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[经典影片] 冰血暴/冰雪暴[中英双字] Fargo 1996 BluRaycd 1080p DTS x264-CHD 12.8GB








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24xs 发表于 2012-5-26 16:10:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
01.jpg % Y% Q# |/ b6 \' J% |

- H2 Z/ ^) o$ |7 V1 [9 S◎译  名 冰血暴/冰雪暴/法戈/雪花膏离奇命案/笨贼满天飞/法高镇
; v5 ]6 V9 W: r  y" ~, f9 ~◎片  名 Fargo# K- B7 n' V( p
◎年  代 1996; n0 I! U2 t2 I. W" d  x
◎国  家 美国
: z; l) W, }% e6 o7 d6 ]◎类  别 剧情/惊悚/犯罪
$ G, n! v, s, F/ q* _◎语  言 英语' d& n7 G4 K; X: |9 W. Y: r
◎字  幕 简体中文# z6 t" r9 q$ `" _1 a& R
◎IMDB评分 8.3/10 (144,735 votes) Top 250: #1244 q% J' n' K8 I3 o, n- P( m
8 m1 w2 F4 G$ V◎片  长 98 Mins7 r8 C. T: S' L
◎导  演 乔尔·科恩 Joel Coen
$ L9 O/ v" g  v& a      伊桑·科恩 Ethan Coen ....3 (uncredited); U9 J! j! _# K; n; M
◎主  演 威廉姆·H·梅西 William H. Macy ....Jerry Lundegaard
0 @" K0 t; n* n5 r      弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德 Frances McDormand ....Marge Gunderson7 E. l! I+ ^! s# s9 M
      史蒂夫·布西密 Steve Buscemi ....Carl Showalter
5 O) ], P) F: P      彼得·斯特曼 Peter Stormare ....Gaear Grimsrud2 [7 ?7 S, Y" \2 r
      J.·托德·安德森 J. Todd Anderson ....Victim in the Field (as symbol spoofing tAFKaP)
+ k) X+ _. A) M0 T$ [! a8 T      约翰·卡洛·林奇 John Carroll Lynch ....Norm Gunderson
9 J% e% j5 p7 G* `      布鲁斯·坎贝尔 Bruce Campbell ....Soap Opera Actor (archive footage) (uncredited)3 G/ k" p8 l3 f* d
      Kristin Rudrüd ....Jean Lundegaard
2 y: @+ x6 h6 k8 Y- I, A      Harve Presnell ....Wade Gustafson3 a7 M+ s+ _3 A1 Z
      Tony Denman ....Scotty Lundegaard. F, g9 r( W6 k* T& g
      Gary Houston ....Irate Customer
% P. G: n9 {* M      Sally Wingert ....Irate Customer's Wife' Y$ P. ]2 k$ E- R2 K5 j
      Kurt Schweickhardt ....Car Salesman
# C% V" ~  i9 Y% g$ y      Larissa Kokernot ....Hooker #1
) F3 f3 c1 Q/ L2 O; T" ]      Melissa Peterman ....Hooker #2
/ v2 i2 P) w. |4 W: `/ i      Steve Reevis ....Shep Proudfoot (as Steven Reevis): _; ^9 U1 R4 x! M* P
      Warren Keith ....Reilly Diefenbach (voice)
  D' ?, h) x( b' r5 P3 Y5 ^      Sharon Anderson ....Morning Show Hostess. w6 Y) k9 I7 _9 }  P
      Larry Brandenburg ....Stan Grossman! F7 l- k- Y: p8 p5 ~# v8 R
      James Gaulke ....State Trooper
8 a3 m/ A7 O- j9 t$ t6 p, }- q      Michelle Suzanne LeDoux ....Victim in Car, H# P/ _8 V% k5 P1 `9 R* I, j  X- Y3 s4 O
      Bruce Bohne ....Lou# c7 u3 t1 g4 H5 v3 W' D
      Petra Boden ....Cashier
4 @4 t% I- g' ?+ P& j      Steve Park ....Mike Yanagita- M$ c4 \) Z8 ~2 V% d/ y
      Wayne A. Evenson ....Customer (as Wayne Evenson)% A5 o6 e& [: y0 `* X# ]. r. Q0 ^+ A! N7 K
      Cliff Rakerd ....Officer Olson
7 n' i7 E9 c/ O8 [( O  L      Jessica Shepherd ....Hotel Clerk
! L: o. E' F" _2 x2 {5 A1 O! @  V      Steven I. Schafer ....Mechanic (as Steve Schaefer)! M: g! W' J  E# s& o3 m0 J0 ]
      Michelle Hutchison ....Escort (as Michelle Hutchinson)+ }' O) Q0 i1 j, _/ v: V
      David S. Lomax ....Man in Hallway (as David Lomax)
+ ]; ?1 S% b. u2 H  s6 g, a      José Feliciano ....Himself$ Q0 Y9 _6 D' F+ G) x, ]; N
      Bix Skahill ....Night Parking Attendant (as Don William Skahill)  o- ~" g+ Y) d$ o/ u; I) ?" t' s/ P9 p
      Bain Boehlke ....Mr. Mohra: c3 W+ z2 V7 u: ?% S* H# w
      Rose Stockton ....Valerie (voice)& o; P# W0 Y- k# h6 T# t# g4 @
      Robert Ozasky ....Bismarck Cop #1) J+ {6 S  N- q; {. r( y, r3 F
      John Bandemer ....Bismarck Cop #2- t& W; l" e1 f; x* _5 W. Y
      Don Wescott ....Bark Beetle Narrator (voice)& a' l- l/ p5 L1 [& W5 V
      Clifford Nelson ....Heavyset Man In Bar (uncredited)& ^0 R7 U% K% W: a! Z( g8 K7 l9 D
      Steve Edelman ....Morning Show Host
. _. \1 {3 {- c      Peter Schmitz ....Airport Lot Attendant' x" S$ C- u. X
◎简  介 ' [- Z( ~  s- f( c

