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[动漫动画] 人猿泰山 Tarzan 1999 BluRaycd 1080p AC3 4Audio x264-CHD 5.89GB








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kmvodys 发表于 2012-4-14 13:50:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
01.jpg ' Q1 Y  {+ {, u* k+ f' t

/ v6 @6 G, k9 M9 D4 J【影片原名】Tarzan. g! [" j; C4 P% b
【中文译名】人猿泰山/泰山3 p2 h- w% y. D: o6 D# c) s
【出品公司】Buena Vista International Finland
& g8 ~  \, W5 O: I【出品年代】1999! H- W( g) u1 g& h; @
【上映日期】1999年6月18日美国. N+ g9 O8 y: _
【影片级别】加拿大G/美国G6 U" Z6 d3 |9 ?6 f
4 U7 D  Q) G( ?$ f  X【IMDB评分】6.9/10 (17,920 votes)* B% n0 W: M7 b3 ?6 s  D+ {
【国  家】美国
2 y) f: f; D/ S& Y/ t【类  别】动画/家庭/冒险8 l1 w" M6 ~# b  x+ p- A+ I6 N
【导  演】克里斯?巴克 Chris Buck
" E& L, r9 n+ L* q      凯文?利玛 Kevin Lima  U- ~( r$ [8 `: G# a' \
【主  演】托尼?戈德温 Tony Goldwyn  .....Tarzan (voice)
* N% e" |! r7 O- a! Z      明妮?德里弗 Minnie Driver  .....Jane Porter (voice)
% O5 p5 _" ]& `6 M6 }" |- F      格伦?克洛斯 Glenn Close  .....Kala (voice)$ v. F: M* u+ ~, B8 ^9 r
      Brian Blessed  .....Clayton (voice)
3 f5 o" [& s# |$ n& o      Nigel Hawthorne  .....Porter (voice)6 p' p+ v  `% G
      兰斯?亨利克森 Lance Henriksen  .....Kerchak (voice)
4 J  i& ~' k: `      Wayne Knight  .....Tantor (voice)
; i4 r7 j% U8 G% C      Alex D. Linz  .....Young Tarzan (voice)
9 B, H+ _( p) E1 W1 P9 L% X* r9 G      Rosie O Donnell  .....Terk (voice)
) {9 i, m" y; G9 o2 R0 s      Taylor Dempsey  .....Young Tantor (voice), c, X$ c4 _) b) f1 @" V4 b1 Q8 P
      Jason Marsden  .....Additional Voices (voice)
) S8 Q$ Y) L, O' _5 C+ b      Beth Anderson  .....Additional Voices (voice)6 y. ~! [" p* E7 [7 ^
      Jack Angel  .....Additional Voices (voice)0 ?  C: I5 g; s/ G) ?1 N0 _
      Joseph Ashton  .....Ape Boy (voice)/ G8 `( N3 ^% ]- _8 y$ ^/ N* A
      Meicke Bahnsen  .....Jane Porter (voice: Danish version)! N  `7 e# t$ j* F) s
      Bob Bergen  .....Additional Voices (voice)/ `# {; p9 `% P8 n
      Rodger Bumpass  .....Additional Voices (voice)
4 O* d- t9 q1 i3 E9 ?, Z. i2 t) [& X      Kathryn Cressida  .....Additional Voice (voice)
7 u2 z1 a: l: Q+ F5 C" a8 |, A      Jim Cummings  .....Additional Voices (voice)
: D* K3 l2 r8 o; t( m! S      Aria Noelle Curzon  .....Baby Apes (Additional Voices)  g. m1 O+ \) Z8 W6 q" ~+ r, J
      Debi Derryberry  .....Additional Voices (voice)6 f3 ^3 M4 I# ~
      Paul Eiding  .....Additional Voices (voice)
5 g* ]0 x9 u# S$ b; e% n+ s' |      Blake McIver Ewing  .....Additional Voices (as Blake Ewing)
/ o$ D" p/ S4 d% {! z      Michael Geiger  .....Additional Voices (voice)# O/ M- I' b* n  D# x( j
      Scott Martin Gershin  .....Kerchak Gorilla (voice)7 M4 D0 M0 K! ?9 c: Z' M
      Amy Gleason  .....Additional Voices (voice)
1 S5 Q% S  _# |* J      Jonnie Hall  .....Additional Voices (voice)
& i7 Q+ \) e3 e4 c3 t      Linda Harmon  .....Additional Voices (voice)
+ M) ]8 A, |! |- u  K3 M      Jennifer L. Hughes  .....Additional Voices (voice)/ f' [! |! N! b# x* H/ a
      Adam Karpel  .....Additional Voices (voice)/ |3 m( f# T/ u7 _  _3 H1 x+ `7 a
      西德斯?巴比特?科努德森 Sidse Babett Knudsen  .....Terk (voice: Danish version)
' q& A% z9 X, m      Ricky Lucchese  .....Additional Voices (voice)% X' Q* K1 L$ O# l" t. N
      Sherry Lynn  .....Additional Voices (voice)
; }. X4 {( G7 f( z      Melissa MacKay  .....Additional Voices (voice)7 I8 M- C+ c4 J# G5 q- z+ e" y4 w
      Eduardo Palomo  .....Adult Tarzan (Spanish voice)
* `. ]/ p+ T# G7 K7 x, L* B  z) T8 \' G      Michael Perl  .....Mungo (Additonal Voices) (voice)( j. f+ V$ D/ |' ]# H5 |( @1 H, `
      Philip Proctor  .....Additional Voices (voice)
0 H, s  O4 C' Y7 W- \5 D      Birgitte Raaberg  .....Kala (voice: Danish version)5 z4 s9 B# h/ \% u
      Jessica Rotter  .....Additional Voice
0 h5 l5 b# `8 M1 L( y- @      Frank Simms  .....Ensemble Vocals
6 ]( N3 m- d% g# E- Q      Erik von Detten  .....Additional Voices (voice), ?( D# S( d( I# y3 L7 y$ b
      Joe Whyte  .....Additional Voices (voice)  ?/ }9 ?3 u* s
      Patti Deutsch  .....Tantor s Mother (voice) (uncredited)
" ^2 N& X. ^5 ^- }7 t      J?rn Gottlieb  .....Clayton (Danish voice) (uncredited)
8 r- ^7 F; r# o' S. J1 B2 `# x      Darren T. Knaus  .....Additional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
( ?1 u& n/ k" m# w0 F# A2 V【内容简介】" X  U) Y+ x! m
( B6 ~9 ~+ V8 d5 |3 E" n
  在非洲原始森林成了孤儿的婴孩在猿猴家族的照料下长大成人,人类探险和出现打破了他宁静和平和世界,也使他认识到他是人类的一员,他在决定归属哪一类家族问题上的思考因为他对美丽的珍妮姑娘的感情进而变得更加复杂,而人类将对猿猴家族的伤害更使他进入了进退两难的境地。8 Q8 t2 G6 p5 p; E) b! U

