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[喜剧爱情] 婚前特急 BD中字/蓝光快播迅播1024分辨率








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kmvodys 发表于 2011-10-29 03:58:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 U4 ?) Q) v9 K8 \2 E& ]2 b

$ b5 k, Z9 _1 L2 k: c' Y: o. A+ F0 X◎中 文 名 婚前特急) z6 V; ^" w7 H4 Q6 B
◎英 文 名 Cannonball Wedlock/Kigeki konzen tokkyu
7 ^* N& ], y4 d) r" K4 a+ r◎年  代 2011' |- v# T% T. i. B6 w, \7 K
◎国  家 日本
8 S4 s! t  c1 [$ }2 I◎类  别 喜剧 - }- }; r% P3 b' X' t/ g4 D
◎字  幕 中字
# p9 z9 l* L% R" z, h◎文件格式 BD-RMVB
% `( o! m0 H7 D* D0 t5 @◎视频尺寸 1024 x 560
! F5 v# @" D* @* A7 X◎文件大小 1CD
1 K1 b* S1 E2 E◎片  长 107 Min
8 D) k( ?" K8 E+ r& o# V◎导  演 前田弘二 K?ji Maeda
4 \8 }+ ]+ I7 O" X- ]- z; c◎主  演 吉高由里子 Yuriko Yoshitaka  ....Chie
, q# u5 ?+ x' y+ y$ L      加濑亮 Ryo Kase  ....Minoru nishio 0 Y! {/ h) S8 O
      浜野谦太 Kenta Hamano  ....Takumi tanashi / d! h" A2 O+ x) @; F" {( v' ?) B
      榎木孝明 Takaaki Enoki  ....Masayoshi miyake
7 I9 c' B( v+ S- a; b      青木崇高 Munetaka Aoki  ....Michiko deguchi 8 W- T: u/ ]( B2 S1 T! {
      吉村卓也 Takuya Yoshimura  ....Kenji nomura 9 x# X; B) }: S, C
◎简  介 
0 @( [( k7 T& v; M7 o" Q# }6 n7 h" X: |9 T0 i2 G- I$ }( L) d
Pool of 24, white-collar girl next Chieko is a skilled use of time, she relishes the interaction of both, and five men: want to talk the problem to find an inclusive work force, married, want to travel to find more older gold, want to get consolation to find cute young, want to start to find a cool car, and would like to find casual stiff. "Life must be efficient use of limited time, and all kinds of people together to experience a variety of things to make a profit ah!"
+ d2 G6 `- n5 `, m+ A2 }7 p1 ?' o% b/ u2 G( o- n/ P; ^# C$ {9 J
Chieko has always been very happy, did not move off the idea of ​​marriage. Yet, despite being a family friend's touch-sensitive child, she was ready to choose a "real thing" settle down. After careful analysis, Chieko boyfriend decided to get rid of five field strengths in the least free. She came to the field-free bread factory work, to break. Tanashi strange to ask: "We originally did not live in contact ah?" Do the contrary, I left out a? ! Youjingyounu of Chieko decided to retaliate Tanashi. She thought for a variety of ways, but failed to successfully implement, at the same time, her boyfriend and their relationship at risk.& w, u& Y$ Q. W+ h' H6 C

4 }/ {* _9 }7 J6 v5 N6 q, VChieko eventually find their right man to be happy it?  u, C/ j# c. f/ ~4 B, \% D

/ L# o8 s" t; x' a二十四岁的白领女郎池下千惠是个善用时间的能手,她游刃有余地同时和五个男人交往着:想聊工作问题就找有包容力、结过婚的,想去旅行就找年长多金的,想获得慰藉就找可爱年少的,想去爽一把就找开机车的,想轻松随意就找木讷的。"人生必须高效地利用有限的时间,和各种人一起体验各种事才能获利啊!"
6 U# R. g; `% W' Z, k) w2 W9 n
. Y! w% d) |& A0 q千惠一直过得很快乐,没动过结婚的念头。然而受到好友敏子成家的触动,她准备选一个"真命天子"安定下来。经过仔细分析,千惠决定先甩掉五名男友中最没长处的田无。她来到田无工作的面包工厂,提出分手。田无奇怪地反问道:"我们原本就没在交往啊?"难不成反而是我被甩了?!又惊又怒的千惠决定报复田无。她想了各种办法,但都没能顺利实行,与此同时,她和其他男友们的关系也出现了危机。
/ n7 R) S$ n1 m4 S  P' e3 f/ t  n; ]' S  Q4 w4 C
2 D' Q3 f3 |! i6 L! L! Z8 @9 a2 }
8 L- L% D" y+ J1 y" ^# L8 d
/ m$ X; J' y0 T. q  l5 I$ r- ~

8 d9 B* i, {* L" ?/ P7 g: B" k7 Q& ~+ u, N  S) o) R& d

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  b1 p& n! X. O8 R1 u: D' A
  1. gvod://婚前特急BD中字.rmvb! o5 r" e% a" ~* t: h7 _. D  k' ^( ]; P
  2. qvod://973751392|0E27FC03B5B1CAF689015361A4CDE3FCE131937B|婚前特急BD中字.rmvb|



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