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[经典影片] 两杆大烟枪/两杆老烟枪/两根枪管/够僵四小强 Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 1998 BluRaycd 720p DTS x264-CHD 4.36GB








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24xs 发表于 2012-5-20 10:45:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

5 I$ P0 S0 }) G0 m7 H3 f- N
9 E6 m; ]) n* }( w- P◎译  名 两杆大烟枪/两杆老烟枪/两根枪管/够僵四小强
8 q5 t; @5 z. {; {2 X) X$ G9 J◎片  名 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
8 N0 {4 V; s, o. P◎年  代 1998
5 D6 Z8 m$ a, S6 V- {◎国  家 英国
  B! K/ f9 M, W' E9 m2 v; ]◎类  别 喜剧/犯罪/惊悚% }7 ~+ u% ^2 {7 `: A4 ^; V' R
◎语  言 英语+ |, Q6 l% x6 m* ]4 i! x5 _
◎字  幕 中英双字
9 H) _2 h' M# z) v◎IMDB评分 8.1/10 (110,842 votes) Top 250: #173# [) a; a( j! j; p
◎IMDB链接; x9 p2 H/ t7 A4 @9 Z7 T; y
◎文件格式 X264 + DTS
+ K7 u7 c& A. S  O$ m◎视频尺寸 1280 x 694
8 s, e4 a- \% A◎文件大小 1 DVD
" s+ z" z9 P1 i7 A3 K* a$ T' a◎片  长 107 mins' z# {$ p) z# D5 G# u9 l% ~- V
◎导  演 盖·里奇 Guy Ritchie8 N0 G+ M' P* o. Y; y" M% L" G
◎主  演 杰森·弗莱明 Jason Flemyng ....Tom* n7 O' m/ h1 u8 E8 ?# k
      德克斯特·弗莱彻 Dexter Fletcher ....Soap, \$ ^0 o' k( m; T/ x: K
      尼克·莫兰 Nick Moran ....Eddie& m+ \2 l8 P  u$ B9 X+ `. u
      杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham ....Bacon  i0 R$ @2 K% q0 R: G' p$ o3 ?" _
      斯蒂文·麦金托什 Steven Mackintosh ....Winston9 W( j5 _* G% |* J# R
      尼古拉斯·罗尔 Nicholas Rowe ....J
. ?1 }& x6 d/ U9 w      维尼·琼斯 Vinnie Jones ....Big Chris
! r/ n3 U/ E% i; x: q      斯汀 Sting ....JD
, S: T# z- m. m8 U: k) Y, c3 V: I      罗尼·福克斯 Ronnie Fox ....Mickey2 _0 E  ]# ?2 c, R+ j
      安德鲁·蒂曼 Andrew Tiernan ....Man in Pub (as Andy Tiernan)
$ Z4 o+ \1 \' ?: ?) W' t      马修·沃恩 Matthew Vaughn ....Yuppie in Car
1 {/ `4 S3 T$ s& a/ z6 ^/ V6 T      Nick Marcq ....Charles  n" |" [1 D+ u- I, x8 r
      Charles Forbes ....Willie# A, w9 Y) ]4 f' M) c: o
      Lenny McLean ....Barry the Baptist
! ^5 N+ r0 U6 ^& }      Peter McNicholl ....Little Chris
( g: S# j0 \. w4 h# Y4 v      P.H. Moriarty ....'Hatchet' Harry Lonsdale
; k. [4 |3 F, K1 e# p' m      Frank Harper ....Dog- t& D. |" C" x! I
      Steve Sweeney ....Plank2 \( h+ z/ f% d; q: F, E8 h
      Huggy Leaver ....Paul
0 @, \; q  m& Q8 W8 s7 |8 b      Tony McMahon ....John
! T2 M9 D& L9 ?$ P2 Y! ]  m* g. {* S      Stephen Marcus ....Nick the Greek7 G  O) i0 E0 C" }. |# a- w
      Vas Blackwood ....Rory Breaker
7 s7 j& E8 s6 h. y6 q      Jake Abraham ....Dean; p8 p5 q. I% H" I
      Rob Brydon ....Traffic Warden (as Robert Brydon)- S. Z7 M3 S$ I! G$ A
      Stephen Callender-Ferrier ....Lenny
) K/ k) u$ w  f! \) h      Steve Collins ....Boxing Gym Bouncer
7 R. K' G5 \& H: S# F% A# N      Elwin 'Chopper' David ....Nathan
$ N$ c/ B0 {, S3 t! e* j1 n8 Y      Vera Day ....Tanya. I4 K1 b, @/ U1 z- M  H
      Jimmy Flint ....Don
6 X9 W" l+ C- E/ j5 K$ o      Alan Ford ....Alan/Narrator
7 g# e4 O9 W, r0 C  a      Sid Golder ....Phil (as Sidney Golder)) S, g7 D& M0 x1 U
      Alex Hall ....Slick" ?$ @$ n& O& B* b" J9 B
      John Houchin ....Doorman7 w3 u: W9 F2 Z* V. A; [" f" I
      Derek Howard ....Policeman (as Josie Huard); `0 e  G5 z5 _% @$ l- z8 f6 I3 z
      丹尼·约翰-朱尔斯 Danny John-Jules ....Barfly Jack. c1 R7 x  W6 \8 M/ q0 i' c) P
      Bal Jusar ....Gordon
: l4 y: K& i5 w6 L      Tim Maurice-Jones ....Drowning Man
* g. d+ U4 ~  l( j6 \3 `      Victor McGuire ....Gary2 N, D$ u0 f5 o, f
      Mark Mooney ....Serg
( M: t& }" `) h$ D      Suzy Ratner ....Gloria8 L, G6 w1 C( j" u2 b+ W0 ]
      David Reid ....Samoan Jo (as David 'Disco' Reid)
& Q( i3 S3 H1 E9 S      Graham Stevens ....Policeman
9 \: m9 T+ J, [8 P2 |      Richard Vanstone ....Frazer
0 V6 w8 P7 s" D  F      James Tarbuck ....John O'Driscoll6 \' L$ K$ n3 ], n* k1 Z
◎简  介
6 U# B! x$ G/ i$ l, t& K, q$ A! P# l6 J& b
) E+ Q6 B( `0 O/ N6 t
' x: ?# `) k1 l  H6 H0 s5 K一句话评论7 n6 x$ w% e1 e" P) @0 ^