0 V  `0 D& r; f$ T# n: }0 {  A man raised by gorillas must decide where he really belongs when he discovers he is a human.7 ^  c# u8 g4 U  t9 G9 Z  o- X$ [

. K3 a# G) [. i+ T2 ~' J( S+ X( r幕后制作:
. W1 o2 P& K. o5 l' B" S- o! ^) K& y& ?4 ?
  菲尔?科林斯的歌曲乃一大败笔,初听一两首还可以,但连篇累牍让人受不了。森林的描绘非常逼真,可能是借用电脑技术的缘故,层次感极强。泰山电影最早出现于1917年,也是最忠实埃德加?赖斯?巴勒斯原著的版本。1929年推出15集影片,虽然仍是默片,但第一次采用了泰山的吼叫。1932年的《人猿泰山》(Tarzan the Ape Man)是第一部有关泰山的有声片,也是约翰尼?魏斯缪勒和莫琳?欧萨利文经典组合的开端,至1948年共拍了12部泰山片(欧萨利文参与了前面六部)。新近的真人版是1998年的《泰山和失去的城市》(Tarzan and Lost City),由《星河战队》的男主角卡斯帕?凡迪恩和《情人》的女主角珍?马奇主演,在南非实景拍摄,讲泰山从英国返回非洲,以阻止搜寻失落城市欧帕的雇佣军。影片特效并不高超,但男主角身材一级棒。  `5 |' N# C/ y) @9 j5 c
, }7 w3 U6 x$ o, a" f. O- B4 ~
4 w/ O% y# Z& \7 D  P; l& u$ k- s9 l, w0 M& U" }6 Y
Video: R3 o! d: C5 z! S# ~$ G
Video codec: TBA4 D* H0 G# G8 [! ?) K% n
Video resolution: 1080p3 c/ g/ ]% v) Y2 X  a8 T) L
Original aspect ratio: 1.85:18 E  x3 |) o$ J7 R

0 [: A5 w$ W# v& xAudio
6 a& p1 e" [  A( t, r& D4 BTBA
1 r+ J& r- t+ v1 C2 }$ S
2 ^0 }+ g' p* e0 S) O" VSubtitles
# ~3 m/ ^9 g* Z. F6 y3 q/ ?$ A& g/ g5 R4 g9 F: M) w3 s, [5 E
Discs/ j6 ?8 t5 X  W8 h  C
Blu-ray Disc/ J2 H# W/ ^4 W4 n8 n# c
Single disc (1 BD)6 S5 H4 V5 {% A

