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[经典影片] 驱魔人[中字] The Exorcist 1973 Director's Cut 1080p BluRay DTS LoNeWolf 14G








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24xs 发表于 2012-4-14 16:41:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* K2 t" }" t5 E# u* e
! k1 i/ [9 X9 z2 h【影片原名】The Exorcist; |/ R+ x3 S! h, F9 a+ |/ l
* b+ q* p" [7 ]7 u【出品公司】华纳兄弟影片公司+ t' O* D- r' b
【出品年代】1973 年3 C- \, K, o- W8 [: C8 K
【上映日期】1973年12月26日 美国8 x/ \  {; I6 ~9 _1 E, k
【影片级别】USA:R7 b# e1 U" T! Y% S
! i: _' U+ p5 ~" O8 M【IMDB链接】  o7 k# L1 v! o# U+ S! V( c; i  D* p$ v
【IMDB评分】8.1/10 (104,119 votes) Top 250 #192; i3 e0 r5 ]  v/ {, S
【国  家】美国
+ K0 K! ~+ P% O1 Z8 Q7 {【类  别】剧情/恐怖
& `" R4 J) c5 A( E( j7 n: g【影片长度】132 Mins
: h) y6 K* J9 x【对白语言】英语  e3 z7 b% O8 Q# w3 O
【导  演】威廉·弗莱德金 William Friedkin! d6 k" z. f! _7 B  _% P: ]: `) J
【主  演】艾伦·鲍斯汀 Ellen Burstyn ... Chris MacNeil; Z3 E$ ~. i1 R/ T' q' a1 f% K) A
      马克斯·冯·西多 Max von Sydow ... Father Lankester Merrin
( z+ a! P# Z' a% T. G      李·科布 Lee J. Cobb ... Lieutenant William Kinderman% P# |" o' K  |% |
      琳达·布莱尔 Linda Blair ... Regan Teresa MacNeil
+ g1 a( E3 k, `% T0 N& _      威廉·皮特·布拉蒂 William Peter Blatty ... Producer (uncredited)
/ @; k! y  _( W. G' R$ Z0 ]      杰森·米勒 Jason Miller ... Father Damien Karras
/ D) U( g5 \. I( `. h; p3 g      吉蒂·温 Kitty Winn ... Sharon Spencer
$ X/ Y1 m0 C6 X! m6 R* t      Jack MacGowran ... Burke Dennings
! e% W9 Q# H( W# S- ?      Reverend William O'Malley ... Father Dyer: w$ C' t) ?0 a0 P* K( @
      Barton Heyman ... Dr Klein
) m4 T9 Y& V9 W5 w5 D6 B      彼得·马斯特森 Peter Masterson ... Dr Barringer, Clinic Director (as Pete Masterson)* u, j" S+ Z+ h8 g+ r
      Rudolf Schündler ... Karl
2 ~7 i8 i* `9 d* \' q4 F% [      Gina Petrushka ... Willi$ e! _2 c( Z% p( Z
      Robert Symonds ... Dr Taney) y- n0 n7 ^' I' y9 p
      Arthur Storch ... Psychiatrist
; ?& z+ p! I7 L# n: F, X【内容简介】' j/ u9 `6 R* [& M& T! U2 j) [

7 b$ k% k0 ^! K/ s+ g2 g6 k6 n  12岁的芮根是一个女明星的女儿,在她身上接二连三地发生了不可思议的事情,她忽而在空中飘浮,忽而变得力大无比,医生与心理专家对此束手无策,无奈之下她母亲向乔治敦大学的戴米神父求助。戴米神父原本也不相信这是恶魔作祟,直到恶魔以他死去的母亲的腔调诱惑威慑他之后,他才相信小女孩确实被恶灵附体。在资深驱魔人年迈的卡拉斯神父的帮助下,他们举行了驱魔仪式,挑战恶灵......$ y# C! k. x6 B

