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[剧情悬疑] 花样年华 In The Mood For Love 2000 720p BluRaycd x264-CiNEFiLE








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24xs 发表于 2012-9-23 11:28:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

& R* Q2 ~" z4 Z/ q. d& [6 T7 }" \( \. b# u
◎译  名 花样年华$ ^7 R" `( r' Q/ U2 w
◎片  名 In the Mood for Love) ^, {$ K6 S% Q- r. u
◎年  代 2000
5 ^0 e& M- c6 w) `" |◎地  区 香港/法国
) k; c% j( n: k4 Y4 W7 [+ A- b◎类  别 剧情/爱情' q8 Q- k' H9 |( k* I: O/ ^/ j$ h
◎语  言 粤语/上海话/法语" D5 n' g+ D! Y
◎字  幕 英文. Z8 C* M/ G, [7 w) ?
◎IMDB评分 8.1/10 (38,725 votes): B- |: s$ H  o' J! f& |6 {& @* u
0 L1 [  p+ n! t8 R0 G3 p; x1 r◎文件格式 x264 + DTS  E' X1 C- J4 F$ ~; h! b" k; z
◎视频尺寸 1200 x 720. K$ @( }$ P" s, S6 C1 L; O
◎文件大小 4.37 GB, F$ Q* G& q* I9 [+ d
◎片  长 98 min 40 sec
( l0 q0 [! H4 t) ^1 K◎导  演 王家卫 Kar Wai Wong
2 ^( N2 c2 I7 \◎主  演 梁朝伟 Tony Leung ....周慕云 Chow Mo-wan
0 ^* G1 m" ^$ _& G3 I8 D      张曼玉 Maggie Cheung ....苏丽珍 Su Li-zhen Chan
) s* X9 X. v! Z      潘迪华 Rebecca Pan ....孙太 Mrs. Suen
) d/ Q$ v- K6 \: j9 J, i3 E9 Q0 c      张同祖 Joe Cheung ....Special Appearance (as Cheun Tung Joe)
( `% R3 t- _' u- l9 x* r      雷震 Kelly Lai Chen ....何先生 Mr. Ho (as Lai Chen)6 h$ s7 `5 s' O) i: _
      陈万雷 Man-Lei Chan
* C& l5 N; ^' z      张耀扬 Roy Cheung ....Mr. Chan (voice)
% n+ g( s4 ^6 A7 h& {9 J      孙佳君 Paulyn Sun ....Mrs. Chow (voice); X% v7 J/ U+ B4 y. |) h. Z
      萧炳林 Ping Lam Siu ....阿炳 Ah Ping
( r8 Q" i  v5 l  {. s      顾锦华 Gam Wa Goo+ Y) l6 }9 m& l5 n) v7 ~
      Hsien Yu2 Z  C; f! Y" m7 ~
      Po-chun Chow
3 x8 T6 k- P9 V: b      朱利安·卡邦 Julien Carbon ....French tourist (uncredited)4 }$ k/ ~. r2 C, }0 F) `8 P3 x
      Charles de Gaulle ....Himself (1966 visit to Cambodia) (archive footage) (uncredited)1 [  o8 f6 ^" \0 u) x4 C
      Tsi-Ang Chin ....Amah. y0 S5 W  Y# I4 V
      劳伦特·考蒂奥德 Laurent Courtiaud ....French reporter (uncredited). k  E! z# t$ d8 n1 R5 X
◎简  介
: T  z9 w5 _$ D: r. n7 g7 S* [3 \8 U4 y- A* W5 o5 i: m
Hong Kong, 1962: Chow Mo-wan and Su Li-zhen move into neighboring apartments on the same day. Their encounters are formal and polite梪ntil a discovery about their spouses sparks an intimate bond between them.( Y3 {1 L5 W: q: }" d: G8 N
* b! p) ^5 d% p2 M4 ]8 o
+ r1 }& K" r5 [- x5 S
9 n; n& Y3 k. O7 {( D5 D. }) s! ^
# e, R7 A% k' S6 }; m2 F朝的妻子也常常不在家,于是朝越来越多地把时间消磨在李春的公司里。由于他们跟房东都是好朋友,他们常常聚在一起玩麻将或是搬弄些东长西短的是非。朝跟李春成为了好朋友,但一天,他们不得不面对一个事实:他们彼此的爱人有了奸情……, I: k8 _! k4 n8 Z# g

2 C! _2 D) [2 Z& `  l3 K3 q获奖记录
5 o& A( H. P8 e" f1 f% r/ w& ~" B- h' Q) O4 `' ~
第53届戛纳电影节(2000)  主竞赛单元-最佳男演员奖  梁朝伟
/ I- T" x) A& _- n第53届戛纳电影节(2000)  技术大奖  杜可风 0 z' _' C/ I) c
第53届戛纳电影节(2000)  主竞赛单元-金棕榈奖(入围)  王家卫; w* c3 o, P7 \- H5 G

