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[动作战争] 谍海计中计/惊天杀局 The Recruit 2003 BluRaycd 1080p DTS x264-CHD 8.72GB








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24xs 发表于 2012-4-30 19:06:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
01.jpg . N( ^+ H7 i: I% ]$ \/ T# E, C% H

+ @0 s3 j3 x. e6 j+ @* {* i( Q5 x
1 Z3 [2 @; A$ J. ^
【影片原名】The Recruit4 r& u5 @! p* i) |4 w  U+ q2 i
% ~3 I7 ^- X7 J9 D0 e5 s0 t【出品公司】Buena Vista Home Entertainment) x" M9 H. `) T  d6 ]2 J6 c: Q
2 w% K  e; E' h$ ^【上映日期】2003年1月31日 美国
; ^6 F+ I" e& {2 b  d+ G2 d) E【影片级别】PG-13 美国
8 D8 p. J2 Z/ ]4 z& ~+ `【下载链接】
- r8 w) L9 r/ K# B  \+ S【IMDB评分】6.5/10 (42,370 votes)
3 c5 {+ W! ^+ v$ k2 a【国  家】美国
6 T- w/ l8 l2 a【类  别】动作/惊悚
* R: l2 d' I5 e8 T! I【影片长度】115 mins3 f) Z" J! |8 s8 A2 p
【对白语言】英语; m, @& C6 b4 b
【导  演】罗杰·唐纳森 Roger Donaldson2 E3 d' x+ `( s
【主  演】阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino .....Walter Burke/ [( }7 V' n8 S/ X( G  W. R' L3 z
      柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell .....James Douglas Clayton! m( ?/ h0 }( F$ C7 H
      布丽姬·穆娜 Bridget Moynahan .....Layla Moore
) g! x$ [! G* z4 V" R      加布里埃尔·马赫特 Gabriel Macht .....Zack
/ C+ e6 {0 z# J" X% b8 T- A      Kenneth Mitchell .....Alan (as Ken Mitchell)$ c+ }2 |4 ~9 h- A3 D
      Mike Realba .....Ronnie Gibson* Q) ?* P+ E# U& h
      Ron Lea .....Bill Rudolph, Dell Rep0 E' o( `* n* Y( ?0 P
      Karl Pruner .....Dennis Slayne' o  }+ Y, k7 s5 X4 R
      Jeanie Calleja .....Co-Ed #1! }  A/ x4 P) Z1 B9 w- D& a
      Domenico Fiore .....Instructor #1 (as Dom Fiore). }$ n* R! B  V1 h/ l. m* `9 B
      杰西卡·格瑞科 Jessica Greco .....Brunette at Blue Ridge
' |- @4 G/ X5 B+ J+ X, c      Angelo Tsarouchas .....Cab Driver8 p! Z9 W3 y! o: R2 ^! W) A  L
      Veronica Hurnick .....Polygraph Interrogator (as Veronika Hurnik)2 ]$ I, s6 ^! a# g. q
      Eugene Lipinski .....Husky Man. x& l: b9 c3 V$ F; F
      Steve Lucescu .....Instructor #2+ L2 g* A2 v1 M. m/ g7 v
: `) E  _5 ]: w& s. a
: C* F/ M( E& O+ C. U  詹姆斯(科林.法瑞尔饰)是一个大学优等生,并顺利通过美国中央情报局的初期审查,和其它精英学子一起进入训练基地接受特种训练。为了将这群初出茅庐的新兵锻炼成合格的特工人员,中情局派出了最有经验的王牌特工沃特(阿尔.帕西诺饰)来训练这群年轻人。在近乎冷血的各式各样的残酷训练当中,詹姆斯凭借其优良的表现,得到了很多人的认可。但詹姆斯却莫名其妙的被淘汰出局,未来陷入了一片黑暗,詹姆斯也像一只折翼的鹰,失去了对生活的信心。
: c5 O2 S9 j- c" }7 e0 y/ {" c& d2 u
+ V* h  s! E- E/ I4 p  正在这时,沃特突然出现在他的面前。原来,詹姆斯是因为表现过于优异,中情局决定给他以更大的使命,让他这个新兵执行一项更加富有挑战性的任务。在这群新人中,有个名叫莱拉(布里吉特.莫伊纳罕饰)的女人引起了上层的怀疑。她被怀疑是另一个敌对情报组织派来的卧底。于是,在训练中和莱拉关系良好的詹姆斯,就成了最好的反卧底的工具。詹姆斯接受了这个任务,开始接近莱拉。而随着两个人的相处,他竟然对这个可能很危险的人物产生了致命的情愫。在国家的荣誉与个人的情感面前,詹姆斯那苦恼的心,又要如何去抉择呢?
- W1 G; e/ J% {% d! f; J9 z9 a/ M% z1 G* u( Z- h' M2 x- y
+ J) e& w2 c" F; T. j) P4 ?8 J
3 x% e; Y& u8 A( |1 _3 m& M- G7 u  《谍海计中计》的主演是曾8次获得奥斯卡最佳男主角提名和4次最佳男配角提名, 并以《闻香识女人》一片荣获最佳男主角奖的艾尔.帕西诺。在《谍海计中计》中, 已经62岁的他把一个脾气古怪的特工形象刻画得入木三分。% z4 v( s- |% q7 _7 A2 f, F+ a1 U
% G% q; k$ F; b: F2 V
  观众熟悉艾尔.帕西诺, 还是从他的系列电影《教父》中开始, 《教父》一连拍了三集, 艾尔.帕西诺也从20多岁的年轻演员成长为好莱坞最具权威的“演员训练班启蒙老师”。几乎所有与他合作过的演员日后都成为相当出色的演员, 并且都表示在与艾尔.帕西诺的合作中获益匪浅。
. o. n. e9 @& a# D& J! |0 B' b) l+ b2 }& M1 C1 g. d5 X5 _6 `
  在本片中与艾尔.帕西诺大演对手戏的就是其中一位, 也是在好莱坞相当耀眼的一颗电影新星——科林.法瑞尔, 出身于爱尔兰的科林.法瑞尔曾因英国电视剧《狂吻天使》而受到广泛关注, 如今的他已经和布鲁斯.威利斯、本.阿弗莱克和汤姆.克鲁斯等大牌影星齐名。然而快人快语的法瑞尔依然率性十足、魅力四射、襟怀坦白, 这也令银幕前的他总能大放异彩。0 f& d2 v: |% T7 R- f0 U7 _. t3 p! H
; I1 S: h3 R4 S! z, n& O% S) u3 n
  除了好莱坞老牌影星艾尔.帕西诺和英俊小生科林.法瑞尔主演的精彩演绎以及扣人心弦、悬念重重的情节外, 本片另一个值得关注的卖点就是:这是第一部揭露美国中情局内幕的影片。在片中你可以看到间谍人员的亲身经历, 涉及许多从未示人过的神秘地带。
. V# k0 U/ s; B. p) B
) Z% k" `4 I' H5 v( p$ q
/ i1 f7 V8 Q$ q8 @# GThe Recruit (2003) , ]& m) F4 ?1 T) T
. k' R" ]" |( p+ I! c1 U8 o- A

