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[科教记录] 达尔文最黑暗的时刻 Darwins Darkest Hour 2009 BDrip 1080p Unknow 7.95GB








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24xs 发表于 2012-4-14 18:42:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 E6 m) c8 O: R; |8 X; M7 Q9 }' l& Y% X& e& |
Title: Darwin's Darkest Hour
7 K, v3 G* B& }& F- [' c6 UReleased: 2009
8 d2 r* Z6 d. u& k/ t* i' K1 m! u$ ?Genre: Drama, Biography+ [6 V* |4 j5 A; x) s: ~6 F
Director: John Bradshaw
" }8 c/ y6 i% `- M5 g1 }Cast: Henry Ian Cusick, Jeremy Ackerman, Rhys Bevan-John, Roseann Boyle, Joe's Dog, Richard Donat, Daniel Lillford, Frances O'Connor, Vanessa Walton-Bone
! A3 b" ?; d, x0 W- X8 eReleased: U.S.
+ a! Q! e2 n- ]6 a6 L. vLength: 1:41:12
$ s( {4 A4 h# a( G4 ^6 B# |! ]7 J/ b6 m* b; [
        Discover the human side of one of history's most controversial figures in this National Geographic Television production starring Henry Ian Cusick and Frances O'Connor. Set in the year preceding the publication of On the Origin of Species, the film opens to find British naturalist Alfred Wallace poised to release a tome that bears an uncanny resemblance to Darwin's own life's work." l& t& O3 k1 g( r) O
       As the two authors race to get their strikingly similar manuscrpts published first, one of Darwin's children falls ill with scarlet fever, and the other is infected with diphtheria. His life falling apart all around, Darwin leans on his beloved wife Emma to help him weather the storm. Despite the fact that her husband's work flies in the face of everything she believes as a Christian, Emma supports her husband and remains by his side even as scarlet fever claims the life of their beloved child.
1 G5 m7 M) l7 |$ Q/ }3 D# [; d# z2 d9 A2 _
在出版的《物种起源》的前一年,英国博物学家阿尔弗雷德 华莱士准备出版一本描写达尔文离奇的一生的书。两位作者在争取他们相似的手稿在第一时间出版时,达尔文的一个孩子得了猩红热,另一个感染了白喉。他的命运跌入低谷,此时达尔文心爱的妻子艾玛帮助他度过难关。尽管她丈夫的工作是在挑战她相信作为一个基督徒相信的一切,艾玛依然支持她的丈夫和悉心照顾他们生病的孩子。
1 |* g9 l# ^4 L, R6 V
5 R4 u( h( l  l0 K达尔文的妻子埃玛(Emma Darwin)是一个虔诚的坚定的基督徒,她每天都读圣经,定期去教堂,从牧师那里领受圣餐,她常常给孩子们读圣经,不赞成礼拜天进行社交活动,甚至在礼拜天是否刺绣、钩织,在她的内心里都会引起争战。她对上帝是何等地虔诚,以至于达尔文称赞她“不仅是一个基督徒,而且是一个基督徒的殉道者”。
; l5 o4 S& i' j# d6 K; _: h  
* O# o) m. s" E! m: }' Z也正因为如此,埃玛对达尔文的感情是极其复杂痛苦的。她是一个虔诚的基督徒,同时她又深爱着达尔文,达尔文也深爱着她。但知夫莫过妻,埃玛知道达尔文并不信仰上帝,她多次劝丈夫相信上帝,希望他“从圣经《马太福音》中去寻找安慰”,可达尔文却爱用这样的话来应付妻子:“我肯定不是无神论者,我并不否认上帝的存在。我大概是个不可知论者;仅仅是不能肯定地去理解这个问题罢了。”面对达尔文的搪塞,埃玛十分痛苦。后来,《物种起源》出版了,埃玛的心就更加矛盾了,因为这本书遭到了教会对达尔文猛烈的抨击。作为妻子,她讨厌那些指责;可作为基督徒,她又赞同那些指责。她坚信“如果人们失去了对上帝的信仰,就会失去一切希望”,她说:“人们没有信仰就不能活下去。如果没有信仰,生活确实是太难了,而且是不可能的。如果看到唯物主义战胜唯灵主义,我会十分痛苦。”
- C4 z/ n: S1 V$ J/ B- y# v0 S/ h4 x8 y/ }1 M5 X5 G3 I
她知道进化论会削弱人们对上帝的信仰,就试图向达尔文提出修改《物种起源》。嘴劝是不行的了,她就用写信的方式来向近在咫尺、朝夕相处的丈夫表达自己痛苦的心情:“……我肯定你知道我爱你至深,所以我感到你的痛苦就是我的痛苦,我发现唯一能使我的思想得到宽慰的,就是让上帝的手来解除这种痛苦。”可是,一直到死,达尔文也没改变自己的立场。在他去世的当天,埃玛对女儿说:“父亲恐怕不相信上帝,可是上帝相信他。他将安静地在他所去的地方休息。”这既是无可奈何的自我安慰,也是对达尔文最权威的“盖棺论定”——达尔文从未悔改信主!0 s$ P, `& O0 w- X
* Z1 L; L" X; o
7 D9 w+ o- B1 ]# F  y
8 ^, n. h. \! ^. S' @  _& A8 H) \! mVideo, S3 ~: ?2 T/ V) p3 s% v9 ^
Video codec: VC-1( r! Z* ^, S, e7 V# s" F5 p
Video resolution: 1080p
. e& ~5 Y4 a! E( a: zAspect ratio: 1.78:1
8 L5 D7 A7 O# s  [' }
* L4 v$ t, I! d! f: _Audio' Q( p! v( Z  K: L: k
English: Dolby Digital 5.1
& v* I" _7 h! F/ l4 }" PEnglish: Dolby Digital 2.0
4 F# X6 o- g7 t. Q; R9 P$ {! e; d
: a8 q' G7 X& A0 M1 n2 ~Subtitles. ?  f: s- V6 Q) B- x% i# p! k
English9 ~9 D- L$ J5 N) w: R# M1 J% F