: F+ |7 @9 u+ F! U" bA Disgrace to Criminals Everywhere.
' z4 e  y: D* b! GThey lost half a million at cards but they've still got a few tricks up their sleeve- C; s5 ]$ `  s3 H) k" ^- g6 _* |& d) R

/ Y: ]7 K3 j5 t2 M% \* R( }幕后制作
% C9 u( u5 [+ {1 X
! m6 e! S" O5 ~; F, _' {1 ^  影片似乎综合了《落水狗》和《猜火车》的风格,调动大量视觉手段,以提升“酷”指数。
- h" W) G/ Q5 L/ O; D9 T* l" c7 J: n: s/ W
花絮- R: _0 t( f! E1 c
+ k( i! D) A" J3 Z7 n
·哈奇特·哈里用那把古董枪射击加里的背景音乐,是电影《黄昏双镖客》Per qualche dollaro in più(1965)。这是印第奥用来演奏的一个表袋,当音乐结束的时候,他会拿出手枪并且杀死某个人。( O% Z+ B0 Z* d7 O
' p; M; Y- O0 y3 U5 P! Q8 A; J
·在酒吧里的足球比赛解说词中,提到了编剧兼导演的名字盖·里奇和制片人马修·沃恩。& f2 U4 q8 E$ N

7 s' E9 S( j% I/ K5 m·林尼·迈克可林在成为演员之前,是一个名声大振的搏击手。
, V! K* t, A8 _8 h( `' z; N+ t" z- W  a, E. ~9 f* B! q" W
·维尼·琼斯开始拍摄的这一天,他刚刚从警察局那里保释出来,此前因为殴打邻居而被警察逮捕。1 m8 P  F. W1 r! L

3 Q9 e3 r4 Q7 J# y- f7 b; t·在电影结束拍摄完成之后,还对结尾修改了好几次。这就是汤姆戴着一顶帽子的原因。在此期间演员的头发已经长了很多,但他不想再次把头发剪得那么短。2 J9 u+ C3 I" ]+ s/ Q

5 P' t+ V7 F0 n" ?0 q·客串:(马修·沃恩)影片的制片人扮成一个雅皮士被道格从车里面拖出来。
, Z' @" k* v0 ^$ i, O, J! n# a6 {. a/ s7 j6 w# }2 i6 x1 @1 _
·就在他把头往车窗上猛撞过去的时候,比格·克里斯对道格说的台词是“永远不要,在我的生活中,有人他的妈妈的对我这么粗鲁,就像你,道格!他的妈妈的私生子!”( B* t0 x5 F: D( S' R/ d; G3 K
. s) ?/ n8 e& `
" O8 e( Q* _6 ^$ m# O7 A* h' q5 F6 Z; ]6 D& Q6 J
5 A& J% w6 B! T; u  P8 w& ~  n$ _: @8 j1 D% {
Bacon: Right. Let's sort the buyers from the spyers, the needy from the greedy, and those who trust me from the ones who don't, because if you can't see value here today, you're not up here shopping. You're up here shoplifting. You see these goods? Never seen daylight, moonlight, Israelite. Fanny by the gaslight. Take a bag, c'mon take a bag. I took a bag home last night. Cost me a lot more than ten pound, I can tell you. Anyone like jewelry? Look at that one there. Handmade in Italy, hand-stolen in Stepney. It's as long as my arm. I wish it was as long as something else. Don't think because these boxes are sealed up, they're empty. The only man who sells empty boxes is the undertaker, and by the look of some of you lot today, I'd make more money with me measuring tape. Here, one price. Ten pound.2 t& r( V) l+ W8 D
$ b3 O1 I) I" I9 t7 [/ b7 [
Eddie: Did you say ten pound?
& ?) Z% P% S1 O6 J5 {/ f/ s' M: ~/ g0 q( ?7 X8 a; g
Bacon: Are you deaf?0 R. \( v, G0 c2 l" _5 F/ n

