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[科教记录] 最后的狮子 The Last Lions 2011 LIMITED 720p BluRaycd x264-THUGLiNE 4.4GB








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24xs 发表于 2012-1-16 12:39:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

7 j8 E5 q6 Y, d4 [' V9 G& H+ Q! r5 D9 @) z% `
◎中 文 名 最后的狮子8 ]- L% z, @/ U  ~% N
◎英 文 名 The Last Lions
$ U/ a* F5 q7 _* u◎年  代 2011
& a3 _) ]9 q9 d' ~# \* B" \/ A◎国  家 美国/博茨瓦纳! L; L6 d+ D9 U
◎类  别 纪录片
: F% g, d1 ?! @$ v- S% e◎语  言 英语9 y1 s% `2 X( `
◎字  幕 英语
6 E& }) X! D  J- d! N* Z2 J◎IMDB评分   7.9/10(180 votes)7 f2 a9 h/ G* M; e  t
& y# Y: W/ h( b# b0 E◎片  长 89 Min
0 ?" ^" g. P( q2 {. `0 k◎导  演 Dereck Joubert
( p# x0 K. |6 E* l$ Y- b7 e◎主  演 杰瑞米·艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons...Narrator; p& z* @8 j% T" z9 Q+ b# _, b
◎分  级 USAG# Q6 f5 t" G' @  t
◎制作公司 National Geographic
& {6 i. n5 H* ]9 P/ e' W# x0 X' H6 h◎发行公司 National Geographic Entertainment
; ~. l! K) A1 d* n$ c( G! A. S◎官方网站 i9 t* O, H& k" d2 E
◎预 告 片
) u& M( g) k2 `◎简  介 
! {7 T* L' g, B( B+ H- |; |& [: f1 [8 y/ H3 `1 {
  Fifty years ago there were close to half-a-million lions in Africa. Today there are around 20,000. To make matters worse, lions, unlike elephants, which are far more numerous, have virtually no protection under government mandate or through international accords. This is the jumping-off point for a disturbing, well-researched and beautifully made cri de coeur from husband and w... % L5 N; i. k4 C: m; f

- _# x( y( O# {2 G, r# d   Fifty years ago there were close to half-a-million lions in Africa. Today there are around 20,000. To make matters worse, lions, unlike elephants, which are far more numerous, have virtually no protection under government mandate or through international accords. This is the jumping-off point for a disturbing, well-researched and beautifully made cri de coeur from husband and wife team Dereck and Beverly Joubert, award-winning filmmakers from Botswana who have been Explorers-in-Residence at National Geographic for more than four years. Pointing to poaching as a primary threat while noting the lion s pride of place on the list for eco-tourists-an industry that brings in 200 billion dollars per year worldwide-the Jouberts build a solid case for both the moral duty we have to protect lions (as well as other threatened "big cats," tigers among them) and the economic sense such protection would make...
$ J( I% R% A% M% @) P# h# z3 {! d+ }" X; K/ j
- s7 Q8 a' \0 \1 m! h; O5 r& @
影片《最后的狮子》讲述了一头雌狮和它的幼崽,以及水牛和其他竞争对手生存传奇。在过去的50年中,狮子的数量从45万头骤减到20万头。德里克和贝弗利·朱伯特用故事和镜头展现了一个了产生共鸣问题,"狮子之母"和它的幼崽会不会成为地球上最后的狮子,人类有没有意识到它们的生存有多么艰难,会不会为此动容,而努力去改变这种状况。- a# ~/ w" Y2 N0 Y" R  I' x  z
. u) R+ n, o, h; C2 V" w& ^* s

  [% X* K* `* J3 }In 1960, there were 400,000 lions living in the wild. Today, there are just 20,000.5 Q& X$ r* U- e1 \0 ^
1960年,有40万只狮子生活在野外。而今天,只有20000只。  c0 g) @3 b  E

' F/ N7 k) ^& S: ^"That represents a 90 to 95 percent decline," says National Geographic explorer-in-residence Dereck Joubert. "Unless we start talking about this, these lions will be extinct within the next 10 or 15 years."
$ a& ?3 Z$ }5 u) n“这是说有90%到95%的减少,” 常驻野外考察的"国家地理"杂志的探险家德雷克-朱伯特说:“除非我们开始讨论(关注)这件事,这些狮子将在未来10年或15年内灭绝。”( J9 O. P- K& d+ s1 H4 j  _- v
8 U3 O3 Y0 k9 F' T1 g9 X
Joubert and his wife, Beverly, have lived among populations of big wild cats for decades. Based in Botswana, the filmmakers and conservationists have spent much of their career documenting Africa's animal population for National Geographic. In their latest documentary project,7 v+ ]  y3 h# }6 U
朱伯特和他的妻子巴维力,与这些大型野生猫科动物种群一直生活了几十年。在博茨瓦纳的基地里,"国家地理"的制片人与非洲野生动物保育人士一起,在他们的大部分职业生涯里,拍摄这些动物种群。7 v8 ^: O4 J2 W3 T# ^  ^! N

