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[蓝光原盘] 闪亮的日子/遇见好男孩 [蓝光原盘] Latter Days 2003 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA HD 5.1-FGT 23.0








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kmvodys 发表于 2011-10-8 05:56:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

, u* o; Q5 O) N- P0 U" v$ \7 \; L* B' ~9 o* A2 v7 |$ |9 h
◎译  名 闪亮的日子/传道.同志/遇见好男孩/迫近之日
5 u) V7 Q! c+ A3 B3 r/ w8 A. Z◎片  名 Latter Days
+ ]9 A; d; l- O7 u◎年  代 2003; C& B( d2 J9 ?' c9 {% l( T5 ]
◎产  地 美国% I( d1 ^" b; Y6 ]: Q0 j* N6 a
◎类  别 剧情/喜剧/爱情/同性  x. F- M, x2 I, N
◎语  言 英语
4 {5 l# N, j  y4 g( C' q◎上映日期 2003-07-10(美国费城同性恋电影节)) z5 W5 y. L' S5 z( h3 b
◎IMDb评分  7.1/10 from 15,660 users
3 {4 @$ H) [/ {# [4 o◎IMDb链接 ^" ]% q4 {9 q. S
◎豆瓣评分 7.5/10 from 9,204 users6 D& u8 b. {. G% z8 I
◎豆瓣链接 I) @* T) T8 i- A) v; \5 [
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS5 p2 l" Y* E8 z; t: A0 [
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 10806 p2 F+ V& m7 N
◎文件大小 1DVD 23.0 GiB+ |; m! U+ d+ P' }) R# |. ]1 M/ [
◎片  长 1:47:55.468 (
! ^, L2 g3 u7 P1 I" m7 I◎导  演 C·杰·寇科斯 C. Jay Cox9 l5 l+ ~( x% S- a# {' I2 T& C
◎编  剧 C·杰·寇科斯 C. Jay Cox6 \: `+ j& R1 {; o& H: D2 x
◎主  演 史蒂夫·山德沃斯 Steve Sandvoss
- I7 ?8 o, i( T6 ], @       韦斯·拉姆齐 Wes Ramsey
/ r2 H  I' g- v       Rebekah Johnson
; w9 j. }( n2 u. P! V4 {, [       埃博·本森 Amber Benson
6 ?4 T0 F3 D' H/ w8 @, D* V3 d3 @       卡里·佩顿 Khary Payton
3 T) h- ?, J/ B# O6 X" Z# Q       杰奎琳·比塞特 Jacqueline Bisset
3 y) J2 ^. o6 I  B' H       约瑟夫·高登-莱维特 Joseph Gordon-Levitt
- f5 D7 i/ |6 Q$ Y. q! i+ N$ D       罗布·麦克尔亨尼 Rob McElhenney4 C8 D9 w, m( |: i* [7 @2 {/ o5 T
       戴夫·博沃 Dave Power
8 J! |" k" O, X+ e8 z# z0 d       埃里克·帕拉迪诺 Erik Palladino
% G3 v$ _; Z8 x' h$ |2 X6 y       玛丽·凯·普莱斯 Mary Kay Place
  M" {2 T5 k% O% D       Linda Pine
+ e; y' k4 [  g1 Z& F8 r6 u/ E) Y! E8 B
◎简  介
5 y8 a8 |7 c3 z$ T3 j! G$ H, l( z" `" j
  Aaron Davis and Christian Markelli are the two most opposite people in the world. Aaron is a young Elder (or a Mormon missionary) who wants to do his family proud and is quite passionate about his religion and film. Christian is a shallow WeHo waiter/party boy who only looks forward to bedding a new guy every night. After Aaron and three other missionaries move into the apartment across from Christian, his friends bet him $50 that he can't get one of them to jump into the sack, so he instantly latches onto Aaron. There are two problems, though - Christian is falling in love with Aaron and the Mormons are not the biggest fans of the homosexual community.
% C. [! {" S0 Q# o
: m' b! K+ |  v$ F' s  克里斯蒂安(韦斯利·拉姆齐Wes Ramsey 饰)是个同性恋者,他年轻英俊、风流倜傥,经常在朋友面前炫耀自己的风流史。这天,有四位年轻英俊的摩门教徒搬进克里斯蒂安的公寓。乐不可支的克里斯蒂安拿着一箱啤酒去窜门,可是他同性恋的身份一眼就被看穿了,被他们赶了出来。克里斯蒂安发誓一定要追到其中的一位英俊小伙阿隆(史蒂夫·山德沃斯 Steve Sandvoss 饰),一雪前耻。
1 I& z  E1 u2 J- u
2 y$ v* J; X1 Y% m- N1 q  克里斯蒂安经常撞见帮同伴洗衣服的阿隆,一次,他假装伤的很重,将好心的阿隆骗到了自己的公寓,两人的第一次就这样开始了。完事后,阿隆惊慌得不知所措,因为摩门教规禁止同性恋,可是克里斯蒂安却不以为然,阿隆气愤得大骂。这次之后,克里斯蒂安开始反思自己的人生,渐渐地,他发现生活除了游戏和性,还有其他更丰富的东西,他也发现,自己开始爱上了阿隆……
+ I& @1 U! l- X& {/ F( k& [  f  e+ L6 ~& I' S+ i( a" d5 ^- t1 O
  Aaron Davis (Steve Sandvoss) and Christian Markelli (Wes Ramsey) are perhaps the two most opposite people in the world. Aaron is a passionate young Elder (a Mormon missionary) who wants to do his family and church proud. Christian is a shallow West Hollywood waiter party boy who only looks forward to what man the next night will bring to him. After Aaron and three other Elders move into the apartment across from his Christian's friends make a bet that he can't get one of them into the sack so he instantly latches onto Aaron suspecting there is more than meets the eye to him. There are two problems though: Christian finds himself questioning his own identity as he falls in love with Aaron and the Mormon Church treats homosexuality as a sinful lifestyle. When Aaron's burgeoning sexuality is discovered they will have to go through trials of regret loss perseverance and forgiveness if they want to get to the thing that matters to them most: each other.
: j9 A" U% s: m$ t6 z9 N2 B. O
& o! P1 r2 B) s( }5 }0 KLatter Days Blu-ray, Video Quality
- H* I/ m# Z: }: u, t( J) m  ?* J" ?1 m) J
. ~7 k7 ]4 V$ w' M
The AVC encoded image (1:78:1 aspect ratio, HD) presentation for "Latter Days" shows difficulty with crush issues, finding low-lit and evening scenes slightly difficult to illuminate, leaving blacks solid and unwelcome. Also interesting on this BD is how direct sunlight blows out white levels, creating subtle halos and noise, viewed during a moment of confession between Aaron and Lila. Colors are extraordinary throughout the viewing experience, really popping when called upon, with meaty reds and serene blues, keeping many daylight exterior shots hypnotic. Skintones run a little hot a times, looking too pink for natural human skin. Clarity is strong, maintaining a good sense of detail, allowing for rich facial textures and location nuance, providing a crisp read of the filmmaking particulars and, for those on the hunt for the goods, the sensual aspects of the story. HD cinematographic pan blur is prominent.  
: y0 p% [( o( }* a
3 E/ A) k* G2 q* `1 ?7 JLatter Days Blu-ray, Audio Quality
* u" a% u; ]# A! \* B! n$ O8 Y  i$ r9 K% G