% B$ Y) m# m0 X
) |3 E3 l/ l# q: I5 r. bJames Clayton might not have the attitude of a typical recruit, but he is one of the smartest graduating seniors in the country梐nd he's just the person that Walter Burke wants in the Agency. James regards the CIA's mission as an intriguing alternative to an ordinary life, but before he becomes an Ops Officer, James has to survive The Farm, where the veteran Burke teaches him the ropes and rules of the game. James quickly rises through the ranks and falls for Layla, one of his fellow recruits. But just when James starts to question his role and decides to "wash out," Burke taps him for a special assignment to root out a mole. It soon becomes clear that at The Farm, the CIA's old maxims are true: "trust no one" and "nothing is at it seems."- a& ?6 K5 O  I0 O, G
8 i* O  j" ]$ t+ |. e
Starring: Al Pacino, Colin Farrell, Bridget Moynahan, Gabriel Macht
; T3 @3 [! @: b3 K/ r- t# a4 _& g 1 _, U2 S% s6 B* S  `$ n
Director: Roger Donaldson
1 G9 T9 q, L% j. i+ S, o8 o6 q
. m* B  d2 H2 T" _9 G# r& f# f/ N$ eThe Recruit Blu-ray, Video Quality  6 [6 R# H4 ]9 T6 x! b

