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[科教记录] [2009][纪录][BBC:南太平洋(全6集)][HDTV中英双字][1024+1280版]








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24xs 发表于 2012-12-12 03:13:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
( N. G$ s" G" }, L: |  ]: C
3 p6 }7 ?5 p: Y+ o9 x9 A3 Y【中 文 名】BBC:南太平洋(共6集)0 g& x1 _" T. _& }: a1 i
【英 文 名】BBC South Pacific+ b3 y' i% S& Y' m# x2 o
5 _3 L2 c5 f8 o【发行时间】2009年
! a) t5 q' `9 f% h, t6 z【制作发行】BBC
: ]3 J6 {  o' P9 }【地    区】英国6 u& R9 a- Z7 }4 I& S' ]
【语    言】英语
) W% }+ @0 ~6 x4 V3 ~, J# Q% Z( c0 t: N% |2 I, u
【中文名称】BBC.南太平洋.1.海洋岛屿- h- K; v; G6 e2 V' H1 x0 `, j
【英文名称】BBC.South.Pacific.01.Ocean.Of.Islands+ {3 l) f% ~& s  X: b' L  E+ w" v4 g
/ d9 e2 `# e) ^$ x) ^4 e1 G, u【影片格式】HD-RMVB6 i: R! K3 I& c/ y
【影片尺寸】1024x576;1280x720% B8 k! N! r7 {- [6 S4 V  f2 B+ u. q
% e& z- B1 Q9 L2 Q【字幕语言】中英双字' b0 f/ T) Z8 n7 Z$ k
* }7 t9 L* s/ `
5 }- o) b0 A6 `    它们非同的隔绝产生了地球上其它地方所没有的一些最稀奇、惊人和不安定的生存例子,从撕扯掉椰子的大蟹,到把猎物钉在匕首般爪子上食肉毛虫。
) O2 s2 n1 N1 h) T    人类文明同样不同。五旬节岛上的人们从高高的木制脚手架上纵身鱼跃来庆祝他们每年的收获,只用丛林藤本植物来阻止坠落。( D9 E0 Q! @% q( m) Z5 W3 ?
' M4 x& G+ P2 i" e5 l6 P. |6 a- a
E01% W, ?0 E3 s+ y! k3 H, \7 G9 Y: S
Ocean of Islands.(岛屿的海洋).8 C( w/ j$ e- H3 e6 N
The South Pacific islands - the most remote in the world - are home to some of the most curious, surprising and precarious examples of life found anywhere on Earth, from giant crabs that tear open coconuts, to flesh-eating caterpillars that impale their prey on dagger-like claws.
, w6 J8 A% M* C& r
4 m3 s- f* x& |# ^" n1 g: {  hHuman culture is different here, too. The men of Pentecost Island celebrate their annual harvest by leaping from 20-metre-high scaffolds, with only forest vines to break their fall. And on the tiny island of Anuta, possibly the most remote community of people on the planet, the locals survive entirely on what they can grow and catch.$ k3 E3 ?% ~& n( V
The South Pacific's innumerable islands look like pieces of paradise, but the reality of life here is sometimes very different, with waves the size of buildings, brutal tropical storms and, in the far south, even blizzards. This is the real South Pacific.
* ^* u5 p( m5 q- DNote: Also has the diary thing at the end... with some awesome surfing shots., t. m9 ^% U# o, j; }
* o- b3 ?' M% r) c/ Q
) d- ?2 ?) [$ J( T
【中文名称】BBC.南太平洋.2.漂流者5 @( Q7 f8 G0 H) y2 S4 W! A; U- o
【英文名称】BBC.South.Pacific.02.Castaways9 G% T4 S: ~5 ^. l' L5 C
【影片类型】纪录片' i: r) m. H2 n- Y6 ~& X
/ n4 _7 U0 n3 z, v3 ^4 a5 W" P【影片尺寸】1024x576;1280x720
5 i* {4 p6 X6 K【影片长度】58:58分钟. n! u/ h# C$ G" B' @
【字幕语言】中英双字3 [# x4 P4 u- c: x- l8 {
【内容简介】% ?1 ?9 K: n' J8 ^# o
, |, N1 l$ O1 Z  B
9 s. P- I" N: Z* ]' C& W这是最后漂流者的故事,从咸水鳄和巨鳗到冠鬣蜥和怪蛙,为了成功不顾一切到达数千哩远的岛屿。这些旅程是很好的功绩。据估计每6万年才有一个物种到达夏威夷。难以相信,这么多的开拓者到达这些受到大自然像龙卷风和海啸接二连三粗暴打击的岛屿。
1 c$ n0 Y- f& I% l0 ^    南太平洋首次人类,玻利尼西亚人的航行,难以忘怀。这些旅程的确是最伟大的探索行动,甚至可以断言,他们永远地改变了南太平洋的大自然。5 G" A) Q) Q( v

