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[喜剧爱情] 杀手们/刺客公敌 Killers 2010 BluRaycd REPACK 1080p DTS x264-CHD 8.70GB








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kmvodys 发表于 2012-4-13 22:26:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

$ I8 f- b. m* I8 V/ a
. N( F+ \! O9 V( z, I0 X4 h◎译  名 杀手们/五个杀手/刺客公敌(台)/杀手靓太唔易做(港)
* s. E, `; K- A' ~% N* C" K; S/ V◎片  名 Killers6 i4 M6 d/ G0 F
◎年  代 20109 ^. [3 h+ A0 D* b
◎国  家 美国" L) S6 I* u8 C0 G: e: l5 N0 |
◎类  别 爱情/动作/惊悚/喜剧
- ?4 C  d; o, E$ Q$ s◎语  言 英语! z( D, q) l; J; K: A
◎IMDB链接 l: T' o* b! d' I
◎片  长 100 mins
6 O$ }) g$ H2 t* }5 B◎导  演 罗伯特·路克蒂克 Robert Luketic6 P$ ], [0 R5 ^
◎主  演 艾什顿·库彻 Ashton Kutcher ....Spencer Aimes
" G' ?% z4 e$ \4 L& h& Y      凯瑟琳·海格尔 Katherine Heigl ....Jen Kornfeldt
5 J' }- P/ M, n9 N      汤姆·塞立克 Tom Selleck ....Mr. Kornfeldt0 _+ Y, t( N+ `/ d* H
      凯瑟琳·欧·哈拉 Catherine O'Hara ....Mrs. Kornfeldt
( P/ t/ |" S# \) b7 T) l3 Y      凯瑟琳·温妮克 Katheryn Winnick ....Vivian
* i, d# O' J  V+ g: X      凯文·苏斯曼 Kevin Sussman ....Mac Bailey
3 U4 v5 y8 U$ V4 r( D      丽萨·安·沃尔特 Lisa Ann Walter ....Olivia Brooks
8 Z+ C5 f2 g( }" m1 ?      Casey Rose Wilson ....Kristen
6 @/ N2 M7 Q% Q      Rob Riggle ....Henry' T# i% F6 o& T% Q4 g, L/ w
      Martin Mull ....Holbrook
* M4 b- e5 O8 O0 C4 H' a      Alex Borstein ....Lily Baily
: W$ |6 ~% j, P. j      亚瑟·雷蒙德 Usher Raymond ....Kevin the Manager (as Usher Raymond IV)3 f$ K+ Z5 h& l9 _, X
      勒托娅·拉齐特 Le Toya Luckett ....Amanda
# P# ]# @, k: T+ O1 M      Michael Daniel Cassady ....Milo
# y( l4 P1 J$ j! Q      Larry Joe Campbell ....Pete Denham5 m& }8 A, q0 d. r* @4 I. }5 }! P* K/ a
      玛丽·伯德桑 Mary Birdsong ....Jackie Vallero; |5 ^3 n5 o0 P0 s( O
      Ric Reitz ....Dougie Vollero& M9 A; |' w1 j2 I  A7 O# A4 U3 Q
      John Atwood ....Don Nootbar; ^( u) @0 i9 \$ m* s9 X$ `
      Bruce Taylor ....Mr. Stafford
( T4 w0 Q0 l* j- ]1 Y* W% a/ w      Sharan Mansfield ....Mildred
