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[蓝光原盘] 白宫沦陷1/奥林匹斯的陷落 [蓝光原盘] Olympus Has Fallen 2013 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-FGT 34.58GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2013-6-28 17:26:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

, n; t2 V) B% B0 y& n  A0 T, j- k9 s' Q; c3 c2 v" o2 Z% K, K" R

7 v9 V# A1 |7 T4 u* Q9 |5 ~: ?◎译  名 奥林匹斯的陷落/全面攻占:倒数救援(台)/白宫沦陷(港)/奥林匹斯陷落/白宫陷落+ w/ d! ~# s' \) S8 w4 {9 r
◎片  名 Olympus Has Fallen / End of White House5 q0 z  g8 d4 u$ u
◎年  代 2013- g3 n4 D! h4 \0 E; z, P
◎国  家 美国8 Q5 p- W% g9 t' _8 j. d6 ?' M
◎类  别 动作/惊悚
3 {; F3 w8 A/ i$ \8 t. t. a◎语  言 英语/韩语
& }- w& T4 |( }/ \# x% }6 `◎上映日期 2013-03-22(美国)/2013-12-29(中国大陆)
/ P0 U. Z8 Z$ I◎IMDb评分  6.5/10 from 229,878 users/ o6 F" Q3 l$ w
. L) Z8 Z1 T0 K3 k3 R; Y! K◎豆瓣评分 6.3/10 from 49,813 users
9 E6 p- }. E5 [◎豆瓣链接 R5 }  Q# e* I4 h; M
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS- D2 H% L* o/ @
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
% R- ?  h( `4 g. R7 s◎文件大小 1DVD 34.58 GiB
7 b& X3 P8 y- W" P◎片  长 1:59:36.169 (, s/ J( O0 l2 y- ^3 r7 j, P$ `
◎导  演 安东尼·福奎阿 Antoine Fuqua; t  m" p4 g' d' m0 \1 b4 H5 N. t/ j
◎编  剧 克赖顿·罗森博格 Creighton Rothenberger
, h6 j( S/ X6 N3 J5 c7 G1 ^# n& p       凯特琳·贝内迪克特 Katrin Benedikt( p6 S5 y, F  [  L
◎主  演 杰拉德·巴特勒 Gerard Butler+ [3 L5 A! s4 `) K
       艾伦·艾克哈特 Aaron Eckhart5 f5 J& L3 X( s/ e+ k" \
       芬利·雅克布森 Finley Jacobsen& i5 K) k% B) W& d- T8 l. J9 c# i) @
       迪伦·麦克德莫特 Dylan McDermott
- ]& Y- t) ^0 R; t; \3 [' |       尹成植 Rick Yune
* u; F3 W) ?/ }; f% A, N8 ?       摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman- f* C  K# \9 D8 N- S3 L: `
       安吉拉·贝塞特 Angela Bassett0 Z7 h& `, I/ C- m8 T
       梅丽莎·里奥 Melissa Leo
" x9 R* Z! m- p* ]- K       拉妲·米契尔 Radha Mitchell- z8 Z: @, A3 h6 ~9 c: j7 I9 ?+ ^2 B
       科尔·豪瑟 Cole Hauser  P8 j4 \8 [/ S: s
       艾什莉·贾德 Ashley Judd
0 f# R3 {6 F1 u4 o' u" _) `6 [% R9 e7 t8 t
◎简  介      
6 S9 y$ O+ F" N8 Z7 N4 t" X! R1 _: u: i/ j2 `( a: I/ P" B$ r
  Disgraced Secret Service agent finds himself trapped inside the White House in the wake of a terrorist attack.
( s( i- ~( t4 R2 c& [( K5 a, s! }5 X
8 f% H) e) G6 E& g9 K" W  白宫,特情局秘密代号为“奥林匹斯”,目前正处在危机之中,一伙恐怖分子先用重型的飞机和机枪袭击了这里,随后便派入了一群敢死队进入,他们彻底占领了美国总统府,劫持了美国总统,并以此为要挟,妄图控制世界格局。
( |% H  F3 S: |6 F' V
+ a. ]# b( v7 K9 A  坐在文员办公室的迈克·班宁(杰拉德·巴特勒 Gerard Butler 饰)从这次袭击中活了下来。班宁原先是一个特种兵,负责第一夫人和美国总统(艾伦·艾克哈特 Aaron Eckhart 饰)的安危。但是在一个圣诞节的例行任务中,他的工作出了错,造成了第一夫人的死亡。后来,班宁就被调整到了文职工作上。7 p, l0 j' M# Z7 l9 q7 {! }0 x0 b  c