" Q: F: Q! P8 I1 v8 hE025 Q) S- _: y) O# q
Castaways.(偏隅之地)5 l* D1 U" D8 x3 n. I7 n  d7 X
In the South Pacific there is no such thing as a deserted island. They may be the most isolated in the world but every one of the region's 20,000 islands has been colonised - from New Guinea, home to birds of paradise and the tribe whose brutal initiation ceremony turns young warriors into 'crocodile' men, to Fiji, French Polynesia and Hawaii.
' l& X3 W& X. [5 W" m3 {
" r$ w7 |. J# k- f' vThis is the story of the ultimate castaways - from saltwater crocodiles and giant eels to crested iguanas and weird frogs - who succeeded against all odds to reach islands thousands of miles apart. These journeys were no mean feat. It has been estimated that an average of one species every 60,000 years makes it to Hawaii. Incredibly, many of these colonisers made it to these islands on the back of the most violent forces of nature, like cyclones and tsunamis.
4 e5 m* s% e- b% l$ F; c7 }! X# C+ l) O9 a' h# m
The voyages of the South Pacific's first people, the Polynesians, were no less remarkable. These journeys were undoubtedly some of the greatest acts of navigation ever undertaken, and they changed the nature of the South Pacific forever.
" q& q1 Y9 V1 b5 L# O& W+ A
. \# P, M: \* W/ T1 R/ P4 i3 u8 I! r1 ~  V1 \6 u) e8 |. t! _4 f! B! T
【中文名称】BBC.南太平洋.3.蔚蓝大海( r, f) X5 _0 E, d
% i  L2 K0 i# a) v【影片类型】纪录片: d7 {# x9 a" i) D, H! h
【影片格式】HD-RMVB7 c9 S! g. T8 W7 B. k' U9 Q
【影片尺寸】1024x576;1280x720" F3 d" j2 S/ _) t& Q
0 i( \& {2 _- N+ C【字幕语言】中英双字! G( R' x: V! S
5 m6 p3 j8 [0 a) T" L6 N7 K& S$ d( N( e; s- F
+ j6 n' ]5 Z4 m" _  p    但南太平洋并不全是沙漠。新西兰超级富饶的海岸支撑着庞大的特技专家-海豚群,它的珊瑚礁是地球上最丰富多样的,没有几个地方的野生动物比古怪的加拉帕戈斯群岛更丰富的,是热带企鹅和冲浪高手海狮的发源地。
0 M$ {( o9 X" Q* \7 l& w: Y+ i    片中始终贯穿着最大的海难故事-令人鼓舞的莫比·迪克的事件(白鲸记)。揭示出在这片看似蔚蓝的大海里巨大的生存挑战。. E: E6 Q: q% i" D3 S2 T3 A) E

" y3 q* l7 l# q! ~9 b$ a% p+ `E03
$ }" f4 X8 T  _; CEndless Blue.(无尽蔚蓝)4 k$ U2 M$ v, t) H% ~; a
[img][img]( d" |! L& ~7 M1 b2 i8 I# q
Documentary series looking at the South Pacific islands.# w0 ^! Q% H% o$ O7 [