; m8 t; X' `2 ]! W! L幕后制作
* p% Y' R( N& Y8 _1 i! Z1 l  N1 A" ]$ Z  w! X# C5 t: E& y- y
  本片讲述一个魔鬼附身的故事,但蕴涵着更深的社会涵义。本片曾被影迷评为影史上最为恐怖的电影,在最初放映时曾造成观众吓晕等事件。2000年的编导新剪版《The Exorcist: The Version You've Never Seen》增加了十多分钟的镜头。本片有两部续集及无数的模仿和嘲笑作品,1977年推出的第二集《The Exorcist 2: The Heretic》描写芮根再次被恶鬼附体,特效夸张,整体效果近乎喜剧。第三集《The Exorcist 3: Legion》(1990)没有琳达·布莱尔,因为当时她正在拍摄嘲笑该系列的《恶鬼俯身》(Repossessed),但影片的整体质量有所提高,这回原编剧亲自出马担任导演,把剧情编得很复杂——到底是一个连环杀手,还是有包括一个已被处决的杀人犯在内的团伙,还是魔鬼撒旦的杰作?谈不上悬念,但仍有挺恐怖的场景。; o# P# Z  A; B% i$ S
6 p# T6 d5 k" V' a
4 D' ~8 n0 S; x) E4 o! F0 e; R3 M
  ·艾伦·波斯泰答应出演该片中她的角色,唯一的要求是不必说"I believe in the devil!"(我信仰魔鬼)这句台词。制片方同意把这个说法删除。
) K3 B3 y; q9 e3 |7 w5 |  n" Q2 G' f9 f: T4 s7 a. K
  ·约翰·伯曼拒绝了导演《驱魔人》的机会,因为他觉得故事剧情"对于孩子们来说太残酷了"。然而,他却接受了驱魔人续集The Heretic (1977)的导演邀请。
+ F1 C6 @) x3 Z. X
$ {  E1 v8 W$ R( w; e5 X* R  ·珍妮·方达和雪莉·麦克莱茵都曾经考虑过出演克力斯·麦克奈尔的角色。奥黛莉·赫本也曾经有机会出演该片,但是她希望在罗马拍摄。安妮·班克洛夫特是另一个候选人,但当时她已经有一个月的身孕,只好放弃了。
) u1 o* a+ H5 s- K6 A5 Q4 `
3 v7 X% ^+ \1 q  ·导演威廉·弗里德金在拍摄期间经常对演员做出一些非常残酷的事情。为了获得惊恐的效果,他在演员们后面鸣枪。据说在开拍之前他还煽了演员一耳光。他让琳达·布莱尔和艾伦·波斯泰因穿上全套的甲胄,然后叫工作人员拼命地拉扯他们。8 A" Z, p7 \4 h+ y7 ^

# e2 a( o, q+ E5 `$ L  ·围绕着电影持续一年多的拍摄,期间盛传发生了很多不祥的事情,包括先后有九名参与影片制作的人员死亡,以及故事中提到的神秘之火破坏了场景一个星期。演员杰克·麦克高文和瓦斯丽克·玛丽奥洛斯在电影发行前死去。( R( M0 k( X2 {/ _+ }
7 h; b; G- L0 w2 E4 j. |% g
  ·威廉·弗里德金不得不带上清一色都是英国人的工作人员到伊拉克拍摄电影。当时美国和伊拉克中断建交。他们得到许可拍摄电影,条件包括必须传授给伊拉克的电影工作者先进的电影技术,比如怎样制造假的血。' @+ |- w$ m! m/ B* J. p9 m! s

1 K8 _3 F5 W% {" _  ·14年内,电影在英国不得发行录像带。4 g0 o- O  u6 l  ^7 z8 `( ^
' v0 x9 h; n- ]5 v3 I- h1 i
" S: h$ T0 M2 x3 {2 b
1 d6 O* N& C5 r& j8 a  ·电影发行之初,英国很多地方政府都禁止放映这部电影。这就使得当时出现了一些奇怪的"驱魔人公交之旅"。旅行社组织车队把游客送到附近能放映这部电影的城市去。) n, `0 X. q3 B$ L9 S
' X) R  ?: K" n) O4 J9 s- Z7 W
  ·这是杰森·米勒的第一部电影,他是在一出戏剧中被发现的。% R% K9 ]7 h3 P

