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[动作战争] 蛇行太保/狂飙少年 Biker Boyz 2003 BD H264 1080p DTS 14.96G








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Jason 发表于 2011-10-5 20:55:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ M: L! g- n) d/ w; O5 r5 X% j9 ?9 N' @2 t2 ^- b
◎译  名 蛇行太保/狂飙少年4 f# C4 W1 w0 r! D0 e: \
◎片  名 Biker Boyz1 s2 B4 C- L' |2 ^* s
◎导  演 里基·洛克·拜斯伍德 Reggie Rock Bythewood& V7 R$ u* j2 u/ p
◎主  演 劳伦斯·菲什伯恩 Laurence Fishburne  ....Smoke; M* J; n0 C7 T; H3 [
      德瑞克·卢克 Derek Luke  ....Kid3 k) ]+ v, N  n1 g
      奥兰多·琼斯 Orlando Jones  ....Soul Train2 E, C2 l, ]9 R+ S; x6 }
      杰曼·翰苏 Djimon Hounsou  ....Motherland) {' M/ X* s1 B+ o9 h% C
      布兰登·费尔 Brendan Fehr  ....Stuntman3 Z/ }0 P* o, p2 }6 M
      摇滚小子 Kid Rock  ....Dogg, w) D* K, J; t: F
      瑞克·冈萨雷斯 Rick Gonzalez  ....Primo' P+ z6 e4 z! ^
      梅根·古德 Meagan Good  ....Tina6 |8 ?3 @$ N; W. d. \+ v! L
      莎莉·理查德森 Salli Richardson  ....Half & Half (as Salli Richardson-Whitfield)+ m# L, I( g* S& V' G
      泰森·贝克福德 Tyson Beckford  ....Donny
4 n% j* }0 D+ d8 S5 A3 s& u9 Y/ D5 F      泰伦斯·霍华德 Terrence Dashon Howard  ....Chu Chu (as Terrence Dashon Howard)" Z+ X8 w) R% F, j: g" a7 l: S$ p4 M
      娜丁·维拉兹盖兹 Nadine Velazquez  ....Allison (as Nadine E. Velazquez)" q. k* F! i& j# b% Y
      曼纽尔·加洛韦 Manuel Galloway  ....Pokey (as Pokey)  J# a! v4 }  ]& p6 w
      莉莎·博内特 Lisa Bonet  ....Queenie# }" M1 E( m6 D/ U" u
      Larenz Tate  ....Wood) |0 I/ [; a" w1 N" D# j& J
      Vanessa Bell Calloway  ....Anita
1 r( i9 {+ w) b# y% H$ W9 o* }* n8 j      Dante Basco  ....Philly
! r( m& c0 H4 e; P( l8 P5 s      Dion Basco  ....Flip
: l, f$ a% J. v& \6 z: C- k      提图斯·维里沃 Titus Welliver  ....Max% E5 e8 q/ ~1 `# F8 z
      Kadeem Hardison  ....T.J.; _, Y# `" U( P$ |4 j: u9 z
      Aysia Polk  ....Cee Cee
4 x' z$ A) [* t" U% X& G      George Lovell Jefferson IV  ....Little Willie3 i5 {9 b) S$ X& b9 T' R
◎年  代 2003: R: N1 q8 U6 @% z: J% A
◎国  家 美国  ' N$ [& A; N/ P1 C
◎类  别 动作/剧情/犯罪
( K( u3 e, C6 Q+ n9 g4 w3 L◎语  言 英语 7 J. q  j" g9 \7 l) _. s
◎IMDB评分  4.1/10 (6,254 votes)
, P6 T" j3 f' ]: i4 c3 [' U◎IMDB链接
$ a# D' Z$ y* x1 ^; o◎片  长 110 min     
# X, A7 ^2 y( T# g; I  J& F/ j
- p, F8 C1 }( y$ v3 {' l+ r8 ]- G4 c$ t% V8 [
◎简  介 9 `7 Y, e7 ?0 I6 r! @0 t0 f4 }" Y

6 l. A2 A5 K+ n; k4 W% ^  这是一个发生在城市里的故事,一群白天和夜晚过着两种截然不同生活的人——“新城市牛仔”们的故事。6 Y: A: t; \. P6 A) ^
+ n5 y4 _; u* F8 ~8 [1 F
5 N. Z8 O0 S, _* w" A
. e1 ?) o: J; d9 X: O  忽然有一天,有一个绰号“小孩”(德里克·卢克饰)的年轻人闯进俱乐部来,他的目标就是挑战曼纽尔并最终战胜他成为新的“摩托之王”。伴随着即将到来的决定胜负的比赛,两个人的竞争也日趋白热化。在这个黑暗的街头,必然将爆发出刺目的火花。8 \% R  S$ k" E7 e1 b2 E4 e7 G

* u+ I" z5 U* [2 A0 V, K    This is a story in the city, a group of day and night, who lived two very different lives - the "New Urban Cowboy," their story.6 _" m& P3 L0 N6 }

! D+ y6 t% h- `" ^ In this city which has an underground club of motorcycle sports, it's leader is nicknamed "Smoke" and Manuel (劳伦斯费什 Byrne ornaments). In this club, those who live day in white-collar world of people, take off his tie, take off his suit and start a different kind of challenge the limits of his life living. And no doubt, as the club's leader, Manuel is the strongest. He is invincible, so he is known as the "motor of the King."9 }# i" Q4 B5 ^. Z

$ |6 |% D( m9 B1 H" y Suddenly one day, have a nickname, "child" (Derek Luke ornaments) to the young people broke into the club, his goal is to challenge and eventually beat him Manuel become the new "motor of the King." With the upcoming decide the outcome of the game, two of the competition is heating up. In the dark streets, bound to spark a burst of harsh.* D% N% C5 {7 `( G2 Y
3 E5 z$ Y3 n8 c
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