# L' c3 ?% i* @" z4 f3 k7 }" k      Anna Coldwell ....Pretty Girl" E) q, s" D9 ]9 N: J& ~/ Y
      Adeline Gorgos ....Gorgeous Blonde
5 U: p8 x$ V4 d" r8 I  `0 u      阿芮尔·温特 Ariel Winter ....Sadie
6 |1 q! M7 U  m& D* L3 ^      Jean-Charles Fonti ....Jean Paul# I* {& O3 c! a7 H! M7 k6 x
      Nazareth Agopian ....Jaspar Leveneux# |: Y3 ~! M6 K2 m
◎简  介
9 G6 q6 ^* q4 ~% E. [6 t" ~. q1 ]; L, D& n
  正在欧洲度假的单身女子简·科菲尔特(凯瑟琳·海格尔 饰)遇见了阳光养眼的大帅哥斯宾塞(艾什顿·库彻 饰),两人一触即燃,坠入爱河。三年过去了,斯宾塞和简也到了快要谈婚论嫁的阶段,一直平静的生活直到斯宾塞30岁生日的那一天,才被突如其来的枪战而打破。斯宾塞不得不向一直蒙在鼓里的简坦白了他过去的工作与身份。原来,斯宾塞其实曾是一个受雇于欧洲某国政府的超级杀手,在遇见简后,他才决定退隐江湖,隐姓埋名与简去过幸福简单的生活。但他的不辞而去早已让某国高层坐立不安,因此派出了顶尖杀手前来刺杀斯宾塞,而简也无辜的被牵连进去。现在两人的爱巢附近危机四伏,朋友、邻居、杂货店店员甚至对门散步的老头子都有可能是杀手……为了解决掉他们同时也是为了保护简,斯宾塞决定和爱人一起联手对付这些遗留下来的麻烦……
# H6 F9 k, ^) V/ ^
" t, N) M& \- T7 o# }幕后制作( l! y3 p% K" L! F

, @/ S% K8 m# L/ U" I  动作喜剧再次登场: l; y9 e% q$ {, @5 o  w: {
( B6 q8 I) [% V
  《杀手们》的一对主人公共同对抗杀手,令人想起《真实的谎言》、《史密斯夫妇》等同类型电影的剧情,导演罗伯特·路克蒂克解释道:“这个故事虽然不是那么的让人觉得意外,但我觉得《杀手们》最让人意外的还是两位主演。以前一定没有人会认为凯瑟琳·海格尔会拍枪战与动作戏,就像我自己也在和她拍摄《丑陋事实》的时候,特别好奇这一点:如果这位金发美女也拿起手枪大开杀戒,观众们会怎样看待全新的凯瑟琳·海格尔?于是在《丑陋事实》拍摄完之后,我和凯瑟琳·海格尔就开始决定拍摄这部带着动作场面的喜剧片。”& J8 e2 M  t! b. e8 Z. n

9 L8 \5 h2 \! L, [  罗伯特·路克蒂克曾经执导过《律政俏佳人》、《偶像有约》、《丑陋事实》等爱情喜剧,也执导过《决胜21点》这样戏味浓郁的剧情片,这次是他首次尝试动作喜剧,对于这部电影,罗伯特·路克蒂克说:“本片会有一些无伤大雅的枪战场面,出于剧情的需要,我们会安排艾什顿·库彻和凯瑟琳·海格尔一些动作戏,必须要提的是艾什顿·库彻真是一个好动的家伙,拍摄这部电影的动作戏里,艾什顿·库彻尝试了很多过去他没有经历的动作场面,而凯瑟琳·海格尔也有一些枪战和撞车的戏份,两位演员都对我说,希望尽可能的亲身上阵,少用替身,这样一来提心吊胆的就是我了,好在一切都还算顺利,在拍摄的过程里没有出太多的意外。是的,我说‘没有太多’,是因为还是发生了一些不愉快的事,我们的制作团队里有人意外受伤,这的确是一件非常令人不开心的事。我想,这对于艾什顿·库彻和凯瑟琳·海格尔,还有整个制作团队都是一种警示,它提醒我们,拍摄电影是一个需要细致而小心谨慎的过程。”, i3 ~: l! I: l! _5 [
3 X( |0 [# r8 n8 v, z; j/ ^
  俊男美女的杀手游戏) `7 }5 v! O) F* G
2 E0 {3 f9 V0 N; Q6 N2 H
' O5 m! }0 c7 m* c* C1 t/ l1 F6 c- e3 ^, U4 t" p& ?$ C
9 I* \. J2 X$ n) Y  {' a
: S( G+ N, J* g  主演了《一夜大肚》、《27套礼服》等卖座喜剧之后,凯瑟琳·海格尔俨然已经从《实习医生格蕾》里决绝的走向了大银幕。对于第三次在一部暑期档电影里挑大梁担任女主角,凯瑟琳·海格尔说:“拍摄这部电影有很多难忘的经历,最让我印象深刻的,莫过于为了拍摄这部电影,我要学习如何撞车,我还要学习如何开枪射击目标,当一个动作明星真的很不容易,这部电影是一个有趣的开始。”/ [8 L! L4 Y9 t, X: E