* w- n8 C( s+ O  e2 v  ·1973年放映的时候,电影让众多观众尖叫、头晕、甚至是歇斯底里,以至于护理人员被剧院招来随时待命,成为当时电影史上最具有争议性的一部电影之一。
# F# H8 m8 q+ {
# A/ A4 F% I( M8 S7 V* B; \  ·当神父卡拉斯离开他母亲的房子,广播里正在放着的一首希腊歌曲,名字是"Paramythaki mou",由Yiannis Kalantzis演唱。词作者Leyteris Papadopoulos承认说,很多年以后,由于自己遇到了一些经济上的问题,为这首歌曲的版税,他曾要求获得一些补偿。% [2 d; N! \: C( X" L
" p5 b: {( U- f+ G3 y
  ·由于琳达·布莱尔始终受着死亡的威胁,在电影发行后的六个月内,华纳兄弟还一直为她请贴身保镖。- A/ ]) b& E' U8 A' M* b

$ f: |3 G# s$ D0 C# W  ·如果考虑到通货膨胀因素,该片一直是R级别电影票房成绩最好的一部。
3 T  [- y5 s: E7 q3 R$ Z7 N8 a  T5 f- j7 J& z7 H& P: A9 Q5 q
2 Q3 ^" i8 Q. @/ @0 k! D9 H: X7 @! a' @
% Y( v; u/ F5 w0 i; d& Z; z
+ O9 ~+ O3 @" m  r3 ]  }+ x  ·公司想马龙·白兰度来演神父玛林。弗里德金马上表示反对,他说如果由白兰度来演,那就会变成一部白兰度的电影,而不是他想要把电影制作成的那样。7 x1 s( T# H; q  c/ u* M1 h

+ g/ F# X, L  F  ·尊敬的威廉·奥马力对学生们说,电影大约百分之八十都是真的。他宣称介于荧幕和现实之间的巨大差异就是:这是一个男孩而不是女孩着魔了;着魔并不是发生在乔治敦,它发生在华盛顿之外的马德里岛;并且"豌豆汤的呕吐物"的颜色不是绿色的。他还申明其他任何出现在电影中的东西都实实在在地发生了。
- j( q8 j, a* }. O
4 H! J- p. q* c$ ^7 P  p0 X- o6 u3 O  ·电影拍摄的最后一幕是在影片最开始的这段。开场在伊拉克的故事是在美国拍摄完成其余主要镜头之后,才开始的。8 E4 t$ g: u. l5 f0 C) k

, u/ }2 I& S1 v" }2 p3 C3 J4 K  ·瓦斯丽克·玛丽奥洛斯之前从来没有演过电影。她是在一家希腊餐馆被威廉·弗里德金发现的。她的唯一演出经验是在希腊戏剧舞台上。弗里德金选中她的理由是,她与他自己的亲生母亲有着极其相似的面孔,威廉·彼得·布拉提也觉得她长得很像他的母亲。
4 ]4 E: L. u9 R" [6 C3 q8 [
2 [$ r0 ^2 I, i& f) b' k  ·用作呕吐的绿豌豆汤是安德森的特别制作。工作人员原来用的是坎贝尔的,但没有想要的"效果"。琳达·布莱尔一直都十分讨厌吃蔬菜,这样做成的汤的确让她呕吐不止。
0 t: ^8 d) r( j2 @6 L9 I1 X
7 l" x. {% b8 A% J  ·原定拍摄时间是85天,电影实际用去224天。- b2 z9 X! t8 Q' C4 X# X: `! Y4 w3 v
$ f: s) ]) B( P9 Z' J
) q) w5 r) h) r! W( ~6 ^
) s6 F+ f' g# v! D2 r% v穿帮镜头
' T( A% D" ^8 Y7 x
4 y, O; M! X: S' U6 s9 Q  ·连贯性:克丽斯在公园,丢弃的香烟稍后不久又回到了她的手中。
+ [, B( A; i, ]2 b! y
" D/ a+ R7 \" v  ·发现错误:在那段著名的楼梯摔下来的场景中,可以在台阶上看到橡胶垫子。# s+ g7 {0 Z; R1 e$ F) e4 [) r0 U

