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[喜剧爱情] 嘻游记/武林笑传 HDTV国语快播迅播1024分辨率








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kmvodys 发表于 2011-10-12 20:22:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

$ |& I, \  l" U( N+ ~2 M  b2 d# p$ b* ^+ G: _6 W: D) ~
◎译  名 嘻游记/武林笑传  R# R: {0 Y! W! |
◎片  名 Xi You Ji( B! ^1 [. C( u4 }8 s
◎年  代 20105 c3 Z9 j& P% |3 d2 m2 ?( }% r
◎国  家 中国
7 o5 T- ~% e$ Q- P! O9 W) k' z: O2 H◎类  别 喜剧/奇幻
' {* w* |2 N- [4 v◎语  言 普通话+ P9 R1 q5 |6 i9 T( |5 D
◎字  幕 无字幕5 B& _0 S# \% e' q% I
◎文件格式 HDTV-RMVB( V# S3 o  m: F9 ~6 N  P
◎视频尺寸 1024 x 576
2 \( J# t) N) p( u2 \7 f& Z◎文件大小 1CD( ^% y5 b! r, t
◎片  长 98 mins
+ N: b9 i9 j# b# j0 q% Y◎导  演 钟少雄 Siu Hung Cheung& r& F* r. E" o5 A' V
◎主  演 黄奕 Yi Huang
! E4 t: R9 z# d6 l. J. i      徐峥 Zheng Xu
" s" `( V$ G1 T: J( F      何炅 Jiong He- R$ e, ^6 H5 y0 e9 W/ r' O" Z- d
      杜海涛 Haitao Du
+ j( L2 H6 @. l8 ^! V      李维嘉 Vega Ri/ J3 v" G' F. @7 p# J; @+ `3 z( ]
      谢娜 Na Xie
0 {; K" P# P/ n; Z2 N      应采儿 Cherrie Ying
$ `0 e4 a- [3 H6 P$ {( A3 Q  @- F      孙兴 Xing Sun
; m7 w$ K" e! ?% B      王晶 Jing Wong
: n+ a) j* G* q# l- G7 M      戎祥 Cheung Yung% K5 a' ~/ N  E) N* @) j
      黄一飞 Yut Fei Wong
; D" |/ |0 J/ [& \      石小满 Xiaoman Shi8 {, r- g/ |8 i0 k. [
      那威 Wei Na& a, X, V4 P" B& R8 _* D
      王子 Prince Yau0 A) X4 z8 J; {; S
      邱翊橙 Yicheng Qiu. b# r5 v& H; Y5 ~! v
◎简  介
) F, i: m3 b8 j5 Y# a) A5 R1 H$ A6 b$ Y% P
  盛唐时期,万邦来朝,蹴鞠大会在皇宫内盛大举行。大唐勇胜高丽,举国欢庆。庆功宴上,深受重伤的异域使者为除魔向太宗祈求圣火,勇士阿比比被委以护送重任,魔王洞悉一切后,派出魔头欲阻截阿比比。2 Z, l* F3 [; R  @

! G6 q  o$ P4 ~/ }1 g  同时,"第十届盗圣大会"在民间如火如荼展开,名不见经传的客栈侍应白沙堂意外战胜蝉联九届的盗圣孙午饭,刺激午饭患得失忆症。
& Q( D/ [# d5 Z& b$ }" D/ b. j9 U0 q% Q2 x& U6 X
  入夜,长安城内的最大夜店"龙门客栈"举行盛大狂欢,阿比比、武林高手、各路人马聚集于此。怀才不遇的唐三句与阿比比相逢客栈后,决定效仿偶像玄奘大师,组建团队随行护送圣火:助人为乐的猪八姐忍辱负重只为心中的舞蹈梦想;还有客栈的极品抠门老板娘、肝胆义侠的芙蓉姐、敛财有术的劳保安、身怀绝技的李大勺… 小人物各怀心思,各揣梦想,殊不知,一场大火悄然将至,随即也改变了他们的命运。+ {) L- v! o5 J* W% e

7 e* N# l# z& K4 Z* F  众人能否在大火中顺利逃生?阿比比能否成功抵达圣地?唐三句是否如愿找到了西行的团队?所有人的相遇在无形间影响甚至改变了他人的人生,一波未平,危机又起,真情也在变故患难中悄然滋生……
& C; h' ]& e3 _7 r+ i/ ?/ J' `8 _8 r' |% W9 w- |# C
Tang period, the IMC to North Korea, kickball Conference was held in a grand palace. Great Tang Yongsheng Korea, celebrating. Celebration dinner, deeply wounded exotic angels pray for the slayer to Taizong torch, Yong Shi Abi than to be entrusted with the escort task, all insight into the devil, the devil want to block Abibi sent.
" m* D* s# O( P6 v* D+ g- r6 h  f) x0 U' u9 v- n
Meanwhile, the "Pirates of St. Tenth Conference" in full swing in the private, unknown white sands inn waiter accidentally Hall Pirates defeated the reelection of the Ninth St., Sun lunch and stimulate the lunch was suffering from amnesia.
; v; d5 I, Y, d; [5 ~' h) r* w* P" n9 G& w
At night, the city's largest nightclub Chang, "Dragon Inn" grand carnival, Abibi, martial arts master, various people gathered here. Tang three underappreciated meet with Abibi inn, decided to follow Master Xuan Zang idol, accompanied by the formation of the team to escort the torch: hearts of pigs eight sister bite the bullet only the hearts of dance dream; there inn Need Stingy boss, meaning bile Man's Sister Furong, a money-making technique of labor security, great talent Face Lee tablespoon ... little thought, the dream of the hides, does not know, quietly approaching a fire, then have to change their fate.
8 c7 {, `) Y* b& g
& a$ o* {7 u0 XCan everyone well in the fire escape? Abibi success arrived in the Holy Land? Tang three westbound whether to do so to find a team? All meet in between the invisible influence and even change the lives of others, one after the crisis was underway, the truth is also misfortune quietly breeding in trouble ... ...
4 H( k5 f2 O+ R0 \8 _, m! h9 Q9 Q( |2 S7 _7 o
影片截取图:- M; n; j1 O0 o$ K: j3 t
* U6 U' s4 Q$ X
5 r+ r% G' A- z* X+ y

7 Y4 V. C0 k* H7 Y4 _8 N' T0 E' O+ v- x
/ _/ A# n1 @/ {

相关影片搜索: 《 嘻游记 2010 》Related Movies

3 f4 w/ [  a% ]# T& h4 S/ w
  1. gvod://武林笑传HDTV国语.rmvb& F" o+ a  M0 W' j
  2. qvod://1093201603|EA1CC94EF4B4D94BA313C47333D935ADEB60A25E|武林笑传HDTV国语.rmvb|



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