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[剧情悬疑] [2007][剧情][三陪保姆/风骚小保姆/兼职保姆][BD中字][1280高清]








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kmxmxy 发表于 2011-11-20 18:56:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.jpg & @# I3 c! W) ]; W1 I
. T1 ~0 t1 s; r4 r, w- h
◎译  名 三陪保姆/风骚小保姆/兼职保姆(台)
0 R& T) p3 L& f, [0 I  r, }◎片  名 The Babysitters" v3 K. k8 }) C% r; Y4 R( j* w+ q  h' U
◎年  代 2007
4 A0 K$ L- w0 V# h# a◎国  家 美国
# D; q# ^1 L) E# s6 n) `, ~◎类  别 剧情
3 |3 U% R: e! p4 g9 d◎语  言 英语
) K9 ^. K0 x1 V! L% X; V◎字  幕 中字( i& i0 F& Y* ~3 [  P6 t: T4 W
◎IMDB评分 5.8/10 (3206 votes)
2 R2 v8 Y& S% W2 u, D4 H◎IMDB链接
# }' M# n, |: k◎片  长 89 min, n& r  Z7 {: _
◎导  演 大卫·罗斯 David Ross
" e" l% B, m$ L2 M◎主  演 凯瑟琳·沃特斯顿 Katherine Waterston ....Shirley
* }& V( n6 N5 G; s+ F( P8 Z      约翰·雷吉扎莫 John Leguizamo ....Michael Beltran) ?" n5 G1 g# Z' q2 g" w
      辛西娅·尼克松 Cynthia Nixon ....Gail( O7 T5 U' S: A) }0 [' W
      Andy Comeau0 w$ e+ \5 h( a
      Lauren Birkell ....Melissa
$ s7 V: F2 s3 a; V2 V' ~0 ~5 p      路易莎·克劳瑟 Louisa Krause ....Brenda
. e3 I3 \) p  }- Y' ?; t/ o$ [) f      丹尼斯·欧哈拉 Denis O'Hare
* z; V* h$ a6 M/ p' O      Halley Wegryn Gross ....Nadine( L1 E3 i4 G7 v% r
      伊桑·菲利普斯 Ethan Phillips ....Mark Kessler. r3 U5 Y9 W/ U2 y
      亚历珊德拉·达达里奥 Alexandra Daddario ....Barbara% i4 I7 S  ]$ y- I9 I. c
      斯宾塞·崔特·克拉克 Spencer Treat Clark ....Scott9 M! Z4 ^9 l/ C3 `0 C
      杰森·杜宾 Jason Dubin ....George& }5 i8 V! ]/ T( f& W$ f0 d4 ]3 ~
      Harold Fort ....Doug' _: B4 x& W) s3 Y# x" ~7 [3 u
      Michael Yavnielli ....Phil
2 D  d8 U7 ]$ O0 i* ^      Andi Potamkin ....Stacy4 a3 o% W7 D, v; e6 p. f2 n/ U" J& M  ~
      Kim Shaw ....Ali Towne6 s& P6 w6 B9 Q1 n8 B( B$ @' ~
      Jay Patterson ....Ira! v1 _# g) v6 O  J2 q! R
      Chira Cassel ....Health Teacher6 x4 h0 E" V$ ^3 H4 u0 B  r
      Nicole Berger ....Student  i! a7 Q( x+ V/ v1 a0 }4 Z- Q
      Paul Borghese ....Joe the Cook
% _- L. x4 J4 v2 G$ k* S& |" Q6 R      Kyle Fischbach ....High School kid! y7 J- G  q3 m3 O
      阿丽克谢·吉尔莫 Alexie Gilmore ....Jill
8 g" R2 `7 w2 k. P! x& p9 b      Brigitte Hagerman ....Student( d- g4 ^% r9 J6 A8 Y3 |# T
      拉奎尔·乔丹 Raquel Jordan ....Student
. q7 Y* K( u  q1 |* r' Z$ t6 ^      Michael Knowles ....Guidance Couselor
& b/ H# ?/ ~1 \7 Z8 f+ v      Jake Melman ....Kessler Twin #1, M$ o: o( |: R  o+ A+ K7 g2 B
      Sydney Melman ....Kessler Twin #2
( g( @5 G9 k. p2 ~+ f% g& X      Eric Nelsen ....High School Kid
3 f6 T: \8 m9 A7 M& t      布里吉特·瑞根 Bridget Regan ....Tina1 E- G. I/ @, l( v& `
      Justin Restivo ....Brazil Cafe Patron
1 r; b/ l0 M" E2 C& S4 H* O      Tyler Shamy ....High School Kid% L6 o! Y# w0 d8 T: Y
      Lara Theodos ....Student
5 m8 z9 [! [+ }3 V' l      Anthony Cirillo ....Adam Beltran
1 U2 A0 r4 ]- p& v$ A      Ann Dowd ....Tammy Lyner
7 X1 t# m/ f0 W: ^9 a) C      Adam LeFevre ....Mr. Brown
; {. H2 n2 `$ ]7 ?0 j      Sergio Mendoza Sr. ....Feet in Cabin
5 \4 E5 T; f% [2 u      Jansen Panettiere ....Mikey Beltran
  w  C0 b3 e- @4 ]6 Q, t9 F. A      Ali Phillips ....Freshman (as Allison Phillips). F  K3 p7 b) j1 g8 l
      Jessica Sandler ....Jerry's Daughter9 h3 K( y; l* f. w# W/ H; T
      Nancy St. Alban ....George's Wife Fran- B/ [4 p8 G% `* G1 ~" V. P1 x
      Paul Woodburn ....Cop
9 |) C/ r. `& U  x  I& g4 w      Jenna Simon ....High School Kid (uncredited)
8 d. u- W) l' Y$ c2 Q) l4 K  W      Jenna Simon ....High School Kid (uncredited)
) O+ q5 Z+ L- S: Q! L1 c◎剧情简介
5 n. b; b/ G+ [6 \* q2 X% P. [4 K3 ?' J, d
  高中生雪莉靠给孩子当保姆来攒大学学费。某天她的雇主迈克尔因为心情糟糕,想找个人安慰,结果吻了雪莉。出于内疚,迈克尔给了雪莉一些钱,比她平常当保姆的酬劳要多得多。后来迈克尔的朋友知道了这件事,也想有类似的体验。而与此同时,雪莉的朋友为了赚钱,对于这种交易也很感兴趣,雪莉于是作为两者的 “中介”,从中抽取酬劳。然而随后事情的发展并不像她想象的那么简单……
0 ^7 Z2 L& o4 s, J) I: W6 w! d4 z# I7 _
Shirley nanny to the children by high school students to save college tuition. One day her employer feel bad because Michael, looking for personal comfort, the results kissed Shirley. Out of guilt, Michael gave Shirley some money, the reward than her usual babysitter much more. Later, Michael's friends know this, and I want a similar experience. Meanwhile, Shirley's friends to make money, for such a transaction is also very interested in Shirley so as both an "intermediary" and extract compensation. But then things did not develop as simple as she thought ... ...# U; V9 w% B4 L% i
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