" p9 O9 [! O. x( Q6 w9 U  ·连贯性:在神父卡拉斯肩膀上的白色毛巾。9 [. ?) k; V" e) z9 u
6 x; u4 f; R$ v0 m! _
  ·连贯性:当神父卡拉斯坐在房间的床上吸烟的时候,另一个神父从他手上拿走香烟并且躺在自己的床上。当神父卡拉斯坐起来抓住这个人的胳膊,香烟还是在卡拉斯的右手。在接下来的镜头中,香烟又回到了另一人手中。& W2 ^. t/ {2 [* `

9 Y! Y$ J7 u+ E  q1 N6 J9 z  ·发现错误:在阁楼上,就在火焰点燃前,克丽斯突然把蜡烛从她眼前移开,好像她早就知道一样。& u2 f. i; ?2 b8 Z) N; N" Q

9 q6 D( g$ g9 A# J* i; k  ·电影开始不久,老神父在伊拉克南部,你可以在他的帽子上看到一个麦克风的影子。
# x0 x* i. c5 Z" n* d) E! i! W( s; k6 e% V0 Y6 n( J- S& L9 o! j. Z
  ·连贯性:当神父卡拉斯在家里看望他的妈妈,他解开衣领,以尖端朝前的样子放在架子上。在接下来的镜头中,衣领是以另一个角度放着的。; h( [- S8 X7 A; E
4 m1 b$ n+ t3 Y$ \3 O3 F0 ?
0 ^& c0 K0 r% u+ y
" s, [+ g" M; x" }5 b5 t  ·发现错误:当玛林穿过考古挖掘基地的时候,在水平线进行挖掘工作的工人们,随意玩耍着他们手中的工具,很明显是假的。: A# I0 P5 Y0 ]2 B" W6 r* a

) p. c% g1 W( I  ·混杂:在遇见侦探前,黛米恩正在跟着轨迹奔跑,在摄影机的镜头上有一只苍蝇。
, U9 r6 V( Y& B$ r4 }* r) a! g* n+ C; S
参考资料; l/ s- P7 {: s
3 b( S; ?2 |1 P7 ~& f
- x6 E$ N1 ~( F" f% e/ j! [Video codec: VC-1' H  ]7 U8 h9 ]8 I( P9 X
Video resolution: 1080p
- J- N3 F8 {$ d5 }8 VAspect ratio: 1.78:17 S* q: C. E+ z, l9 O
Original aspect ratio: 1.85:18 @" j3 f/ B1 Q6 y

" }8 K4 o7 S; N5 ~5 \0 T* p, |Audio; z& L& q( _' {. f# X
English: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 ES5 K* f4 u6 E) ]$ b8 R3 H# N
English: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
+ J2 i3 G7 w4 `# C  X$ ~French: Dolby Digital Mono0 ?' N+ c  f0 l, ~7 Z
Spanish: Dolby Digital Mono ... (more)* ]; T4 K- P/ [: j$ g! U5 m
Note: Japanese only on Japanese...( V; r3 a1 c  ?  g, X! k& }

2 R* X. I2 X# \1 O0 ], HSubtitles+ r0 B, f! v1 B9 q: r% y5 @
English SDH, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German SDH, Italian SDH, Danish, Dutch... (more)0 ~. s1 N4 r' L* Z4 O1 [6 b0 J3 T

