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[经典影片] 天国王朝导剪版 Kingdom of Heaven 2005 DC Bluray 1080p DTSHD x264-Grym 23G








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24xs 发表于 2013-7-28 02:28:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
天国王朝(导演剪辑版) [第18届欧洲电影奖(2005)观众奖-最佳男演员][第20届戈雅奖(2006)最佳服装设计(提名)] Kingdom of Heaven 2005 Directors Cut.BluRayCD 1080p DTS-HD x264-Grym 23.73GB( V3 p$ \3 ^7 G% m+ B
/ D1 C8 C' d, v! G
Kingdom of Heaven is an epic adventure about a common man who finds himself thrust into a decades long war. A stranger in a strange land, he serves a doomed king, falls in love with an exotic queen and rises to knighthood. Ultimately he must protect the people of Jerusalem from overwhelming forces  while striving to keep a fragile peace.% c3 J: _" f7 P: `6 t! Q5 [% M

* B& n4 h5 k8 }6 z- h' \/ a4 u 01a.jpg ( Y5 K  h" k- |4 X* i, e
( r- R1 z4 t+ |
◎译  名 天国王朝 导演剪辑版
  s! Y5 Z/ M" |# c- e* q& p0 u# R◎片  名 Kingdom of Heaven* A$ \; ^- p2 [* r. Q- N; ^! p
◎年  代 2005
" y5 ?* `8 [4 y4 P* m◎国  家 美国/西班牙/摩洛哥
. O; T3 x% Z1 N7 K) _◎类  别 剧情/战争/动作/冒险/历史
$ W% c" }3 E+ W◎语  言 英语8 ~: _0 ~( J1 x" G9 i
◎字  幕 英文/法文/西班牙文
! ~* j6 ^" L3 O' y! \◎IMDB评分 7.1/10 from  147,415 users4 r: S5 |* Z% l( `3 z6 p  l
◎IMDB链接 E* _+ u* D1 M4 k7 k
◎文件格式 X264 + DTS
' O0 q5 ~6 k9 ^6 f* Q◎视频尺寸 1920 X 1080
" b" K  D* B* b) J+ r9 a" I0 Y+ B◎文件大小 1CD 23.73GB( Z) \2 n% B+ P# y- L3 q7 K, Z7 {1 |
◎片  长 3h 09 min
5 t# f$ o+ o# Z2 Z4 u◎导  演 雷德利·斯科特 Ridley Scott
, F: x! Z" m/ e% }2 k◎主  演 杰瑞米·艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons .... Tiberias
) o+ \1 h* C$ G      利亚姆·尼森 Liam Neeson .... Godfrey of Ibelin) B) |+ i7 |. i, h& D
      大卫·泽尔利斯 David Thewlis .... Hospitaller  i* [% I) K5 Y9 H. V0 a* _& M* f- U
      爱德华·诺顿 Edward Norton .... King Baldwin IV
# L. E, A( ?( Q- B      Jouko Ahola ....3 f& W: w- }& Z( G. l" G3 C
      Tim Barlow .... Old Guard
& `  q$ ~4 B6 P' U      奥兰多·布鲁姆 Orlando Bloom .... Balian of Ibelin
! w+ Y2 y+ H6 @! m5 M      Christian Boeving ....
+ [4 T* T0 U  \9 h      Nikolaj Coster-Waldau .... Godfrey of Ibelins nephew  [8 ~3 D3 d: ~+ l
      马尔顿·绍凯斯 Marton Csokas .... Guy de Lusignan
) L. g9 u" t7 B2 e/ M◎简  介5 a- `  @9 o2 f5 o. U

6 E- m1 x5 c$ |5 a  在孩子和妻子相继死去后,法国小铁匠巴利安(奥兰多·布鲁姆饰)心灰意冷。而此时,率领部队返回耶路撒冷的十字军将领戈弗雷(利亚姆·尼森饰)巧遇巴利安,认出他就是自己失散多年的私生子,决定要带他回圣城去,加入十字军,做一名真正的勇士 。6 O- D3 G( r4 }1 \2 ]' O; l( R
& \' y. T- P' ~& g7 G, t( q# j5 ^
0 M! c9 j) z+ U) r3 f
) t* }- q# D7 F  耶路撒冷王故去,新王继位。好战的新王挑起战争,却若怒了雄兵百万的穆斯林战神萨拉丁,萨拉丁率领撒拉森骑士很快来袭,十字军溃不成军,而萨拉丁的下一个目标将是他们心中的圣地——耶路撒冷。危急之时,巴利安挺身而出,誓言捍卫“天国王朝”……0 z- Q; ^, e( g2 Q

