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[剧情悬疑] 钢的琴 The Piano in a Factory 2011 720p HDTV x264-NGB 4.37GB








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kmvodys 发表于 2012-5-26 14:59:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. X% P4 q  [! U9 {& P. K
/ H6 K+ I+ W: G. L2 U9 B& B
◎译  名 钢的琴& ]8 [+ q* V5 d8 c2 e, r  K2 @
◎片  名 The Piano in a Factory/Gang De Qin
, x" D4 y( ]0 U7 T9 H- J◎年  代 2011' H9 `+ e: r) V' y* \, @
◎国  家 中国1 E; E, }/ l, k0 e+ b
◎类  别 剧情/喜剧# K; M' @; |3 ]7 p
◎语  言 普通话
+ k, U/ i, F+ P' f3 [◎字  幕 中文/英文" \! R: P5 l& A2 n! N' _) m/ ?: W# P6 `
◎IMDB评分  7.1/10 (268 votes)
% a4 @( \7 Y, G◎IMDB链接 v  C: T5 Z4 T! l
◎文件格式 X264 + DTS% t8 g9 p! \9 [. O3 v. A
◎视频尺寸 1280 x 692
, t% H6 S+ v" N◎文件大小 4.37G
( x+ h$ j6 z, \+ y1 N' N◎片  长 1h:41min:23s/ R* G) j0 r) |# v/ ^
◎导  演 张猛 Meng Zhang: T, j4 O3 W2 j  R/ J- v4 E) w
      郭在容 Jae-young Kwak  ....(collaborating director)
6 Q8 E) V8 U0 i4 I  F◎主  演 王千源 Qianyuan Wang* I- o, Q8 @3 f9 a) Y% v( v
      秦海璐 Hailu Qin; W7 K/ Z& p$ y: U# H2 i
      张申英 Shin-yeong Jang
2 \: y7 w& |: J1 C8 @2 I( e7 B      田雨 Yu Tian
, j0 c1 `+ {* P5 N+ B* C      国永振 Yongzhen Guo      
! y# [4 k& B7 p! N3 x$ ]+ ^◎简  介 ( Z+ ]0 n9 \" \5 L. U% S

1 \' v* X1 a: l4 v: X       《钢的琴》讲述了钢厂下岗工人为了女儿的音乐梦想而不断艰苦努力,最后通过身边朋友的帮助用钢铁为女儿打造出一架钢琴的故事:故事背景设定在90年代初的东北,虽然物质条件有限,但是王千源饰演的陈桂林积极乐观,为了留住女儿的抚养权,他召集了众工友在废弃的厂房里热火朝天地、用废弃钢材铸造钢琴。通过这些平凡小人物的幽默与艰辛,展露一段感人至深的亲情和友情。8 ~  G4 s  S% S! E. P: R
$ }  N" k8 X0 N' m: M. o
       Steelworker Chen has a passion for music and plays the accordion in a local band with a close group of friends. When his estranged wife returns one day after years of absence, she demands a divorce and sole custody of their daughter. Chen is at a loss. He doesn't mind divorcing a woman who has become a stranger, but he can't bear to part with his daughter. Chen has worked hard to give her a respectable life and has taught her his love of music. When asked if she'd rather stay with her father or go with her mother, the girl gives a practical, devastating answer: she'll go with whomever can provide her with a piano. Chen cannot afford such a luxury item, but the piano becomes his last hope to save what little is left of his family. With the help of his loyal friends and the support of his lover - the singer in his band - Chen concocts several plans to fulfill his daughter's wish..., \" M; L5 z& l* k2 [8 W! ]$ ]
0 c; m, }* U3 p4 i: F& \

% S+ A$ }! `7 @/ r幕后制作
# j8 Y" j* s5 z' x% _3 y* T) Y7 ^- [1 e; E/ l
" c. q# m1 q# G- [: v
资金紧缺 秦海璐拔刀相助0 Y1 X5 n+ b& X6 M* b4 W

. v; @- z& O  ]3 z上海电影节本是张猛的福地,他的《耳朵大有福》在2007年上海电影节上获得了`亚洲新人奖`的评委会特别奖,还在华语电影传媒大奖上击败了来自台湾的强敌林书宇和钮承泽,斩获最佳新导演奖。但这项荣誉并未让张猛的导演之路畅通无阻,他的第二部电影《钢的琴》仍旧面临资金紧缺的窘境,`拍摄《钢的琴》的过程中遇到过很多问题,资金一直处在紧张的状态,都靠朋友七拼八凑,始终压力很大。`《钢的琴》得到上海电影节25万元创投基金的支持,加上好友秦海璐以出品人的身份拔刀相助,最终让该片得以完成。
0 B4 f3 H8 t" z/ F: a$ q. J, V
& g1 e4 K4 N+ X! q' W
6 Q$ v1 b/ W. K8 s9 W# w5 P影片曾被要求改名 导演不肯妥协
$ l; L* s1 ^& C2 g8 `$ T, l+ F' t4 ]" R, S' Y1 R2 b# k( r
影片完成后,《钢的琴》先亮相多伦多电影节,随后助力王千源荣膺东京国际电影节影帝,这部描写小人物为尊严与梦想疯狂完成大事件的喜剧便一直被业内看好,在众多电影节上屡获嘉奖。然而,就在本片即将上映之际却传出改名风波,令导演张猛极为无奈:`要在国内上映时片方却要求‘改名‘,配合发行,给片子起个更加商业化的名字,并迅速在网上开始征集。`改名消息一经传播,便引起了网友的激烈响应,《钢琴总动员》、《变形金刚琴》、《郭德·钢的琴》等五花八门的名字层出不穷。甚至,一些影评人和业内人士也加入了改名大军,如资深影评人图宾根木匠便提出可叫《钢琴大业》、张小北提议叫《最钢的琴》,著名编剧宁财神更是戏称改为《半价票》。对此,导演张猛坚决回击,表示自己不会妥协。6 U& O% `9 ]! j+ P! a% m

