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[动作战争] 极速杀阵 Oxygen 1999 BD REMUX 14.12G








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Jason 发表于 2011-10-5 21:43:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
32.jpg ! ?9 W( W5 w1 L% e5 v4 k  u

* ?0 \, d; B8 Z◎译  名 极速杀阵* J! B' j, m6 C. v; v, |2 [
◎片  名 Oxygen
9 t: _0 E; L7 ~' u* h◎年  代 19997 [8 R5 Y! v8 J. W8 X9 k+ S$ @- K
◎导  演 Richard Shepard
6 P7 o$ o4 v' R◎主  演 阿德烈·布鲁迪 Adrien Brody .... Harry6 r1 c; j' I& Z& s+ Y
      莫拉·特尼 Maura Tierney .... Madeline Foster
' O, g4 w0 s8 o8 I2 {) r2 S      迪兰·巴克 Dylan Baker .... Jackson Lantham
3 X# I3 z: \6 T$ u& C      Ernie Blackman .... Dentist #2
4 m  m  k8 a  h- J6 i+ d9 N+ l      保尔·卡德朗 Paul Calderon .... Jessie* |& N5 b5 }( b  v
      Gene Canfield .... Joe (the cop). L  c5 {9 p  o) b' C: y; c9 z! f
      弗兰奇·费森 Frankie Faison .... Phil Kline
! Z. N' X" P  ^8 f. ?      Edmund Genest .... Sarcastic dentist
) Q1 P+ F- C8 j/ B      Bruno Gioiello .... Agent Mullin
2 |+ Y$ j3 C' [  S# d5 {      Judy Goldschmidt .... Judy (the cop)* U- |1 }' o& U# `6 N! b. I) K/ S
      Michael Henderson .... Handsome, S( p2 `" r2 Y# `9 `( ?
      特里·凯尼 Terry Kinney .... Tim
# u- R7 ]7 M  W/ ~. D      奥莱克·克鲁帕 Olek Krupa .... Madeline's lover
. x# w: r) M! k% n- p7 ^1 |      Bernard McClain .... Byron (the cop)9 i+ s- n# R( F6 y
      James Naughton .... Clark Hannon2 ~- @: j! \3 V4 [8 {
◎国  家 美国, L' o  Y+ V3 h3 s/ e# t- a8 _
◎类  别 惊悚/犯罪" E. f5 l4 f+ N$ n" E
◎语  言 法语
. X, k# o5 |4 @9 O7 c/ K/ s! F◎IMDB评分  6.1/10 (2,813 votes)
8 w& }; e3 R- l1 {◎IMDB链接
; i; D; \1 r5 P5 k◎片  长 1h 27m08s
  Z! J+ S; v- O' T# f& k& J. w; M  O" T' |+ P3 O# S
* u% s5 H9 U  d! x0 j: n: C
◎简  介 
! M. E, v; P3 X7 |
8 Z, X0 `$ [+ p. j8 S    想知道杀人魔内心世界吗?富商妻子遭绑架,被安置在隐密的地点,24小时内若不见赎金,即将惨遭活埋……年轻绑匪海瑞和女警麦德琳陷入一场复杂的心理战中,海瑞不喜欢无聊的杀人游戏,偏爱慢性折磨和脱逃「艺术」,麦德琳因有自虐倾向,情绪不稳,与丈夫感情出现裂痕,海瑞找到两人在性格上的共通点,无心与他视为「业余」的F.B.I警探周旋,只要求与麦德琳对话……
4 I( |3 `/ p* U
8 ]. L& H9 b1 t: O  F7 x     Want to know the inner world of magic to kill it? Wealthy wife was kidnapped, was placed in secret locations, but not within 24 hours if ransom is about to brutally buried alive ... ... and the young policewoman Madeline Hai kidnappers caught in a complex of psychological warfare, not like boring Hai kill game, torture and escape chronic preference "art", Madeline due to masochistic tendencies, mood swings, feelings of cracks with her husband, Hai found in the character of the two common points, and his mood as "amateur" deal with the FBI detectives, only requires dialogue with Madeline ... ...
6 W8 G- g# q  h
( I/ h0 i! b  t1 x
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