% j: M1 e" K1 [A large part of the remote, blue wilderness of the South Pacific is a marine desert. Many animals that live in the ocean, among them sharks, whales and turtles - must go to extraordinary lengths to survive. Tiger sharks travel hundreds of miles to feast on fledging albatross chicks and, every year, sperm whales journey from one side of the South Pacific to the other in their search for food and mates. Theirs is a journey that can end in tragedy.
9 G/ l3 o, k- _$ p
) x% o( B/ o' T! P0 wBut the South Pacific is not all desert. New Zealand's super-rich coast supports huge pods of acrobatic dolphins; its coral reefs are some of the most diverse on earth; and there are few places richer in wildlife than the quirky Galapagos Islands, home to tropical penguins and surfing sea lions.: r0 k! b9 P8 H: A  o/ u
) {9 I$ t: n6 p
Using the greatest shipwreck story of all time - an event that inspired Moby Dick - the huge challenges of survival in this seemingly endless blue ocean are revealed.7 b- h8 V3 s+ I3 c2 G* L# P

. h- B/ a; M: X7 L" a+ u1 ]9 s* m3 g$ ]
【中文名称】BBC.南太平洋.4.海洋火山4 Z% V# z' L6 X& r& y
【英文名称】BBC.South.Pacific.04.Ocean.Of.Volcanoes8 v, e' {' v% A) `
: N/ z6 p5 }) c' U) o5 D【影片格式】HD-RMVB3 V+ I) k1 q/ t# C2 d) S
【影片尺寸】1024x576;1280x7208 b" E$ g1 {8 A% z) H) a
' t/ _2 K0 V9 J" g1 `8 C- c【字幕语言】中英双字; |6 d# B: [! N3 _" r) X- B
; m4 ]/ H% O" n6 b8 p. [: E( [( N
  C' Y5 g2 u. P' ]6 [# l    目击地球上最大的海洋中的岛屿出生,成长和死亡。数百万年的历程浓缩在1小时,展现海底火山爆发时难以忘目的影像,熔岩流在海浪下面爆炸。路和房子被熔岩流埋葬。从狂暴开始显露无比丰富的珊瑚礁供养着大群的灰真鲨和大蝠鲼。
) d+ h0 {, H7 v, u    南太平洋升起的陆地同样为一些非常陌生的动物带来生命,从能在热带冰雪中兴旺发达的吸血虫,依靠火山泉孵蛋的塚雉,到被珊瑚山截留的大群水母群。
% X, G0 R5 S& G6 V) c- p
- p0 g4 Z, c8 ]* r3 |- sE04/ p& {/ K  @1 Q) A
Ocean of Volcanoes.(火山海洋)
* ?  Q5 Y' m2 x1 ?* `6 e0 T$ Y/ [Documentary series looking at the South Pacific islands.
! c9 t: [, A9 f0 j: B" ]  |6 o1 J4 F1 ]/ M% C2 r' ~; g- i
Witness the birth, growth and death of an island in the greatest ocean on Earth. Millions of years are condensed into an hour revealing unforgettable images of an erupting underwater volcano; rivers of lava exploding below the waves; roads and houses buried by molten rivers of rock. From these violent beginnings emerge coral reefs of unparalleled richness, supporting large groups of grey reef sharks and giant manta rays.
9 M* W( z6 E% O  u4 e, x$ \3 y  C6 m" _) C) Y9 ]
The rising lands of the South Pacific have also given life to some very strange creatures, from the vampire bug that thrives in tropical snow, to the megapode, a bird that uses volcanic springs to incubate its eggs; and vast swarms of jellyfish trapped forever by a coral mountain.
7 s6 \1 k) y5 Q5 o$ ^' z. I* }3 a/ ~, G/ f
* G% a! ]+ h" C" O
【中文名称】BBC.南太平洋.5.奇异的岛屿: ~3 C* g% l0 ^3 k! v9 V8 Y
) @2 m: i+ N, q+ P( `【影片类型】纪录片, T8 }4 {4 _! q9 X/ O1 E- `
: [2 p3 w# [% U! p2 Z【影片尺寸】1024x576;1280x720, k- `+ _8 P/ D; T' B
: i+ R+ w) ^  p, J【字幕语言】中英双字
8 l2 b/ B( F- b, V/ @5 t【内容简介】
( T  S8 N) _$ w' P+ o
0 Q: |/ S7 D6 g    在南太平洋的孤岛上有着无战斗力的鹦鹉,翻地觅食的蝙蝠,大石龙子和在树上的袋鼠。野生动物以奇怪的方式演化。在岛上生存可能要付出高代价,对于新来的物种,全都想挣脱这地狱。这里展现出一个难题:为什么动物能完美的适应了岛屿生活,轻易地放弃了灵魂?答案由生存在新西兰海岸外的小岛上,某些不太可能存在的动物来揭示。
3 G6 w# S5 V) ]8 I* H, l    人类历史上的活动区域进一步表明,无论它曾是否田园般的,南太平洋岛屿上的生命从未远离过灾难。8 F; f, N, Q8 ^3 |" Q$ E: m
4 @1 ]/ H& m' d  H$ M
E05  N' \5 ~$ C2 E* p! Z( L; G
Strange Islands.(奇怪的岛屿)' A+ _/ D6 S2 O8 Z" [