6 {9 ?' V+ H; Q7 A' C! r  临时政府迅速派遣美国突击队登陆白宫,企图营救总统,却被恐怖分子控制的白宫防御系统击退,营救计划几度失败。眼看恐怖分子的阴谋即将得逞。因为意外,班宁活了下来,他与临时政府取得联系,并孤身一人营救总统,班宁成为了整个美国的最后一丝希望。这位前特工依靠自己过硬的身手,在危机密布的白宫只身力挽狂澜,率先拯救了总统的儿子,让总统摆脱后顾之忧,恐怖分子获得地狱犬密码的阴谋被延迟。经过艰苦的鏖战和激烈的厮杀,班宁拯救了被劫持的总统,并粉碎了恐怖分子企图利用核弹毁灭美国的阴谋……0 O) T6 Y& b( N. L8 B" n

+ S7 h% z6 o. L; \8 y+ Q* G6 W5 _# K, W  Disgraced Secret Service agent (and former presidential guard) Mike Banning finds himself trapped inside the White House in the wake of a terrorist attack; using his inside knowledge Banning works with national security to rescue the President from his kidnappers.
/ B" s7 }& T+ Y' H
8 m: f& ~) w6 `+ C◎获奖情况
; x# L. j9 r( T+ {/ q8 k/ o: F+ ^' S% b/ U
  第12届华盛顿影评人协会奖 (2013)% G+ f9 h( ^( [
  华盛顿特区最佳写照(提名)/ V/ q0 Z. A+ m' _* z

, h' z$ k1 P. N9 n, V$ D4 r! SOlympus Has Fallen Blu-ray, Video Quality* z1 C9 o+ ^. E6 @$ D
* i" }7 z/ L3 Y- c( p
- L3 K" Y, a7 C+ ]" i. c
Olympus Has Fallen's high definition transfer is by no means poor, but it's not quite as perfectly defined as is usually found on Sony releases.  The film is rather dark by nature, but there's quite a few instances of crush and even some heavy noise seen during an overhead nighttime shot in chapter twelve.  Some of the early scenes reveal very pasty and bland skin textures and a somewhat processed appearance overall.  Minor banding and struggling color transitions across shadowy areas are also concerning.  However, the transfer tightens up when it finds a bit more light.  Though the image is never all that dynamic, it manages to show some positive facial textures and general around-the-screen details.  Clarity is acceptable and sharpness is fine; there's never an overt softness to the picture.  Colors are largely even, though there's not much in the way of naturally brilliant shades save for D.C. architecture, greenery, and blood.  Light grain does remain, though it occasionally spikes above the norm for the movie.  This is certainly not typical HD eye candy, but it's generally adequate.( A; C* @' J) j' c; H) i8 |
" B% y3 n' w% F0 t4 J( H. ]
Olympus Has Fallen Blu-ray, Audio Quality, ~0 ]( }: {/ {5 {
, b; q! z! O1 k, {# B

