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[科幻恐怖] 魔兽战场 Outlander 2008 BDRip 1080p x264 DTS Audio-CHD 8.7GB








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迅雷电影 发表于 2013-5-21 19:20:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! K3 q$ W3 i7 i1 Q3 j' V+ a" Q
◎译  名 外乡人/魔兽战场" n0 c( k, ]* @& [, ~( r
◎片  名 Outlander/ |0 s# L. w: k' c/ ]: R6 L, ?
◎年  代 2008% r7 {  h+ t6 I2 M0 [) `+ W
◎国  家 美国
* G# J) ~6 H# n◎类  别 动作/冒险/科幻: B" g$ W1 ^: d, t6 i
◎语  言 英语
5 i. Q1 U1 |4 m3 Q+ ^6 A  r◎片  长 114 Min6 E. S9 ?, s# c
◎导  演 霍华德·麦克凯恩 Howard McCain
( D' p$ ?4 E) U◎主  演 詹姆斯·卡维泽 James Caviezel ....Kainan- r/ q- V8 L0 @4 A1 M9 R2 `
      索非亚·迈尔斯 Sophia Myles ....Freya
. ?% l; s, u) W+ x  H      杰克·休斯顿 Jack Huston ....Wulfric5 c! h( a% ]4 O7 J! e  q! ~1 H
      朗·普尔曼 Ron Perlman ....Gunnar
' h3 Q* P1 l, ~6 {% Q7 T      约翰·赫特 John Hurt ....Rothgar
. Z: J! }% o" ^+ e: j      Owen Pattison ....Galen, son of Kainen; U& ]6 h1 x0 S/ I% r
      泰德·路德齐克 Ted Ludzik ....Olaf
3 Z: C7 Q/ B4 d+ E# x◎简  介 7 G1 @7 H2 O' f# _# c
) K8 V* e1 d# y: p7 u  s
  故事发生在古代的挪威,当时正处于维京人统治时期。一个外星人驾驶的飞船紧急降落在地球上,因为飞船的毁坏,随船的一只嗜血怪物被释放出来。为了消灭怪物,外星人必须和当地的维京人一起联手,阻止它的血腥杀戮……3 L, y; j3 f5 P
( d3 l# O) ?9 J! q2 e: ]8 t- G
A space craft crashes into the majestic fjords of ancient Norway and into the time of the Vikings. From the wreckage emerge two bitter enemies: a soldier from another world - Kainan - and a bloodthirsty creature known as the Moorwen. Man and monster both seeking revenge for violence committed against them. As the Moorwen ravages the Viking world, killing everything in its path, Kainan forms an unlikely alliance with the primitive but fierce warriors. Combining his advanced technology with ancient Iron Age weapons, the hero leads a desperate attempt to kill the monster - before it destroys them all.7 U: F9 c( j% T9 i( V: u) N  f. t

: x1 h6 b% ]$ s+ g2 c+ c
  1. Outlander 2008 BDRip DTS 1080p.x264-CHD9 d. S* J6 p/ }, D- w
  2. RELEASE DATE....: 09/18/2012
    3 H& P' t1 ^5 `: j
  3. THEATRE DATE....: 2008$ a4 W- q# r$ m* k
  4. RECODE RiPPER...: chp@CHD8 W6 q: T/ H9 D, U- E" {% C
  5. GENRE...........: Drama / Mystery / Thriller& g; q+ \- m7 J( ?, [
  6. SOURCE TYPE.....: Blu-Ray H264 1080p- ~" k: M7 B2 M
  7. Video BiTRATE...: x264 @ 9339 Kbps
    ) _* J) O4 [) E! Q6 j% m
  8. FRAME RATE......: 24 fps
    2 d% D5 _5 ~. w  [/ c5 S
  9. AUDiO BiTRATE...: DTS 1536k 5.1ch(From DTS-HDMA SPA)4 s7 ^: [7 b$ W& h+ W
  10. RUNTiME.........: 115 mins
    7 X2 h& ?& ~- U
  11. ASPECT RATiO......: 2.35: 1
    2 t$ V6 i. l+ O4 M- Z) G, O" T
  12. RESOLUTiON......: 1920 X 816& L1 o$ o, ?2 i! H
  13. LANGUAGE........: ENG
    , u5 B6 O' m; A
  14. SUBTiTLES.......: CHINESE
    - t# K5 c, N0 c) p) w5 q, k! O
  15. FilE SiZE.......: 4.36G*2
    0 J' f+ M. }' C1 e; Z
  16. iMDB URL........:' i$ L5 }& p& X- E" j, c" g
  17. iMDB RATiNG.....: 6.6/10 (7,505 votes)
: _( q- J8 x( F0 w# k

) h7 ]0 I+ v/ ~) C; |' D, ? (180.28 KB, 下载次数: 3)








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lfvvzc 发表于 2023-9-30 15:18:48 | 显示全部楼层
9 L8 U( ~, A0 g4 c3 w2 C) kbluraycd forum, a lot of Blu-ray movies!
* \& r0 y9 u) i! n$ \: d( s5 p



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