  [7 |1 g3 Z+ T2 r
8 N, r& |0 P+ m0 I+ c4 a" h' K
+ Z+ U( b! l5 ?% s" d2 w( s·本片投资7500万美元。其中片酬支出占三分之一。: R& T$ i8 z9 U5 }: h( d/ ?& _; R
) o  Z- ^& b) K5 H1 E. y/ b$ A* O4 k·本片分级为PG-13,因此大部分动作场面出现的血浆在后期都被剪辑得七七八八。) Z/ S! A& b  f& k
3 Q. K4 r. |" e" d0 j·本片于2009年3月开机。1 s) s4 e$ I: B& f- e
+ C* l4 _* p: ]5 w6 p# j6 k  d  v·本片由艾什顿·库彻专属的电影公司Katalyst Films和狮门一起进行投资。狮门公司将负责影片在北美地区的发行,曼德特公司负责影片在全球的发行工作。  
# n& \: S% c7 d+ q3 {+ z; |* ?! S3 N7 i  i: `
$ {6 J& s' l0 u8 v7 g! P' q* h& L) `" L- x1 A$ p- P
& d% I& l  U1 R, |Video codec: MPEG-4 AVC( k" U% [8 `! M! R
Video resolution: 1080p: x8 {  Z8 I- r% @# R( g
Aspect ratio: 2.35:1) G' [& P( G& H7 |1 N: @; l0 ?: l
Original aspect ratio: 2.39:1
2 o' I+ h* c) k( v% @
8 v! m& Y1 c& _6 r) z( N$ R' `Audio
# |' u  @1 Y( ?+ Z2 pEnglish: DTS-HD Master Audio 7.18 d! u2 W3 j9 q+ ?+ a) ?
French: Dolby Digital 5.17 N7 k3 Z' V& A
+ e3 k( Y  T3 l1 t; d. g3 S- ]
8 m" l6 M! p! H& a8 U+ B: HEnglish, English SDH, Spanish
3 V2 u5 h# I, D& ~
% [5 }7 v" y- X: ?5 y- _5 G; c! TDiscs  z$ W3 q" Y' l3 N9 F
25GB BluRayCD Disc
. P4 v; c1 R8 o; a; R5 n$ rSingle disc (1 BD)
# i! d. y. I/ XBD-Live
* Z6 C; L1 F( f- ZD-Box: A& t& Y& q9 C" t2 h
Social network features
2 }6 y* M# V. C0 i* S  i( L( ~Mobile features
6 h; J& [$ F# j  J
6 g/ A$ m0 _! y) X, ZPackaging4 O: t2 q' l0 A3 o
Slipcover in original pressing" a$ c0 M7 E+ z" Q# ^; @! M8 E

3 c( l" p+ m6 y2 tPlayback8 d3 [- H) {/ O2 H
Region A (locked)
" q: h# \3 s' c& [) i) u$ h1 K
# P9 P9 q4 Y/ SOverview; ]8 O5 b0 k6 r1 j) |
( d1 F, W# p2 r8 f+ l0 s  Q/ p4 K
Killers (2010)
4 u$ k  ?5 ~8 l3 E/ w
8 Y4 n) @; x% K& t4 b5 `
9 c/ P: y; L5 F9 I  x+ Z. b: _" Q& ?' D" v6 u1 v0 B+ z0 O
A vacationing woman meets her ideal man, leading to a swift marriage. Back at home, however, their idyllic life is upset when they discover their neighbors could be assassins who have been contracted to kill the couple.