( E$ Q9 `3 H$ g8 VDiscs4 s& [/ M  l8 ^: l$ y( B6 R
25GB Blu-ray Disc
  ~+ K6 N, c2 ?/ \$ QSingle disc (1 BD); S3 k: E7 L% N, a% H

9 I2 `2 t. k+ i- A* l1 uPlayback
1 q# j( P2 f. ?# @- eRegion A (B, C untested)7 Y, v; d1 p8 c6 l5 c. C, I

/ B  ?& l3 Z9 Z' l. |' s. IOverview2 s: ]5 p5 u. q/ x& M
% l, t% [* j. d1 z; u

# N( U2 o; F& j- ^) ]Darwin's Darkest Hour (TV) (2009) $ I) B8 D( |. n+ }2 G

3 I: r5 k% h! r  ~1 c* P
* r( `# v# X2 L, K; t: b9 D0 X! I6 s1 g5 D
Starring Henry Ian Cusick ('Lost') and Frances O'Connor ('Mansfield Park') � Darwin抯 Darkest Hour depicts the professional and personal trauma Charles Darwin endured the year before the publication of On the Origin of Species. Darwin抯 life's work, what he called "his abominable volume," is in danger of being scooped by Alfred Wallace; at the same time, one of his children is stricken by scarlet fever and one with diphtheria. His wife, Emma, is his rock, helping him through the turmoil even though his work challenges her deep Christian faith.: r5 q+ s8 o. N! e4 q
: B, Q2 S3 z' d- o
Director: John Bradshaw 3 C8 \' I9 Z' I& j  ~/ G

! F' I) Q  u) g$ I! Z3 eDarwin's Darkest Hour Blu-ray, Video Quality  
; K1 T7 x: w1 s0 ?9 D! P6 ~  ?+ L# K2 j
$ ^! U5 f. Z$ `  S1 U/ |
/ c7 ^. W" I0 Y! U9 r# T& T8 G& b
There's a lot to like in Darwin's Darkest Hour's 1080p VC-1 encoded image. Some of the exterior footage is incredibly lush. I was repeatedly struck by some of the absolutely gorgeous water imagery, as in the sequences (as brief as they are) depicting the H.M.S. Beagle's voyages. Detail is very sharp and the transfer is not hampered by any egregious artifacts. I was a little less blown away by the somewhat uneven palette. While most of the film looks deeply saturated and has some really impressive gradations of hues, a lot of the interior work features kind of sickly yellow jaundiced flesh tones, which I ascribe to a probably less than robust budget, fast shooting time, and inadequate lighting set up. You'll notice a distinct difference in flesh tones between the interior and exterior shots. Other than that somewhat picayune qualm, this is a strong looking first feature for National Geographic, with a nice, slightly grainy film texture that should please most videophiles. (There is brief source footage of various species feeding on each other--something that I personally think is way too graphic for young children--which has a noticeably softer look to it).$ X4 ?% C$ b2 k" a8 X5 k

" Q7 ^1 M. R1 ^( N$ J# pDarwin's Darkest Hour Blu-ray, Audio Quality
) ]0 G( R6 X* O" X) I9 P) p$ l7 f5 V

* q' v& }1 q! V4 g. L8 E5 \  z/ ^2 G' z! ~5 _% n- H7 S
There's not a lot to report about in Darwin's Darkest Hour's Dolby Digital 5.1 mix. It's certainly clear and fine for this dialogue driven hour and a half, but surround moments are few and far between. You will notice some nice ambient effects in the seaside segments, and the fun "bee hunt" in the Darwins' backyard has an inventively immersive quality to it. But about 95% of this mix is front and center and resolutely refuses to budge. Dialogue is all crisp and clear, and the underscore by Charles Bernstein is mixed subtly into the proceedings. There's nothing to complain about here, but nothing to get very excited about, either.+ ^! u! |2 w% A1 a& N0 ?

! L' ~1 y8 v0 s# ]* i6 G) N6 m
  1.     Качество: BDRip 1080p- S5 u, v! `& i% _+ n
  2.     Продолжительность: 01:43:01; z1 [. |% r  ]
  3.     Язык (перевод): оригинальная английская дорожка* D0 _$ W+ l2 U, T" n
  4.     Субтитры: русские# @' [6 h- z- O
  5.     Формат: MKV# y) J2 {9 H" P. g# @

  6. # o5 ~$ q$ g3 `! x
  7.     Видео: MPEG-4 AVC, 10400 kbps, 1920x1080p, 23,976 fps, 16:9, High Profile 4.1; U% v# {5 H9 f1 k& _: N1 ?" Q
  8.     Аудио: Dolby Digital 5.1, 48 kHz, 640 kbps
; v* P7 r7 D. @

' d* m5 B7 I+ t$ }# K9 s; ?$ z( p, x[xz]国家地理 - 达尔文最黑暗的时刻 Darwins.Darkest.Hour.2009.BDrip.1080p.Unknow.torrent 7.95GB[/xz]
5 l9 V/ f+ [( a
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