6 E$ W0 `6 Z5 `Discs  o" c) f) F# Z" E- R% x) E
50GB Blu-ray Disc3 U3 n! O# t2 d+ z  x
Two-disc set (2 BDs)
+ G, H3 }; \  q& z9 P  F1 B. \
8 {" R' D2 u- Z9 n% aPackaging; ?' w4 T, L% ^0 u
4 [& X1 v, ^/ Y! u* q: b* w+ u
: l8 z4 t7 r2 e! g! x* oPlayback5 B3 P; G# F3 z3 P
Region free
6 {1 }# \! E, N) |
# J; x4 I2 ~! M1 A1 TOverview
" m$ m" ], i% @) w  v5 S% H/ K# J4 m3 D9 m  f

6 D; p2 c! r) V1 Z, j. L* p7 WThe Exorcist (1973)
" u' m1 e9 O8 J8 @0 c, @$ R' Z
* s8 |- T0 n; |; P6 G% A) c5 n- _; {
5 O8 L6 O1 E5 z! D: a& ^: M
+ O3 H) q% b* M4 X- g/ oWhen a 12-year old girl is possessed by demons, a young priest takes it upon himself to selflessly save her at the behest of her famous movie-star mother.: c: r: B7 O+ Q' ]( @4 d9 f
! t$ s) J0 O# o
The Exorcist Blu-ray Review" w9 J3 H* V* E7 T2 z

+ d5 t$ o& t" f6 }Starring: Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Linda Blair
( R+ N* {9 k7 ^( z0 Q& H. c 5 t2 a- R0 S# n1 q
Director: William Friedkin
2 n/ |. s5 Y& E* U; n, w- n   Q/ d8 ]& l! S2 x% p, i0 d$ {8 }
The Exorcist Blu-ray, Video Quality
# F4 ^. G; o& r; Q# A- W  R' L/ O" \. P3 Q

. s1 g, L$ f) C( D  [9 N: i2 q- _: [" T9 e( x1 e
My gratitude to Warner Home Video for presenting this high definition Blu-ray, which was color-timed by the cinematographer Owen Roizman and myself and represents the very best print ever made of 'The Exorcist.' Enjoy!: {8 z8 D, t4 D  }8 D2 B' g
: O- Q$ _7 @* Q: {% I; {
So writes William Friedkin in a gushing insert included with Warner's striking Blu-ray release of The Exorcist. Presented via two separate, comparably restored and remastered 1080p/VC-1 transfers (each version of the film has been granted its own BD-50 disc), Friedkin and Blatty's horror classic, be it the director's extended or theatrical cut, has never looked better. Roizman's atmospheric photography is teeming with stunning primaries, ominous shadows, stark whites and lifelike skintones. A few faces are slightly flushed (mainly during the first twenty-five minutes of the film) and blacks succumb to minor crush and inconsistent contrast leveling during the final showdown sequence, but the whole of both cuts rise above such fleeting shortcomings to deliver a fit and faithful rendering of each. Moreover, detail is nothing short of stunning, particularly for a film rapidly approaching its fortieth birthday. Fine textures are surprisingly well resolved, edges are crisp and clean (with only a hint of intermittent ringing), many closeups and midrange shots look fantastic, and delineation, though a tad problematic at times, is true to its aging source. I can't tell you how often I shook my head in disbelief. Not at any glaring distraction, mind you, but at the near-pristine quality of the print, the clarity of some of the thirty-seven-year old scenes and the disarming beauty of the transfers' most remarkable shots. Yes, softness abounds (as it does in most any film from the era), and yes, grain-haters will be aghast at the at-times uneven, at-times aggressive grain apparent throughout both presentations. But purists and diehard videophiles will cheer. Edge enhancement has only been employed here and there, and judiciously at that; DNR clearly isn't an overriding issue; artifacting and banding rarely make an appearance (although the film's opening sunrise does suffer from faint banding and a handful of establishing shots are home to some negligible digital clutter); significant print damage has all but been eliminated; and glaring anomalies -- macroblocking, aliasing, aberrant noise and the like -- aren't a factor., n3 p+ g0 g2 P5 F3 w