1 G" D5 g2 O0 A( ]4 f$ Q& P
! w# x1 B( m, j0 O影帝王千源 差点与本片擦身而过$ p3 R2 g2 c, k  P" g' v
# D+ y6 }# {) ^0 [# P
  片中,王千源不动声色、略带黑色幽默性质的精彩表演为他赢得了东京电影节影帝头衔,但其实他本人却差点和这部电影擦肩而过。原来最初的投资方担心王千源在电影圈资历过浅,观众不买账,一直要求导演张猛另选男主角。但张导却顶着高压力排众议,坚持保留住了王千源。因为在他看来`陈桂林这个人,衣服很大,你看着觉着他很冷,看着他很坏,但是他眼神很善良,他永远做着不合时宜的事情,但永远让女人怜惜他。这点和王千源特别像。; ]# B3 o5 \% T& b) X6 C0 E: w; e
+ n' U% K- S2 O( U
花絮* k2 [% }% h3 k1 b2 ?

+ h- r+ C3 _: S·影片获2011年第28届金鸡奖评委会特别奖。
4 g4 A: a4 G' o4 L
' w5 L. {0 N: o0 e- e( X5 X; q1 ?* m+ |: _+ `- z( ^" @

+ Z0 |3 n  ^3 h- ?; g, |+ x8 _" I* l1 `- i

3 ~# \0 I* ]1 A: J) i7 S! S- d3 T+ i9 F# M5 R  M
  M# Z* ~2 [1 Q6 s

8 M7 d7 H2 C: h1 ^% e) R7 O/ J% v' ^$ v) P

# {7 b& Q& b; v( ?' R3 [2 b
, n- s0 k- |9 @' k
# v) x2 `7 O  G/ t3 `
, P" `( Y. r5 G6 a0 N; I* P0 A, `8 L6 T! V6 X2 ?

0 f2 N/ T+ Y& G7 `
  1. A.K.A: Gang de qin
      ~$ a4 Z* g; B! \
    6 n" E, ^' `. {" [; d
  3. Cast: Yongzhen Guo, Shin-yeong Jang, Qian Liu, Xingyu Liu, Er-yang Luo
    7 f! t" S3 B! B7 l4 G9 Z: T8 M$ g
  4. Directed: Zhang Meng, Jae-young Kwak
    # t  ~# e" v" l( }7 \5 ]
  5. Genre: Drama | Comedy
    " [& Q1 d1 J! B
  6. Runtime: 1h:41min:23s
    2 P1 t' O/ e( X8 v
  7. Country: China% t: [. o8 g9 ~# s
  8. Language: Mandarin) {3 x# _) R+ `( d( |6 o
  9. Subtitles: ENGLISH | CHINESE [Hard]& X  D" }1 h2 N8 g2 ~* O" J  k

  10. ) s0 B# ]- {) Y$ ^
  11. Plot:! Y8 B( m& L/ L
  12. Steelworker Chen has a passion for music and plays the accordion in a local band with a close group of friends. When his estranged wife returns one day after years of absence, she demands a divorce and sole custody of their daughter. Chen is at a loss. He doesn't mind divorcing a woman who has become a stranger, but he can't bear to part with his daughter. Chen has worked hard to give her a respectable life and has taught her his love of music. When asked if she'd rather stay with her father or go with her mother, the girl gives a practical, devastating answer: she'll go with whomever can provide her with a piano. Chen cannot afford such a luxury item, but the piano becomes his last hope to save what little is left of his family. With the help of his loyal friends and the support of his lover - the singer in his band - Chen concocts several plans to fulfill his daughter's wish...
    2 z6 F$ f  T8 w3 W8 ?
  13. # p# Z7 @7 d% h5 W: M
  14. Video CODEC...............: x264 @ 5975Kbps  
    " x  k/ M3 e+ j$ v* I
  15. RESOLUTION................: 1280x692' P0 y# ^) q+ S- L! D$ T$ s* K/ ]
  16. DISPLAY ASPECT RATIO......: 1.85:1  
    8 A. X$ a! X" c% Q* _& `; {' F
  17. FRAME RATE................: 25.000 fps* Z, S+ A1 s; f6 M' ^
  18. AUDiO CODEC...............: Mandarin AC3 @ 192Kbps
+ ^% Z% K2 H+ p4 W" d+ F

: i( L8 C& u* x  P1 a[xz]钢的琴 4.37GB[/xz]
$ D( M& F8 ?3 v6 S6 V推荐使用utorrent等BT软件下载5 `" E9 }7 h! O( h4 v/ ~) l0 M6 E3 W
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