4 p, b" l0 v( M( D. l( b5 pFlightless parrots, burrowing bats, giant skinks and kangaroos in trees - on the isolated islands of the South Pacific, the wildlife has evolved in extraordinary ways. But island living can carry a high price, for when new species arrive, all hell breaks loose. And there lies a puzzle: why do animals perfectly adapted to island life simply give up the ghost? The answer is revealed by the remarkable stories of some unlikely animals that survived on tiny islands off the coast of New Zealand.% }% c+ u) Q5 H# I2 S
% E# G# K% W% I& e+ r" q, b
And, the human history of the region is further evidence that, however idyllic it may appear, life on a South Pacific island may never be very far from catastrophe.
" D2 L# ?  c  x& }4 n- [4 l: \$ z1 M
6 t7 u9 U  d3 I6 `
【中文名称】BBC.南太平洋.6.脆弱的天堂# I  @, E/ z3 W3 [7 S, F% S, |
【英文名称】BBC.South.Pacific.06.Fragile.Paradise8 C" m5 A$ N6 g  o
9 U- n- F! o! z4 L【影片格式】HD-RMVB
. M* M4 [8 u* {( H0 r【影片尺寸】1024x576;1280x7206 \' ^) y. V; ^% U1 d
  K" Z  `/ Q& f% J' w' x! q【字幕语言】中英双字
5 |' ]5 t: a* }2 V& C2 x- B【内容简介】) I. N! z: K( \9 V: w) {6 I' A% _' i# _

: b$ a( Y# d/ n5 `; P    南太平洋仍相对健康,鱼群丰富,但这是个脆弱的天堂。国际捕鱼渔船为鲨鱼,信天翁和金枪鱼敲响了严重的警钟,对这片美丽的大海还有其它的暗藏危险。这一集注视怎么来维护海洋及其野生动物。# x4 t$ O1 k( a# c% v8 ?

/ E$ K  k5 d$ S/ x+ I0 \# F$ ~    从该地区人类历史的诸多迹象表明,田园般的,充满生机的南太平洋从未远离过灾难。) }* d% [0 y/ w" g& t! f! t! T2 p

9 ^# u; C* W+ g  X  {/ p6 v' Y; ~- p: b. B
E065 F' D2 ]/ l7 I5 D5 X
Fragile Paradise.(脆弱天堂)  b& |/ `+ a9 p4 J8 t6 r

+ y7 y$ A+ q0 Z" b* A; ~/ M. TDocumentary series. The South Pacific is still relatively healthy and teeming with fish, but it is a fragile paradise. International fishing fleets are taking a serious toll on the sharks, albatross and tuna, and there are other insidious threats to these bountiful seas. This episode looks at what is being done to preserve the ocean and its wildlife.* i3 f: A# v8 K

  ?% Q8 N! y% }* |. h0 I5 IAnd, the human history of the region is further evidence that, however idyllic it may appear, life on a South Pacific island may never be very far from catastrophe. 0 T+ G- o5 w; ?+ `% m' y4 v

. b$ ^: Y9 c' H) Q* N
9 G' B* H' [0 ~& f: w
+ U" @4 c" N; c# }7 s( P  F. k' i, w& L7 e% r. s; Y$ W( I# Y
6 `  G' D: x9 g" M* m, e
' }# ~# D! b. X. K% Y) C4 U

+ d7 h# ]/ ~8 a( H/ k0 }5 E! A* J0 _! h+ Q( B2 \+ M7 u
- [/ P: O9 U% w1 W+ N% Y. q

- z) o* v8 r7 p% a( D/ u- }: _! V% W; w

$ U. d% J4 h. M5 [, u

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