9 S4 u, C4 i* o2 I( _$ gPlayback1 }/ v4 r- Q  d  w
Region A (B, C untested)
* w2 E( k. `8 {0 p
1 C8 s1 w# `; _/ q- MOverview
2 b" O1 [0 t/ g2 e
; ?$ V/ ]; g) T, l0 @Tarzan (1999)3 n3 p- \; u0 R9 }* u5 F. A3 @

3 n( |9 E% t# d* N3 L- }) e7 b8 yThe adventures of an orphaned infant raised by a family of gorillas and ultimately accepted as one of their own. As Tarzan matures into a young man with all the instincts of a jungle animal and the physical prowess of an athletic superstar, his life changes forever when he finally meets other humans, with whom he feels an immediate and irrestible bond.
% |+ V2 r+ {3 J* S0 Q
1 q. Q3 R2 `5 n: o# ]# _Starring: Tony Goldwyn, Minnie Driver
1 \+ |. {) d) ~1 ^( b; U* TDirectors: Chris Buck, Kevin Lima
* @9 Y1 z' ^% E# x2 T/ _! e/ D5 v, R& }$ u; t. t
  1. Tarzan.1999.BluRayCD.1080p.AC3.4Audio.x264-CHD
    / [) Y, z% R7 y* |, {8 U

  2. ; w0 }: J) B: g- {- C7 B7 I: z
    8 D. T) u4 r6 m0 g  n4 G+ G
  4. & T" G& c% y4 g* ~: {! Y
  5. RELEASE DATE....: 03/19/2012" R4 N+ i1 o4 A( Q; r7 r. t
  6. THEATRE DATE....: 19994 C% A2 x- \. F8 ]0 y0 L
  7. GENRE...........: Animation, Comedy, Family , y* ?( B$ h' q$ U0 s- M( n
  8. SOURCE..........: Tarzan 1999 1080p EUR Blu-ray AVC DD 5.1  
    # x8 g% y" {. Q9 F1 p7 j. H3 S
  9. ViDEO BiTRATE...: x264 @ 7500 Kbps
    1 f( w# u$ [2 L( n
  10. FRAME RATE......: 23.976 fps
    # X) T4 r" i  O' C8 {; f" c
  11. AUDiO 1 BiTRATE.: ENG DD 5.1CH @ 640 kbps9 w6 D2 h' ]1 h
  12. AUDiO 2 BiTRATE.: Chinese DD 2.0CH @ 192 kbps
    9 M6 d8 w" [" L0 k* m8 J! |
  13. AUDiO 3 BiTRATE.: Mandarin DD 5.1CH @ 384 kbps
    9 O$ l; B* d( {# F* c% c1 z7 Q
  14. AUDiO 4 BiTRATE.: Cantonese DD 5.1CH @ 384 kbps
    . J6 B; \' a7 t2 b! _5 {1 |0 l6 U8 y& T
  15. RUNTiME ........: 01:28:21 (h:m:s)
    ! f6 u5 j: e' t) {$ k2 _4 Q4 G) Y
  16. ASPECT RATiO....: 1.778: 13 ]' E8 @( c  `4 V. v1 H& r
  17. RESOLUTiON......: 1920 X 10809 h$ U, Q( a& n/ k
  18. SUBTiTLES.......: N/A
    * I3 @! H9 t: ~* T
  19. FilE SiZE.......: 5.8G# O8 g. p) X: i9 o7 t6 y/ t
  20. Encoder.........: chp@CHD8 i2 d4 ]" I/ x1 a. h6 o9 b1 H/ E
  21. ! P7 i! F* E0 v  n5 i
  22. x264 [info]: frame I:1426  Avg QP:14.44  size:191276$ A8 K1 E% Z- r  {1 D7 O; [' V! t
  23. x264 [info]: frame P:39070 Avg QP:17.23  size: 66303# U. x) R/ I4 u; C+ r
  24. x264 [info]: frame B:86616 Avg QP:19.43  size: 24324

3 w/ s$ b2 u" f- n' {. R- N2 U, p

% h+ T( E8 u4 D$ u; _. x. r% o8 r7 ]% y! J
  1. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4VOALDWAUZXUHCSWKDLRCVP5PNCC6WDY&dn=Tarzan.1999.BluRaycd.1080p.AC3.4Audio.x264-CHD&tr=udp://

2 ]6 `* r: e3 W" M3 ]
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