/ f6 Y% R$ l) _; ~* v/ W( ?$ k7 E* ~. E8 }3 N
Starring: Katherine Heigl, Ashton Kutcher, Catherine O'Hara, Tom Selleck, Kevin Sussman& g$ e% c* _+ a0 X, \$ L1 H  u: n% `
Director: Robert Luketic Killers Blu-ray, Video Quality  
5 k# \& W* t" l2 [
8 z  F  b: N- @+ P" P
, U% {* f! b5 \0 ?
% s+ p. ]  \4 }* ]2 p2 jKillers benefits immensely from a visual perspective from its really stunning looking opening segment in Nice. Delivered via an AVC codec, in 1080p and a 2.40:1 aspect ratio, colors are bright, bold and extremely well saturated in this sequence and detail is amazing, sometimes to the detriment of the more "seasoned" actors. Notice, for example, how when O'Hara turns sideways in the hotel lobby you can clearly see the (lightly colored) hair growing on her cheek. Water is wonderfully detailed here, with some beautiful dappled light effects. Once the film returns stateside, the visual bounty isn't quite so overwhelming, but we still are offered a very sharp and reasonably detailed picture, though I personally found it odd how pinkish-yellow a lot of the shots were. Contrast is very good and black levels are consistent throughout the film, with both fine detail and shadow detail looking great. There are one or two extremely quick passing moments of shimmer on some of the outdoor shots, but they're negligible. Otherwise, this is a great looking transfer.$ x: b& W/ F; F' C6 i* m
, A7 [" v* b9 K
Killers Blu-ray, Audio Quality, r$ s  y4 S6 W, Z

/ P! L" i, n, `4 G) f! @8 i0 B' l  G$ O
: k8 R! `' Q% i. [- A
I must be getting older, because I found some of the subwoofer pumping in Killers' impressively robust lossless DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 mix almost too much of a good thing. This is a fun and often extremely immersive soundtrack, which segues very nicely from quieter dialogue moments (which in and of themselves also provide a wealth of more subtle ambient surround activity) to the completely over the top action sequences, where explosions, machine gun fire and squealing tires surround the listener in a panoply of aural activity. Dynamic range is especially iimpressive in this track, which contains everything from O'Hara whispering insults about Heigl's ex-boyfriend, to seemingly half the suburb where Kutcher and Heigl end up going up in a variety of flames and gunfire. LFE really works overtime on this track, including some pumped up dance music early in the film that actually produced some air pressure changes in my home theater environment with every hit of the bass drum. Dialogue is crisp and clear and subtly directional, and both underscore and foley effects are well mixed into the soundfield.5 E( M, e& N" f
  1. Name/Year..: Killers (2010)
    ) f1 z- g! l7 f$ K* k
  2. Theatre....: 16-06-2010 UK 3 W6 Y/ D7 c1 t+ m/ p# a; ?; c1 r6 ]
  3. Release....: 26-08-2010 - \; l7 l- G2 D9 e1 W
  4. Source.....: R1 1080p BluRay 2 ^9 x$ l, K/ F2 ?/ C+ y0 j
  5. Length.....: 93 min
    ; U# X( j4 B" N1 {6 x& @" @
  6. Video......: 1280  @ 4722kbps
    9 z0 w( [3 z# S& V8 g  n
  7. Audio......: English DTS @ 1509kbps
    , B9 p2 a% ^. G' ]$ U4 X
  8. Subtitles..: English ' O) R6 L  a' o
  9. Rating.....: 4.4/10 8,038 votes
    ( D% T6 B6 B! S( W" [4 g" G
  10. Genre......: Action | Comedy | Romance | Thriller
8 G' s, r/ t2 E' t
[xz]杀手们/五个杀手/刺客公敌/杀手靓太唔易做 Killers.2010.BluRaycd.REPACK.1080p.DTS.x264-CHD.torrent 8.7GB[/xz]
, e3 S% N" R5 k, {  a! ?$ s
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