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[经典影片] 曼哈顿 [中字] Manhattan 1979 BluRaycd 1080p DTS x264-CHD 13GB








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kmvodys 发表于 2013-3-18 22:23:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 O6 Y* g  o; M; Q" c1 J0 }. l& |7 p: c6 |# f! }( g6 d
导演: 伍迪·艾伦& _  V; C6 @' r" t7 W
编剧: 马歇尔·布瑞克曼 / 伍迪·艾伦
/ o# R) U+ i$ O0 x主演: 黛安·基顿 / 梅丽尔·斯特里普 / 伍迪·艾伦 / 迈克尔·墨菲 / 玛瑞儿·海明威
1 g" x/ d; |4 P/ g, U8 G* u; H类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情
0 M& i& p0 p1 t制片国家/地区: 美国
1 K( ?3 u$ D# g+ n% Z% O语言: 英语
) |" t" b3 ?$ N上映日期: 1979-04-25
2 x7 m5 W* P% a8 q片长: 96 分钟
5 I/ U0 n3 ?' z: z) ~+ _! r4 h7 r8 hIMDb链接: tt0079522
& [) `/ Y% X# F1 ^6 I' K# i1 i" K剧情简介) T% u$ E8 h7 g5 U  H

3 w1 w2 y! z( `  40岁的艾萨克·戴维斯(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)在写作上不算成功,在感情上更是一团糟。一方面,为了另一个女人而离开他的前妻吉尔(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)打算出版一本有关他们私密婚姻生活的书,另一方面,17岁的女孩翠西(玛瑞儿·海明威 Mariel Hemingway 饰)对于这段他并不打算认真经营的感情投入了越来越多的热情。在这个节骨眼上,好友耶尔(迈克尔·莫菲Michael Murphy饰)的情人玛丽(黛安·基顿 Diane Keaton 饰)闯入了戴维斯的视线,风趣的谈吐,投机的话题,一切的一切都为两人的感情擦出了火花。3个男人,3个女人,在曼哈顿这个繁华又孤单的城市,这群成年人究竟该用何种方式来道德并公正的解决他们的感情问题呢?
& D/ |  s1 L) F1 ~4 L" D- a9 M3 d& ~
" Y& r: Z4 q4 @& o
% m* |  a3 [. p$ r
# \3 c5 h) |. H' g+ M* e. w: hManhattan looks gorgeous on Blu-ray, even more so than Annie Hall. With its stark black and white cinematography it's obviously the more stylized of the two, and MGM's 1080p/AVC-encoded transfer more than does it justice. To start, the print is in nearly immaculate condition. I don't know if it was extremely clean to begin with, or if MGM spent the time and effort to do a frame-by-frame restoration, but either way the results are fantastic. There are very few white specks to be noticed throughout the film, and no major debris or staining or brightness flickering. The 35mm image is faithfully presented here, with a natural-looking grain pattern--which is admittedly somewhat heavy at times--and no apparent digital noise reduction, edge enhancement, or other forms of unnecessary filtering or boosting. There are no real compression or encode issues either. While the film isn't always sharp sharp, clarity is greatly improved over previous standard definition editions, with fine detail--like in threading of Woody's sports jackets--that you've probably never noticed before. If I have one concern, it's that the tonal balance seems to be shifted very heavily toward the shadows. The film has always been kind of dark, but it does seem possibly a bit too dim here. I'll give MGM the benefit of the doubt, though. Overall, Manhattan looks wonderful.1 P# c" i7 X; N

9 Z/ U, a$ r3 @; \0 `+ yManhattan Blu-ray, Audio Quality  5 ]0 o  \" Z0 b- E
; r2 g% P; R. G" P

4 I+ q- Q  c+ M: |: C5 j; p* L6 WAs with Annie Hall, MGM has wisely avoided trying to wrangle a 5.1 surround sound presentation out of the film's original single-channel soundtrack, opting instead for a faithful DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 mono mix. And it sounds great. Of course, this being a Woody Allen film, where characters do nothing but talk, a good 80% of the aural activity is dialogue. Thankfully, then, the vocals are always clean and easily understood. There are a few spots where the volume of the voices seems potted a bit low, but never to the point where you'll feel like you need to grab your remote and make some adjustments. If you're familiar with the film, you already know that it's practically an introduction to George Gershwin, featuring a number of the composer's jazzy, classical Americana pieces. (Most notably, "Rhapsody in Blue," which opens the film.) The music sounds lovely--rich and full and lively. The disc also includes a number of foreign language dubs in Dolby Digital Mono--it's fun to to listen to the various voice actors do their own takes on Woody--and there are lots of subtitle options too, for those who might need or want them. ; o8 ]  ]! c" ^3 Q+ i$ Z
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