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[蓝光原盘] 朋友一场/前任女友 [Remux无损版] Just Friends 2005 1080p BluRaycd Remux DTS-HDMA5.1 16G








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24xs 发表于 2012-4-13 15:55:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
01.jpg ; O2 G4 \6 r7 t, ]/ Q& e
& K% j" ?: i2 l! p- n6 S
◎译  名 朋友一场/前任女友/只是朋友9 q: N+ Z* G* V. n
◎片  名 Just Friends
! H1 G8 A0 B+ N◎年  代 2005
' n7 w0 J: Y, E◎国  家 美国/加拿大/ z3 @. {  P& f! y
◎类  别 喜剧/爱情0 N# P0 F) c3 e: U' q1 x+ n
◎语  言 英语
! n" E/ ?* n- T, U◎字  幕 英语
: v! V5 u. `* w0 h◎IMDB评分 6.3/10 (2229 votes)$ N* ~: E' \1 K6 r
) C/ @) V. R4 c6 \0 D! Q◎导  演 罗杰·坎贝尔 Roger Kumble
+ m7 ~* l& J9 ]/ ^/ k5 t◎主  演 Alanis Morissette ....
0 Q5 R9 q6 @( R1 [; l; z      克里斯·克莱因 Chris Klein .... Mike7 m; w) _' m$ \, P  i1 B
      瑞安·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds ....  _) h+ d# n( S2 S
      艾米·斯马特 Amy Smart .... Amy) B* A; @, }$ J6 y
      Maria Arcé .... Athena
6 Z0 ^7 r0 k; |! P/ \6 A9 x2 t      James Bitonti .... Bouncer
2 L. b8 K. Q8 c, H! m- n      Cavan Cunningham .... Record Producer Ron4 j' |% [' Y: L9 A8 C
      安娜·法瑞丝 Anna Faris .... Samantha James
) \7 o) N& U; c3 k      Susan Ward ....8 O1 J2 L- r& G8 k; A/ E
      Amy Matysio .... Darla: t6 Q5 }3 T0 W$ L
      Mircea Monroe .... Betty8 W7 P9 A3 W% z7 U' t
      Simon Chin .... Sound Engineer+ ~! w: f) E& P! H3 R
      Jason Bryant .... Customer: }1 P, H: p" ?; E7 Y! {" {
◎简  介. y: x3 L1 V* D/ l! w
- y: d" t% ~  C- w4 W# D
剧情简介:不只做朋友- C8 \( a5 B7 i8 p' D+ n0 G7 u

+ d/ o1 ]! Y$ b! f! q0 I: }  身为洛杉矶唱片公司经理的克里斯·布兰德既有钱又够帅,可谓女人梦想中的样板男人,但对于克里斯来说,造物主可不总是如此青睐于他。时光回溯到上世纪90年代的新泽西,高中时的克里斯是个害羞的超级肥仔,不修边幅又不解风情,常常成为同学们恶意调笑的对象,他生活中的唯一亮点就是与人见人爱的啦啦队长杰米·帕拉米诺之间纯真的友情。1 q* {5 x# W/ y9 ~
4 l" e" ^; ^1 k4 W9 w
  但这段友情仅仅停留在纯真的阶段,并没有因为四年的交往而累计上升至爱情的温度。在毕业的前夜,当克里斯鼓足勇气向杰米求爱后,杰米的回答几乎把他作为男人的信心彻底击碎:“我爱你就像爱哥哥一样,我们还是做朋友吧。”痛定思痛的克里斯断绝了与杰米的往来,开始认真减肥重修自我,还发奋练就一身泡妞本事……9 {: G; f0 J# l+ P7 u  X  `
. o- @( J6 Z- l, t# h5 Z
- `( U% ]# |! d
$ V0 |' q; U( z  “我们还是做朋友吧”,当恋爱中的男女无论哪一方收到这句话的时候,都会觉得好似当头一棒。被剔除了继续恋爱可能的一方在对方的眼中,身份的定位立刻转化为哥哥或是妹妹般的纯洁对象,成为了作用类似于灯泡的无性别实体。
' j) K3 W3 r4 i/ d2 j& [' s  Y/ f7 ?: r# P4 O
  情爱的游戏就此over,相信每一个走入了恋爱季节的男女都经历过此般话语的心灵打击。对此,拍摄了《危险性游戏》、《索女十诫》等两部浪漫作品的导演罗杰·坎伯最有体会,他自身就是这句托词的受害者,与心爱的人约会多次,最终只是交成了朋友。所以,感情的道路上受过伤的罗杰一遇到《朋友一场》的剧本……. n9 m( @6 r  }8 Y0 Q. `
, r$ x3 |  y4 |! f( o# Z, `- {; B
制作花絮:凛冽冬日行# y& x% w3 Q6 c& J7 [7 h

