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[科幻恐怖] 黑夜勿怕/别怕黑 Dont Be Afraid of the Dark 720p BluRay x264-REFiNED 4.36G








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mvods 发表于 2011-12-28 07:38:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【影片原名】Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
9 F# Q" x4 t1 P! v1 w& O5 S【中文译名】别怕黑/黑夜勿怕/别害怕黑暗/黑吓(台)$ Y, w5 r6 E- j0 |8 I* l# j2 E
【出品公司】Alliance Films
: n) J" }5 E" E4 |+ U( V/ z【出品年代】2011 年
' P7 {2 O5 C, s6 x& C6 V【上映日期】2011年08月26日 美国8 O; E2 U2 c7 f/ T8 _6 d; b0 ~7 e
【影片级别】USA:R/ l0 {9 c1 U7 [7 t& o6 [6 T
【官方网站】! P6 v; N7 o3 p/ W8 p- f1 [
2 L! v, b1 G+ L+ c7 O【IMDB评分】5.8 (8380 votes); {/ C  I; K' [
【国  家】美国1 n3 V0 u( j/ T1 i) x0 m! z
【类  别】恐怖 惊悚
* t6 H" ~' G/ N+ e【导  演】特洛伊·尼克希' P5 `( u/ T. v+ Q) y
【主  演】凯蒂·霍尔姆斯 Katie Holmes  ....Kim  V- z- {+ E) j  S% y. J
                 盖·皮尔斯 Guy Pearce  ....Alex Hirst7 _( p7 M* F! ~+ G* e/ U: k+ m
                 拜莉·麦迪逊 Bailee Madison  ....Sally Hirst
9 i" s: L) k( m* m/ U                 阿兰·戴尔 Alan Dale  ....Jacoby) W& ~' ?& x  E$ c6 s
                 杰克·汤普森 Jack Thompson  ....Harris- T! X6 F+ ?, e; j3 ?! I# O7 C
                 朱莉亚·布莱克 Julia Blake  ....Mrs. Underhill* a( B8 c: `  E- m& _4 g0 X1 s
7 x* k& v, E' }* A
# _. W! B3 K- F; B; e  d: _7 j暂时告别了母亲,小女孩莎莉(拜莉·麦迪逊 Bailee Madison 饰)独自乘坐飞机来到异地和父亲艾历克斯(盖·皮尔斯 Guy Pearce 饰)小聚。父母的离异令莎莉闷闷不乐,对待父亲的新女友吉姆(凯蒂·霍尔姆斯 Katie Holmes 饰)自然也提不起多大的兴趣。经过一路颠簸,莎莉来到了父亲最新的寓所——位于郊外的一幢19世纪的豪宅。此前这所房子属于知名的动物画家布莱克伍德(Garry McDonald 饰),但是画家最后神秘消失了。玩耍期间,莎莉偶然发现一间地下室。为了讨得女儿的欢心,艾历克斯不顾管理员的警告强行打开这所尘封的房间。与此同时,神秘和恐怖的事件接连发生,古宅的秘密渐渐被揭开……6 c! }* k+ s  }

7 T7 X& d- K1 d( N5 S, g本片根据本片根据1973年ABC的同名电视电影改编。
0 q# r4 X' @; K; Z8 F
9 K! N* }* ^2 ?/ R( SRhode Island has a Gothic-style villa, known as Blackwood Manor. For decades here empty, but that does not mean that it really no one live there ... ...; g& E: u: C5 x+ y8 O9 }9 p

0 |# f0 s- t# l* b) _- ?1 ]9 FA hundred years ago, botanists, artists, Emerson Blake Wood (Gary MacDonald ornaments) waste of money to built the manor, he gifted, talented, but joined the cult because of superstition, he believed that with Satan the sacrifice of human infants can recover the devil, which he transformed the basement of the manor became bloody altar, the sacrifice of the process in the event of an accident, Blackwood missing, Manor has abandoned them ... ...3 X% W7 s+ Y& ]
& @" }/ M# P8 p
Several years later, withdrawn little girl Sally (Bailimaidi Johnson ornaments) and father (Guy Pearce ornaments), his father's new girlfriend contacts (Katie Holmes decorated) with the move into the Blackwood Manor. The fun in the mansion alone, looking for Sally, she stumbled upon a hidden basement, which is built by Blackwood secret altar, hiding inside the altar in this group of sinister monsters, such as the devil who tried to Sally pulled into this building will be under the old house to a bottomless abyss. Sally must be a man swallowed whole by the darkness before, to find ways to save the family ... ...
8 d. V2 W% a) H3 N- \4 k[xz]黑夜勿怕/别怕黑/别害怕黑暗/黑吓 Dont.Be.Afraid.of.the.Dark.720p.BluRay.x264-REFiNED.torrent 4.36GB[/xz]
9 l; T* O( s; Q3 Y9 ~
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