, o" D& j9 F) A% \幕后制作
" l/ O. q3 \' \0 a
3 N9 s- F2 Y% f2 Z2 r% C  导演王家卫一向以香港影坛的怪才著称,片目不多却部部堪称经典。这部《花样年华》应该来说是他最具现实主义风格的作品。故事没有太多华丽的成分,仅仅塑造了两外婚外恋的结果而已,但整部电影的视听元素几乎都是呈现出风格化意识和唯美主义的色彩。特别是对于光的运用,光和影的变幻都极其具有个人意象和韵味。一直以来被津津乐道的少不了张曼玉那二十多套变幻莫测的旗袍,解放前老上海的旗袍文化在这部电影中也被淋漓尽致的再现出来。日本作曲家梅林茂的三拍子主题音乐成为最能够烘托整部电影气氛的点睛之笔。老上海的记忆一直存留在王家卫的生命中,而这部相当意境十足的电影也便成为他心中怀旧的影像,成为一个时代的记忆。这部电影好评如潮、获奖无数,其中比较重要的有:梁朝伟凭借该片荣获第53届戛纳国际电影节最佳男主角;此外,此片还荣获第37届台湾电影金马奖最佳女主角、最佳摄影、最佳造型设计奖;荣获第20届香港电影金像奖最佳男主角、最佳女主角、最佳剪辑、最佳美术指导、最佳服装设计等奖项。+ ~6 s, _8 W" e9 s, J
7 W% o. n) K' @, H( b
In the Mood for Love is a 2000 Hong Kong film directed by Wong Kar-wai, starring Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung. The film premiered on 20 May 2000, at the 2000 Cannes Film Festival,[1][2] where it was nominated for the Palme d'Or.8 a8 \" K# q/ x8 Y. f9 D% K0 [- ]
% N) r6 _% F% Q
The film's original Chinese title, meaning 'the age of blossoms' or 'the flowery years' – Chinese metaphor for the fleeting time of youth, beauty and love – derives from a song of the same name by Zhou Xuan from a 1946 film. The English title derives from a Bryan Ferry song, "I'm in the Mood for Love." Wong had planned to name the film Secrets, until listening to the song late in post-production. The film forms the second part of an informal trilogy, together with the first part Days of Being Wild[3] (released in 1991) and the last part 2046 (released in 2004).+ O- c! I5 U+ _; @/ H* ]0 l
# q- t2 @% A6 a( z8 b/ ^9 }- I* ^
Plot6 u% N; z5 d- H4 V

9 u& q+ S$ G: ^8 OThe film takes place in Hong Kong, 1962. Chow Mo-wan (Tony Leung), a journalist, rents a room in an apartment of a building on the same day as Su Li-zhen (Maggie Cheung), a secretary from a shipping company. They become next-door neighbours. Each has a spouse who works and often leaves them alone on overtime shifts. Despite the presence of a friendly Shanghainese landlady, Mrs. Suen, and bustling, mahjong-playing neighbours, Chow and Su often find themselves alone in their rooms. Their lives continue to intersect in everyday situations: a recurring motif in this film is the loneliness of eating alone, and the film documents the leads' chance encounters, each making their individual trek to the street noodle stall.
. r1 Q+ E/ f; v$ l1 t
! d$ n$ |1 ~& q- P* R2 m7 pChow and Su each nurse suspicions about their own spouse's fidelity; each comes to the conclusion that their spouses have been seeing each other. Su wonders aloud how their spouses' affair might have begun, and together, Su and Chow re-enact what they imagine might have happened.; @- @% T! _1 H  q* E: `
+ g' ]- h  X( n9 X+ V$ v
Chow soon invites Su to help him write a martial arts serial for the papers. As their relationship develops, their neighbours begin to take notice. In the context of a socially conservative 1960s' Hong Kong, friendships between men and women bear scrutiny. Chow rents a hotel room away from the apartment where he and Su can work together without attracting attention. The relationship between Chow and Su is platonic, as there is the suggestion that they would be degraded if they stooped to the level of their spouses. As time passes, however, they acknowledge that they have developed feelings for each other. Chow leaves Hong Kong for a job in Singapore. He asks Su to go with him; Chow waits for her at the hotel room for a time, and then leaves. She can be seen rushing down the stairs of her apartment, only to arrive at the empty hotel room, too late to join Chow.
0 ]! L& j% p) `+ A2 r3 X: \6 e
4 U% w! o- @2 |8 Z+ CThe next year, Su goes to Singapore and visits Chow's apartment where she calls Chow, who is working for a Singaporean newspaper, but she remains silent on the phone when Chow picks up. Later, Chow realises she has visited his apartment after seeing a lipstick-stained cigarette butt in his ashtray. While dining with a friend, Chow relays a story about how in older times, when a person had a secret that could not be shared, he would instead go atop a mountain, make a hollow in a tree, whisper the secret into that hollow and cover it with mud.
( Q- z: {" G$ Y- }5 ~
+ @+ |2 ^0 k% @Three years later, Su visits with her former landlady, Mrs. Suen. Mrs. Suen is about to emigrate to the United States, and Su enquires about whether the apartment is available for rent. Some time later, Chow returns to visit his landlords, the Koos. He finds they have emigrated to the Philippines. He asks about the Suen family next door, and the new owner tells him a woman and her son are now living next door. He leaves without realising Su is the lady living next door.& O5 Y; k9 D4 O+ h# ?* Z7 t

! B. r* h$ l3 h$ u# aThe film ends at Siem Reap, Cambodia, where Chow is seen visiting the Angkor Wat. At the site of a ruined monastery, he whispers for some time into a hollow in a ruined wall, before plugging the hollow with mud.1 S3 ?" J) q, V/ n7 ]: `
  1. In.The.Mood.For.Love.2000.720p.BluRayCD.x264-CiNEFiLE : R! m% F; f7 a8 \
  2. q; a' Z( I2 G& t, e
  3. Release Date ......: 09/20/12
    ! y) t2 ~4 `4 |6 f5 b
  4. Video .............. x264  4827
    % Q  |% h8 H9 K& F
  5. Audio .............. Cantonese DTS 1510kbit/s
    % R2 ?+ M& d! R. c3 Y6 D9 p
  6. Subtitles .......... English, j& Y7 f, t: w* S: y
  7. Length ............. 98 min 40 sec1 E$ {7 [7 Z+ ^' _) _( w
  8. Size ............... 4.37 gigs

! y7 v2 M6 c; H  H% p$ Q: R% @
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