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[经典影片] 十二金刚/决死突击队 The Dirty Dozen 1967 720p HDDVD x264-HDBRiSe 6.56GB








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kmvodys 发表于 2012-4-27 22:31:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* g, ]' s# k( ?6 e
' v  K- B) k! x+ M
◎译  名 十二金刚/决死突击队  y) I0 j. D5 D
◎片  名 The Dirty Dozen* i- Y1 O2 w4 D3 Z0 L& f
◎年  代 1967* U4 u  H* M2 _4 o. u
◎国  家 英国/美国6 h3 i$ T; o$ K2 W# M/ H/ m7 M
◎类  别 剧情/动作/战争; y5 q! ^! T" X( n
◎语  言 英语, c2 f- Q+ i9 J# \! |/ V
◎IMDB评分  7.8/10 (17,826 votes)
% J1 z' T" d$ p3 M# q1 e" v+ B3 ~' B◎IMDB链接
+ R7 E5 z+ P3 f% T' k◎片  长 150 Mins
# o$ V* U: {1 C- h$ f: c- o◎导  演 罗伯特·奥尔德里奇 Robert Aldrich
. m4 A: k) U1 @# J, X4 e◎主  演 李·马文 Lee Marvin ....Maj. John Reisman( J' [* a* j6 Z* F, y
      欧内斯特·博格宁 Ernest Borgnine ....Maj. Gen. Worden
9 P" J$ y; K. O9 a6 D      查尔斯·布朗森 Charles Bronson ....Joseph T. Wladislaw: T: ~9 n$ Q9 |4 S. N1 _1 X/ f- {
      吉米·布朗 Jim Brown ....Robert T. Jefferson; b# z, `& Z# J
      约翰·卡索维茨 John Cassavetes ....Victor R. Franko
  c3 A/ v+ j4 p4 G( M9 n% O      Richard Jaeckel ....Sgt. Clyde Bowren+ j0 ^. C! D* r
      乔治·肯尼迪 George Kennedy ....Maj. Max Armbruster
# P1 I7 i; b$ f0 Y) b- B  R, z) M8 ]      Trini López ....Pedro Jiminez (as Trini Lopez): ]$ ~$ O& U0 b! y
      Ralph Meeker ....Capt. Stuart Kinder
! ~; H7 n" z1 b7 P, L; J      罗伯特·瑞安 Robert Ryan ....Col. Everett Dasher Breed
: Q) \$ k1 y7 ?" w      特利·萨瓦拉斯 Telly Savalas ....Archer J. Maggott
) R+ |& A5 l( s* M7 {' _& e      唐纳德·萨瑟兰 Donald Sutherland ....Vernon L. Pinkley
' K+ y# P4 g+ |4 i      Clint Walker ....Samson Posey/ E( X! B( p8 M% r
      Robert Webber ....Brig. Gen. Denton
) Z+ E, T9 H  d* |/ o0 U      Tom Busby ....Milo Vladek% z! b, `8 H# b% F
      本·卡鲁瑟斯 Ben Carruthers ....Glenn Gilpin
- C" U. a0 x" g5 b0 ]      Stuart Cooper ....Roscoe Lever! _, \" J# U, a) A
      Robert Phillips ....Cpl. Carl Morgan
1 L6 ?9 K' a3 d      Colin Maitland ....Seth K. Sawyer
6 N" \% C8 w6 k3 n7 H# q2 R) k% ~      Al Mancini ....Tassos R. Bravos
3 i7 c* D; |8 ]$ p7 F      George Roubicek ....Pvt. Arthur James Gardner* L9 X: Q: i6 m% U$ z3 Y1 ]( P
      Thick Wilson ....Capt. Haskell9 v1 k* K# B% p: m; R
      Dora Reisser ....German officer s girl  Y" p5 W" y0 s# v
      Gerard Heinz ....Cardplaying german officer (uncredited)
! M" J1 V* [5 l3 C' m' F% t: Z. i      John Hollis ....German porter at chateu (uncredited)- T1 I1 j4 y) n0 g1 J
      Richard Marner ....German sentry at chateau (uncredited); ]: {; X7 d1 v6 m3 w' X$ D+ U
      Suzanne Owens ....Prostitute (uncredited)3 P* q6 w( ?9 i2 e
      Frederick Schiller ....Drunken German General (uncredited)6 g  G) z9 e) K- p3 K( p/ a
◎简  介0 {, P: [+ h4 M0 H/ R' g6 @

  N; p2 \- ^' L) C0 u% R  美军为了消灭德军将领,莱斯明少校奉命挑选十二位犯了军法的重刑犯来执行任务,但他们一个个叛逆不羁,莱斯明的死对头布立德上校偏偏看他们不顺眼,明后在双方对决里莱斯明的囚犯以寡散众打败了布立德的大军,也保住了这次任务。但最后虽然他们成功地完成目标,歼灭了敌人将领,但他们却死伤惨重……: B/ {6 K) D9 ?" Q