9 F  c% }) U2 J6 j$ l5 I/ T" a1 [3 u. p& R" G: V5 L  D3 S
$ ]/ P7 i1 Q0 i- t! _0 _6 Q. a9 s$ Q# n
Disney enlists The Recruit onto Blu-ray in a moderately good-looking 1080p, 2.35:1 framed, VC-1 transfer. The overall tone of the movie is a bleak one, featuring many poorly-lit locales, nighttime sequences, dank indoor interiors, and overcast daytime scenes. There aren't many instances where the transfer has the opportunity to shine because of the intentionally gloomy look of the picture, but this transfer brings out the best of the film, anyway. As a result, some of the image appears washed out, and some fine details are not seen, but the shadows and bleakness adds to the tone of the film. Regardless of the director's intent, this Blu-ray transfer never suffers from poor color reproduction, poor clarity, or a complete lack of detail. Said detail isn't astounding, but there are several instances throughout the picture where the image does offer up some realistic touches. The regular things that so often look impressive in high definition are once again impressive here -- facial hair, stitches and fine lines in clothes and, in this instance, the fine lines and ridges of the paper upon which Clayton reads the dates and looks at the stars representative of fallen CIA operatives of the past. Black levels are solid if not a bit unspectacular, and I would rate flesh tones the same. This print also exhibits the occasional blemish or speckle. The Recruit doesn't look bad, but this isn't an eye-popping transfer, either.
* k' J7 W( u4 K6 e& f
$ q4 d: t! G, ?  M+ y3 E% P3 @7 O* AThe Recruit Blu-ray, Audio Quality  
. o* C# }* F: _8 J" l2 v
! D1 B) B% I1 D$ K+ A4 i- A
. Y. p" j( M$ \2 e5 _1 T( ]. O
0 T0 ^% _8 y# e- i" |% H  r) `The Recruit enrolls on Blu-ray with a moderately engaging PCM 5.1 uncompressed soundtrack. The film offers a decent surround presence, as demonstrated by the score that plays over the opening credits. It sounds somewhat foreboding and serious with some fine low frequency effects and the uncompressed track hearkens the home viewer back to the sense of listening in a high quality, multichannel movie theater set-up. In fact, the films score was probably my favorite aspect of The Recruit. Dialogue sounds "gritty" at times, but I never had any problems with either discernment or volume. Dynamics are fine, and there are a few excellent examples of directionality and sound placement in the track. The shooting range session offers viewers some excellent reverberations and lows. Also, a shootout about three-quarters of the way through the movie offers up some impressive fidelity and bass, not to mention an excellent surround presence. Directionality is also solid here as gunshots flew out of one speaker and traveled to another, and the echos of the shots and the ricochet of the bullets created a tense, exciting atmosphere. The bar scene in chapter six places us firmly there, creating a realistic ambiance. The Recruit doesn't offer up much more than a fairly standard cat-and-mouse drama soundtrack, but this is undoubtedly the best you're ever likely to hear it.+ F$ W( s2 A5 G0 E, `

) H0 T/ O/ a: _' z" E9 C# W
  1. The.Recruit.2003.BluRaycd.1080p.DTS.2Audio.x264-CHD
    # [( [8 H5 v3 w6 j
  2. RELEASE DATE....: 07/27/20102 f/ X8 C- U$ v! |8 P+ a, }- S
  3. THEATRE DATE....: 2003
    ; u3 I( T# H! }& m. c
  4. iMDB URL........: l" L, G1 [( ^+ D' }; {
  5. iMDB RATiNG.....: 6.5/10 (40,191 votes)
      f: O/ ]1 l6 B- N& E  ^: @
  6. GENRE...........: Action | Thriller
    - k! j* r/ s, C$ q
  7. SOURCE .........: The.Recruit.2003.Blu-ray.1080p.VC1.LPCM.DTSHDMA-YellowBeast@beAst
    * B6 ]3 ~# N9 i) M' P0 h& y/ v
  8. ViDEO BiTRATE...: x264 L4.1 High @ 9121 Kbps
    0 Q( b3 I; e: S( I! e6 S1 [* M; `
  9. FRAME RATE......: 23.976 fps
    9 j* e; X3 d; r8 H! ?' _: H/ }8 s
  10. AUDiO 1.........: ENG DTS 5.1ch 1536Kbps(from LPCM 5.1)
    : i" U. A7 G& Y2 {9 d( b$ l9 C
  11. AUDiO 2.........: Mandarin AC3 2.0CH 224kbps
    % ]/ r+ L" y0 k+ u) H6 G( A
  12. RUNTiME.........: 1:55:01 (h:m:s)
    1 Y6 c! w# H5 V. C( S* r) B
  13. ASPECT RATiO....: 2.341 : 1
    . r$ w/ j3 }  L7 P
  14. RESOLUTiON......: 1920 X 820
    3 W& A8 ^+ n9 ~5 @( I
  15. SUBTiTLES.......: N/A
    * _) Z6 y7 t* K! Y3 w/ Z
  16. FilE SiZE.......: 8.71G
9 Y4 ~4 w  K, x& i
/ u" X0 |" q/ [: _$ O- U
[xz]谍海计中计/惊天杀局/C.I.A.追缉令 国语英双语 The.Recruit.2003.BluRaycd.1080p.DTS.2Audio.x264-CHD.torrent 8.72GB[/xz]
. q5 i; }- P1 u$ h- k4 I$ t1 X& s6 m8 G4 b) R/ m: l3 N- O- m2 M
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* p6 m: \1 T$ E; J- d5 x& @5 [Your resources, well, I am very satisfied!8 U: c( q, Q0 C* }) a) y



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