. T8 {4 B$ t/ T$ Q# zEddie: That's a bargain. I'll take one.
; p; b) W" b2 J; i% f
: r( k, j5 ?5 L: z  V2 T# @& dBacon: Squeeze in if you can. Left leg, right leg, your body will follow. They call it walking. You want one as well, darling? You do? That's it. They're waking up. Treat the wife. Treat your friend's wife. It's a lot more fun if you don't get caught. Hold on. You want one as well? Okay, darling, show me a bit of life then. It's no good standing out there like one o'clock half-struck. Buy them, you better buy them. These are not stolen, they just haven't been paid for, and we can't get them again. They've changed the bloody locks. Here. One for you. It's no good coming back later when I've sold out. "Too late, too late" will be the cry when the man with the bargains has passed you by. If you got no money on you now, you'll be crying tears as big as October cabbages.
0 q" U: |5 t8 L+ t3 f4 I6 b6 U" h- O0 T) r3 g. [2 }
Eddie: Bacon, cozzers!8 U/ G; z, M: r. z

" p$ r; ]/ x( j! FBacon: SHE.
- M  Q8 S  a8 V4 [0 l) p" n% j/ A. ~( w' k8 r+ E
穿帮镜头, V! g7 n0 ]1 [3 `; t, g

( u: L0 b" O7 U2 W·当哈奇特和他的同伙被杀死,汤姆在办公室内四处张望的时候,哈奇特他们两个人都很明显可以看到还在呼吸,尽管他们应该已经死去。
! _6 i" x6 ]+ p. j+ t& A5 P
8 t3 s" K. w- Z" p·连贯性:在电影结尾的时候,汤姆戴着一顶羊毛帽子,可以在很多镜头中看到其中的长头发。这和他之前整部影片中的寸板头发不一致。
2 A% s6 u2 h- c" b3 U3 n
9 R* o) a+ E2 w! x( I( w·连贯性:就在普兰克被气枪射中之前,我们看到他向右边转过去他的左脸暴露着。但当他被射中后,在特写镜头中显示他护着自己的右脸。
( f! r0 b% Z7 V& X& h2 _* c  m( z4 F& E: ^6 ^' c- c
8 x9 A1 j8 Z$ p( N5 C% w
  1. Lock,Stock.and.Two.Smoking.Barrels.1998.BluRayCD.720p.DTS.x264-CHD 4.36 GB
    ! w+ J. J) P& ?) a$ I
  2. RELEASE DATE....: 11/16/2009
    - \' [' ~7 H5 t9 C( t
  3. THEATRE DATE....: 1998
    # r  _( {& e  s( d2 J' Y( b
  4. iMDB URL........:
    9 ?. J" [0 V/ I  D
  5. iMDB RATiNG.....: 8.1/10 (110,842 votes)
    ) Y1 {/ W, p7 [0 r7 M
  6. GENRE...........: Comedy | Crime | Thriller& }: R8 v  {- i5 ^8 v
  7. SOURCE TYPE.....: Blu-Ray VC-1 1080P
    ; r. O" E. n, ?9 g/ \8 D+ d
  8. Video BiTRATE...: x264 L4.1 High @ 5060 Kbps
    ! c$ {; d$ W  g& b0 Y
  9. FRAME RATE......: 23.976 fps  |( U4 ^. [% I' h; U0 [- m
  10. AUDiO ..........: ENG DTS 5.1ch 768Kbps
      r$ W+ s3 t( [
  11. RUNTiME.........: 1:47:23 (h:m:s)
    4 f( n. p6 `. A! ^" T5 u. T0 Z4 W4 p
  12. ASPECT RATiO....: 1.844 : 1+ Q0 U* n- E8 R0 T
  13. RESOLUTiON......: 1280 X 694% u! v: H$ ~1 \5 c* f8 ~
  14. SUBTiTLES.......: TBA+ x& _+ i, D+ t- c2 T
  15. FilE SiZE.......: 4.36G
. k* r8 Q: n; |6 L
Lock.Stock.and.Two.Smoking.Barrels.1998.BluRaycd.720p.DTS.x264-CHD.torrent (89.72 KB, 下载次数: 6)
8 K. @7 Q6 ^/ _ 两杆大烟枪720P-CHD简繁英字幕.rar (277.58 KB, 下载次数: 13)



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