" }9 X! v8 P' X! ?8 w; r" H, D  X杰里是明尼苏达州的汽车销售商,被重重债务困扰的他万般无奈中走出了一着险棋。他从江戈尔雇来恶棍尔和盖尔,预谋绑架自己的妻子简以借此从富有的岳父韦德手中敲诈100万美元的赎金。为使计划得逞,杰里还向两个恶棍提供一辆自己销售的汽车。但是,两个恶棍梆架简后驾着杰里给的车子行驶在乡间公路上时,却被一发现他们开的是销售牌照的车的巡警给截住了。  ?" c1 @- J- |

% r- r3 X0 q! H% h( h高度紧张的盖尔于慌乱中打死了正待上前盘查的警员,随后又接连枪杀了两名无辜的路人。身怀六甲的布雷纳德地方警察局长玛吉负责这起公路命案的调查。起先,警方并未发现此案与绑架案之间的关联。然而,汽车的牌照问题最终引起了玛吉的注意。寻根溯源的玛吉来到了绑架简的明尼阿波利斯的圣保罗……
5 `* `4 s5 ~' K, |0 d
4 |- q' Q9 ?8 s救女心切的韦德亲自去交赎金,却被心狠手辣的卡尔击毙。贪婪的卡尔将大部分赎金侵吞并埋好后,只带上8万美元欲与盖尔平分。但当他兴奋地回到藏身的木屋时却发现盖尔已将简干掉。于是,两个利欲熏心的家伙又为分赃不均扭打在一起,搏斗中,卡尔死在了盖尔的利斧下。9 C0 T! I' ?8 i( A& L
* k8 V% J7 E1 l
& e" J  k( Z+ q" ~0 b! j( X9 F) F' v5 ?, h
' N  N3 G& y) N. }+ s) q* Q9 j  a" E$ k- t& W( b
$ N; B6 R6 i8 G. h! w7 I( T( e. R4 V2 f7 ]: i+ D3 V
9 `  {, c' i* y, W: d# D% X, C+ V) C7 [1 @: ?7 \
★1996年法国戛纳电影节最佳导演奖 ) y7 {& H. Q* V6 ^
6 \0 W* t0 j7 k- ]5 {
Fargo (1996) % R3 N5 {3 K+ L" G' L$ P
  X  U, k( {' z. z) f
7 F1 D9 Z! O4 d+ g- t
/ A9 S  I8 J! |& h( s
Jerry Lundegaard is a car salesman in Minneapolis who has gotten himself into debt and is so desperate for money that he hires two thugs to kidnap his own wife. Jerry will collect the ransom from her wealthy father, paying the thugs a small portion and keeping the rest to satisfy his debts. The scheme collapses when the thugs shoot a state trooper and two innocent bystanders in rural Minnesota, drawing local Police Chief Marge Gunderson into her first homicide investigation. At first unaware that the homicides are connected to a Minneapolis kidnapping, Chief Gunderson draws closer to Jerry Lundegaard as his situation further unravels.
4 b) y! Y4 D( E4 d  ^
$ D% R' @6 |5 c+ n2 O! J' _3 A' {& _& [
Fargo Blu-ray, Video Quality  
- X3 G/ K& V5 }& ~
6 d3 M/ s' b, M0 g
% b7 X$ U# J+ ]+ h: ?4 n0 A# j" R
After about 10 years of repeated DVD viewings, watching the MPEG-4 encode of Fargo on Blu-ray is like seeing it for the first time. It's a fantastic transfer! With film-like qualities, the picture is defined, colors are vibrant and black level is deep, all contributing to the appearance of landscapes, sets and actors with lifelike detail. The video is not without problems, which are especially visible at the beginning, as Jerry Lundegaard hauls the "brand new burnt umber Ciera" to Fargo for the initial meeting with Showalter. During the daylight part of the ride, in heavy snow that casts a monotone haze across the screen, the film actually appears damaged, with signs of banding, flickering, strobing and a digital sheen to the film grain, suggesting MGM tried to clean it up. These problems concerned me and I recalibrated my expectations lower to avoid disappointment throughout the film. " J( J3 N, z3 {* g