9 w2 Y4 L2 v, N4 U' ]9 o. u  v一句话评论$ X8 R1 Q2 q1 B, I( M- s5 e' t# W
/ `' D6 ^/ E2 }/ J8 q
Train them! Excite them! Arm them!...Then turn them loose on the Nazis!/ ]9 r' d- \1 R9 W7 T$ y2 i/ b  l1 i

* p, e# X1 ~: L/ Q2 |$ Q花絮
$ _3 o0 h! `  y9 D7 D6 g; `. _$ x# ^/ J+ |) M8 W/ `) r
·本片导演罗伯特·阿尔德里奇早在E。M。 Nathanson的同名小说尚未成形之时就希望取得改编权,但最终米高梅公司在1963年成功获得了改编权,小说于1965年出版,并成为当年的畅销书。* r& z, V4 d% u8 F% l7 [+ M, M" [
1 c+ B: ~# S8 k4 G0 R5 H8 N
·片中的法式城堡是特别为影片拍摄建造而成,共动用了85名工匠,横跨240英尺,高50英尺,成为最大的影片布景之一。园艺师在其周围栽种了5400平方码的石南花、400株蕨类植物、450株灌木和6棵垂柳。( \: v, V, ^! d3 W# b/ W" y

8 ~: \" r" I" h* @·按照剧情需要,城堡要被炸毁,但这座城堡建造的异常坚固,以至需要70吨炸药,而且城堡的部分区域需要用软木和塑料重建。
" E8 P: @! v9 s- f0 D" g
, _/ r( s) z. l  P1 A+ C; H* ]·约翰·韦恩是扮演约翰·李斯曼少校的最初人选,但他因要出演1968年的《绿色贝雷帽》而放弃。! E2 A" @6 Q7 y" D5 p

4 l4 d6 i" K1 q5 @- H8 Z1 D·片中演员Lee Marvin、Telly Savalas、Charles Bronson、Ernest Borgnine、Clint Walker都在二战期间服役。
" p1 T: C& R5 w  L/ f% K! {
* k" i+ `# x; P# X% j4 u- {·唐纳·萨瑟兰是最后被确定的演员,因为原定演员认为其要扮演的角色有损于他的形象。
4 M1 E: }( ^/ j
" a* \0 U1 t  j; J4 e7 W: k8 C·导演罗伯特·阿尔德里奇称如果剪掉罗伯特将手榴弹扔进防空洞的一段镜头会让他拿到奥斯卡最佳导演奖,这段镜头颇具争议,因为防空洞中的德国妇女无人幸存。
! C* q* |7 I* ^) J% m& b; p0 _/ N
·杰克·帕兰斯拒绝扮演阿彻的角色。9 Z+ u! n& R1 g. W7 F* R  K
. l- c7 B' J! T- \: ?9 X0 d# l
·由于Trini López的经纪人愚蠢的一味要求提高片酬,于是导演罗伯特·阿尔德里奇让其扮演的角色提早死去。8 _) `+ i2 a2 n' F; U! T; P
4 W6 o" r2 K; E. ]
精彩对白$ {8 i" v* F( z) R

" Q, i! c) H: D* E' Z) ?Pinkley:[impersonating a General] Where are you from, son?1 `9 l* ~. h7 g4 ?
' N& j0 {' [/ u9 X- S, ^3 O$ ^' D( u8 F* M: o& W/ ]
Soldier:Madison City, Missouri, sir!
5 q; r/ ]; h( E1 f. p3 l/ l! R士兵:密苏里州的麦迪逊城,长官!
/ z( K) f  C; G7 ~' K
) q' c# C5 Q7 I( g) aPinkley:Never heard of it.* c# c# ~+ |  d$ J7 T
平克利:从来没听说过。8 W6 y8 w/ O2 V: f/ N7 ]
0 M! c8 [' X2 Q% T
Pinkley:[impersonating a General] Where are you from, son?- H2 M$ [$ Z9 d$ u" V
平克利:(模仿将军)孩子,你是从哪来的?! d; M5 B5 I8 e# n% m& Y8 K
( {* Q+ _: n3 ~& Y
Soldier:Madison City, Missouri, sir!
0 e* l* x, S. t/ ^, D+ e9 f士兵:密苏里州的麦迪逊城,长官!
1 _% A3 R! X9 Z+ t/ c" [0 B5 f# M# a+ o
Pinkley:Never heard of it.8 R$ j) _/ A9 q- V5 b
% w# e# p1 {! }6 X# L* ~5 C
: N% H) t8 n; S. V7 E, i8 R穿帮镜头% a" l% \4 d" u* r

3 h. m- f! \: `& P% C. C·在片头李斯曼接受任务时,同他说话的官员佩戴着陆军嘉奖奖章,当时是1944年,而国会在1945年才开始颁发这种奖章。
9 C; g! H, N+ {
# Y; C' a" h- Z* j8 P/ r2 G5 h8 h( Z+ V·在李斯曼等人乘履带车撤退的过程中,武器从M3变为MP40多次。
! p$ C# k2 O3 F$ q% z! p
* q" c* L. S5 }* O·击中弗兰克的德军士兵手中拿着美制的M3冲锋枪,而枪声却是MP40的。
! V1 _- g7 F8 }  f) ]# n& P( `
( a. N% I' ^6 ?% M2 ^7 SOverview:1 d8 O; i% p  H3 H* R

