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[经典影片] 魔鬼司令/独闯龙潭 Commando 1985 720p USA BluRaycd DTS x264 4.37GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2013-7-30 01:24:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ Q7 Z& W7 m  c1 ^0 N/ Q: H" D- ?
& G) y* k' h* F% x: }2 h【原 片 名】Commando
$ I+ ?5 U; R) b" h6 g1 Z; k2 [. G【中 文 名】独闯龙潭/魔鬼司令! f8 i& g  B! q' `9 C* P
& D/ |2 {) P  l: J【首映日期】1985年01月04日 美国
) L, _7 a$ r) B: n  ?【MPAA级别】瑞典:15 英国:18 芬兰:K-189 H9 G$ F2 C) H( b6 [$ N
4 J# R; ~8 G' t( u# x9 p4 j4 }【IMDB评分】6.5/10 34,350 votes
/ p  B! q+ L; d4 N% P7 n【国  家】美国
; p% c9 W' u1 {【类  别】动作/冒险
! B. N$ }2 T: n3 B4 U# e【导  演】马克·莱斯特 Mark L. Lester
# z& A5 ~- n$ N: b【主  演】阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger .....John Matrix* z' k$ n6 S+ r; ^1 G- \
      Rae Dawn Chong .....Cindy7 w0 c$ v! Z" [4 f/ o4 ?7 t( [
      丹·哈达娅 Dan Hedaya .....Arius
5 M; f8 b; s( d0 l      Vernon Wells .....Bennett
' q. M9 ?9 _: d: {5 p      James Olson .....Gen. Franklin Kirby7 ?4 {' r3 ^4 z) T" i
      David Patrick Kelly .....Sully0 @. F. p+ y3 v7 b% k
      艾莉莎·米兰诺 Alyssa Milano .....Jenny Matrix: f  N" Z2 X! V9 x' ~) M1 x- Y
      比尔·杜克 Bill Duke .....Cooke
: D- A0 L" N$ V  ~      Drew Snyder .....Lawson
. L) }. _- Q( [. [      Sharon Wyatt .....Leslie
  ]0 c, v) k# i& v( m. W: {      Michael Delano .....Forrestal (as Michael DeLano)
( G0 p+ }" Y" {& e- [      Bob Minor .....Jackson
% m" T6 V6 U- [$ h      Michael Adams .....Harris (as Mike Adams)7 s6 J- {2 v' n: ~% A
      Gary Cervantes .....Diaz (as Carlos Cervantes)
& w+ B* n. h  @( C1 N      Lenny Juliano .....Soldier
- o( a* ~9 ?/ G8 e' M/ ^# X' g  {      Charles Meshack .....Henriques
" Z1 ]4 J  c! |, T* S      Chelsea Field .....Western Flight Attendant
) f7 i# ]9 Z1 G1 F      ulie Hayek .....Western Flight Attendant: A5 p9 H5 u; s# p& B8 c
      Hank Calia .....Latin Man# R) ?1 ^& b5 E# m+ G8 d
      Walter Scott .....Cates ! p( I  m* C# \& ?0 o" @
- y% G/ w1 c6 W( ?' k: g* |* `- i4 ^, G, V# J! _. ]0 ~  z7 j
8 D. L: [$ w" ~2 M; k$ [% j/ K$ a0 E. s3 @( H
  John Matrix, ultimate soldier and one-man army. Matrix, the former leader of a special commando strike force that always got the toughest jobs done, is forced back into action when his young daughter (Alyssa Milano) is kidnapped. To find her, Matrix has to fight his way through an array of punks, killers, one of his former commandos, and a fully equipped private army. With the help of a feisty stewardess (Rae Dawn Chong) and an old friend, Matrix has only a few hours to overcome his greatest challenge: finding his daughter before she's killed.7 j4 ^! L! v6 W) L
  1. Commando 1985 720p USA BluRayCD DTS x264-MgB
    $ ^' g; i1 r9 C/ Z) h# X
  2. 5 @/ x; J; J3 V/ D  o7 ]
  3. #Encoded/Released By.........: MgB
    ; L- w" [% E6 ^5 \5 V
  4. #Title/Year..................: Commando / 1985
    : y* F2 X" q2 b5 b& H
  5. #Language....................: English- I9 i' y# k. f8 L1 ^/ @
  6. #Container...................: Mkv! A8 ]: N2 M  d+ e3 b3 a
  7. #Duration....................: 1 hour 30 mins 15 Secs
    ; g- C! `0 X- S, i' Z- Z0 S
  8. #Bit rate....................: 6172 Kbps1 J! G; O% U0 H5 m1 v! l
  9. #File Size...................: 4.36 GB
    - ^! m, f/ x) I+ N- G: T
  10. #Encoded/Profile/Level.......: 2 pass/High/Level 4.16 ?. g, n8 ]  k1 _. |% A, b
  11. #Type/Codec/Writing Library..: MPEG-4 AVC/H264/x264$ v% |' `& N0 ^# F& e: }
  12. #Audio/Bit Rate /Language....: DTS / 755 Kbps / English
    6 G- l( t# z0 K) _: t
  13. #Resolution=Width/Height.....: 1280x696 pixels
    : Q2 L, }6 @6 a; y; [
  14. #Frame Rate..................: 23.976 fps2 E# Q$ x3 j9 F2 U/ p" d
  15. #Channel(s)/Sampling Rate....: 6 channels / 48.0 KHz
    4 r' n  V/ O0 c
  16. #Channel Positions...........: Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE
    , x7 m+ D! O( J/ L/ v
  17. #Genre.......................: Action | Thriller
    * m- p/ q0 [9 x/ }' b8 s
  18. #Source......................: 1080p USA Blu-ray MPEG-2 DTS-HD MA 5 1 - Shadowman ...Thanks!!+ ^4 [2 s. q! b5 G2 d3 B
  19. #Subtitle(External) .........: English,Arabic,Danish2 b9 _& j. K. n, G2 b4 K
  20. #Subtitle(External) .........: Vietnamese,French* Q' A/ s/ r1 R6 r" J' |
  21. #Chapters....................: No& `& ~7 @. M, H3 d
  22. #Sample .....................: Yes4 M3 F2 U" `- i+ a0 [  A
  23. #Note: Make sure is a Real MgB Release !!!
; s0 R/ V3 u- \  c$ l, F- D. x

相关影片搜索: 《 独闯龙潭 》Related Movies


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es2012 发表于 2013-9-23 12:10:31 | 显示全部楼层
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/ C( ^! B  K% Z+ O5 ^: g



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