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[经典影片] 不一样的本能/第三类奇迹/不一样的奇迹 Phenomenon 1996 BluRaycd 1080p DTS-HD MA5.1 x264-HDS 13.8GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2013-7-7 17:00:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

9 r5 F* V2 T! a" Q) E( c8 w: S
8 w' r6 f% @% N" d7 W1 Z* _0 K【译  名】不一样的本能/第三类奇迹/不一样的奇迹2 E) c! A, N/ A4 m
【片  名】Phenomenon1 }: s% a- |2 [* R5 c
【年  代】1996% G7 ~, ^  ?) P* m
【国  家】美国  c) p+ f3 n" S" s* _1 M, E
【类  别】爱情 /  奇幻 /  剧情
% N* k7 B- U" ^2 C. [3 ]5 F【语  言】英语
/ C. N% l/ q$ E6 t' ]【字  幕】英文/法文/西班牙文
# s- S& ^' S' ~3 n$ m. [1 H9 L【IMDB评分】7.5/10 (7,970 votes)
9 K6 g& `1 v; D; [# Q【IMDB链接】HDCHD$ G# q. Z* B# `, c
【片  长】123 min2 E& m3 _& S0 I2 H
【导  演】乔·德特杜巴   Jon Turteltaub
4 x: z  [9 ]; ]3 V4 ]5 ]【主  演】福里斯特·惠特克 Forest Whitaker" R8 D) F4 o6 Q, ]/ y( J7 U
      约翰·特拉沃尔塔 John Travolta ....George Malley
" T* U* Z6 _* R2 b( _6 [      罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall ....Doc Brunder# l/ H  |4 I( e: \# ?5 |% V
      Brent Spiner ....Dr. Bob Niedorf' B0 b9 m  q% l4 G: F, d
      Jeffrey DeMunn ....Prof. John Ringold" X+ ^) O0 j, r% {
      Richard Kiley ....Dr. Wellin
, J+ L  a: B* W7 n( U- z  [      Vyto Ruginis ....Ted Rhome2 r9 q/ X1 {( n, r5 k- k7 r" T! @
      制作人 Produced by:
2 T' ^7 s3 h# |6 D" P8 c' P1 y      Barbara Boyle ....producer( Y/ Q  ^+ Y3 N/ g9 B1 @
      乔治·D·克兰恩 Jonathan D. Krane ....executive producer (as Jonathan Krane)( c5 G8 w: x6 }1 |9 m2 i
      Charles Newirth ....executive producer" I; k6 k/ ~6 P2 ]0 e3 U
      Michael Taylor ....producer; A- t% y8 k/ }4 l  q& S9 i
【剧情简介】/ B, e6 l% P! L4 c. f
& J5 L+ b- D' k$ `2 L1 s% x/ u- Y+ E
. D% P' {4 Q8 b5 ^/ B& D6 F" m
$ r. l7 m9 G$ ]) [On the night of his 37th birthday, George Malley is knocked to the ground by a mysterious blinding light and develops amazing mental abilities. With his new-found knowledge, George astounds everyone in town, but comes to realize that his wondrous experience has changed him and all those around him forever.& g" F1 ]/ m# W4 x0 y5 ^
& B) b$ l% v% ~9 i
4 j. G' C9 T3 a2 e1 V$ Y" J$ b
& v# K' i7 _/ V7 c0 d( y0 Q   Some things in life just can't be explained.: V7 A4 {; ~5 m) Z

' h/ T, r. ]: p6 c+ _/ X【幕后制作】
) S$ i! }# ^4 i+ N9 o3 G9 M+ o) o# b2 t
  John Travolta饰演本片超人式的主人公可算中规中矩,但本片剧本新意欠奉。类似的题材早在60年代已经被挖掘过。无论如何,本片至少证明了John Travolta + Jon Turteltaub的成绩是超过一亿的骄人票房,也证明了市场对这类超能力片的庞大消费力。
! r6 |/ R4 W; _) T8 J# n
6 z4 q. [. \) @) e: l( ]6 L
$ O4 Z! N; i4 J& S- t5 T4 PThe 1080p, AVC-encoded image for Phenomenon demonstrates once again that Disney iscapable of producing a fine Blu-ray of a catalog title when it wants to (thus making The Color ofMoney an even bigger disgrace). Leaving aside the opening sequence, where the image qualitysuffers somewhat as a result of optically superimposed titles, the picture is natural-looking, film-like and detailed, with only occasional hints of Video noise. The grain structure from theanamorphically acquired photography isn't especially obvious unless you're looking for it, but itdoesn't appear to have been filtered, digitally airbrushed or otherwise tampered with, nor arethere any tell-tale signs of artificial sharpening. Disney has used a BD-50 for this 123-minutefilm; so compression artifacts are not an issue." \1 S6 z( l' X6 v" @; a

3 Z5 R2 ]9 N/ Q  R7 I# bThe palette of Phenomenon is dominated by earth tones, particularly the rich browns of the earth and the greens of plant life. Blues, especially in clothing, are almost as frequent but in smallamounts that serve to emphasize the warmer hues by way of contrast. Some of the most notableearth tones are those embodied in Lace's self-designed and hand-made chairs, which play a keyrole in the story. In the government facilities, cool whites and beiges dominate, because Georgeis far from home and the environment is sterile and unfeeling. Blacks in the frequent night scenesare well-differentiated, allowing for detail to emerge even in areas of shadow. This is also thecase in darkened interiors such as Jimmy's bar.
* P! Z, E9 {- P4 M' t
& [* W$ t0 V2 M1 |; ?6 h, e4 E" V' O% ^5 v" p  f, O2 P9 _
Phenomenon's theatrical 5.1 track is presented in DTS-HD MA 5.1, and it's a lovely but low-keyaffair. Other than a minor earthquake, whose rumbles and rattles make the necessary impression,the film doesn't have any major sonic set pieces. From the opening shots, however, sounds of thecountry routinely populate the surrounds and eventually blend into the landscape. Since thewhole point of George Malley's experience is that, to him, it's no big deal (though other peoplekeep trying to make it one), a bombastic sound track would set the wrong tone.. h( j! U! a. f3 R' J
; r4 C1 j% f: [, ?
One element where the quality of the original recording really shines on the Blu-ray's track, otherthan the crystal-clear dialogue, is the beautiful rendering of Thomas Newman's score. There is noone better than Newman at rendering a certain kind of modest but intense longing, and he does ithere with increasing urgency as George's situation grows ever more untenable. The songscarefully selected by soundtrack supervisor Robbie Robertson, incuding Sheryl Crow's"Everyday Is a Winding Road" (four years before Erin Brockovich used it), Eric Clapton's"Change the World" and Aaron Neville's soulful rendition of the Van Morrison song, "CrazyLove", fill the listening space and blend seamlessly with Newman's score.3 e6 ~* [% n' i" i' C; h; L# o

. J( y. `: d* j- Q) c" m) |


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