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[剧情悬疑] 第四种权力/狗年 The Fourth State 2012 720p BluRaycd x264-ROVERS 4.37GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2013-6-28 17:30:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 B! v& B$ V+ Q/ o/ @2 r* N

* z9 a" `& S/ u◎译  名 第四种权力/狗年) g; f* n& z* v6 J/ Q
◎片  名 The Fourth State, L+ h2 O& T5 G6 M" g
◎年  代 2012
% e5 W. G9 W" l4 I. D  c' j* f◎国  家 德国
! o7 i3 r8 T/ }. P6 t2 |+ X◎类  别 惊悚
# b! v% L# S% Y  y9 N! ]# F% e1 r◎语  言 英语/俄语5 P! ]- P+ r" C$ s. v8 Z! D
◎字  幕 N/A
8 U; s' L/ a1 E& u◎IMDB评分 5.8/10 from 1,000 users   
4 I5 v, ]. a# l9 ]8 p& i◎IMDB链接
# ^6 x* S! d& L◎文件格式 X264 + DTS
( r* {" \9 @) P' Y& b9 l$ o- Z3 O◎视频尺寸 1280 x 544   
& f9 ]$ ]2 ]! ~7 [9 g9 `◎文件大小 1CD 4.37GB
' j8 Y/ I' z4 a; O' w' R◎片  长 1h 55mn
; }' J; O: w" z+ Q/ D◎导  演 丹尼斯·甘塞尔 Dennis Gansel" h: a& [, Z) c; z
◎主  演 拉德·舍博德兹加 Rade Serbedzija  ....Onjegin% S. k8 ^! |+ x0 j8 h1 q$ A( `( e
      莫里兹·布雷多 Moritz Bleibtreu
  L! W3 w2 x6 A8 l% g      卡西娅·史穆特妮亚克 Kasia Smutniak  ....Katja
6 ?. k7 {3 l) Y$ j% C* {      斯坦奇·艾塞克 Stipe Erceg  ....Vladimir. a# b" ]% b& `9 ~- c7 ?
      马克·伊瓦涅 Mark Ivanir  ....Aslan2 Q  T8 k% N$ K. E& k6 ~
      Reiner Sch?ne  ....Sokolow' i1 \. `+ q! z& Q" t( f1 o7 Y9 u
      Cosima Shaw  ....Andrea Berger! W. }- X* Z% F" n8 q# ?
      马克思·雷迈特 Max Riemelt  ....Chris
% N/ \5 x3 b1 o" |0 e, j. Y$ U      Michael Ihnow  ....FSB officer
3 |0 A' c' F- U* d0 C      米勒·尼尼兹 Merab Ninidze  ....Sagalayev$ M+ F9 T2 q% ]- F9 G3 m! w
      Alexander Yassin  ....Alexander
; B5 I( C$ ^: T% l% c' [6 u      Alexandra Starnitzky  ....1st Fligh Assistant
* H) }+ A' N4 H8 w* _      David Akinloye  ....White House Press Secretary
1 B$ |6 L6 S  M1 W      Jean Denis R?mer  ....FSB Agent 1$ H+ ?+ f0 u( h
      Nathalie Griffin  ....Woman in airport bus/ ?9 A# r2 S0 J2 J1 C! ?& T( I* A
      Ivan Vrgoc  ....Sergej, w. i0 o, s1 U: n
      Arthur Patching  ....Partygast / Gast in einer Bar
' k* ]( i4 m; I- N4 l; |      Arslan Korkmaz. p" z( D0 ]- D: c7 Y
◎简  介  l7 p: d. l" ~) V  W
( r5 {" C$ x6 @& s$ y; `
A journalist gets caught up in a terrorist plot in Moscow while investigating the Russian secret service.
( M% m% @. O  ?
8 e4 z$ F: u# {In the throes of a life crisis, culture journalist Paul Jensen (Moritz Bleibtreu) flees Berlin to bring fresh impetus to a Russian tabloid magazine in Moscow run by his mentor, Alexei Onegin (Rade Serbedzija). Paul’s métier is gossip about the rich and famous of Russia, and he easily helps restore the mag to its former glory and a higher circulation. Everything seems fine again, and his life is like one big party. Then he meets a beautiful Russian activist, and the cynic falls head over heels. Paul only has eyes for the mysterious Katja, who even manages to persuade him to run a politically motivated obituary in his magazine. This action has consequences, triggering a series of rapid-fire events in Paul’s life. Paul finds himself left to his own devices and on the run in the merciless Russian metropolis. He soon realises that he has to face his own past in order to solve a political conspiracy. He hasn’t got much time as his pursuers are close on his heels.5 R4 ~* ]+ x' m5 k  J
/ s6 P! @/ r& z' }8 D
8 c( V0 [# V" c) F$ s
+ r, X+ B2 z6 g3 x   莫里兹·布雷多在片中饰演一名著名的德国记者,来到莫斯科出差。到了这里,他就把工作抛在一边,沉浸在当地的夜生活之中。偶然间他结识了一名神秘的女子,卷入了一起政治阴谋,最终付出惨痛的代价。
# S! `' \. |* O
0 Q- G# Y/ Z7 k: F, P7 T7 Z& A8 Z; q6 D, H4 ]
  1. The.Fourth.State.2012.720p.BluRayCD.x264-ROVERS: z, z# k' }" W$ b$ V; r
  2., z7 _" w8 V* n, I1 W0 m# X* g/ j
  3. Length..............: 1h 55mn4 [( o' r- S, N/ S0 K: I
  4. Video...............: 1280x544 (X264 @ 23.976fps)% R# `$ b" w+ r1 H* p5 a! W
  5. Bitrate.............: 5415Kbps( S! T! Z2 p( E; M  p
  6. Audio...............: DTS 768 Kbps
    " I  I' u. o; g% S. |+ h" [/ q% x( j
  7. Language............: English / Russian/ L& t5 u9 q( c5 p; S* L
  8. Subtitles...........: English
    1 ]; Y/ }3 E2 E! I1 J
  9. Genre ..............: Thriller | Thriller
  e) q; v" K7 `
& M0 o# r5 C) w) e+ C  _

1 k8 R3 M+ p! I: U
0 b/ h8 Z: X0 X8 G# R+ N- Z& P9 b; F

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