# r0 K/ ~1 d. B" B. [' {Warner delivers yet again as The Exorcist, gristly grain and all, emerges as another exceedingly faithful, lovingly restored and deftly remastered Blu-ray presentation in the studio's march toward catalog dominance.
! E2 D- {0 i3 F" L* t8 E* V
; N$ D' s1 d* CThe Exorcist Blu-ray, Audio Quality
4 I0 D( H0 c' ?6 Q+ E! L
9 c" g7 a3 H$ r/ x( t) }
6 G3 |1 e9 v9 z% t" K. L
+ y) R2 `/ E# y0 MThe Exorcist also arrives with two full-fledged lossless audio mixes in tow -- a DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 ES surround track on the Extended Director's Cut and a DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 surround track on the film's Original Theatrical Cut -- both of which are quite good. (Again, particularly for a thirty-seven-year old catalog title.) Dialogue, though sometimes challenged by inherent environmental noise and reasonable hiss, is clean, clear and neatly prioritized. Several lines are buried beneath the ensuing demonic chaos, sure, but it rarely affects the overall experience. The LFE channel, meanwhile, doesn't miss a single opportunity to impress, all but assaulting the soundstage with powerful thooms, room-splitting crashes and guttural groans. The rear speakers make their presence known as well, transforming Regan's possession into an all-too-convincing 360-degree nightmare. Ambience, both quiet and forceful, skitters from channel to channel, pans are unnervingly smooth, directionality is eerily precise (and often caught me off guard), acoustics are believable and Steve Boeddeker's score inhabits the entire experience. That being said, the film's smartly crafted sound effects range from tinny to hollow, muffled to muddy, effective to strong, and natural to realistic. I know, I know. Certain considerations should probably be made for a film of its age, and most of the effects are spot on, but too many misfired clangs and bangs will strike casual listeners as stagey and a bit weak-in-the-knees. By no means should that scare filmfans away -- any quote-unquote mishap present in the mixes is most likely attributable to the condition of the original elements -- as even the most hard-hearted audiophiles will be thoroughly pleased.: w' v% u( S0 V- E
Editor's Note: At present, our technical specification fields are unable to list the various audio mixes and subtitle options featured on this release on a cut-by-cut basis. Until we can resolve this small issue, here is a list of the corresponding audio and subtitle tracks available for each version of the film:
& ~% @4 H" J3 l" d3 V9 p3 W  E% M$ R4 J! Z" L9 N9 ]
  1. Disc 1: The Extended Director's Cut; b2 D$ q& r; }4 S) V6 d! ?& O4 m
  2. Audio Tracks$ Z% `7 |  v' X( o0 U, S
  3. English: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 ES $ i! m* v" k+ B( L5 E
  4. French: Dolby Digital 5.1 6 x( v6 z7 c: I7 E  d% H) J) n3 G
  5. French (Quebec): Dolby Digital 5.1
    1 G  H( \% ^2 G0 I, T9 e5 D; i1 i) T5 G
  6. German: Dolby Digital 5.1
    9 g$ c! E9 s- e* m
  7. Italian: Dolby Digital 5.1
    6 {6 J4 N; {& {; B8 V$ z3 b
  8. Spanish (Castellano): Dolby Digital 5.1
    7 R5 X5 Y. j3 I: |/ S9 g6 [
  9. Spanish: Dolby Digital 2.0 ! O4 N7 d* Y% N! z
  10. Hungarian: Dolby Digital 2.0
    9 R% ?/ S: X) L/ {* g( M2 \
  11. Polish: Dolby Digital 2.0
    - l6 w9 V0 V- L$ D& j5 o
  12. Portuguese: Dolby Digital 2.0
    : G' a, l5 `" Y4 z
  13. Russian: Dolby Digital 2.00 f4 C+ |$ ?9 a+ V( L7 X+ X3 A" `
  14. Subtitles: English SDH, French, German SDH, Italian SDH, Spanish, Spanish (Castellano), Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Arabic, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Swedish and Turkish
    / g$ l( ]7 S/ O
  15. Disc 2: The Original Theatrical Cut' M0 w( i: r8 u7 }$ n
  16. Audio Tracks( Z* w% u- R. ]( [
  17. English: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 % l8 m4 ?$ Z3 u2 w0 S' x
  18. French: Dolby Digital Mono ) q' x: l* y* O/ m. h8 t
  19. Spanish: Dolby Digital Mono 8 d1 k7 n0 m# V+ ]3 l" w2 ]
  20. Spanish (Castellano): Dolby Digital Mono ! o" w% R! M+ d+ X# D! B
  21. Portuguese: Dolby Digital Mono + D, _. }+ G4 K! k# r
  22. German: Dolby Digital Mono
    / H* u9 _4 D" a2 B: h2 d2 r
  23. Italian: Dolby Digital Mono* Z# f+ ?/ I, X% `. a* |0 z
  24. Subtitles: English SDH, French, Spanish, Spanish (Castellano), Portuguese, German SDH, Italian SDH, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish

