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[剧情悬疑] 午夜牛郎 Midnight Cowboy 1969 720p BDRip x264 DTS 6.56GB








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24xs 发表于 2012-3-16 20:47:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

( q; v; I  q9 `7 n- n3 Y+ W' m- z5 r  W! X1 g9 J0 V
◎译  名 午夜牛郎* f' @2 b4 W3 d( O  |
◎片  名 Midnight Cowboy. b) d# k& h: E' y/ z3 U; S
◎年  代 1969
, Y2 y4 c  y0 w◎导  演 约翰·施莱辛格 John Schlesinger
) _7 W8 j& @& v$ l◎主  演 达斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman  ....Ratso; J6 Q, q  x2 K) z( s" F
      强·沃特 Jon Voight  ....Joe Buck
  K2 a: n9 I, d: c* p( y      西尔维娅·迈尔斯 Sylvia Miles  ....Cass: x4 G- q: K% z% E" {
      鲍勃·巴拉班 Bob Balaban  ....The Young Student - New York$ M4 B3 T, t, f2 x' e0 x
      John McGiver  ....Mr. O'Daniel
3 `% d& s% v8 {) f1 B1 }4 D+ v0 N      布伦达·瓦卡罗 Brenda Vaccaro  ....Shirley
7 _( @  f( y( e. L      巴纳德·休斯 Barnard Hughes  ....Towny: a% J. r# b: V- S; D  l
      Ruth White  ....Sally Buck - Texas+ y' S: E  d: y& A2 v
      詹妮弗·绍特 Jennifer Salt  ....Annie - Texas( M4 V& t. Z3 i2 o2 G- T: l
      Gilman Rankin  ....Woodsy Niles - Texas (as Gil Rankin)7 J+ E1 x4 @' P$ ]" U  s
      Gary Owens  ....Texas - Little Joe, Z9 _& c* U9 n3 H- g/ v
      T. Tom Marlow  ....Little Joe - Texas- X  g2 U, k0 I, B% u( {, U
      George Eppersen  ....Ralph - Texas
% i9 s6 d0 R! Q) ^5 G      Al Scott  ....Cafeteria Manager - Texas
& k& R0 L* S* ~( y      Linda Davis  ....Mother on the Bus - Texas
. h; w0 X! s# f9 [- ]; {, V- l      J.T. Masters  ....Old Cow-Hand - Texas. F# h5 U% Z* `. e; R* N' \
      Arlene Reeder  ....The Old Lady - Texas
! s* ^! ?$ M. P+ q      Georgann Johnson  ....Rich Lady - New York
+ C2 k8 W1 h  N1 B' U' R* D      Jonathan Kramer  ....Jackie - New York
0 ^4 f) r- w: [5 R      保罗·莫里西 Paul Morrissey  ....The Party
% J$ S5 M- g5 @      瓦尔度·绍特 Waldo Salt  ....Joe Pyne on TV Show (uncredited)
) W& P/ Y& ~0 F4 O4 |◎国  家 美国
4 q' l! M. N3 O- k. i◎类  别 剧情' L" h8 U+ q$ V8 u. z* H7 o
◎语  言 英语- I0 C9 V4 f( l) R! X/ ~! D  K, ^% D
◎字  幕 中英双字
: \7 _/ M! I4 V/ h) H9 Q◎IMDB评分 8.0/10 (36,302 votes)4 @, L$ B/ @% k" I( M1 a7 n: z
◎片  长 114 Mins; q) s- _8 ]; Z1 h% H
◎简  介
$ ~/ ?$ w" \0 t! j) z/ J) z5 g
" O4 ^& l: @. h2 \生活清贫的牛仔乔(乔恩·沃伊特 Jon Voight 饰)从老家来到纽约讨生活,他自认为风流倜傥,因此想在纽约当个男妓混口饭吃。当他第一天来到纽约时,就在大街上勾搭女人。不料,人地生疏的他生意不成反而亏了20块钱。沮丧不以的乔遇到了专靠骗点小钱为生的里佐(达斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 饰),里佐骗乔说他认识一个男妓集团的首脑,但要收20元作为中介费。最后里佐只是把乔介绍给了一个同性恋的拉皮条,愤怒不以的乔随后找到了里佐。里佐收留了无家可归的乔,两人渐渐成了无所不谈的好朋友。* ^3 z; }. r5 S" q5 s$ ?7 N, f

8 b2 A) g( B( z, Q9 {里佐向往着迈阿密的生活,他邀请乔和他一起到迈阿密去闯世界。生活无着的两人这晚来到一家地下酒吧去碰运气,当乔终于搞到一单生意后,体力不支的里佐摔下了楼梯。奄奄一息的里佐此时最记挂的仍是迈阿密家乡的阳光,乔为了完成朋友的愿望,开始铤而走险。# N$ P- Z( L5 G

+ ?" V1 m$ Q8 `! z' q+ fThe life of a poor cowboy Joe (Jon Voight Jon Voight decoration) came to New York from his hometown to make a living, he thought he suave romantic in New York when a male prostitute mix to eat. When the first day he came to New York, ganging up on the street a woman. Unexpectedly, the stranger of his business without even a loss of 20 dollars. Frustrating not encountered Joe cleave to cheat a little money living Rizzo (Dustin Hoffman Dustin Hoffman played), Rizzo cheat Joe said he knew a male prostitute syndicates, but the $ 20 agency fee . Last Rizzo just Qiaojie Shao gave a gay pimp, anger is not to Joe and then found the Rizzo. Rizzo shelter the homeless Joe, they gradually became the advantage of being a good friend.
) W: y: r1 V  m: n  P" i$ [  n: X
* q+ {5 f+ r# rRizzo longing for life in Miami, he invited Joe and he went to Miami to go into the world. Life without the two try their luck this night came to an underground bar, Joe finally got a business, the frail and Rizzo fall down the stairs. The dying Rizzo most miss the Miami home of the sun in order to complete the wishes of the friends, Joe, began to take the risk.
2 y5 m- k# w; W7 z2 D5 N; U
- `& m& M0 P+ w午夜牛郎 Midnight.Cowboy.1969.720p.BDRip.x264.DTS.torrent 6.56GB, ^9 T6 }, M' L: x/ a4 C
  1. gvod://午夜牛郎BD中英双字1280高清.rmvb) [! z- x) Y# _
  2. qvod://1922511967|682B854CC5B12480EBB244667BB0003011176DBE|午夜牛郎BD中英双字1280高清.rmvb|


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午夜牛郎720p x264-DTS 6.56GB



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