* M. {" l# e0 P  L7 m
      Duane Burke .... Security Guard8 ~* F; T6 D2 f2 G* {
◎年  代 2005
, b! S2 Q+ ]# m◎国  家 美国
: o( S1 E+ \0 s+ U. J3 b5 I◎类  别 动作/冒险/喜剧
- z9 \/ p# |# E; g' ], S, e◎语  言 英语
; j* u  m8 A! K1 D8 I◎IMDB评分  4.5/10(133 votes)
9 `# [3 e7 [/ Y- u6 p◎IMDB链接
$ }; h6 V9 \/ J. H! Z- n- S◎片  长 80 mins0 W2 p8 F$ [9 [: b

7 k9 r& P* W- P2 h6 @7 D6 x6 L◎简  介 * @( o2 A8 d) L% T3 _* u) ?$ M
/ b) E& u& w) c, n, c1 o: K
. X# A' O7 _1 N7 J; T1 `0 g5 S4 c
         Max, Jennifer and Scott's three young kid is talented agents, their boxing skill amazing, voyeuristic eavesdropping technology excellence, but also master computer hacker, and even a lot of CIA personnel are strange enough. And as Max's uncle is a government department scientists, leaving them exposed to the world's most advanced high-tech equipment. However, the use of a three favorite daily has the ability to expose their families to each other's secrets, and vigorously prank stuff. Appears to be overkill, but when they found a stolen FBI the whereabouts of the micro-crystals, Max, Jennifer and Scott the opportunity to play finally came to talent agents, then follow the three little devils are also the most exciting ever the most dangerous tasks.* C$ r/ \8 p! \+ O( w  y8 N2 }0 r
, ]6 o8 ~4 a0 Y1 C2 u3 u! z2 ^
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