7 g; M* c. H) x5 xThe Last Lions, the Jouberts follow the dwindling lion population living in Botswana's Okavango Delta as they battle their prey — the buffalo — as well as rival prides." u7 |) ?# b! g' @% ^/ p
在他们最近的一部名为"最后的狮子"的纪录片里,朱伯特夫妇在博茨瓦纳的奥卡万戈三角洲地区,跟随着数量越来越少的狮子,观察狮子们如何与它们的猎物 - 水牛 - 以及其他竞争对手战斗。! Q! F, Z1 b2 m4 [' T# I- ^
1 c- h" j6 l/ V1 i
"Marauding lions [come] in from the outside into their territory and fight with them," says Dereck Joubert. "These territorial battles are dramatic and often end up in death one way or another."
& u  p' t) {$ @+ {6 w- `) A2 t  t德雷克-朱伯特说:“外面的入侵狮子进入它们的领地,并与本地狮子打斗,这些争夺领土的战斗是惨烈的,往往最终以这样或那样的死亡而结束。”
% _5 g: ?' x; V" r- K1 B7 P' ]& |& N0 o
But obtaining dramatic footage of lions battling each other in the murky, swamplike Okavango Delta is not easy, even for seasoned documentarians like the Jouberts. They followed lions across river systems, pushing their car into chest-height water while driving — and they often had a front-row seat to heated attacks.
9 `) g+ z4 k8 Z7 j( P但是,要在沼泽遍布的奥卡万戈三角洲地区,拍摄狮子的日常战斗生活画面,即使对于像朱伯特这样经验丰富的老手,也不是容易的事情。他们跟着狮子穿过河流水系,在齐胸高的水里,他们驾驶汽车涉水而行,他们经常在"前排座位"观看激烈的狮子们的攻守博斗。
. W) h6 u; m, p$ ?+ \7 ^
% ^/ M% z* z+ J9 `5 W3 V3 F5 `"Generally, we're situated about 20 to 30 paces from the action," says Dereck Joubert. "It's fairly chaotic. You never know where it's going to come from, where it's going to end up. Often, the action breaks closer to you than the ideal."  D- {+ J% ^- ]' F) I% r
“一般来说,我们在20至30步以外观战,”德雷克-朱伯特说。 “狮子打群架的场面是相当混乱的。你永远不知道它是任何开始的,以及它将要如何结束。通常,冲突就在你近旁突然暴发。”
1 d( z: Q8 h' c+ w2 [5 _2 ?9 {; r, D" g- V- b% f) M: i8 J
If the action breaks closer, the Jouberts are able to remain calm and in their vehicle — which doesn't have doors, a windshield or a roof — because, says Beverly Joubert, experience has given them insight into how the aggressive cats are likely to react.3 I- [; Q& X6 J9 H5 V9 f- d
如果冲突在近旁发生,朱伯特夫妇能够保持冷静,呆在车里。 他们的敞篷车没有车门,挡风玻璃以及车顶。 贝弗利-朱伯特说,经验给了他们足够的洞察力, 让他们充分了解这些具有侵略性的大猫可能对于他们作出什么样的反应。/ Y# S, {: Y% `8 b
* h; J8 u2 E" e% k  p
"We believe that our knowledge over 28 years has prepared us to keep safe, and it's kept us being good filmmakers, without ever challenging the animals, without wanting them to give us an incredible aggressive look," she says. "We feel like the luxury of time will eventually give us that look, but we never, ever want to threaten an animal. At the end of the day, it's all about respect and having ultimate respect for these animals."
8 A8 a& c4 k0 i- M; e3 t+ j: J# C“我们相信过去28年来的知识,教会我们如何保持安全。这使我们成为优秀的动物电影制片人,而不需要挑战这些动物,我们可不想让动物用非常有侵略性的眼光看着我们,”她说。 “我们觉得有充裕的时间将最终让我们看到一切,我们从未想过要威胁这些动物。说到底,保持安全的关键,是让我们和这些动物之间有最高的相互尊重。”
9 R5 P/ c  _; r- p* t7 m3 J  M- F$ z2 T' ^, y$ K
In The Last Lions, the Jouberts focus on one lioness who tries to protect her three cubs from a vicious rival pride — by herself — after her mate dies in battle. Usually, a lioness will have a pride of female lions providing an additional layer of security for her cubs. But not in this case.
8 l8 L/ ?9 y7 p9 @* W* o. Q, R在"最后的狮子"这部纪录片里,朱伯特的镜头集中讲述了一只母狮子的故事。她的原配在战斗中死亡以后,她试图阻止恶性竞争的公狮子伤害她的三只幼崽。通常,母狮子之间会互相合作,共同保护她们的幼崽。但这次情况比较特殊,她只能孤军奋战。
9 [" j* ]. u2 V8 o* k
% ^) Z  M1 {! N: }- l5 M7 d- t"For her, the stakes were doubly high," says Dereck Jouter. "She had lost her mate and her protector, and she had to go out and hunt — a very, very dangerous activity — and make sure she didn't get injured long enough for her cubs to be vulnerable and in jeopardy."! r( ]! V3 I" q  X
“对她来说,风险是双倍的高”,德雷克-朱伯特说。 “她失去了她的配偶和保护者,她不得不自己出去捕猎。 捕猎是一项非常,非常危险的活动。 她的脆弱和处于危险之中的幼崽,需要她确保自己在这段足够长的时期内不能受伤。”  T1 u* E# k; W