But by the time the more heterogeneous imagery of the night scene played across my kuro screen and the credits had finished rolling, these problems had largely and mysteriously vanished, to my delight. Even later scenes featuring homogeneous snow weren't as bad as the opening sequence. When Marge inspects the snowy crime scene, there are few signs of damage compared to the initial problems during the opening. The sets and landscapes offering more variety in texture and color better showcase the brilliance of cinematographer Roger Deakins. The definition almost achieves reference level in some scenes, for example when the kidnappers reach their hideout by the lake. Note the delicate branches in the frost-crusted trees behind the men as they stand watching Mrs. Lundegaard. The 1080p transfer serves as a significant upgrade to heighten the experience of watching Deakins' and the Coens' attention to detail in lighting and camera angles. Once you feast your eyes on the Blu-ray, you will wonder how you ever watched this on DVD.
4 I8 s0 z  D) A: c3 ?$ n# eFargo Blu-ray, Audio Quality  . s( Z: e- X1 x! k
  B8 h: D, H, ?
5 w: K, F, n0 D% }6 q9 v
+ f6 R  F5 |# b  K  j
From the opening sound of the evocative instrumentation by Carter Burwell to the characters' voices to the blast of gunshots and open-throated engines, the DTS-HD MA audio track of Fargo is a pleasure to hear. Like the picture quality, it's a significant upgrade in definition and refinement. The soundstage up front is narrow but deep, and very little use of surrounds is apparent--just a touch of ambience in the music and some of the louder effects like car engines. Treble is a bit bloated here. Watch the scene where the kidnappers break into the Lundegaards' home. The sound of breaking glass has good presence and definition, and the piercing cries of Mrs. Lundegaard are more open, airy and not nearly as thin and digital-infused as the compressed Dolby Digital audio from the DVD version. In fact, voices throughout Fargo on Blu-ray feature better detail and tonality than ever before. When Jerry scrapes the ice off his windshield after the meeting with his father in law, the contributes to the overall impact and isolation of the scene. Another notable sound is the violin in Burwell's compositions that perfectly tie together the film's bleak landscapes, unbelievable plot and quirky characters. But ultimately, every sound in the DTS-HD MA track is a pleasure to hear and the only thing holding it back from the highest rating is a more dynamic surround mix. Frankly, that would not have seemed natural with this film, so the focus on the front three channels is perfectly suitable.
; ?% I, o7 f6 T2 O6 R( [9 f
' D' d% \1 A& f
, @6 o' [. e" c/ N+ a, Z) e6 d) x  \: g5 R

. o7 J& p3 V: D+ ^4 ^
. ^: _8 `& N3 k# M& [# i4 i1 _
8 }; w* _0 ^. h
% m: d" L5 E' l) x" U2 j% R5 `, p / x. a, f. @2 j9 \$ D& H

