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[科幻恐怖] 徘徊 Prowl 2010 BD REMUX h264 1080p DTSHDMA 16.79G








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Jason 发表于 2011-10-5 21:33:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 F0 x8 T+ `4 W! B4 f9 h6 C9 H, |" |
◎译  名 徘徊2 ?  t% @# G0 Y% ~) A4 e
◎片  名 Prowl
) j+ o0 l* I. E1 p, O  Y◎导  演 Patrik Syversen1 o+ p7 L3 R$ {) e5 ^4 t- `6 {
◎主  演 Ruta Gedmintas ....Suzy
7 @+ ?! `/ Q- s      乔舒华·鲍曼 Joshua Bowman ....Peter
, ]. E) v5 _" Y1 F* @9 `      Courtney Hope ....Amber' H( q, A8 _3 l
      布鲁斯·佩恩 Bruce Payne ....Bernard
5 \4 S% a9 k/ j, \- Z4 Q6 h      Jamie Blackley ....Ray
4 k) ~2 c+ Z" k  A- I( O3 y/ y8 w" ?: V      George Oliver ....Runt: n4 l3 h, F  K
      Saxon Trainor ....Veronica8 b* A0 T, }! v4 C% t: Y- p) X/ K
      Perdita Weeks ....Fiona' v9 v. \4 K8 d, |2 L  ~" k! ^" l& ?
      Velizar Peev ....Balt Creature& f$ g$ X1 m5 ~! \9 r% j; L
      Elitsa Rajeva3 _: F' p0 x/ ^
◎年  代 2010) \) V& C/ A0 x  A; i
◎国  家 美国" P* u  m( x0 p% V, z* W
◎类  别 恐怖: u4 T& ~, y4 R( l$ W+ Z3 ~6 m6 }
◎语  言 英语
  x% {* O! N$ z3 U◎IMDB评分  4.8/10 (1,118 votes)& J$ W" B0 R( I0 d% S" M9 t3 q
◎IMDB链接 x* |: Y$ k+ a" |' q
◎片  长 81 Mins
; \; R& w& C5 u2 G; Q; z9 ^: G% v      " i2 }& G$ R* T1 ]
◎简  介 
2 p3 q/ O7 E1 M  g: ~1 u7 Q
, a' h' x  U! M  Amber一直梦想着逃离她生活的小镇并且说服了她的朋友和她一起在大城市找个公寓. 当他们的车坏了的时候,她和她的朋友非常激动的向一辆货车司机提出的搭车的请求. 他们发现货物都是几百箱血的时候,他们慌了.当车把他们带进一个充满渴求血液并学着如何捕食人类的生物所在的破旧库房时,他们的惊慌很快变为惶恐...
' n0 r* k+ F" a
9 Z& G# ?/ _+ C' t* w     为了追求梦想,她决定逃离了小镇独自生存。她说服自己的朋友陪她在大城市找一间公寓。不过在路上,她们的交通工具发生故障,她们打算在路上拦截下了一辆半挂车,并觉得即使只是坐在的这辆车的后面也无所谓。但是当她们挥手拦下车子,这辆车的司机竟然拒绝了她们,而且她们俩发现这辆车的后面装运着数以百计盒的血液,她们害怕极了。而且这种害怕发展成了恐慌,因为这个司机在她们发现这个事实后把她们丢到了一个黑漆漆的,已经废弃了的仓库,那个仓库充满了嗜血的生物,这种生物体似乎是被训练成专门的杀人工具,此时,她们感觉到她们即将成为这些嗜血生物体的可口美食......, e2 T# G* o& K2 g- j- d+ o
  Z5 V# a, @- V' O
    Amber has always dreamed of escape from her small town life and convince her friends and her find an apartment in the city when their car broke down, she and her friends are very excited to put forward a truck driver rider's request, they found hundreds of boxes of goods are the blood, they panic when they brought a full handlebar and learn how to desire the blood of human predation old warehouse where biological, they soon become panic to fear ...0 H) J8 G# l6 x) b
. ?1 y) u5 X# C) H3 O
      In order to pursue a dream, she decided to flee the town to survive alone. She persuaded his friends to accompany her in the big city to find an apartment. But on the road, their vehicle fails, they intend to block the road under a semi-trailer, and that even just sitting in the back of the car does not matter. But when they waved the car stopped, the driver of the car even rejected them, and they both found the back of the car shipped hundreds of boxes of the blood, they are very frightened. And this fear developed into a panic, because they found the driver after the fact to their thrown into a dark, has been abandoned warehouse that the warehouse is full of bloodthirsty creatures, this organism seems to be specialized training as instruments of death, this time, they feel they will soon become a bloodthirsty organisms such delicious food ......, s/ r" Y6 X3 A
* F% S0 P8 j" p! [$ b) @
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