/ n8 J$ N1 @- _7 v  n4 uThe lioness — who the Jouberts dub Ma di Tau — decides to find a new territory for her cubs. The Jouberts tracked the lions as they made their way through muddy streams in an attempt to reach an island where, unbeknownst to Ma di Tau, a herd of buffalo live.0 x! E8 h% f$ V4 V) Q
朱伯特称这只母狮为"马迪头"。马迪头决定为她的幼崽找一块新地盘。朱伯特夫妇追踪这些狮子,通过泥泞的道路。它们企图到达一座小岛,但是,马迪头不知道现在一群水牛正盘踞在那里。+ P9 |6 f1 r& `) F% C' q
3 _0 y$ K$ s1 V3 ^  a; h4 Q3 t( X
"Their horns are incredibly sharp," Beverly Joubert says, "so that was a problem. Her initial stages [on the island] were having to learn how to hunt. And she studies them. You see she's watching, she's studying them. And she tries to take the [buffalo] calves. But in the finale, she is hunting a male buffalo bull."
3 C  j. Y7 I  \1 L贝弗利朱伯特说,“水牛们的角锋利无比,所以这就是个问题。马迪头上岛后的最初阶段,是要学习如何狩猎水牛。她研究这些水牛。你可以看到,她正在观察琢磨它们。她试图抓住一只小牛犊。但打到最后时,演变成她在扑杀一只成年公牛。"
% `, X' I. W! r: G
3 S' N$ F; o/ Q5 d) F6 j  [& }Learning to fight buffalo wasn't the only way Ma di Tau had to adapt. In order to save her cubs, she took them through water. And lions, Beverly Joubert says, traditionally hate water.# w" N' T; j( t# d4 K( U, [
! g5 e, {7 K* N/ {  e7 }8 j6 g6 v3 Q; a; n' K
"Crocodiles live in water. And even without crocodiles, lions aren't even comfortable getting wet when it's raining," she says. "These lions truly had to adapt."- x" c. c" ]" g& t5 C. m
“有凶猛的鳄鱼生活在水里。即使水里没有鳄鱼也不行。狮子也不喜欢被弄湿。甚至下雨天也让它们感到不舒服,”她说。 “但是这些狮子必须学会适应这里的一切。”& z4 I+ [9 D/ {( w

& F: J2 i8 q6 ?! vAt one point in the film, Ma di Tau leaves one of her cubs behind after he's injured. It's heartbreaking, Dereck Joubert says.
6 R; E- |2 E' S9 Z2 n7 \2 u. \德雷克朱伯特说,纪录片中有一段很是令人心碎。讲的是她的一只幼仔受伤以后,马迪头不得不放弃它。
* e. v% R' ?; x% r4 w' F0 ]
! S. s# b' c3 I3 K1 g, FWhile we can't anthropomorphize, we can certainly understand that there's something going on," he says, adding: For us, this moment was much more about [Ma di Tau's] struggling with that inevitable maternal instinct to stay and to take care of the cub when she knew she didn't have the capability.
# W9 c4 z6 z3 x" i% i2 c他说,“虽然我们不能把马迪头人格化,我们还是可以理解,有些什么事情正在她的心里发生,”于是我们看到,在这一刻,马迪头正在与不可避免的母性本能挣扎,即想要留下了照顾她的幼崽,同时她也知道,自己没有足够的能力。
3 b( f( j4 ~& j; L8 h8 e) `# _$ I. T+ ]8 o' y, _. ]
  1. The.Last.Lions.2011.LIMITED.720p.BluRay.x264-THUGLiNE
    - A+ p  X7 ]* Y0 x  K( b0 }
  2. imdb rating.: 7.9/10  B' ^3 S! O% A! ^  x" q! C
  3. runtime.: 90 min9 o0 q+ ^" E- F+ a1 G9 k% ~; x
  4. reolution.: 720p (1280x720 @ 5503 kbps)
    ( }6 Y* m) H" A( D# M; g9 @
  5. audio.: English dts @ 1510 kbps
    / j' Q& [+ ^; c/ K  o" R. L7 I
  6. subtitles.: English

: I+ f& D) V* e/ T6 U! F& x
. G9 c  z/ B" {9 M[xz]最后的狮子 The.Last.Lions.2011.LIMITED.720p.BluRayCD.x264-THUGLiNE.torrent 4.37GB[/xz]' Y1 x- B& {2 q/ E- h4 `1 l0 u  N$ T
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