' Q  R# I. M' s9 _The Dirty Dozen (1967)
6 s: E$ u8 _( F) l. R1 B5 \; c" S! X6 F" E1 l) k

" s9 R- I$ t* }3 [* x, L2 v* u
7 X0 r4 \; k* v1 x- n+ S' ~6 _Twelve jailbirds will earn their freedom...if they survive a suicide mission against the Nazi brass. Tough-as-nails Lee Marvin leads a nothing-to-lose convict squad of Charles Bronson, Jim Brown, John Cassavetes, Trini Lopez, Telly Savalas, Donald Sutherland, Clint Walker and more in the all-time action trendsetter.
) ]8 f/ r1 A! Z! R! i! p( m! o! G) T4 h" E- V
For more about The Dirty Dozen and The Dirty Dozen Blu-ray release, see   _7 ]' k, |+ N- e
0 @% l5 p5 p8 i5 I2 l
The Dirty Dozen Blu-ray Review( E  i: D' M8 N. V5 e' O
  y) J% O1 f  u" n, U
Starring: Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, Charles Bronson, Jim Brown, John Cassavetes$ q3 z- M7 G# v$ J% c

3 o8 `, H$ J3 ]: `; pDirector: Robert Aldrich0 G# {8 m. V% o) V
, Z! i' h( e% `6 Q( @* t
The Dirty Dozen Blu-ray, Video Quality  
. \% G. D$ E/ }9 @& m- t7 X5 U* Z$ \1 I0 i; ~

3 `& o4 p( C5 x& f# w- g
- x% J7 V# ^  I: T& {) G+ z7 @"Inconsistent" is the first word that comes to mind when I started thinking about what to say regarding this 1.78:1, VC-1 encoded transfer I recently screened. Many parts of the movie were grainy with obvious speckles and dirt. Many close-up shots of the actors, especially early on in the film, looked atrocious. On the other hand, close-ups in the final act of the film faired much better. I noticed several instances of video noise throughout, though often minimal and not distracting. Many shots were overly sharp and edge enhancement was a problem in certain scenes. There were also some very soft scenes. Most of the bad scenes exhibit just about every one of these problems. Despite these troubles, this film at times looked pretty good considering its age. At other times it looks almost immaculate. The funny thing is that the film is just about evenly split--about a third looks awful, a third looks all right, and a third looks great. One minute you are seeing a downright bad transfer, and the next minute you'd think this movie came out only a few years ago. A very mixed bag, but for the age of the movie, it was acceptable. The film was originally mastered in "Metrocolor," a proprietary film processing method at MGM studios. Analyzing the better scenes, colors appeared fairly accurate, flesh tones looked natural, and black levels were solid. Taken on the whole, it's a mediocre transfer. I don't know if these were simply the best prints available or how much work could be done to do a total restoration, but problems aside, this is the best you are going to see The Dirty Dozen look on your home theater right now. / A+ R6 d+ U/ S& H
0 i- {- s6 W+ L5 T
The Dirty Dozen Blu-ray, Audio Quality  
+ t+ r( Y. s5 Z5 s4 ]; s% q0 E# ~% C# J' E+ b: d

2 z/ d! J( y0 q+ q! _, Z5 m+ n+ |2 o) {+ C; g, h- G" U
The primary audio track on the Blu-ray disc is a Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack. Warner has not included a lossless soundtrack with this film. I enjoyed the track, but was disappointed that the rear speakers were hardly--if at all--utilized on this track. Had I not known better, I would have thought this to be a DD 2.0 soundtrack. Nevertheless, parts of it were very impressive. This has one of the best LFE tracks I have heard on an older film, thanks in large part to the excellent score by Frank De Vol. During the opening credits, the thumping of drums is quite impressive. Dialogue comes through fine, but at many times it's as if this is a mono soundtrack. Most ambient sounds are front heavy (as is vast majority of the film), ranging form the mundane (birds chirping) to the aggressive (thunderstorms, rain, and gunfire). It would have been nice to have some of this come from the rear to create a more enveloping experience. I also noticed a few instances of unexplained hissing over the soundtrack but this only lasted a few moments.
3 ]3 h* d: g' B2 x
5 K) N9 }% V) [9 x, I[xz]十二金刚/决死突击队 The.Dirty.Dozen.1967.720p.HDDVD.x264-HDBRiSe.torrent 6.56GB[/xz]
' p* W0 v. m6 O1 F, H
' p- D) u% E9 M" n5 j3 L6 L. N The.Dirty.Dozen.1967.720p.HDDVD.x264-HDBRiSe.torrent (34.64 KB, 下载次数: 13)



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