! J5 r1 {0 {3 `0 NThough its video transfer is sometimes suspect, there are no major shortcomings with Olympus Has Fallen's DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 lossless soundtrack.  This is a fantastic listen, just the sort of big, theatrical, able-bodied presentation a movie of this variety demands.  Clarity is excellent and the track makes use of the entire stage for a dynamic feeling of immersion from beginning to end and under and circumstance.  Music, for example, plays smoothly and naturally whether in the light opening notes or heavier action-influenced pieces.  There's a real sense of spacing and seamless flow from front to back, defined by a generous but balanced low end.  Gunfire proves exacting and exciting; whether blasts of heavy weapons from the gunship or the raging gun battle on the White House lawn, Sony's soundtrack delivers a precise and sometimes even terrifying sound field of relentless energy and excitement.  There's no shortage of either heft or surround immersion in any action scene.  Though there's not a lot in the way of pronounced ambient effects, the track never does feel front-heavy, unnatural, or sonically betraying of its environments in any way.  Dialogue is smoothly delivered from the front-center with the sort of natural clarity listeners demand.  All in all, this is an excellent presentation from Sony.
& [5 d$ V: a$ b$ p+ R7 l
    : M0 h; s% O  Q/ _# f

  2. : j/ r# o& R  \2 p+ l
  3. Disc Title:     Olympus.Has.Fallen.2013.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-FGT8 {9 ^# P' k( P+ y
  4. Disc Size:      37 124 628 979 bytes
    1 j" A1 G" _! a5 u
  5. Protection:     AACS* F$ L) m3 w8 B# B$ u
  6. BD-Java:        Yes  R2 @8 m) U: T
  7. BDInfo:         0.5.8
    9 R6 E; l9 J' f; ]; P
  8. 9 }# E/ |  s+ }: N# h6 w& q; ~
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:' q, |, [, }% Z  y# c

  10. 7 m2 W4 j1 m5 Z" u9 q, v" n9 S
  11. Name:                   00001.MPLS, P  ]7 R/ P' R( k0 [1 ^
  12. Length:                 1:59:36.169 (" {% ]4 E5 z1 {% d
  13. Size:                   29 517 115 392 bytes
    ' M2 s2 s. E. l4 s! y
  14. Total Bitrate:          32,91 Mbps
    " G- T1 Z* d! ^

  15. & o% C. i4 U% C- _
  16. VIDEO:
    3 z# O1 |5 F5 K! A0 S
  17. $ s7 \/ L2 D8 w- N) e! ?" L8 M
  18. Codec                   Bitrate             Description     , H+ A/ i5 p) ]
  19. -----                   -------             -----------     , J3 {. l. `4 a- {
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video        24837 kbps          1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    & _( @2 u: O9 q  m6 U
  21. - r  ~# R8 R8 Y( {4 K+ z
  22. AUDIO:
    : }% r$ G# S1 L3 Y

  23. - X! f/ j+ Z. s( X5 Y2 W# m0 B6 W
  24. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     + ]$ u' t  Z; p3 m0 }* f- F' ^
  25. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     # U# a% u3 M4 d/ O8 ?1 s" T
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio             English         3790 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 3790 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit): D- i) v# A& j4 c3 u1 p
  27. DTS-HD Master Audio             Russian         2281 kbps       5.1 / 48 kHz / 2281 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 16-bit)
    0 q8 C# F+ ]% U8 c- d1 I' U1 G

  28. ' j0 n' S2 j& @( p, Z: ?
    0 N9 U& _( G. r8 ]5 S

  30. 6 h+ o6 O  z0 R/ b$ j1 }* j
  31. Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
    " o9 F2 B* Y0 ]* W2 C9 i" |2 E" _
  32. -----                           --------        -------         -----------     3 k! ?' e/ ]: x+ E' s
  33. Presentation Graphics           English         30,275 kbps                     
    ; i# U; I- b5 q: v; X) Y
  34. Presentation Graphics           English         29,381 kbps                     
    % D5 |( V3 x5 w' `
  35. Presentation Graphics           Russian         32,593 kbps

3 H) _; _6 y. g
9 t2 k+ N0 ?$ m% G: e1 A9 E& E/ I6 T
1 T' O, k6 A4 F/ i, `4 ^  b% E
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