6 C& o, J0 d; }& M6 p8 a) v争议
/ V, A( W/ Q$ [) Z/ O8 ^# D; a. {7 s! t. }9 a* `
: V' M1 R6 O) C" c9 o  B  _* u# ~1 z  P6 r" X+ u* ]
; ]' a/ {" |1 ]
( }: ]( g7 ]. E: P  X  尽管拍摄方努力强调影片浪漫伟大的爱情戏和惊心动魄的动作场面,但一些宗教学者和其他信仰的激进分子仍然提出了质疑,他们拿着影片的剧本拷贝理直气壮地指责:在当前世界局势如此复杂、激烈的背景下,好莱坞拍摄一部牵涉宗教问题的史诗片到底居心何在?
3 L' N8 r  g8 m% K5 l2 \
# Y' a" L8 R4 d3 e% Q评价
! p( t& a6 t( m  i5 _
6 G8 v7 q4 k" ~: A  2000年,雷德利·斯科特在票房上引爆了一颗重磅炸弹,他导演的《角斗士》同时也获得了奥斯卡最佳影片大奖。随后,他乘胜追击拍摄了《沉默的羔羊》续集《汉尼拔》,在国内取得了1亿7000万美元的票房,打破了二月影片票房不高的规律。接下来推出的便是深受评论家喜爱的《黑鹰降落》,起用了许多好莱坞冉冉升起的新星,其中就包括还未大红大紫的奥兰多·布鲁姆,但是影片却在奥斯卡最佳影片的提名上意外落马。虽然影片获得了1亿8百万美元的票房和一大堆奥斯卡技术奖,提名最佳导演的雷德利并没有在此领域折桂。
; t; {5 ]- O' y& m: D" R) m- L/ s& @7 Z7 Q4 o
  尽管《火柴人》在票房上大幅下滑,但这并不阻碍雷德利·斯科特向亿元票房大片冲击。这位拍摄过经典影片《银翼杀手》和《异形》的名导,筹措到1亿3000万美元资金后,带着《天国王朝》策马扬鞭又杀回来了。不错,这一次又是史诗片。去年号称好莱坞史诗年,但没有一部史诗片为这一年画上完美的句号:《特洛伊》勉强过关,《亚瑟王》滥竽充数,《亚历山大大帝》惨不忍睹。很多人都为雷德利捏了一把冷汗,但是想想《角斗士》这么烂的剧本,经他老人家一番拨弄,也能让人看的津津有味,不由心生一股安慰。0 d+ R( d+ R6 m- G- H" a
% b2 |9 e% A5 w
6 D9 P  b4 d! y8 \; B
. @/ q$ v. X! w* {  观众是否会发表不同意见还有待于影片的上映。“我认为它会引发大规模的争论。”纽约的宗教教育团体的协调人劳阿认为。“我猜这正是好莱坞求之不得的。”读过剧本的他说:“它太玩世不恭了。但是我想他们很乐于去捅马蜂窝。”当然了,对于好莱坞来说,争议未必不是件好事。梅尔·吉布森的《基督受难》就曾经引起犹太团体的口诛笔伐,认为片中对钉十字架的酷刑的描绘带有严重的反犹倾向。但这并没有阻止影片在全球范围内获得高达6亿9百万美元的票房。. o( G1 j" ^* @* j4 E8 B& b) h" a
% u7 i& \8 r/ z7 O. M
获奖记录* O" [0 Y$ Q* l7 u3 k' r

: r1 P% m) _( D  第18届欧洲电影奖(2005)  观众奖-最佳男演员  奥兰多·布鲁姆2 i+ g8 w- w6 }( d. o1 |$ y; B
  第20届戈雅奖(2006)  戈雅奖-最佳服装设计(提名)  Janty Yates' s, x! ~  l& d) f
5 z7 T% x3 \2 i  T5 q3 W: D
! M4 S- G, G% `) o, O7 r8 E

+ v* C* f, F0 c
" v% l  U( J; U% u/ g3 o' i3 \Fans of Kingdom of Heaven should be very pleased with the transfer found on this disc.  Presented in 1080p high definition in its original 2.35:1 aspect ratio, Kingdom of Heaven looks marvelous.  The first thing you will notice is that the film sports a mostly gray, drab, and "steely" look about it.  Even in daylight scenes, a hint of gray is still ever present.  What color is present in the film is vibrant.  Black levels are deep and accurate.  The detail to be found from scene to scene is high, although it can be slightly difficult to make out sometimes underneath the dreary look of the movie.  Generally, however, it's magnificent.  Anytime a character is wearing chainmail, check it out.  It looks very realistic.  Each individual piece of the armor is clearly distinguishable one to another.  Small chinks and scratches on shields and other armor are amazingly reproduced.  The more ornate of King Baldwin IV's masks, as seen in the picture beside this section of the review, is amazing in visible detail.  Another scene shows a close-up of a hand; I paused the image and was amazed at the fine detail.  Each line in the hand is visible and clear.  Because of the drab look of the film it might make the viewer think twice about the quality of this image, but taken on the whole, accepting its overall look and feel as it relates to the film, this one's a real winner.  Another wonderful job by Fox.      
; _+ N  [6 B9 y+ K+ r; N' F( M2 N- z* u3 s
1 L2 L  u; h+ P& j