; ~; Q, e  X1 V4 P2 P$ ^
. ?& F% {# h  d, S( r4 ]; @
  1.     Release Name..........: The Exorcist 1973 Director's Cut 1080p BluRayCD DTS LoNeWolf
    4 b+ p# k5 U& l& z' M
  2.     Encode Date ..........: UTC 2012-04-09 00:40:22) p+ i2 ]6 [, V: q
  3.     Format ...............: Matroska
    8 X) E6 \: T& K/ S% C1 L! |
  4.     File Size ............: 13.9 GiB* X  r; g6 L! R
  5.     Duration .............: 2h 12mn
    ; `+ a- O' i8 h
  6.     Sample................: Included5 Q5 P6 |6 p7 F8 d( _5 y+ x; R2 R
  7.     DXVA compliant........: Yes$ X6 ^5 i9 I5 A' ], e2 a; u
  8.     Source................: The Exorcist 1973 Director's Cut 1080p Blu-ray Remux VC-1 DTS-HD MA 5.1 - KRaLiMaRKo
    : x. S3 c* k, [* e2 I1 r
  9.     Resolution............: 1920 X 1 080
    5 ^* L* Y' R- X3 B+ L
  10.     Aspect Ratio..........: 16:9
    ) X9 n. V) J* A, @
  11.     Video Bitrate.........: 13.2 Mbps
    ; e/ h- v. ^  L
  12.     Overall Bit Rate......: 15.0 Mbps* q5 r: I2 x) Y+ g
  13.     Frame Rate............: 23.976 fps
    ; R0 G. V0 _5 V0 o% ]
  14.     Video Codec Type......: x264 4.1) p/ V4 w+ d  W( [. j, L9 R+ m
  15.     Bits/(Pixel*Frame)....: 0.265- T- h! L7 D4 b7 r$ ?' Z9 ~7 o
  16.     Chapters..............: Yes
    5 C* Z7 C* P9 L" ^5 [% L* j; ^
  17.     Audio Language........: English( B* F2 d+ q$ }0 z9 t& a. t! }7 x
  18.     Audio Bitrate.........: 1510 Kbps
    9 {- b2 g8 Y6 V
  19.     Subtitles:............: : English (SDH), Chinese (Mandarin Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German (SDH), Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian (SDH), Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (Iberian), Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish (Castilian), Spanish (Latin American), Swedish, Thai, Turkish
    ; g- y' Q% q" u$ _7 K
  20.     Encoder...............: LoNeWolf

# F( c: s# V& B: c+ `* U. N7 H0 S% m  G% b7 P. Y
[xz]驱魔人/大法师 导演剪辑加长版/中字 The.Exorcist.1973.Directors.Cut.1080p.BluRaycd.DTS.LoNeWolf.torrent 14GB[/xz], j- \) n1 o4 a) j9 l. x
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