) c7 u1 k4 Z2 J/ H4 k; O- H8 b6 \The 5.1 DTS-HD MA sound mix feels a little restrained, a little too sedate, even for a film of pronounced intimacy. Dialogue exchanges keep fresh and full, positioned frontally with a pleasing read of interior echo and emotional voltage when needed. I didn't detect any distortion or a smothering of exposition. Soundtrack cuts don't quite leave the intended impression, hanging a little low in the surrounds, failing to truly enliven the picture. The songs sound satisfactory, with techno beats providing a low-end bounce, but rarely confident, a slight disappointment shared with the soft scoring cues. Atmospherics are comfortable, capturing subtle domestic changes and a modest exterior presence, with restaurant scenes supplying more of a circular feel of activity. It's hardly a major sonic experience, better with hushed moments of emotional connection, which are clearly understood.8 ~8 J9 p: A; y+ B- Y6 Z. l
  1. DISC INFO:" F4 x1 X3 P' q3 g0 @" @
  2. 1 u5 G3 G% L4 @4 E  m! [, h4 ~
  3. Disc Title:     Latter.Days.2003.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.HD.5.1-FGT
    / Z7 Q7 \4 B: Z* ]5 y% ^, K+ t
  4. Disc Size:      24,702,599,057 bytes
    + `  {* Z# c& b. c& E& }
  5. Protection:     AACS
    - n2 q4 \  V/ e7 C) ~- n& F, G: n. v
  6. BD-Java:        No
    / W+ O+ A' Q3 j6 b
  7. BDInfo:         0.5.8, q, j5 L3 A) z

  8. - w  U$ |" P3 ?  u0 B- ^. f6 c
    , D7 h5 V4 F* f9 Y4 H, Y
  10. ) ?( `3 T, S( [! j
  11. Name:                   00000.MPLS% X0 v2 d+ F8 L
  12. Length:                 1:47:55.468 (
    . D" @! ]( m1 u9 l, r% `% U
  13. Size:                   19,983,863,808 bytes& E" V* S; |2 ~' a9 i3 B* G
  14. Total Bitrate:          24.69 Mbps
    # B7 `# k4 K1 r- _

  15. : ?% o1 S2 t) g+ c
  16. VIDEO:
    : ]0 m9 U, y% J( L8 b1 m

  17. : G: v* P) w- f" [$ t1 {" B) D
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description    % E5 H4 `  t% E( x6 j! W9 g7 U( h
  19. -----                   -------             -----------    9 R$ m2 L" P+ y- L3 U
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        19197 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    ! h7 I! M  Z% N4 F4 T6 {

  21. 4 ~2 k1 A+ |, t: Y0 d" P" t8 B
  22. AUDIO:& t* _1 D( w7 ?6 C
  23. ) N/ J1 s8 A9 H, D
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description    7 N% ]! t. F+ [7 F3 F( y
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    ' Y' G' b  a1 U, x* D
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         2039 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 2039 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 16-bit)1 }6 j: m: V4 F% a, x+ b' i
  27. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         1628 kbps       2.0 / 48 kHz / 1628 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 16-bit)' l% ?. j  @! A5 s3 Z8 F
  28. Dolby Digital Audio             English         192 kbps        2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps
    3 w* M7 s. s0 {. i7 g
  29. 8 H8 x3 Q9 h, @
  30. SUBTITLES:5 R% [/ a$ ?- j

  31. 7 d3 H# \- H  b' Q
  32. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description   
    * n& S2 \7 U6 H- O4 t
  33. -----                           --------        -------         -----------   
    + |3 q: w8 B+ T& ~. h$ l" ^3 l" j2 `
  34. Presentation Graphics           English         36.795 kbps

4 h5 O& p3 K5 N* y# o6 B; b# q# g0 r, X) {2 w' k4 L# X2 J

5 V) K( k- |/ K  F- n; A
% [( \* S' S$ d' q
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