4 J+ A. P$ }6 C- C: x7 C. p
5 d3 C& @; g9 a0 X/ W; B1 g7 @Once again Fox issues a disc utilizing DTS-HD MA lossless audio.  No other track is available on this disc.  This high definition soundtrack is very good.  It offers excellent ambience in quieter scenes with the chirping and cawing of birds and the blowing of the wind, for example.  Dialogue sounds good, but I was a little underwhelmed by it.  It at times sounded hushed with a slightly unnatural feel to it.  This is more of an observation than a complaint.  It's not constant or terribly reproduced, just not exactly what I expected.  Of course, the combat scenes are where a track such as this should truly shine, and it does not disappoint.  Arrows will whoosh all around your room.  Bass is ever present and most noticeable when stampedes of horses charge across battlefields.  The clangs of swords and shields and armor can be heard all around.  The screams of combat come from every direction, and you'll swear you are in the middle of some of the fiercest and most brutal combat you'll ever witness.  This is an excellent soundtrack.  I've only had access to DTS-HD MA for a few days.  This marks the third title I have screened that uses this sound encode, and I am most satisfied with the results.  Again, kudos to Fox.
/ l3 o+ T# I: A- n6 s$ b) Q! b1 T# C6 ?/ F! l

4 Y* P: d0 S) l
  1. Kingdom.of.Heaven.2005.Directors.Cut.Bluraycd.1080p.DTS-HD.x264-Grym.mkv! G, K7 @5 d7 V* R5 ]. l

  2. ) h0 T! E: i; t
  3. Balian of Ibelin travels to Jerusalem during the crusades of the 12th century, and there he finds himself as the defender of the city and its people.1 l3 u* Y# y) V$ Z
  4. - d0 v' ?. M. O# r5 `1 f
  5. Director........:  Ridley Scott; p; d' \! s+ W; G. g4 o
  6. Writer..........:  William Monahan( `5 U& N2 d# E  F; t8 M
  7. Starring........:  Martin Hancock, Liam Neeson, Orlando Bloom       * ~* r& W$ S% j7 z; a) d+ }
  8. ' P) p" ]. |* Q3 i  u9 i
  9. iMDB URL........:
    : e- x$ n4 F! v) n  d" r; |
  10. iMDB RATING.....:  7.1/10 from  147,415 users                    % U& r9 N5 E" X$ m+ A* M4 `
  11. SOURCE TYPE.....:  Retail Blu-Ray 1080p US Directors Cut (38,9 GB)
    $ w' i+ a' C6 e+ n/ I  J
  12. Video BiTRATE...:  x264 2PASS @ 14000+ Kbps (AVC-High@L4.1)+ r: D) [9 ~) q  ~# ~
  13. AUDiO 1.........:  English DTS-HD Master 5.1 3825 kbps (Core: 1509)
    6 @8 K( U) F7 ^2 }) B0 v
  14. RUNTiME.........:  3h 09 min
    8 \, l4 W$ a. ~4 t& M
  15. MOViE CROPPED...:  No* E$ }. y+ ^/ s7 S3 K) j
  16. ASPECT RATiO....:  2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen (Film AR Not Butchered by Cropping)
    ) s, \- D+ l5 \1 l9 {7 {0 _5 B3 A
  17. RESOLUTiON......:  1920 X 1080p
    ; E1 p2 h/ U: b4 t8 S9 k
  18. EXTRAS..........:  Sorry no Extras on Disc
    9 {5 d' }9 ?, K6 Q3 p" e# ]8 L6 S5 m
  19. SUBTiTLES.......:  English, French, Spanish
$ A/ S. p' d8 u* J. Y# |

2 k/ T6 i: f9 w/ ^


, O8 f; X& G0 X

  X% v: `6 ~' w( _% X Kingdom.of.Heaven.2005.Directors.Cut.Bluraycd.1080p.DTS-HD.x264-Grym.torrent (119.33 KB, 下载次数: 4) 7 ]6 {/ @+ |# e



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