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[经典影片] 天伦劫 Before and After 1996 BluRaycd REMUX 1080p AVC DTS-HD MA5.1-CHD 19.9GB








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kmvodys 发表于 2012-5-23 21:43:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

7 d4 x3 m/ F  P; ~; a( j3 F6 i& Q8 v! p( c, v. V- |
2 Q+ V* ]7 z& X* x英文名称:Before and After
& X+ U" A! J* e1 v/ V& c" d上映时间:1996年02月23日
1 o6 h; [5 ~5 L6 x5 C影片时长: 108 分钟! s; x6 v) L' c6 r' r9 Z0 {
影片类型: 剧情/惊秫
: k% `% V' N% v8 D: s: V2 {电影导演:巴贝特·施罗德 Barbet Schroeder
3 u, g/ x- B& D+ `" i' B6 d电影演员:爱德华·弗朗 Edward Furlong .... Jacob Ryan+ K1 c7 p' {# ]
阿尔弗雷德·莫利纳 Alfred Molina .... Panos Demeris+ |/ P2 U+ r( y9 b5 r; V
利亚姆·尼森 Liam Neeson .... Ben Ryan
* L& a+ S! r  ?+ A7 ~4 o+ e梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep .... Carolyn Ryan4 T/ Z0 K! F* P! W
约翰·哈德 John Heard .... Wendell Bye
, L! L8 S0 K$ s7 |Ann Magnuson .... Terry Taverner7 m! Q! ^+ g6 @
Wesley Addy .... Judge Grady, W* b2 d5 @2 T4 u) a1 U
Pamela Blair .... Dr. Ryan\'s Assistant
1 x8 f& _% ?& o! g. OTimothy Patrick Cavanaugh .... Young Policeman
* G7 ^. C* K5 u; s, fJohn Deyle .... Doctor #1
0 Y5 U, Q- F( Q8 F, p# ?& ?5 a阿里森·福兰 Alison Folland .... Martha Taverner
; p% ~' \3 @$ {0 Q保罗·吉亚玛提 Paul Giamatti .... Courtroom Audience (uncredited)' N9 e; s' R  V2 J! M7 ~
Oliver Graney .... T.J1 b8 Q6 g3 i% c9 B5 i$ x# t
Kaiulani Lee .... Marian Raynor, Prosecutor' J7 ]2 {9 F. S9 i8 H; c- Y$ L
Ellen Lancaster .... Panos\' Assistant, C2 s1 U* y. F& ~2 c
  |& m! i( u% \6 d9 {
* C- F* {" \' l& N# U9 k, x
! D$ S! }! J& f: ]: w  故事发生于美国新英格兰小镇,素来受到镇民尊重的莱恩夫妇突然饱受指责,因为他们的长子杰可卷入了一宗凶杀案,死者是他的女友,而他在事发后神秘失踪,诸多证据对他不利。父母不相信杰可是杀人凶手,但两人的不同个性却导致他们在处理这件事时产生很大歧见,整个家庭陷入崩溃边缘.7 \: B! P# H+ ~. @4 {1 G5 D0 h
5 a1 ?; l* R# X' U4 C* s9 p- _
. N/ N5 d: ]1 ?3 XVideo codec: TBA
; _$ G! ^1 s2 A- D$ eVideo resolution: 1080p
1 u5 H$ w! P0 t7 n0 M8 SOriginal aspect ratio: 1.85:13 U$ B5 {2 U2 ]  c
( p: \6 e6 l5 t
Audio4 q7 g5 j$ w' d* g- d9 U9 O- A2 X! ^
+ _  h: v" v5 s- M
( m; B" X" @1 h/ k8 t* W& Z; N% QSubtitles
2 d2 ?: {; H+ s5 V! M: {0 NNone. A, X- p- t0 ^3 B2 e

% {1 {- j( [+ u9 e( D6 RDiscs% J% Y& H9 U& w/ Z- D1 H
Blu-ray Disc7 A1 A; b$ a2 G
Single disc (1 BD)5 E7 l4 @5 u  ^# ~* X0 Y1 H- C0 F

; H; z7 _  f/ C# nPlayback3 ?( r( H9 Q  z  R' f% q
Region A (B, C untested)
) Q5 B; d* ~/ p, f6 _; J5 X% _& A5 I+ Q0 Y
Before and After (1996)" v: a; ?$ F' G  \. h4 t1 ~8 n/ x
5 o% k8 F8 Q8 f" ~( _2 s
When teenage son Jacob is being accused of murdering his girlfriend, the well-respected and close-knit Ryan family is in turmoil. Jacob flees, father Ben destroys possible evidence, the village community turns hostile and mother Carolyn is forced to temporarily close her doctor's practice. Then Jacob gets arrested and soon finds himself and his family entangled in a web of truth, trust and lies, all on his way to court.. |) n+ m- a3 b' @
, D7 p2 ]# _& d' H* |0 D
[xz]天伦劫/凶杀后/前前后后/前因后果 Before.and.After.1996.BluRayCD.REMUX.1080p.AVC.DTS-HD.MA5.1-CHD.torrent 19.95GB[/xz]
, q/ I# M" `' b8 ?0 W3 t
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