0 ?% n. h* F) g, b1 L6 q
# ~5 g( w! k  s( Q3 N
4 Q) }$ ^6 c6 s( e7 U' G! t5 }
  1. Fargo 1996 BluRayCD 1080p DTS dxva-LoNeWolf
    : z% n1 R$ v; k% m: U3 I
  2.   C6 r5 N2 O: p5 `4 x
  3. General Information:7 N1 V2 I( N' M; [
  4. ( Y  n% e6 u  b/ @! X
  5. RUNTIME........: 1h 38mn
    # r: O, K6 W, ?( U/ w% A, n5 N
  6. SIZE...........: 7.72 GiB 4 ]0 K1 W  Q$ G/ F# q( k
  7. VIDEO CODEC....: x264 (L4.1)
    9 `/ ?1 \( _! I
  8. RESOLUTION.....: 1920x1040
    : c! q% f- L& X+ }- d! J: n* X
  9. BITRATE........: Overall bit rate : 11.9 Mbps
    1 |5 h# G0 G9 G2 A5 g( P/ A
  10. FRAMERATE......: 23.976 fps
    6 o; t- P  n: F5 z3 j/ G
  11. AUDIO .........: English DTS 1510 kbps 6 Channels @ 24bits; R$ f. l3 V5 @/ M- V
  12. Stream size ...: 1.04 GiB (13%)
    * i$ t7 S& a! \8 Q1 D$ C  g, Y
  13. SUBTITLES......: English,Chinese,Croatian,Czech,Dutch,French,German,Greek,Hebrew,Hungarian1 q6 [+ n( o; z6 Q2 [' b$ o
  14. ...............: Italian,Japanese,Korean,Polish,Portuguese,Russian,Spanish,Thai
    4 u, T+ D3 o$ D# Y  `- x6 h
  15. CHAPTERS.......: Yes
    , N7 O5 k: f7 G7 p5 p
  16. SOURCE.........: NTSC Retail BluRay3 g( B6 w. |5 z% A
  17. ENCODED DATE...: UTC 2011-05-28 20:20:559 y! I/ q( v& p1 m) n
  18. Encoder........: TequilaBob a.k.a. LoNeWoLf
    " ~7 U9 P$ v5 d" C$ n, K& Q5 K" i0 {
  19. GENRE..........: Crime, Drama, Thriller
    6 J* x6 p* j2 @* Y+ l' I
  20. RATING.........: 8.3/10 Users: (182,876 votes) 689 reviews | Critics: 147 reviews Metascore: 85/1003 Z, B5 X" t  k( J
  21. Rated..........: Rated R for strong violence, language and sexuality
    5 Q( D- k8 i5 a# F& Z* X/ `
  22. IMDB link......: L+ E3 p- X# N1 s+ s5 @

  23. 6 t4 j4 j# T* o, O( X. Z

  24. 9 u- C1 u4 G+ `
  25. Fargo.1996.BluRaycd.1080p.DTS.x264-CHD8 m0 m/ K! T( ~, F3 X
  26. RELEASE DATE....: 12/02/2011
    7 i0 J* c: y  q/ q' T- l3 @' M  @
  27. THEATRE DATE....: 1996
    0 N4 X: c5 _) ]$ I, T3 m
  28. iMDB URL........:, i4 @  r7 V; \0 B: }$ N
  29. iMDB RATiNG.....: 8.2/10 (49,201 votes)
    4 e+ i2 k. g. k6 L
  30. GENRE...........: Action/Crime/Drama
    8 P6 k, d( A4 A2 n6 \3 ^; m
  31. SOURCE TYPE.....: Blu-Ray AVC 1080P- F' k$ f! f; U3 O1 p& R# I6 Q
  32. ViDEO BiTRATE...: x264 @ 17155 Kbps
    , F. |: s5 }0 Y5 F  w
  33. FRAME RATE......: 23.976 fps
    * v, j2 L4 l2 L, N( e3 t  @# A
  34. AUDiO 1.........: ENG DTS-HD MA core 1536k# T$ D- w$ L; n8 H
  35. RUNTiME.........: 01:38:11 (h:m:s)
    ( T3 s1 F6 p6 t% o2 B
  36. ASPECT RATiO....: 1.846: 1
    ) E" o5 i9 _0 K7 h
  37. RESOLUTiON......: 1920 X 10404 h8 ^; Q0 \, Y" l
  38. SUBTiTLES.......: Chinese
    7 t/ R4 i5 I# E0 D/ w- ^9 }* _1 r
  39. FilE SiZE.......: 12.8G

* |+ U' ^& P5 O7 j3 Y
7 O( ^% b. F& ^; q6 W4 p; K" s/ o[xz]冰血暴/冰雪暴/法戈/雪花膏离奇命案/笨贼满天飞 Fargo.1996.BluRaycd.1080p.DTS.x264-CHD.torrent 12.8GB[/xz]
) [% n& H, P) J$ |9 ]
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哥顶的不是帖子,是孤独!0 \. g/ l: i; G( l  ?2 k! G
The decisive Replies sink is I get the sinking feeling great sense of accomplishment!1 M( a! T+ g; t/ a








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8 j6 o; l! U1 |/ y7 l+ i








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# J/ W! L, C7 ]Blu-ray movies Community: my favorite!8 N) o8 G6 @5 `9 D1 d4 u& g0 C/ H



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