5 C3 f( x0 d3 F% E% \. R+ v  为了体现出片中圣诞节期间的冰雪美景,影片特意前往加拿大萨斯喀彻温省的首府雷吉纳、莫斯乔两座城市取景拍摄,该地区降雪丰富,冬日最低温度可达摄氏零下50度。为此,摄制组全部的摄影器材都准备了双份。8 z6 H8 ]( g* ~0 v( e

: \3 \5 b  S! o8 Y" W, {  回忆起最初的拍摄,雷诺兹笑言当时冻得连台词都说不利索,感觉好像脑浆都结冰了,每个人不得不身穿重达40磅的南极探险外套来保持体温,彻骨的寒冷算是让主演们度过了一个终生难忘的浪漫冬日。此外,为了把风度翩翩的瑞恩·雷诺兹变成一个300多磅重的超级肥仔,化妆师费了不少的心力,其化妆过程整整耗时3个小时……
5 y1 x4 V' {+ J) ?  U# \0 R/ _$ F! g& g2 Q3 d& q+ I
5 W7 ~8 o. y8 p  {( U  d8 a- D( k4 d
2 m7 ~! t3 ]) }- m; k, [* w
: ?* k7 `4 W* v  都说恋爱使人盲目,当浪漫的故事沾上了搞笑的喜剧味道时,观众也会变得盲目起来。片中的浪漫桥段或是耍宝搞笑,无论是出于沉思苦想的原创过程,还是奉行了大无畏的拿来主义精神,我们都不必较真,情节上是否严丝合缝、符合逻辑,也显得不那么重要了。无论你把《朋友一场》定位于浪漫喜剧也罢、傻瓜喜剧也好……
5 X! F' p4 @9 J& V' [3 Q
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Video7 A* Z. }% x) t* }* j
Video codec: TBA$ F  ]) O9 b0 q' ^7 Y$ w
Video resolution: 1080p8 D1 J, A  J9 {) X7 y' t9 f
Original aspect ratio: 1.85:1$ y. @( \- e7 ^; q
. X+ o5 e' V& `6 J/ K: G# I+ W; T
# T- N- c2 H; a) T( Z% N+ X, Q1 v  x5 VTBA
0 A6 h) a$ @7 T
4 M2 x$ M% \! x7 c2 K4 }; ~- gSubtitles/ G9 _7 O. M' D# B) ^3 z

9 ?- g9 I# |9 b% v7 f9 FDisc
/ K7 b4 n: v' k4 yBlu-ray Disc
% h9 ?' ?1 l6 q+ Q8 W$ M0 T" s
( s: ^" R& W0 V7 j; v0 [4 qPlayback
3 k1 J% w' }. D2 g' ?, C$ TRegion A (B, C untested)
. u# W' W2 j/ D, e3 \2 `' ~% \6 r$ o: t. e# o; e
" ^! k4 S: ?! n2 V1 k2 Z3 I& Q5 H8 H, }6 P6 w5 L$ e5 p' j+ `. [
Just Friends (2005)- \) \5 }9 P$ m% |) p
8 _; X; t- H6 Y: k& g( {3 I
Chris Brander has it all -- money, good looks and a flashy job as an LA music executive. But back in high school in New Jersey in the 1990's, Chris was shy, overweight and the butt of the cool crowd's jokes. The only bright spot in his life was his friendship with Jamie Palamino a super-popular cheerleader. But Chris was harboring a secret--he was hopelessly in love with his best friend. On the night of their high school graduation, Chris finally works up his courage and makes his feelings known. In response, a surprised Jamie proceeds to give him the 'Just Friends' speech. Enraged and humiliated, Chris declares himself no longer friends with Jamie and storms off. Ten years later, Chris has reinvented himself as a smooth talking lady-killer, living large in Los Angeles. Chris's boss, KC, has just given him his most challenging job assignment yet--turning spoiled socialite, diva and magazine pin-up girl Samantha James into a pop-singing sensation. The well-known fact that Chris and Sam used to date, and that she still carries a torch for him, makes it all the more hellish. The less than talented Sam doesn't feel she can 'create' unless Chris whisks her off to Paris. En route, a plane malfunction causes them to make an unexpected pit-stop in New Jersey--the first time Chris has been back in 10 years. Chris' plans to only stay the night are detoured when he runs into Jamie working at the local bar. Suddenly faced with the chance to undo the past and 'seal the deal' with the 'just friends' girl of his dreams, Chris finds himself postponing Paris. This sets off a chain of events in which Chris tries to woo Jamie, all the while distracting the suspicious Samantha. Unbelievably, Chris is finding it more difficult to romance Jamie than it was 10 years ago. Can one escape the clutches of the "friend zone?" Is it possible to go from "just friend" to boyfriend? Chris is about to find out.# n1 R3 N9 }0 `
& K2 w0 \+ }+ p  x* A
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